[Home](./index.md) > [puppeteer](./puppeteer.md) > [Frame](./puppeteer.frame.md) > [setContent](./puppeteer.frame.setcontent.md) ## Frame.setContent() method Set the content of the frame. Signature: ```typescript setContent(html: string, options?: { timeout?: number; waitUntil?: PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent | PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent[]; }): Promise; ``` ## Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | html | string | HTML markup to assign to the page. | | options | { timeout?: number; waitUntil?: [PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent](./puppeteer.puppeteerlifecycleevent.md) \| [PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent](./puppeteer.puppeteerlifecycleevent.md)\[\]; } | options to configure how long before timing out and at what point to consider the content setting successful. | Returns: Promise<void>