When mojo is enabled for input events, we sometimes get an extra mouse move after the page is created. Moving the mouse ourselves makes the test consistent. The same behavior also caused DevTools dispatchMouseEvent to become flaky, but that will be fixed with: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/804357
3361 lines
136 KiB
3361 lines
136 KiB
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const fs = require('fs');
const rm = require('rimraf').sync;
const path = require('path');
const {helper} = require('../lib/helper');
if (process.env.COVERAGE)
console.log('Testing on Node', process.version);
const puppeteer = require('..');
const SimpleServer = require('./server/SimpleServer');
const GoldenUtils = require('./golden-utils');
const YELLOW_COLOR = '\x1b[33m';
const RED_COLOR = '\x1b[31m';
const RESET_COLOR = '\x1b[0m';
const GOLDEN_DIR = path.join(__dirname, 'golden');
const OUTPUT_DIR = path.join(__dirname, 'output');
const PORT = 8907;
const PREFIX = 'http://localhost:' + PORT;
const EMPTY_PAGE = PREFIX + '/empty.html';
const HTTPS_PORT = 8908;
const HTTPS_PREFIX = 'https://localhost:' + HTTPS_PORT;
const headless = (process.env.HEADLESS || 'true').trim().toLowerCase() === 'true';
const slowMo = parseInt((process.env.SLOW_MO || '0').trim(), 10);
const executablePath = process.env.CHROME;
if (executablePath)
console.warn(`${YELLOW_COLOR}WARN: running tests with ${executablePath}${RESET_COLOR}`);
const defaultBrowserOptions = {
args: ['--no-sandbox']
if (process.env.DEBUG_TEST || slowMo)
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000;
// Make sure the `npm install` was run after the chromium roll.
const Downloader = require('../utils/ChromiumDownloader');
const chromiumRevision = require('../package.json').puppeteer.chromium_revision;
const revisionInfo = Downloader.revisionInfo(Downloader.currentPlatform(), chromiumRevision);
console.assert(revisionInfo.downloaded, `Chromium r${chromiumRevision} is not downloaded. Run 'npm install' and try to re-run tests.`);
// Hack to get the currently-running spec name.
let specName = null;
specStarted: result => specName = result.fullName
// Setup unhandledRejectionHandlers
let hasUnhandledRejection = false;
process.on('unhandledRejection', error => {
hasUnhandledRejection = true;
const textLines = [
let server;
let httpsServer;
beforeAll(SX(async function() {
const assetsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'assets');
server = await SimpleServer.create(assetsPath, PORT);
httpsServer = await SimpleServer.createHTTPS(assetsPath, HTTPS_PORT);
if (fs.existsSync(OUTPUT_DIR))
beforeEach(SX(async function() {
GoldenUtils.addMatchers(jasmine, GOLDEN_DIR, OUTPUT_DIR);
afterAll(SX(async function() {
await Promise.all([
describe('Puppeteer', function() {
describe('Puppeteer.launch', function() {
it('should support ignoreHTTPSErrors option', SX(async function() {
const options = Object.assign({ignoreHTTPSErrors: true}, defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
const page = await browser.newPage();
let error = null;
const response = await page.goto(HTTPS_PREFIX + '/empty.html').catch(e => error = e);
it('should reject all promises when browser is closed', SX(async function() {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
const page = await browser.newPage();
let error = null;
const neverResolves = page.evaluate(() => new Promise(r => {})).catch(e => error = e);
await neverResolves;
expect(error.message).toContain('Protocol error');
it('should reject if executable path is invalid', SX(async function() {
let waitError = null;
const options = Object.assign({}, defaultBrowserOptions, {executablePath: 'random-invalid-path'});
await puppeteer.launch(options).catch(e => waitError = e);
expect(waitError.message.startsWith('Failed to launch chrome! spawn random-invalid-path ENOENT')).toBe(true);
it('userDataDir option', SX(async function() {
const userDataDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test-user-data-dir'));
const options = Object.assign({userDataDir}, defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
await browser.close();
it('userDataDir argument', SX(async function() {
const userDataDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test-user-data-dir'));
const options = Object.assign({}, defaultBrowserOptions);
options.args = [`--user-data-dir=${userDataDir}`].concat(options.args);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
await browser.close();
it('userDataDir option should restore state', SX(async function() {
const userDataDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test-user-data-dir'));
const options = Object.assign({userDataDir}, defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.evaluate(() => localStorage.hey = 'hello');
await browser.close();
const browser2 = await puppeteer.launch(options);
const page2 = await browser2.newPage();
await page2.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await page2.evaluate(() => localStorage.hey)).toBe('hello');
await browser2.close();
it('userDataDir option should restore cookies', SX(async function() {
const userDataDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test-user-data-dir'));
const options = Object.assign({userDataDir}, defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.evaluate(() => document.cookie = 'doSomethingOnlyOnce=true; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT');
await browser.close();
const browser2 = await puppeteer.launch(options);
const page2 = await browser2.newPage();
await page2.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await page2.evaluate(() => document.cookie)).toBe('doSomethingOnlyOnce=true');
await browser2.close();
xit('headless should be able to read cookies written by headful', SX(async function() {
const userDataDir = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test-user-data-dir'));
const options = Object.assign({userDataDir}, defaultBrowserOptions);
// Write a cookie in headful chrome
options.headless = false;
const headfulBrowser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
const headfulPage = await headfulBrowser.newPage();
await headfulPage.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await headfulPage.evaluate(() => document.cookie = 'foo=true; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT');
await headfulBrowser.close();
// Read the cookie from headless chrome
options.headless = true;
const headlessBrowser = await puppeteer.launch(options);
const headlessPage = await headlessBrowser.newPage();
await headlessPage.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const cookie = await headlessPage.evaluate(() => document.cookie);
await headlessBrowser.close();
describe('Puppeteer.connect', function() {
it('should be able to connect multiple times to the same browser', SX(async function() {
const originalBrowser = await puppeteer.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
const browser = await puppeteer.connect({
browserWSEndpoint: originalBrowser.wsEndpoint()
const page = await browser.newPage();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => 7 * 8)).toBe(56);
const secondPage = await originalBrowser.newPage();
expect(await secondPage.evaluate(() => 7 * 6)).toBe(42, 'original browser should still work');
await originalBrowser.close();
it('should be able to reconnect to a disconnected browser', SX(async function() {
