const {helper} = require('./helper'); const {Keyboard, Mouse} = require('./Input'); const {Dialog} = require('./Dialog'); const {TimeoutError} = require('./Errors'); const fs = require('fs'); const mime = require('mime'); const util = require('util'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const {createHandle} = require('./JSHandle'); const {Events} = require('./Events'); const {FrameManager, normalizeWaitUntil} = require('./FrameManager'); const {NetworkManager} = require('./NetworkManager'); const {TimeoutSettings} = require('./TimeoutSettings'); const {NavigationWatchdog, NextNavigationWatchdog} = require('./NavigationWatchdog'); const writeFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.writeFile); /** * @internal */ class PageSession extends EventEmitter { constructor(connection, pageId) { super(); this._connection = connection; this._pageId = pageId; const wrapperSymbol = Symbol('listenerWrapper'); function wrapperListener(listener, params) { if (params.pageId === pageId), params); } this.on('removeListener', (eventName, listener) => { this._connection.removeListener(eventName, listener[wrapperSymbol]); }); this.on('newListener', (eventName, listener) => { if (!listener[wrapperSymbol]) listener[wrapperSymbol] = wrapperListener.bind(null, listener); this._connection.on(eventName, listener[wrapperSymbol]); }); } async send(method, params = {}) { params = Object.assign({}, params, {pageId: this._pageId}); return await this._connection.send(method, params); } } class Page extends EventEmitter { /** * * @param {!Puppeteer.Connection} connection * @param {!Puppeteer.Target} target * @param {string} pageId * @param {?Puppeteer.Viewport} defaultViewport */ static async create(connection, target, pageId, defaultViewport) { const session = new PageSession(connection, pageId); const page = new Page(session, target); await session.send('Page.enable'); if (defaultViewport) await page.setViewport(defaultViewport); return page; } /** * @param {!PageSession} session * @param {!Puppeteer.Target} target */ constructor(session, target) { super(); this._timeoutSettings = new TimeoutSettings(); this._session = session; this._target = target; this._keyboard = new Keyboard(session); this._mouse = new Mouse(session, this._keyboard); this._isClosed = false; this._networkManager = new NetworkManager(session); this._frameManager = new FrameManager(session, this, this._networkManager, this._timeoutSettings); this._networkManager.setFrameManager(this._frameManager); this._eventListeners = [ helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Page.uncaughtError', this._onUncaughtError.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Page.console', this._onConsole.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Page.dialogOpened', this._onDialogOpened.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._session, 'Browser.tabClosed', this._onClosed.bind(this)), helper.addEventListener(this._frameManager, Events.FrameManager.Load, () => this.emit(Events.Page.Load)), helper.addEventListener(this._frameManager, Events.FrameManager.DOMContentLoaded, () => this.emit(Events.Page.DOMContentLoaded)), helper.addEventListener(this._frameManager, Events.FrameManager.FrameAttached, frame => this.emit(Events.Page.FrameAttached, frame)), helper.addEventListener(this._frameManager, Events.FrameManager.FrameDetached, frame => this.emit(Events.Page.FrameDetached, frame)), helper.addEventListener(this._frameManager, Events.FrameManager.FrameNavigated, frame => this.emit(Events.Page.FrameNavigated, frame)), helper.addEventListener(this._networkManager, Events.NetworkManager.Request, request => this.emit(Events.Page.Request, request)), helper.addEventListener(this._networkManager, Events.NetworkManager.Response, response => this.emit(Events.Page.Response, response)), helper.addEventListener(this._networkManager, Events.NetworkManager.RequestFinished, request => this.emit(Events.Page.RequestFinished, request)), helper.addEventListener(this._networkManager, Events.NetworkManager.RequestFailed, request => this.emit(Events.Page.RequestFailed, request)), ]; this._viewport = null; } /** * @param {(string|Function)} urlOrPredicate * @param {!{timeout?: number}=} options * @return {!Promise} */ async waitForRequest(urlOrPredicate, options = {}) { const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.timeout(), } = options; return helper.waitForEvent(this._networkManager, Events.NetworkManager.Request, request => { if (helper.isString(urlOrPredicate)) return (urlOrPredicate === request.url()); if (typeof urlOrPredicate === 'function') return !!