/** * Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {ariaHandler} from './AriaQueryHandler.js'; import {IsolatedWorld, WaitForSelectorOptions} from './IsolatedWorld.js'; import {ElementHandle} from './ElementHandle.js'; import {JSHandle} from './JSHandle.js'; /** * @public */ export interface CustomQueryHandler { /** * @returns A {@link Node} matching the given `selector` from {@link node}. */ queryOne?: (node: Node, selector: string) => Node | null; /** * @returns Some {@link Node}s matching the given `selector` from {@link node}. */ queryAll?: (node: Node, selector: string) => Node[]; } /** * @internal */ export interface InternalQueryHandler { /** * Queries for a single node given a selector and {@link ElementHandle}. * * Akin to {@link Window.prototype.querySelector}. */ queryOne?: ( element: ElementHandle, selector: string ) => Promise | null>; /** * Queries for multiple nodes given a selector and {@link ElementHandle}. * * Akin to {@link Window.prototype.querySelectorAll}. */ queryAll?: ( element: ElementHandle, selector: string ) => Promise>>; /** * Queries for multiple nodes given a selector and {@link ElementHandle}. * Unlike {@link queryAll}, this returns a handle to a node array. * * Akin to {@link Window.prototype.querySelectorAll}. */ queryAllArray?: ( element: ElementHandle, selector: string ) => Promise>; /** * Waits until a single node appears for a given selector and * {@link ElementHandle}. * * Akin to {@link Window.prototype.querySelectorAll}. */ waitFor?: ( isolatedWorld: IsolatedWorld, selector: string, options: WaitForSelectorOptions ) => Promise | null>; } function internalizeCustomQueryHandler( handler: CustomQueryHandler ): InternalQueryHandler { const internalHandler: InternalQueryHandler = {}; if (handler.queryOne) { const queryOne = handler.queryOne; internalHandler.queryOne = async (element, selector) => { const jsHandle = await element.evaluateHandle(queryOne, selector); const elementHandle = jsHandle.asElement(); if (elementHandle) { return elementHandle; } await jsHandle.dispose(); return null; }; internalHandler.waitFor = ( domWorld: IsolatedWorld, selector: string, options: WaitForSelectorOptions ) => { return domWorld._waitForSelectorInPage(queryOne, selector, options); }; } if (handler.queryAll) { const queryAll = handler.queryAll; internalHandler.queryAll = async (element, selector) => { const jsHandle = await element.evaluateHandle(queryAll, selector); const properties = await jsHandle.getProperties(); await jsHandle.dispose(); const result = []; for (const property of properties.values()) { const elementHandle = property.asElement(); if (elementHandle) { result.push(elementHandle); } } return result; }; internalHandler.queryAllArray = async (element, selector) => { const resultHandle = (await element.evaluateHandle( queryAll, selector )) as JSHandle>; const arrayHandle = await resultHandle.evaluateHandle(res => { return Array.from(res); }); return arrayHandle; }; } return internalHandler; } const defaultHandler = internalizeCustomQueryHandler({ queryOne: (element, selector) => { if (!('querySelector' in element)) { throw new Error( `Could not invoke \`querySelector\` on node of type ${element.nodeName}.` ); } return ( element as unknown as {querySelector(selector: string): Element} ).querySelector(selector); }, queryAll: (element, selector) => { if (!('querySelectorAll' in element)) { throw new Error( `Could not invoke \`querySelectorAll\` on node of type ${element.nodeName}.` ); } return [ ...( element as unknown as { querySelectorAll(selector: string): NodeList; } ).querySelectorAll(selector), ]; }, }); const pierceHandler = internalizeCustomQueryHandler({ queryOne: (element, selector) => { let found: Node | null = null; const search = (root: Node) => { const iter = document.createTreeWalker(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT); do { const currentNode = iter.currentNode as HTMLElement; if (currentNode.shadowRoot) { search(currentNode.shadowRoot); } if (currentNode instanceof ShadowRoot) { continue; } if (currentNode !