const originalBrowser = await puppeteer.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
const browserWSEndpoint = originalBrowser.wsEndpoint();
const page = await originalBrowser.newPage();
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
const FrameUtils = require('./frame-utils');
const browser = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint});
const pages = await browser.pages();
const restoredPage = pages.find(page => page.url() === PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
expect(await restoredPage.evaluate(() => 7 * 8)).toBe(56);
await browser.close();
describe('Puppeteer.executablePath', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
const executablePath = puppeteer.executablePath();
describe('Page', function() {
const iPhone = require('../DeviceDescriptors')['iPhone 6'];
const iPhoneLandscape = require('../DeviceDescriptors')['iPhone 6 landscape'];
let browser;
let page;
beforeAll(SX(async function() {
browser = await puppeteer.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
afterAll(SX(async function() {
beforeEach(SX(async function() {
page = await browser.newPage();
afterEach(SX(async function() {
await page.close();
describe('Browser.version', function() {
it('should return whether we are in headless', SX(async function() {
const version = await browser.version();
describe('Browser.Events.disconnected', function() {
it('should emitted when: browser gets closed, disconnected or underlying websocket gets closed', SX(async function() {
const originalBrowser = await puppeteer.launch(defaultBrowserOptions);
const browserWSEndpoint = originalBrowser.wsEndpoint();
const remoteBrowser1 = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint});
const remoteBrowser2 = await puppeteer.connect({browserWSEndpoint});
let disconnectedOriginal = 0;
let disconnectedRemote1 = 0;
let disconnectedRemote2 = 0;
originalBrowser.on('disconnected', () => ++disconnectedOriginal);
remoteBrowser1.on('disconnected', () => ++disconnectedRemote1);
remoteBrowser2.on('disconnected', () => ++disconnectedRemote2);
await remoteBrowser2.disconnect();
await originalBrowser.close();
describe('Page.close', function() {
it('should reject all promises when page is closed', SX(async function() {
const newPage = await browser.newPage();
const neverResolves = newPage.evaluate(() => new Promise(r => {}));
let error = null;
await neverResolves.catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Protocol error');
describe('Page.Events.error', function() {
it('should throw when page crashes', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
page.on('error', err => error = err);
page.goto('chrome://crash').catch(e => {});
await waitForEvents(page, 'error');
expect(error.message).toBe('Page crashed!');
describe('Page.evaluate', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => 7 * 3);
it('should await promise', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => Promise.resolve(8 * 7));
it('should work right after framenavigated', SX(async function() {
let frameEvaluation = null;
page.on('framenavigated', async frame => {
frameEvaluation = frame.evaluate(() => 6 * 7);
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await frameEvaluation).toBe(42);
it('should work from-inside an exposed function', SX(async function() {
// Setup inpage callback, which calls Page.evaluate
await page.exposeFunction('callController', async function(a, b) {
return await page.evaluate((a, b) => a * b, a, b);
const result = await page.evaluate(async function() {
return await callController(9, 3);
it('should reject promise with exception', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(() => not.existing.object.property).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('not is not defined');
it('should return complex objects', SX(async function() {
const object = {foo: 'bar!'};
const result = await page.evaluate(a => a, object);
it('should return NaN', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => NaN);
expect(Object.is(result, NaN)).toBe(true);
it('should return -0', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => -0);
expect(Object.is(result, -0)).toBe(true);
it('should return Infinity', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, Infinity)).toBe(true);
it('should return -Infinity', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => -Infinity);
expect(Object.is(result, -Infinity)).toBe(true);
it('should accept "undefined" as one of multiple parameters', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate((a, b) => Object.is(a, undefined) && Object.is(b, 'foo'), undefined, 'foo');
it('should fail for window object', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => window);
it('should accept a string', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate('1 + 2');
it('should accept a string with semi colons', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate('1 + 5;');
it('should accept a string with comments', SX(async function() {
const result = await page.evaluate('2 + 5;\n// do some math!');
it('should accept element handle as an argument', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<section>42</section>');
const element = await page.$('section');
const text = await page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element);
it('should throw if underlying element was disposed', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<section>39</section>');
const element = await page.$('section');
await element.dispose();
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('JSHandle is disposed');
it('should throw if elementHandles are from other frames', SX(async function() {
const FrameUtils = require('./frame-utils');
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', EMPTY_PAGE);
const bodyHandle = await page.frames()[1].$('body');
let error = null;
await page.evaluate(body => body.innerHTML, bodyHandle).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('JSHandles can be evaluated only in the context they were created');
it('should accept object handle as an argument', SX(async function() {
const navigatorHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => navigator);
const text = await page.evaluate(e => e.userAgent, navigatorHandle);
it('should accept object handle to primitive types', SX(async function() {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => 5);
const isFive = await page.evaluate(e => Object.is(e, 5), aHandle);
describe('Page.setOfflineMode', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setOfflineMode(true);
let error = null;
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => error = e);
await page.setOfflineMode(false);
const response = await page.reload();
it('should emulate navigator.onLine', SX(async function() {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.navigator.onLine)).toBe(true);
await page.setOfflineMode(true);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.navigator.onLine)).toBe(false);
await page.setOfflineMode(false);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.navigator.onLine)).toBe(true);
describe('Page.evaluateHandle', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => window);
describe('ExecutionContext.queryObjects', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
// Instantiate an object
await page.evaluate(() => window.set = new Set(['hello', 'world']));
const prototypeHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => Set.prototype);