(urlOrPredicate(request)); return false; }, timeout); } /** * @param {(string|Function)} urlOrPredicate * @param {!{timeout?: number}=} options * @return {!Promise} */ async waitForResponse(urlOrPredicate, options = {}) { const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.timeout(), } = options; return helper.waitForEvent(this._networkManager, Events.NetworkManager.Response, response => { if (helper.isString(urlOrPredicate)) return (urlOrPredicate === response.url()); if (typeof urlOrPredicate === 'function') return !!(urlOrPredicate(response)); return false; }, timeout); } /** * @param {number} timeout */ setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout) { this._timeoutSettings.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout); } /** * @param {number} timeout */ setDefaultTimeout(timeout) { this._timeoutSettings.setDefaultTimeout(timeout); } /** * @param {string} userAgent */ async setUserAgent(userAgent) { await this._session.send('Page.setUserAgent', {userAgent}); } /** * @param {string} userAgent */ async setJavaScriptEnabled(enabled) { await this._session.send('Page.setJavascriptEnabled', {enabled}); } /** * @param {string} userAgent */ async setCacheEnabled(enabled) { await this._session.send('Page.setCacheDisabled', {cacheDisabled: !enabled}); } /** * @param {{viewport: !Puppeteer.Viewport, userAgent: string}} options */ async emulate(options) { await Promise.all([ this.setViewport(options.viewport), this.setUserAgent(options.userAgent), ]); } /** * @return {BrowserContext} */ browserContext() { return this._target.browserContext(); } _onUncaughtError(params) { let error = new Error(params.message); error.stack = params.stack; this.emit(Events.Page.PageError, error); } viewport() { return this._viewport; } /** * @param {!Puppeteer.Viewport} viewport */ async setViewport(viewport) { const { width, height, isMobile = false, deviceScaleFactor = 1, hasTouch = false, isLandscape = false, } = viewport; await this._session.send('Page.setViewport', { viewport: { width, height, isMobile, deviceScaleFactor, hasTouch, isLandscape }, }); const oldIsMobile = this._viewport ? this._viewport.isMobile : false; const oldHasTouch = this._viewport ? this._viewport.hasTouch : false; this._viewport = viewport; if (oldIsMobile !== isMobile || oldHasTouch !== hasTouch) await this.reload(); } /** * @param {function()|string} pageFunction * @param {!Array<*>} args */ async evaluateOnNewDocument(pageFunction, ...args) { const script = helper.evaluationString(pageFunction, ...args); await this._session.send('Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument', { script }); } browser() { return this._target.browser(); } target() { return this._target; } url() { return this._frameManager.mainFrame().url(); } frames() { return this._frameManager.frames(); } _onDialogOpened(params) { this.emit(Events.Page.Dialog, new Dialog(this._session, params)); } mainFrame() { return this._frameManager.mainFrame(); } get keyboard(){ return this._keyboard; } get mouse(){ return this._mouse; } /** * @param {!{timeout?: number, waitUntil?: string|!Array}} options */ async waitForNavigation(options = {}) { return this._frameManager.mainFrame().waitForNavigation(options); } /** * @param {string} url * @param {!{timeout?: number, waitUntil?: string|!Array}} options */ async goto(url, options = {}) { return this._frameManager.mainFrame().goto(url, options); } /** * @param {!{timeout?: number, waitUntil?: string|!Array}} options */ async goBack(options = {}) { const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.navigationTimeout(), waitUntil = ['load'], } = options; const frame = this._frameManager.mainFrame(); const normalizedWaitUntil = normalizeWaitUntil(waitUntil); const {navigationId, navigationURL} = await this._session.send('Page.goBack', { frameId: frame._frameId, }); if (!navigationId) return null; const timeoutError = new TimeoutError('Navigation Timeout Exceeded: ' + timeout + 'ms'); let timeoutCallback; const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => timeoutCallback = resolve.bind(null, timeoutError)); const timeoutId = timeout ? setTimeout(timeoutCallback, timeout) : null; const watchDog = new NavigationWatchdog(this._session, frame, this._networkManager, navigationId, navigationURL, normalizedWaitUntil); const error = await Promise.race([ timeoutPromise, watchDog.promise(), ]); watchDog.dispose(); clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (error) throw error; return watchDog.navigationResponse(); } /** * @param {!