/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const Message = require('../Message.js'); module.exports.ensureReleasedAPILinks = function ( sources, version, isReleaseVersion ) { // Release version is everything that doesn't include "-". const apiLinkRegex = /https:\/\/github.com\/puppeteer\/puppeteer\/blob\/[^/]*\/docs\/api.md/gi; const lastReleasedAPI = `https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/${ isReleaseVersion ? `v${version}` : 'main' }/docs/api.md`; const messages = []; for (const source of sources) { const text = source.text(); const newText = text.replace(apiLinkRegex, lastReleasedAPI); if (source.setText(newText)) messages.push(Message.info(`GEN: updated ${source.projectPath()}`)); } return messages; }; module.exports.runCommands = function (sources, version, isReleaseVersion) { const messages = []; const commands = []; for (const source of sources) { const text = source.text(); const commandStartRegex = /<!--\s*gen:([a-z-]+)\s*-->/gi; const commandEndRegex = /<!--\s*gen:stop\s*-->/gi; let start; while ((start = commandStartRegex.exec(text))) { // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign commandEndRegex.lastIndex = commandStartRegex.lastIndex; const end = commandEndRegex.exec(text); if (!end) { messages.push( Message.error(`Failed to find 'gen:stop' for command ${start[0]}`) ); return messages; } const name = start[1]; const from = commandStartRegex.lastIndex; const to = end.index; const originalText = text.substring(from, to); commands.push({ name, from, to, originalText, source }); commandStartRegex.lastIndex = commandEndRegex.lastIndex; } } const changedSources = new Set(); // Iterate commands in reverse order so that edits don't conflict. commands.sort((a, b) => b.from - a.from); for (const command of commands) { let newText = null; switch (command.name) { case 'version': newText = isReleaseVersion ? `v${version}` : 'Tip-Of-Tree'; break; case 'empty-if-release': newText = isReleaseVersion ? '' : command.originalText; break; case 'toc': newText = generateTableOfContents( command.source.text().substring(command.to) ); break; case 'versions-per-release': newText = generateVersionsPerRelease(); break; } if (newText === null) { messages.push(Message.error(`Unknown command 'gen:${command.name}'`)); } else if (applyCommand(command, newText)) { changedSources.add(command.source); } } for (const source of changedSources) { messages.push(Message.info(`GEN: updated ${source.projectPath()}`)); } return messages; }; /** * @param {{name: string, from: number, to: number, source: !Source}} command * @param {string} editText * @returns {boolean} */ function applyCommand(command, editText) { const text = command.source.text(); const newText = text.substring(0, command.from) + editText + text.substring(command.to); return command.source.setText(newText); } function generateTableOfContents(mdText) { const ids = new Set(); const titles = []; let insideCodeBlock = false; for (const aLine of mdText.split('\n')) { const line = aLine.trim(); if (line.startsWith('```')) { insideCodeBlock = !insideCodeBlock; continue; } if (!insideCodeBlock && line.startsWith('#')) titles.push(line); } const tocEntries = []; for (const title of titles) { const [, nesting, name] = title.match(/^(#+)\s+(.*)$/); const delinkifiedName = name.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/g, '$1'); const id = delinkifiedName .trim() .toLowerCase() .replace(/\s/g, '-') .replace(/[^-0-9a-zа-яё]/gi, ''); let dedupId = id; let counter = 0; while (ids.has(dedupId)) dedupId = id + '-' + ++counter; ids.add(dedupId); tocEntries.push({ level: nesting.length, name: delinkifiedName, id: dedupId, }); } const minLevel = Math.min(...tocEntries.map((entry) => entry.level)); tocEntries.forEach((entry) => (entry.level -= minLevel)); return ( '\n' + tocEntries .map((entry) => { const prefix = entry.level % 2 === 0 ? '-' : '*'; const padding = ' '.repeat(entry.level); return `${padding}${prefix} [${entry.name}](#${entry.id})`; }) .join('\n') + '\n' ); } const generateVersionsPerRelease = () => { const { versionsPerRelease } = require('../../../versions.js'); const buffer = ['- Releases per Chromium version:']; for (const [chromiumVersion, puppeteerVersion] of versionsPerRelease) { if (puppeteerVersion === 'NEXT') continue; buffer.push( ` * Chromium ${chromiumVersion} - [Puppeteer ${puppeteerVersion}](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/blob/${puppeteerVersion}/docs/api.md)` ); } buffer.push( ` * [All releases](https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/releases)` ); const output = '\n' + buffer.join('\n') + '\n'; return output; };