This changes sendCharacter to use document.execCommand instead of sending a `'char'` event from the protocol. This is more aligned with how input would come in from emoji keyboards, and removes the 3ish byte limit on characters that can be sent which prevented larger emoji from being rendered correctly. Emoji will still fail to type correctly if typing them into an iframe that is in shadow dom. fixes #1096
499 lines
23 KiB
499 lines
23 KiB
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const path = require('path');
const utils = require('./utils');
module.exports.addTests = function({testRunner, expect, DeviceDescriptors}) {
const {describe, xdescribe, fdescribe} = testRunner;
const {it, fit, xit} = testRunner;
const {beforeAll, beforeEach, afterAll, afterEach} = testRunner;
const iPhone = DeviceDescriptors['iPhone 6'];
describe('input', function() {
it('should click the button', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.click('button');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should click with disabled javascript', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(false);
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/wrappedlink.html');
await Promise.all([
expect(page.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/wrappedlink.html#clicked');
it('should click offscreen buttons', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/offscreenbuttons.html');
const messages = [];
page.on('console', msg => messages.push(msg.text()));
for (let i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {
// We might've scrolled to click a button - reset to (0, 0).
await page.evaluate(() => window.scrollTo(0, 0));
await page.click(`#btn${i}`);
'button #0 clicked',
'button #1 clicked',
'button #2 clicked',
'button #3 clicked',
'button #4 clicked',
'button #5 clicked',
'button #6 clicked',
'button #7 clicked',
'button #8 clicked',
'button #9 clicked',
'button #10 clicked'
it('should click wrapped links', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/wrappedlink.html');
await Promise.all([
expect(page.url()).toBe(server.PREFIX + '/wrappedlink.html#clicked');
it('should click on checkbox input and toggle', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/checkbox.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(null);
await page.click('input#agree');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(true);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.events)).toEqual([
await page.click('input#agree');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(false);
it('should click on checkbox label and toggle', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/checkbox.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(null);
await page.click('label[for="agree"]');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(true);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.events)).toEqual([
await page.click('label[for="agree"]');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(false);
it('should fail to click a missing button', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
let error = null;
await page.click('button.does-not-exist').catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toBe('No node found for selector: button.does-not-exist');
// @see https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/161
it('should not hang with touch-enabled viewports', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setViewport(iPhone.viewport);
await page.mouse.down();
await page.mouse.move(100, 10);
await page.mouse.up();
it('should type into the textarea', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
const textarea = await page.$('textarea');
await textarea.type('Type in this text!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Type in this text!');
it('should click the button after navigation ', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.click('button');
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.click('button');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should upload the file', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/fileupload.html');
const filePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), __dirname + '/assets/file-to-upload.txt');
const input = await page.$('input');
await input.uploadFile(filePath);
expect(await page.evaluate(e => e.files[0].name, input)).toBe('file-to-upload.txt');
expect(await page.evaluate(e => {
const reader = new FileReader();
const promise = new Promise(fulfill => reader.onload = fulfill);
return promise.then(() => reader.result);
}, input)).toBe('contents of the file');
it('should move with the arrow keys', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.type('textarea', 'Hello World!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('Hello World!');
for (let i = 0; i < 'World!'.length; i++)
await page.keyboard.type('inserted ');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('Hello inserted World!');
for (let i = 0; i < 'inserted '.length; i++)
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('Hello World!');
it('should send a character with ElementHandle.press', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
const textarea = await page.$('textarea');
await textarea.press('a', {text: 'f'});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('f');
await page.evaluate(() => window.addEventListener('keydown', e => e.preventDefault(), true));
await textarea.press('a', {text: 'y'});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('f');
it('should send a character with sendCharacter', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
await page.keyboard.sendCharacter('嗨');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('嗨');
await page.evaluate(() => window.addEventListener('keydown', e => e.preventDefault(), true));
await page.keyboard.sendCharacter('a');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('嗨a');
it('should report shiftKey', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
const codeForKey = {'Shift': 16, 'Alt': 18, 'Meta': 91, 'Control': 17};
for (const modifierKey in codeForKey) {
await keyboard.down(modifierKey);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: ' + modifierKey + ' ' + modifierKey + 'Left ' + codeForKey[modifierKey] + ' [' + modifierKey + ']');
await keyboard.down('!');
// Shift+! will generate a keypress
if (modifierKey === 'Shift')
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: ! Digit1 49 [' + modifierKey + ']\nKeypress: ! Digit1 33 33 33 [' + modifierKey + ']');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: ! Digit1 49 [' + modifierKey + ']');
await keyboard.up('!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: ! Digit1 49 [' + modifierKey + ']');
await keyboard.up(modifierKey);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: ' + modifierKey + ' ' + modifierKey + 'Left ' + codeForKey[modifierKey] + ' []');
it('should report multiple modifiers', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
await keyboard.down('Control');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: Control ControlLeft 17 [Control]');