const objectsHandle = await page.queryObjects(prototypeHandle);
const count = await page.evaluate(objects => objects.length, objectsHandle);
const values = await page.evaluate(objects => Array.from(objects[0].values()), objectsHandle);
expect(values).toEqual(['hello', 'world']);
it('should fail for disposed handles', SX(async function() {
const prototypeHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => HTMLBodyElement.prototype);
await prototypeHandle.dispose();
let error = null;
await page.queryObjects(prototypeHandle).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toBe('Prototype JSHandle is disposed!');
it('should fail primitive values as prototypes', SX(async function() {
const prototypeHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => 42);
let error = null;
await page.queryObjects(prototypeHandle).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toBe('Prototype JSHandle must not be referencing primitive value');
describe('JSHandle.getProperty', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => ({
one: 1,
two: 2,
three: 3
const twoHandle = await aHandle.getProperty('two');
expect(await twoHandle.jsonValue()).toEqual(2);
describe('JSHandle.jsonValue', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => ({foo: 'bar'}));
const json = await aHandle.jsonValue();
expect(json).toEqual({foo: 'bar'});
it('should not work with dates', SX(async function() {
const dateHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => new Date('2017-09-26T00:00:00.000Z'));
const json = await dateHandle.jsonValue();
it('should throw for circular objects', SX(async function() {
const windowHandle = await page.evaluateHandle('window');
let error = null;
await windowHandle.jsonValue().catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Object reference chain is too long');
describe('JSHandle.getProperties', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => ({
foo: 'bar'
const properties = await aHandle.getProperties();
const foo = properties.get('foo');
expect(await foo.jsonValue()).toBe('bar');
it('should return even non-own properties', SX(async function() {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {
class A {
constructor() {
this.a = '1';
class B extends A {
constructor() {
this.b = '2';
return new B();
const properties = await aHandle.getProperties();
expect(await properties.get('a').jsonValue()).toBe('1');
expect(await properties.get('b').jsonValue()).toBe('2');
describe('JSHandle.asElement', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document.body);
const element = aHandle.asElement();
it('should return null for non-elements', SX(async function() {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => 2);
const element = aHandle.asElement();
it('should return ElementHandle for TextNodes', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<div>ee!</div>');
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document.querySelector('div').firstChild);
const element = aHandle.asElement();
expect(await page.evaluate(e => e.nodeType === HTMLElement.TEXT_NODE, element));
describe('JSHandle.toString', function() {
it('should work for primitives', SX(async function() {
const numberHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => 2);
const stringHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => 'a');
it('should work for complicated objects', SX(async function() {
const aHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => window);
describe('Frame.context', function() {
const FrameUtils = require('./frame-utils');
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', EMPTY_PAGE);
const [frame1, frame2] = page.frames();
const context1 = await frame1.executionContext();
const context2 = await frame2.executionContext();
expect(context1 !== context2).toBeTruthy();
await Promise.all([
context1.evaluate(() => window.a = 1),
context2.evaluate(() => window.a = 2)
const [a1, a2] = await Promise.all([
context1.evaluate(() => window.a),
context2.evaluate(() => window.a)
describe('Frame.evaluate', function() {
const FrameUtils = require('./frame-utils');
it('should have different execution contexts', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', EMPTY_PAGE);
const frame1 = page.frames()[0];
const frame2 = page.frames()[1];
await frame1.evaluate(() => window.FOO = 'foo');
await frame2.evaluate(() => window.FOO = 'bar');
expect(await frame1.evaluate(() => window.FOO)).toBe('foo');
expect(await frame2.evaluate(() => window.FOO)).toBe('bar');
it('should execute after cross-site navigation', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const mainFrame = page.mainFrame();
expect(await mainFrame.evaluate(() => window.location.href)).toContain('localhost');
await page.goto(CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/empty.html');
expect(await mainFrame.evaluate(() => window.location.href)).toContain('127');
describe('Frame.waitForFunction', function() {
it('should accept a string', SX(async function() {
const watchdog = page.waitForFunction('window.__FOO === 1');
await page.evaluate(() => window.__FOO = 1);
await watchdog;
it('should poll on interval', SX(async function() {
let success = false;
const startTime = Date.now();
const polling = 100;
const watchdog = page.waitForFunction(() => window.__FOO === 'hit', {polling})
.then(() => success = true);
await page.evaluate(() => window.__FOO = 'hit');
await page.evaluate(() => document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')));
await watchdog;
expect(Date.now() - startTime).not.toBeLessThan(polling / 2);
it('should poll on mutation', SX(async function() {
let success = false;
const watchdog = page.waitForFunction(() => window.__FOO === 'hit', {polling: 'mutation'})
.then(() => success = true);
await page.evaluate(() => window.__FOO = 'hit');
await page.evaluate(() => document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div')));
await watchdog;
it('should poll on raf', SX(async function() {
const watchdog = page.waitForFunction(() => window.__FOO === 'hit', {polling: 'raf'});
await page.evaluate(() => window.__FOO = 'hit');
await watchdog;
it('should throw on bad polling value', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
try {
await page.waitForFunction(() => !!document.body, {polling: 'unknown'});
} catch (e) {
error = e;
it('should throw negative polling interval', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
try {
await page.waitForFunction(() => !!document.body, {polling: -10});
} catch (e) {
error = e;
expect(error.message).toContain('Cannot poll with non-positive interval');
describe('Frame.waitForSelector', function() {
const FrameUtils = require('./frame-utils');
const addElement = tag => document.body.appendChild(document.createElement(tag));
it('should immediately resolve promise if node exists', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const frame = page.mainFrame();
let added = false;
await frame.waitForSelector('*').then(() => added = true);
added = false;
await frame.evaluate(addElement, 'div');
await frame.waitForSelector('div').then(() => added = true);
it('should resolve promise when node is added', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const frame = page.mainFrame();
let added = false;
const watchdog = frame.waitForSelector('div').then(() => added = true);
// run nop function..
await frame.evaluate(() => 42);
// .. to be sure that waitForSelector promise is not resolved yet.