{timeout?: number, waitUntil?: string|!Array}} options */ async goForward(options = {}) { const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.navigationTimeout(), waitUntil = ['load'], } = options; const frame = this._frameManager.mainFrame(); const normalizedWaitUntil = normalizeWaitUntil(waitUntil); const {navigationId, navigationURL} = await this._session.send('Page.goForward', { frameId: frame._frameId, }); if (!navigationId) return null; const timeoutError = new TimeoutError('Navigation Timeout Exceeded: ' + timeout + 'ms'); let timeoutCallback; const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => timeoutCallback = resolve.bind(null, timeoutError)); const timeoutId = timeout ? setTimeout(timeoutCallback, timeout) : null; const watchDog = new NavigationWatchdog(this._session, frame, this._networkManager, navigationId, navigationURL, normalizedWaitUntil); const error = await Promise.race([ timeoutPromise, watchDog.promise(), ]); watchDog.dispose(); clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (error) throw error; return watchDog.navigationResponse(); } /** * @param {!{timeout?: number, waitUntil?: string|!Array}} options */ async reload(options = {}) { const { timeout = this._timeoutSettings.navigationTimeout(), waitUntil = ['load'], } = options; const frame = this._frameManager.mainFrame(); const normalizedWaitUntil = normalizeWaitUntil(waitUntil); const {navigationId, navigationURL} = await this._session.send('Page.reload', { frameId: frame._frameId, }); if (!navigationId) return null; const timeoutError = new TimeoutError('Navigation Timeout Exceeded: ' + timeout + 'ms'); let timeoutCallback; const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => timeoutCallback = resolve.bind(null, timeoutError)); const timeoutId = timeout ? setTimeout(timeoutCallback, timeout) : null; const watchDog = new NavigationWatchdog(this._session, frame, this._networkManager, navigationId, navigationURL, normalizedWaitUntil); const error = await Promise.race([ timeoutPromise, watchDog.promise(), ]); watchDog.dispose(); clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (error) throw error; return watchDog.navigationResponse(); } /** * @param {{fullPage?: boolean, clip?: {width: number, height: number, x: number, y: number}, encoding?: string, path?: string}} options * @return {Promise} */ async screenshot(options = {}) { const {data} = await this._session.send('Page.screenshot', { mimeType: getScreenshotMimeType(options), fullPage: options.fullPage, clip: processClip(options.clip), }); const buffer = options.encoding === 'base64' ? data : Buffer.from(data, 'base64'); if (options.path) await writeFileAsync(options.path, buffer); return buffer; function processClip(clip) { if (!clip) return undefined; const x = Math.round(clip.x); const y = Math.round(clip.y); const width = Math.round(clip.width + clip.x - x); const height = Math.round(clip.height + clip.y - y); return {x, y, width, height}; } } async evaluate(pageFunction, ...args) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().evaluate(pageFunction, ...args); } /** * @param {!{content?: string, path?: string, type?: string, url?: string}} options * @return {!Promise} */ async addScriptTag(options) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().addScriptTag(options); } /** * @param {!{content?: string, path?: string, url?: string}} options * @return {!Promise} */ async addStyleTag(options) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().addStyleTag(options); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {!{delay?: number, button?: string, clickCount?: number}=} options */ async click(selector, options = {}) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().click(selector, options); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {string} text * @param {{delay: (number|undefined)}=} options */ async type(selector, text, options) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().type(selector, text, options); } /** * @param {string} selector */ async focus(selector) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().focus(selector); } /** * @param {string} selector */ async hover(selector) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().hover(selector); } /** * @param {(string|number|Function)} selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout * @param {!