/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const path = require('path'); const puppeteer = require('../../../..'); const checkPublicAPI = require('..'); const Source = require('../../Source'); const mdBuilder = require('../MDBuilder'); const jsBuilder = require('../JSBuilder'); const expect = require('expect') const GoldenUtils = require('../../../../test/golden-utils'); const testUtils = require('../../../../test/utils') describe('DocLint Public API', function() { let browser; let page; before(async function() { browser = await puppeteer.launch(); page = await browser.newPage(); }); after(async function() { await browser.close(); }); describe('checkPublicAPI', function() { it('diff-classes', testLint('diff-classes')); it('diff-methods', testLint('diff-methods')); it('diff-properties', testLint('diff-properties')); it('diff-arguments', testLint('diff-arguments')); it('diff-events', testLint('diff-events')); it('check-duplicates', testLint('check-duplicates')); it('check-sorting', testLint('check-sorting')); it('check-returns', testLint('check-returns')); it('js-builder-common', testJSBuilder('js-builder-common')); it('js-builder-inheritance', testJSBuilder('js-builder-inheritance')); it('md-builder-common', testMDBuilder('md-builder-common')); }); function testLint(testName) { return async () => { const dirPath = path.join(__dirname, testName); testUtils.extendExpectWithToBeGolden(dirPath, dirPath) const mdSources = await Source.readdir(dirPath, '.md'); const jsSources = await Source.readdir(dirPath, '.js'); const messages = await checkPublicAPI(page, mdSources, jsSources); const errors = messages.map(message => message.text); expect(errors.join('\n')).toBeGolden('result.txt'); } } function testMDBuilder(testName) { return async () => { const dirPath = path.join(__dirname, testName); testUtils.extendExpectWithToBeGolden(dirPath, dirPath); const sources = await Source.readdir(dirPath, '.md'); const { documentation } = await mdBuilder(page, sources); expect(serialize(documentation)).toBeGolden('result.txt'); } } function testJSBuilder(testName) { return async () => { const dirPath = path.join(__dirname, testName); testUtils.extendExpectWithToBeGolden(dirPath, dirPath); const sources = await Source.readdir(dirPath, '.js'); const { documentation } = await jsBuilder(sources); expect(serialize(documentation)).toBeGolden('result.txt'); } } /** * @param {import('../Documentation')} doc */ function serialize(doc) { const result = { classes: doc.classesArray.map(cls => ({ name: cls.name, members: cls.membersArray.map(serializeMember) })) }; return JSON.stringify(result, null, 2); } /** * @param {import('../Documentation').Member} member */ function serializeMember(member) { return { name: member.name, type: serializeType(member.type), kind: member.kind, args: member.argsArray.length ? member.argsArray.map(serializeMember) : undefined } } /** * @param {import('../Documentation').Type} type */ function serializeType(type) { if (!type) return undefined; return { name: type.name, properties: type.properties.length ? type.properties.map(serializeMember) : undefined } } })