await frame.evaluate(addElement, 'br');
await frame.evaluate(addElement, 'div');
await watchdog;
it('should work when node is added through innerHTML', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const watchdog = page.waitForSelector('h3 div');
await page.evaluate(addElement, 'span');
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('span').innerHTML = '<h3><div></div></h3>');
await watchdog;
it('Page.waitForSelector is shortcut for main frame', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', EMPTY_PAGE);
const otherFrame = page.frames()[1];
let added = false;
page.waitForSelector('div').then(() => added = true);
await otherFrame.evaluate(addElement, 'div');
await page.evaluate(addElement, 'div');
it('should run in specified frame', SX(async function() {
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', EMPTY_PAGE);
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame2', EMPTY_PAGE);
const frame1 = page.frames()[1];
const frame2 = page.frames()[2];
let added = false;
frame2.waitForSelector('div').then(() => added = true);
await frame1.evaluate(addElement, 'div');
await frame2.evaluate(addElement, 'div');
it('should throw if evaluation failed', SX(async function() {
await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(function() {
document.querySelector = null;
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
let error = null;
await page.waitForSelector('*').catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('document.querySelector is not a function');
it('should throw when frame is detached', SX(async function() {
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', EMPTY_PAGE);
const frame = page.frames()[1];
let waitError = null;
const waitPromise = frame.waitForSelector('.box').catch(e => waitError = e);
await FrameUtils.detachFrame(page, 'frame1');
await waitPromise;
expect(waitError.message).toContain('waitForSelector failed: frame got detached.');
it('should survive cross-process navigation', SX(async function() {
let boxFound = false;
const waitForSelector = page.waitForSelector('.box').then(() => boxFound = true);
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.reload();
await page.goto(CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/grid.html');
await waitForSelector;
it('should wait for visible', SX(async function() {
let divFound = false;
const waitForSelector = page.waitForSelector('div', {visible: true}).then(() => divFound = true);
await page.setContent(`<div style='display: none; visibility: hidden;'>1</div>`);
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.removeProperty('display'));
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.removeProperty('visibility'));
expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true);
it('should wait for visible recursively', SX(async function() {
let divVisible = false;
const waitForSelector = page.waitForSelector('div#inner', {visible: true}).then(() => divVisible = true);
await page.setContent(`<div style='display: none; visibility: hidden;'><div id="inner">hi</div></div>`);
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.removeProperty('display'));
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.removeProperty('visibility'));
expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true);
it('hidden should wait for visibility: hidden', SX(async function() {
let divHidden = false;
await page.setContent(`<div style='display: block;'></div>`);
const waitForSelector = page.waitForSelector('div', {hidden: true}).then(() => divHidden = true);
await page.waitForSelector('div'); // do a round trip
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.setProperty('visibility', 'hidden'));
expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true);
it('hidden should wait for display: none', SX(async function() {
let divHidden = false;
await page.setContent(`<div style='display: block;'></div>`);
const waitForSelector = page.waitForSelector('div', {hidden: true}).then(() => divHidden = true);
await page.waitForSelector('div'); // do a round trip
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').style.setProperty('display', 'none'));
expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true);
it('hidden should wait for removal', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent(`<div></div>`);
let divRemoved = false;
const waitForSelector = page.waitForSelector('div', {hidden: true}).then(() => divRemoved = true);
await page.waitForSelector('div'); // do a round trip
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').remove());
expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true);
it('should respect timeout', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
await page.waitForSelector('div', {timeout: 10}).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('waiting failed: timeout');
it('should respond to node attribute mutation', SX(async function() {
let divFound = false;
const waitForSelector = page.waitForSelector('.zombo').then(() => divFound = true);
await page.setContent(`<div class='notZombo'></div>`);
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('div').className = 'zombo');
expect(await waitForSelector).toBe(true);
describe('Page.waitFor', function() {
it('should wait for selector', SX(async function() {
let found = false;
const waitFor = page.waitFor('div').then(() => found = true);
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
await waitFor;
it('should timeout', SX(async function() {
const startTime = Date.now();
const timeout = 42;
await page.waitFor(timeout);
expect(Date.now() - startTime).not.toBeLessThan(timeout / 2);
it('should wait for predicate', SX(async function() {
const watchdog = page.waitFor(() => window.innerWidth < 100);
page.setViewport({width: 10, height: 10});
await watchdog;
it('should throw when unknown type', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
await page.waitFor({foo: 'bar'}).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Unsupported target type');
it('should wait for predicate with arguments', SX(async function() {
await page.waitFor((arg1, arg2) => arg1 !== arg2, {}, 1, 2);
describe('Page.Events.Console', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
let message = null;
page.once('console', m => message = m);
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => console.log('hello', 5, {foo: 'bar'})),
waitForEvents(page, 'console')
expect(message.text).toEqual('hello 5 JSHandle@object');
expect(await message.args[0].jsonValue()).toEqual('hello');
expect(await message.args[1].jsonValue()).toEqual(5);
expect(await message.args[2].jsonValue()).toEqual({foo: 'bar'});
it('should work for different console API calls', SX(async function() {
const messages = [];
page.on('console', msg => messages.push(msg));
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => {
// A pair of time/timeEnd generates only one Console API call.