{polling?: string|number, timeout?: number, visible?: boolean, hidden?: boolean}=} options * @param {!Array<*>} args * @return {!Promise} */ async waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout, options = {}, ...args) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().waitFor(selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout, options, ...args); } /** * @param {Function|string} pageFunction * @param {!{polling?: string|number, timeout?: number}=} options * @return {!Promise} */ async waitForFunction(pageFunction, options = {}, ...args) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().waitForFunction(pageFunction, options, ...args); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {!{timeout?: number, visible?: boolean, hidden?: boolean}=} options * @return {!Promise} */ async waitForSelector(selector, options = {}) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().waitForSelector(selector, options); } /** * @param {string} xpath * @param {!{timeout?: number, visible?: boolean, hidden?: boolean}=} options * @return {!Promise} */ async waitForXPath(xpath, options = {}) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().waitForXPath(xpath, options); } /** * @return {!Promise} */ async title() { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().title(); } /** * @param {string} selector * @return {!Promise} */ async $(selector) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().$(selector); } /** * @param {string} selector * @return {!Promise>} */ async $$(selector) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().$$(selector); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {Function|String} pageFunction * @param {!Array<*>} args * @return {!Promise<(!Object|undefined)>} */ async $eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().$eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {Function|String} pageFunction * @param {!Array<*>} args * @return {!Promise<(!Object|undefined)>} */ async $$eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().$$eval(selector, pageFunction, ...args); } /** * @param {string} expression * @return {!Promise>} */ async $x(expression) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().$x(expression); } async evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().evaluateHandle(pageFunction, ...args); } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {!Array} values * @return {!Promise>} */ async select(selector, ...values) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().select(selector, ...values); } async close(options = {}) { const { runBeforeUnload = false, } = options; await this._session.send('Browser.closePage', { runBeforeUnload }); } async content() { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().content(); } /** * @param {string} html */ async setContent(html) { return await this._frameManager.mainFrame().setContent(html); } _onClosed() { this._isClosed = true; this._frameManager.dispose(); helper.removeEventListeners(this._eventListeners); this.emit(Events.Page.Close); } _onConsole({type, args, frameId, location}) { const frame = this._frameManager.frame(frameId); this.emit(Events.Page.Console, new ConsoleMessage(type, => createHandle(frame._executionContext, arg)), location)); } /** * @return {boolean} */ isClosed() { return this._isClosed; } } class ConsoleMessage { /** * @param {string} type * @param {!Array} args */ constructor(type, args, location) { this._type = type; this._args = args; this._location = location; } location() { return this._location; } /** * @return {string} */ type() { return this._type; } /** * @return {!Array} */ args() { return this._args; } /** * @return {string} */ text() { return => { if (arg._objectId) return arg.toString(); return arg._deserializeValue(arg._protocolValue); }).join(' '); } } function getScreenshotMimeType(options) { // options.type takes precedence over inferring the type from options.path // because it may be a 0-length file with no extension created beforehand (i.e. as a temp file). if (options.type) { if (options.type === 'png') return 'image/png'; if (options.type === 'jpeg') return 'image/jpeg'; throw new Error('Unknown options.type value: ' + options.type); } if (options.path) { const fileType = mime.getType(options.path); if (fileType === 'image/png' || fileType === 'image/jpeg') return fileType; throw new Error('Unsupported screnshot mime type: ' + fileType); } return 'image/png'; } module.exports = {Page, ConsoleMessage};