/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ module.exports = class Matchers { constructor(customMatchers = {}) { this._matchers = {}; Object.assign(this._matchers, DefaultMatchers); Object.assign(this._matchers, customMatchers); this.expect = this.expect.bind(this); } addMatcher(name, matcher) { this._matchers[name] = matcher; } expect(value) { return new Expect(value, this._matchers); } }; class Expect { constructor(value, matchers) { this.not = {}; this.not.not = this; for (const matcherName of Object.keys(matchers)) { const matcher = matchers[matcherName]; this[matcherName] = applyMatcher.bind(null, matcherName, matcher, false, value); this.not[matcherName] = applyMatcher.bind(null, matcherName, matcher, true, value); } function applyMatcher(matcherName, matcher, inverse, value, ...args) { const result = matcher.call(null, value, ...args); const message = `expect.${matcherName} failed` + (result.message ? `: ${result.message}` : ''); console.assert(result.pass !== inverse, message); } } } const DefaultMatchers = { toBe: function(value, other, message) { message = message || `${value} == ${other}`; return { pass: value === other, message }; }, toBeFalsy: function(value, message) { message = message || `${value}`; return { pass: !value, message }; }, toBeTruthy: function(value, message) { message = message || `${value}`; return { pass: !!value, message }; }, toBeGreaterThan: function(value, other, message) { message = message || `${value} > ${other}`; return { pass: value > other, message }; }, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual: function(value, other, message) { message = message || `${value} >= ${other}`; return { pass: value >= other, message }; }, toBeLessThan: function(value, other, message) { message = message || `${value} < ${other}`; return { pass: value < other, message }; }, toBeLessThanOrEqual: function(value, other, message) { message = message || `${value} <= ${other}`; return { pass: value <= other, message }; }, toBeNull: function(value, message) { message = message || `${value} == null`; return { pass: value === null, message }; }, toContain: function(value, other, message) { message = message || `${value} ⊇ ${other}`; return { pass: value.includes(other), message }; }, toEqual: function(value, other, message) { const valueJson = stringify(value); const otherJson = stringify(other); message = message || `${valueJson} ≈ ${otherJson}`; return { pass: valueJson === otherJson, message }; }, toBeCloseTo: function(value, other, precision, message) { return { pass: Math.abs(value - other) < Math.pow(10, -precision), message }; } }; function stringify(value) { function stabilize(key, object) { if (typeof object !== 'object' || object === undefined || object === null) return object; const result = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(object).sort()) result[key] = object[key]; return result; } return JSON.stringify(stabilize(null, value), stabilize); }