console.time('calling console.time');
console.timeEnd('calling console.time');
console.trace('calling console.trace');
console.dir('calling console.dir');
console.warn('calling console.warn');
console.error('calling console.error');
console.log(Promise.resolve('should not wait until resolved!'));
// Wait for 5 events to hit - console.time is not reported
waitForEvents(page, 'console', 5)
expect(messages.map(msg => msg.type)).toEqual([
'timeEnd', 'trace', 'dir', 'warning', 'error', 'log'
expect(messages[0].text).toContain('calling console.time');
expect(messages.slice(1).map(msg => msg.text)).toEqual([
'calling console.trace',
'calling console.dir',
'calling console.warn',
'calling console.error',
it('should not fail for window object', SX(async function() {
let message = null;
page.once('console', msg => message = msg);
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => console.error(window)),
waitForEvents(page, 'console')
describe('Page.metrics', function() {
it('should get metrics from a page', SX(async function() {
await page.goto('about:blank');
const metrics = await page.metrics();
it('metrics event fired on console.timeStamp', SX(async function() {
const metricsPromise = new Promise(fulfill => page.once('metrics', fulfill));
await page.evaluate(() => console.timeStamp('test42'));
const metrics = await metricsPromise;
function checkMetrics(metrics) {
const metricsToCheck = new Set([
for (const name in metrics) {
describe('Page.goto', function() {
it('should navigate to about:blank', SX(async function() {
const response = await page.goto('about:blank');
it('should navigate to empty page with domcontentloaded', SX(async function() {
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE, {waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded'});
it('should navigate to empty page with networkidle0', SX(async function() {
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE, {waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
it('should navigate to empty page with networkidle2', SX(async function() {
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE, {waitUntil: 'networkidle2'});
it('should fail when navigating to bad url', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
await page.goto('asdfasdf').catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Cannot navigate to invalid URL');
it('should fail when navigating to bad SSL', SX(async function() {
// Make sure that network events do not emit 'undefined'.
// @see https://crbug.com/750469
page.on('request', request => expect(request).toBeTruthy());
page.on('requestfinished', request => expect(request).toBeTruthy());
page.on('requestfailed', request => expect(request).toBeTruthy());
let error = null;
await page.goto(HTTPS_PREFIX + '/empty.html').catch(e => error = e);
it('should fail when navigating to bad SSL after redirects', SX(async function() {
server.setRedirect('/redirect/1.html', '/redirect/2.html');
server.setRedirect('/redirect/2.html', '/empty.html');
let error = null;
await page.goto(HTTPS_PREFIX + '/redirect/1.html').catch(e => error = e);
it('should throw if networkidle is passed as an option', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE, {waitUntil: 'networkidle'}).catch(err => error = err);
expect(error.message).toContain('"networkidle" option is no longer supported');
it('should fail when main resources failed to load', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
await page.goto('http://localhost:44123/non-existing-url').catch(e => error = e);
it('should fail when exceeding maximum navigation timeout', SX(async function() {
// Hang for request to the empty.html
server.setRoute('/empty.html', (req, res) => { });
let error = null;
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/empty.html', {timeout: 1}).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Navigation Timeout Exceeded: 1ms');
it('should disable timeout when its set to 0', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
let loaded = false;
page.once('load', () => loaded = true);
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html', {timeout: 0, waitUntil: ['load']}).catch(e => error = e);
it('should work when navigating to valid url', SX(async function() {
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should work when navigating to data url', SX(async function() {
const response = await page.goto('data:text/html,hello');
it('should work when navigating to 404', SX(async function() {
const response = await page.goto(PREFIX + '/not-found');
it('should return last response in redirect chain', SX(async function() {
server.setRedirect('/redirect/1.html', '/redirect/2.html');
server.setRedirect('/redirect/2.html', '/redirect/3.html');
server.setRedirect('/redirect/3.html', EMPTY_PAGE);
const response = await page.goto(PREFIX + '/redirect/1.html');
it('should wait for network idle to succeed navigation', SX(async function() {
let responses = [];
// Hold on to a bunch of requests without answering.
server.setRoute('/fetch-request-a.js', (req, res) => responses.push(res));
server.setRoute('/fetch-request-b.js', (req, res) => responses.push(res));
server.setRoute('/fetch-request-c.js', (req, res) => responses.push(res));
server.setRoute('/fetch-request-d.js', (req, res) => responses.push(res));
const initialFetchResourcesRequested = Promise.all([
const secondFetchResourceRequested = server.waitForRequest('/fetch-request-d.js');
// Navigate to a page which loads immediately and then does a bunch of
// requests via javascript's fetch method.
const navigationPromise = page.goto(PREFIX + '/networkidle.html', {
waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
// Track when the navigation gets completed.
let navigationFinished = false;
navigationPromise.then(() => navigationFinished = true);
// Wait for the page's 'load' event.
await new Promise(fulfill => page.once('load', fulfill));
// Wait for the initial three resources to be requested.
await initialFetchResourcesRequested;
// Expect navigation still to be not finished.
// Respond to initial requests.
for (const response of responses) {
response.statusCode = 404;
response.end(`File not found`);
// Reset responses array
responses = [];
// Wait for the second round to be requested.
await secondFetchResourceRequested;
// Expect navigation still to be not finished.
// Respond to requests.
for (const response of responses) {
response.statusCode = 404;
response.end(`File not found`);
const response = await navigationPromise;
// Expect navigation to succeed.