await keyboard.down('Meta');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: Meta MetaLeft 91 [Control Meta]');
await keyboard.down(';');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: ; Semicolon 186 [Control Meta]');
await keyboard.up(';');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: ; Semicolon 186 [Control Meta]');
await keyboard.up('Control');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: Control ControlLeft 17 [Meta]');
await keyboard.up('Meta');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: Meta MetaLeft 91 []');
it('should send proper codes while typing', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
await page.keyboard.type('!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe(
[ 'Keydown: ! Digit1 49 []',
'Keypress: ! Digit1 33 33 33 []',
'Keyup: ! Digit1 49 []'].join('\n'));
await page.keyboard.type('^');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe(
[ 'Keydown: ^ Digit6 54 []',
'Keypress: ^ Digit6 94 94 94 []',
'Keyup: ^ Digit6 54 []'].join('\n'));
it('should send proper codes while typing with shift', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
await keyboard.down('Shift');
await page.keyboard.type('~');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe(
[ 'Keydown: Shift ShiftLeft 16 [Shift]',
'Keydown: ~ Backquote 192 [Shift]', // 192 is ` keyCode
'Keypress: ~ Backquote 126 126 126 [Shift]', // 126 is ~ charCode
'Keyup: ~ Backquote 192 [Shift]'].join('\n'));
await keyboard.up('Shift');
it('should not type canceled events', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
if (event.key === 'l')
if (event.key === 'o')
Promise.resolve().then(() => event.preventDefault());
}, false);
await page.keyboard.type('Hello World!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => textarea.value)).toBe('He Wrd!');
it('keyboard.modifiers()', async({page, server}) => {
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
await keyboard.down('Shift');
await keyboard.down('Alt');
await keyboard.up('Shift');
await keyboard.up('Alt');
it('should resize the textarea', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
const {x, y, width, height} = await page.evaluate(dimensions);
const mouse = page.mouse;
await mouse.move(x + width - 4, y + height - 4);
await mouse.down();
await mouse.move(x + width + 100, y + height + 100);
await mouse.up();
const newDimensions = await page.evaluate(dimensions);
expect(newDimensions.width).toBe(width + 104);
expect(newDimensions.height).toBe(height + 104);
it('should scroll and click the button', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.click('#button-5');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#button-5').textContent)).toBe('clicked');
await page.click('#button-80');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#button-80').textContent)).toBe('clicked');
it('should double click the button', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.double = false;
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.addEventListener('dblclick', event => {
window.double = true;
const button = await page.$('button');
await button.click({ clickCount: 2 });
expect(await page.evaluate('double')).toBe(true);
expect(await page.evaluate('result')).toBe('Clicked');
it('should click a partially obscured button', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.evaluate(() => {
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.textContent = 'Some really long text that will go offscreen';
button.style.position = 'absolute';
button.style.left = '368px';
await page.click('button');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should select the text with mouse', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
const text = 'This is the text that we are going to try to select. Let\'s see how it goes.';
await page.keyboard.type(text);
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').scrollTop = 0);
const {x, y} = await page.evaluate(dimensions);
await page.mouse.move(x + 2,y + 2);
await page.mouse.down();
await page.mouse.move(100,100);
await page.mouse.up();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.getSelection().toString())).toBe(text);
it('should select the text by triple clicking', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
const text = 'This is the text that we are going to try to select. Let\'s see how it goes.';
await page.keyboard.type(text);
await page.click('textarea');
await page.click('textarea', {clickCount: 2});
await page.click('textarea', {clickCount: 3});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.getSelection().toString())).toBe(text);
it('should trigger hover state', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.hover('#button-6');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('button:hover').id)).toBe('button-6');
await page.hover('#button-2');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('button:hover').id)).toBe('button-2');
await page.hover('#button-91');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('button:hover').id)).toBe('button-91');
it('should fire contextmenu event on right click', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.click('#button-8', {button: 'right'});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#button-8').textContent)).toBe('context menu');
it('should set modifier keys on click', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#button-3').addEventListener('mousedown', e => window.lastEvent = e, true));
const modifiers = {'Shift': 'shiftKey', 'Control': 'ctrlKey', 'Alt': 'altKey', 'Meta': 'metaKey'};
for (const modifier in modifiers) {
await page.keyboard.down(modifier);
await page.click('#button-3');
if (!(await page.evaluate(mod => window.lastEvent[mod], modifiers[modifier])))
fail(modifiers[modifier] + ' should be true');
await page.keyboard.up(modifier);
await page.click('#button-3');
for (const modifier in modifiers) {
if ((await page.evaluate(mod => window.lastEvent[mod], modifiers[modifier])))
fail(modifiers[modifier] + ' should be false');
it('should specify repeat property', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').addEventListener('keydown', e => window.lastEvent = e, true));
await page.keyboard.down('a');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.lastEvent.repeat)).toBe(false);
await page.keyboard.press('a');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.lastEvent.repeat)).toBe(true);
await page.keyboard.down('b');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.lastEvent.repeat)).toBe(false);
await page.keyboard.down('b');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.lastEvent.repeat)).toBe(true);
await page.keyboard.up('a');
await page.keyboard.down('a');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.lastEvent.repeat)).toBe(false);
// @see https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/206
it('should click links which cause navigation', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setContent(`<a href="${server.EMPTY_PAGE}">empty.html</a>`);
// This await should not hang.