== root && !found && currentNode.matches(selector)) { found = currentNode; } } while (!found && iter.nextNode()); }; if (element instanceof Document) { element = element.documentElement; } search(element); return found; }, queryAll: (element, selector) => { const result: Node[] = []; const collect = (root: Node) => { const iter = document.createTreeWalker(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT); do { const currentNode = iter.currentNode as HTMLElement; if (currentNode.shadowRoot) { collect(currentNode.shadowRoot); } if (currentNode instanceof ShadowRoot) { continue; } if (currentNode !== root && currentNode.matches(selector)) { result.push(currentNode); } } while (iter.nextNode()); }; if (element instanceof Document) { element = element.documentElement; } collect(element); return result; }, }); const xpathHandler = internalizeCustomQueryHandler({ queryOne: (element, selector) => { const doc = element.ownerDocument || document; const result = doc.evaluate( selector, element, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE ); return result.singleNodeValue; }, queryAll: (element, selector) => { const doc = element.ownerDocument || document; const iterator = doc.evaluate( selector, element, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE ); const array: Node[] = []; let item; while ((item = iterator.iterateNext())) { array.push(item); } return array; }, }); interface RegisteredQueryHandler { handler: InternalQueryHandler; transformSelector?: (selector: string) => string; } const INTERNAL_QUERY_HANDLERS = new Map([ ['aria', {handler: ariaHandler}], ['pierce', {handler: pierceHandler}], ['xpath', {handler: xpathHandler}], ]); const QUERY_HANDLERS = new Map(); /** * Registers a {@link CustomQueryHandler | custom query handler}. * * @remarks * After registration, the handler can be used everywhere where a selector is * expected by prepending the selection string with `/`. The name is only * allowed to consist of lower- and upper case latin letters. * * @example * * ``` * puppeteer.registerCustomQueryHandler('text', { … }); * const aHandle = await page.$('text/…'); * ``` * * @param name - The name that the custom query handler will be registered * under. * @param queryHandler - The {@link CustomQueryHandler | custom query handler} * to register. * * @public */ export function registerCustomQueryHandler( name: string, handler: CustomQueryHandler ): void { if (INTERNAL_QUERY_HANDLERS.has(name)) { throw new Error(`A query handler named "${name}" already exists`); } if (QUERY_HANDLERS.has(name)) { throw new Error(`A custom query handler named "${name}" already exists`); } const isValidName = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/.test(name); if (!isValidName) { throw new Error(`Custom query handler names may only contain [a-zA-Z]`); } QUERY_HANDLERS.set(name, {handler: internalizeCustomQueryHandler(handler)}); } /** * @param name - The name of the query handler to unregistered. * * @public */ export function unregisterCustomQueryHandler(name: string): void { QUERY_HANDLERS.delete(name); } /** * @returns a list with the names of all registered custom query handlers. * * @public */ export function customQueryHandlerNames(): string[] { return [...QUERY_HANDLERS.keys()]; } /** * Clears all registered handlers. * * @public */ export function clearCustomQueryHandlers(): void { QUERY_HANDLERS.clear(); } const CUSTOM_QUERY_SEPARATORS = ['=', '/']; /** * @internal */ export function getQueryHandlerAndSelector(selector: string): { updatedSelector: string; queryHandler: InternalQueryHandler; } { for (const handlerMap of [QUERY_HANDLERS, INTERNAL_QUERY_HANDLERS]) { for (const [ name, {handler: queryHandler, transformSelector}, ] of handlerMap) { for (const separator of CUSTOM_QUERY_SEPARATORS) { const prefix = `${name}${separator}`; if (selector.startsWith(prefix)) { selector = selector.slice(prefix.length); if (transformSelector) { selector = transformSelector(selector); } return {updatedSelector: selector, queryHandler}; } } } } return {updatedSelector: selector, queryHandler: defaultHandler}; }