it('should not leak listeners during navigation', SX(async function() {
let warning = null;
const warningHandler = w => warning = w;
process.on('warning', warningHandler);
for (let i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
process.removeListener('warning', warningHandler);
it('should not leak listeners during bad navigation', SX(async function() {
let warning = null;
const warningHandler = w => warning = w;
process.on('warning', warningHandler);
for (let i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
await page.goto('asdf').catch(e => {/* swallow navigation error */});
process.removeListener('warning', warningHandler);
it('should navigate to dataURL and fire dataURL requests', SX(async function() {
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => requests.push(request));
const dataURL = 'data:text/html,<div>yo</div>';
const response = await page.goto(dataURL);
it('should navigate to URL with hash and fire requests without hash', SX(async function() {
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => requests.push(request));
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE + '#hash');
describe('Page.waitForNavigation', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const [result] = await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(url => window.location.href = url, PREFIX + '/grid.html')
const response = await result;
it('should work with both domcontentloaded and load', SX(async function() {
let response = null;
server.setRoute('/one-style.css', (req, res) => response = res);
page.goto(PREFIX + '/one-style.html');
const domContentLoadedPromise = page.waitForNavigation({
waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded'
let bothFired = false;
const bothFiredPromise = page.waitForNavigation({
waitUntil: ['load', 'domcontentloaded']
}).then(() => bothFired = true);
await server.waitForRequest('/one-style.css');
await domContentLoadedPromise;
await bothFiredPromise;
describe('Page.goBack', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
let response = await page.goBack();
response = await page.goForward();
response = await page.goForward();
describe('Page.exposeFunction', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.exposeFunction('compute', function(a, b) {
return a * b;
const result = await page.evaluate(async function() {
return await compute(9, 4);
it('should survive navigation', SX(async function() {
await page.exposeFunction('compute', function(a, b) {
return a * b;
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const result = await page.evaluate(async function() {
return await compute(9, 4);
it('should await returned promise', SX(async function() {
await page.exposeFunction('compute', function(a, b) {
return Promise.resolve(a * b);
const result = await page.evaluate(async function() {
return await compute(3, 5);
it('should work on frames', SX(async function() {
await page.exposeFunction('compute', function(a, b) {
return Promise.resolve(a * b);
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
const frame = page.frames()[1];
const result = await frame.evaluate(async function() {
return await compute(3, 5);
it('should work on frames before navigation', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
await page.exposeFunction('compute', function(a, b) {
return Promise.resolve(a * b);
const frame = page.frames()[1];
const result = await frame.evaluate(async function() {
return await compute(3, 5);
describe('Page.setRequestInterception', function() {
it('should intercept', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should stop intercepting', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.once('request', request => request.continue());
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setRequestInterception(false);
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should show custom HTTP headers', SX(async function() {
await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({
foo: 'bar'
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should be abortable', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
if (request.url.endsWith('.css'))
let failedRequests = 0;
page.on('requestfailed', event => ++failedRequests);
const response = await page.goto(PREFIX + '/one-style.html');
it('should be abortable with custom error codes', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
let failedRequest = null;
page.on('requestfailed', request => failedRequest = request);
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => {});
it('should amend HTTP headers', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
const headers = Object.assign({}, request.headers);
headers['FOO'] = 'bar';
request.continue({ headers });
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const [request] = await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => fetch('/sleep.zzz'))
it('should fail navigation when aborting main resource', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => request.abort());
let error = null;
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE).catch(e => error = e);
it('should work with redirects', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => {
server.setRedirect('/non-existing-page.html', '/non-existing-page-2.html');
server.setRedirect('/non-existing-page-2.html', '/non-existing-page-3.html');
server.setRedirect('/non-existing-page-3.html', '/non-existing-page-4.html');
server.setRedirect('/non-existing-page-4.html', '/empty.html');
const response = await page.goto(PREFIX + '/non-existing-page.html');
it('should be able to abort redirects', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
server.setRedirect('/non-existing.json', '/non-existing-2.json');
server.setRedirect('/non-existing-2.json', '/simple.html');
page.on('request', request => {
if (request.url.includes('non-existing-2'))
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const result = await page.evaluate(async() => {
try {
await fetch('/non-existing.json');
} catch (e) {
return e.message;
expect(result).toContain('Failed to fetch');
it('should work with equal requests', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
let responseCount = 1;
server.setRoute('/zzz', (req, res) => res.end((responseCount++) * 11 + ''));
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
let spinner = false;
// Cancel 2nd request.
page.on('request', request => {
spinner ? request.abort() : request.continue();
spinner = !spinner;
const results = await page.evaluate(() => Promise.all([
fetch('/zzz').then(response => response.text()).catch(e => 'FAILED'),
fetch('/zzz').then(response => response.text()).catch(e => 'FAILED'),
fetch('/zzz').then(response => response.text()).catch(e => 'FAILED'),
expect(results).toEqual(['11', 'FAILED', '22']);
it('should navigate to dataURL and fire dataURL requests', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => {
const dataURL = 'data:text/html,<div>yo</div>';
const response = await page.goto(dataURL);
it('should abort data URLs', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
let error = null;
await page.goto('data:text/html,No way!').catch(err => error = err);
it('should navigate to URL with hash and and fire requests without hash', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => {
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE + '#hash');
it('should work with encoded URLs', SX(async function() {
// The requestWillBeSent will report encoded URL, whereas interception will
// report URL as-is. @see crbug.com/759388
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => request.continue());
const response = await page.goto(PREFIX + '/some nonexisting page');
it('should work with badly encoded URLs', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
server.setRoute('/malformed?rnd=%911', (req, res) => res.end());
page.on('request', request => request.continue());
const response = await page.goto(PREFIX + '/malformed?rnd=%911');
it('should work with encoded URLs - 2', SX(async function() {
// The requestWillBeSent will report URL as-is, whereas interception will
// report encoded URL for stylesheet. @see crbug.com/759388
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => {
const response = await page.goto(`data:text/html,<link rel="stylesheet" href="${PREFIX}/fonts?helvetica|arial"/>`);
it('should not throw "Invalid Interception Id" if the request was cancelled', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<iframe></iframe>');
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
let request = null;
page.on('request', async r => request = r);
page.$eval('iframe', (frame, url) => frame.src = url, EMPTY_PAGE),
// Wait for request interception.
await waitForEvents(page, 'request');
// Delete frame to cause request to be canceled.
await page.$eval('iframe', frame => frame.remove());
let error = null;
await request.continue().catch(e => error = e);
it('should throw if interception is not enabled', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
page.on('request', async request => {
try {
await request.continue();
} catch (e) {
error = e;
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(error.message).toContain('Request Interception is not enabled');
describe('Request.respond', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
status: 201,
headers: {
foo: 'bar'
body: 'Yo, page!'