await page.click('a');
it('should tween mouse movement', async({page, server}) => {
await page.mouse.move(100, 100);
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.result = [];
document.addEventListener('mousemove', event => {
window.result.push([event.clientX, event.clientY]);
await page.mouse.move(200, 300, {steps: 5});
expect(await page.evaluate('result')).toEqual([
[120, 140],
[140, 180],
[160, 220],
[180, 260],
[200, 300]
it('should tap the button', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.tap('button');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
xit('should report touches', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/touches.html');
const button = await page.$('button');
await button.tap();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toEqual(['Touchstart: 0', 'Touchend: 0']);
it('should click the button inside an iframe', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setContent('<div style="width:100px;height:100px">spacer</div>');
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'button-test', server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const frame = page.frames()[1];
const button = await frame.$('button');
await button.click();
expect(await frame.evaluate(() => window.result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should click the button with deviceScaleFactor set', async({page, server}) => {
await page.setViewport({width: 400, height: 400, deviceScaleFactor: 5});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.devicePixelRatio)).toBe(5);
await page.setContent('<div style="width:100px;height:100px">spacer</div>');
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'button-test', server.PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const frame = page.frames()[1];
const button = await frame.$('button');
await button.click();
expect(await frame.evaluate(() => window.result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should type all kinds of characters', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
const text = 'This text goes onto two lines.\nThis character is 嗨.';
await page.keyboard.type(text);
expect(await page.evaluate('result')).toBe(text);
it('should specify location', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.addEventListener('keydown', event => window.keyLocation = event.location, true);
const textarea = await page.$('textarea');
await textarea.press('Digit5');
expect(await page.evaluate('keyLocation')).toBe(0);
await textarea.press('ControlLeft');
expect(await page.evaluate('keyLocation')).toBe(1);
await textarea.press('ControlRight');
expect(await page.evaluate('keyLocation')).toBe(2);
await textarea.press('NumpadSubtract');
expect(await page.evaluate('keyLocation')).toBe(3);
it('should throw on unknown keys', async({page, server}) => {
let error = await page.keyboard.press('NotARealKey').catch(e => e);
expect(error.message).toBe('Unknown key: "NotARealKey"');
error = await page.keyboard.press('ё').catch(e => e);
expect(error && error.message).toBe('Unknown key: "ё"');
error = await page.keyboard.press('😊').catch(e => e);
expect(error && error.message).toBe('Unknown key: "😊"');
it('should type emoji', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.type('textarea', '👹 Tokyo street Japan 🇯🇵');
expect(await page.$eval('textarea', textarea => textarea.value)).toBe('👹 Tokyo street Japan 🇯🇵');
it('should type emoji into an iframe', async({page, server}) => {
await page.goto(server.EMPTY_PAGE);
await utils.attachFrame(page, 'emoji-test', server.PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
const frame = page.frames()[1];
const textarea = await frame.$('textarea');
await textarea.type('👹 Tokyo street Japan 🇯🇵');
expect(await frame.$eval('textarea', textarea => textarea.value)).toBe('👹 Tokyo street Japan 🇯🇵');
function dimensions() {
const rect = document.querySelector('textarea').getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: rect.left,
y: rect.top,
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height