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.body.textContent)).toBe('Yo, page!');
it('should allow mocking binary responses', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
const imageBuffer = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'pptr.png'));
contentType: 'image/png',
body: imageBuffer
await page.evaluate(PREFIX => {
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = PREFIX + '/does-not-exist.png';
return new Promise(fulfill => img.onload = fulfill);
const img = await page.$('img');
expect(await img.screenshot()).toBeGolden('mock-binary-response.png');
describe('Page.Events.Dialog', function() {
it('should fire', SX(async function() {
page.on('dialog', dialog => {
await page.evaluate(() => alert('yo'));
it('should allow accepting prompts', SX(async function() {
page.on('dialog', dialog => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => prompt('question?', 'yes.'));
it('should dismiss the prompt', SX(async function() {
page.on('dialog', dialog => {
const result = await page.evaluate(() => prompt('question?'));
describe('Page.Events.PageError', function() {
it('should fire', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
page.once('pageerror', e => error = e);
page.goto(PREFIX + '/error.html');
await waitForEvents(page, 'pageerror');
describe('Page.Events.Request', function() {
it('should fire', SX(async function() {
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => requests.push(request));
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
describe('Frame Management', function() {
const FrameUtils = require('./frame-utils');
it('should handle nested frames', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
it('should send events when frames are manipulated dynamically', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
// validate frameattached events
const attachedFrames = [];
page.on('frameattached', frame => attachedFrames.push(frame));
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', './assets/frame.html');
// validate framenavigated events
const navigatedFrames = [];
page.on('framenavigated', frame => navigatedFrames.push(frame));
await FrameUtils.navigateFrame(page, 'frame1', './empty.html');
// validate framedetached events
const detachedFrames = [];
page.on('framedetached', frame => detachedFrames.push(frame));
await FrameUtils.detachFrame(page, 'frame1');
it('should persist mainFrame on cross-process navigation', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const mainFrame = page.mainFrame();
await page.goto('' + PORT + '/empty.html');
expect(page.mainFrame() === mainFrame).toBeTruthy();
it('should not send attach/detach events for main frame', SX(async function() {
let hasEvents = false;
page.on('frameattached', frame => hasEvents = true);
page.on('framedetached', frame => hasEvents = true);
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should detach child frames on navigation', SX(async function() {
let attachedFrames = [];
let detachedFrames = [];
let navigatedFrames = [];
page.on('frameattached', frame => attachedFrames.push(frame));
page.on('framedetached', frame => detachedFrames.push(frame));
page.on('framenavigated', frame => navigatedFrames.push(frame));
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
attachedFrames = [];
detachedFrames = [];
navigatedFrames = [];
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should report frame.name()', SX(async function() {
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'theFrameId', EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.evaluate(url => {
const frame = document.createElement('iframe');
frame.name = 'theFrameName';
frame.src = url;
return new Promise(x => frame.onload = x);
it('should report frame.parent()', SX(async function() {
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame1', EMPTY_PAGE);
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'frame2', EMPTY_PAGE);
describe('Page.$eval', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<section id="testAttribute">43543</section>');
const idAttribute = await page.$eval('section', e => e.id);
it('should accept arguments', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<section>hello</section>');
const text = await page.$eval('section', (e, suffix) => e.textContent + suffix, ' world!');
expect(text).toBe('hello world!');
it('should accept ElementHandles as arguments', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<section>hello</section><div> world</div>');
const divHandle = await page.$('div');
const text = await page.$eval('section', (e, div) => e.textContent + div.textContent, divHandle);
expect(text).toBe('hello world');
it('should throw error if no element is found', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
await page.$eval('section', e => e.id).catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('failed to find element matching selector "section"');
describe('Page.$$eval', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<div>hello</div><div>beautiful</div><div>world!</div>');
const divsCount = await page.$$eval('div', divs => divs.length);
describe('Page.$', function() {
it('should query existing element', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<section>test</section>');
const element = await page.$('section');
it('should return null for non-existing element', SX(async function() {
const element = await page.$('non-existing-element');
describe('Page.$$', function() {
it('should query existing elements', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<div>A</div><br/><div>B</div>');
const elements = await page.$$('div');
const promises = elements.map(element => page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element));
expect(await Promise.all(promises)).toEqual(['A', 'B']);
it('should return empty array if nothing is found', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const elements = await page.$$('div');
describe('ElementHandle.boundingBox', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
const elementHandle = await page.$('.box:nth-of-type(13)');
const box = await elementHandle.boundingBox();
expect(box).toEqual({ x: 100, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50 });
it('should handle nested frames', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/frames/nested-frames.html');
const nestedFrame = page.frames()[1].childFrames()[1];
const elementHandle = await nestedFrame.$('div');
const box = await elementHandle.boundingBox();
expect(box).toEqual({ x: 28, y: 260, width: 264, height: 18 });
it('should return null for invisible elements', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<div style="display:none">hi</div>');
const element = await page.$('div');
expect(await element.boundingBox()).toBe(null);
describe('ElementHandle.click', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const button = await page.$('button');
await button.click();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should work for Shadow DOM v1', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/shadow.html');
const buttonHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => button);
await buttonHandle.click();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => clicked)).toBe(true);
it('should work for TextNodes', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const buttonTextNode = await page.evaluateHandle(() => document.querySelector('button').firstChild);
let error = null;
await buttonTextNode.click().catch(err => error = err);
expect(error.message).toBe('Node is not of type HTMLElement');
it('should throw for detached nodes', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const button = await page.$('button');
await page.evaluate(button => button.remove(), button);
let error = null;
await button.click().catch(err => error = err);
expect(error.message).toBe('Node is detached from document');
it('should throw for hidden nodes', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const button = await page.$('button');
await page.evaluate(button => button.style.display = 'none', button);
const error = await button.click().catch(err => err);
expect(error.message).toBe('Node is not visible');
it('should throw for recursively hidden nodes', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const button = await page.$('button');
await page.evaluate(button => button.parentElement.style.display = 'none', button);
const error = await button.click().catch(err => err);
expect(error.message).toBe('Node is not visible');
it('should throw for <br> elements', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('hello<br>goodbye');
const br = await page.$('br');
const error = await br.click().catch(err => err);
expect(error.message).toBe('Node is not visible');
describe('ElementHandle.hover', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
const button = await page.$('#button-6');
await button.hover();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('button:hover').id)).toBe('button-6');
describe('ElementHandle.screenshot', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
await page.evaluate(() => window.scrollBy(50, 100));
const elementHandle = await page.$('.box:nth-of-type(3)');
const screenshot = await elementHandle.screenshot();
it('should take into account padding and border', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.setContent(`
something above
<style>div {
border: 2px solid blue;
background: green;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
const elementHandle = await page.$('div');
const screenshot = await elementHandle.screenshot();
it('should scroll element into view', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.setContent(`
something above
<style>div.above {
border: 2px solid blue;
background: red;
height: 1500px;
div.to-screenshot {
border: 2px solid blue;
background: green;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
<div class="above"></div>
<div class="to-screenshot"></div>
const elementHandle = await page.$('div.to-screenshot');
const screenshot = await elementHandle.screenshot();
it('should work with a rotated element', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.setContent(`<div style="position:absolute;
top: 100px;
left: 100px;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: green;
transform: rotateZ(200deg);"> </div>`);
const elementHandle = await page.$('div');
const screenshot = await elementHandle.screenshot();
it('should fail to screenshot a detached element', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<h1>remove this</h1>');
const elementHandle = await page.$('h1');
await page.evaluate(element => element.remove(), elementHandle);
const screenshotError = await elementHandle.screenshot().catch(error => error);
expect(screenshotError.message).toBe('Node is detached from document');
describe('ElementHandle.$', function() {
it('should query existing element', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/playground.html');
await page.setContent('<html><body><div class="second"><div class="inner">A</div></div></body></html>');
const html = await page.$('html');
const second = await html.$('.second');
const inner = await second.$('.inner');
const content = await page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, inner);
it('should return null for non-existing element', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<html><body><div class="second"><div class="inner">B</div></div></body></html>');
const html = await page.$('html');
const second = await html.$('.third');
describe('ElementHandle.$$', function() {
it('should query existing elements', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<html><body><div>A</div><br/><div>B</div></body></html>');
const html = await page.$('html');
const elements = await html.$$('div');
const promises = elements.map(element => page.evaluate(e => e.textContent, element));
expect(await Promise.all(promises)).toEqual(['A', 'B']);
it('should return empty array for non-existing elements', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<html><body><span>A</span><br/><span>B</span></body></html>');
const html = await page.$('html');
const elements = await html.$$('div');
describe('input', function() {
it('should click the button', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.click('button');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should click on checkbox input and toggle', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/checkbox.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(null);
await page.click('input#agree');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(true);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.events)).toEqual([
await page.click('input#agree');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(false);
it('should click on checkbox label and toggle', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/checkbox.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(null);
await page.click('label[for="agree"]');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(true);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.events)).toEqual([
await page.click('label[for="agree"]');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.check)).toBe(false);
it('should fail to click a missing button', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
let error = null;
await page.click('button.does-not-exist').catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toBe('No node found for selector: button.does-not-exist');
// @see https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/161
it('should not hang with touch-enabled viewports', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport(iPhone.viewport);
await page.mouse.down();
await page.mouse.move(100, 10);
await page.mouse.up();
it('should type into the textarea', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
const textarea = await page.$('textarea');
await textarea.type('Type in this text!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Type in this text!');
it('should click the button after navigation ', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.click('button');
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.click('button');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should upload the file', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/fileupload.html');
const filePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), __dirname + '/assets/file-to-upload.txt');
const input = await page.$('input');
await input.uploadFile(filePath);
expect(await page.evaluate(e => e.files[0].name, input)).toBe('file-to-upload.txt');
expect(await page.evaluate(e => {
const reader = new FileReader();
const promise = new Promise(fulfill => reader.onload = fulfill);
return promise.then(() => reader.result);
}, input)).toBe('contents of the file');
it('should move with the arrow keys', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.type('textarea', 'Hello World!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('Hello World!');
for (let i = 0; i < 'World!'.length; i++)
await page.keyboard.type('inserted ');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('Hello inserted World!');
for (let i = 0; i < 'inserted '.length; i++)
await page.keyboard.press('Backspace');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('Hello World!');
it('should send a character with ElementHandle.press', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
const textarea = await page.$('textarea');
await textarea.press('a', {text: 'f'});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('f');
await page.evaluate(() => window.addEventListener('keydown', e => e.preventDefault(), true));
await textarea.press('a', {text: 'y'});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('f');
it('should send a character with sendCharacter', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
await page.keyboard.sendCharacter('嗨');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('嗨');
await page.evaluate(() => window.addEventListener('keydown', e => e.preventDefault(), true));
await page.keyboard.sendCharacter('a');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').value)).toBe('嗨a');
it('should report shiftKey', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
const codeForKey = {'Shift': 16, 'Alt': 18, 'Meta': 91, 'Control': 17};
for (const modifierKey in codeForKey) {
await keyboard.down(modifierKey);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: ' + modifierKey + ' ' + modifierKey + 'Left ' + codeForKey[modifierKey] + ' [' + modifierKey + ']');
await keyboard.down('!');
// Shift+! will generate a keypress
if (modifierKey === 'Shift')
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: ! Digit1 49 [' + modifierKey + ']\nKeypress: ! Digit1 33 33 33 [' + modifierKey + ']');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: ! Digit1 49 [' + modifierKey + ']');
await keyboard.up('!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: ! Digit1 49 [' + modifierKey + ']');
await keyboard.up(modifierKey);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: ' + modifierKey + ' ' + modifierKey + 'Left ' + codeForKey[modifierKey] + ' []');
it('should report multiple modifiers', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
await keyboard.down('Control');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: Control ControlLeft 17 [Control]');
await keyboard.down('Meta');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: Meta MetaLeft 91 [Control Meta]');
await keyboard.down(';');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keydown: ; Semicolon 186 [Control Meta]');
await keyboard.up(';');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: ; Semicolon 186 [Control Meta]');
await keyboard.up('Control');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: Control ControlLeft 17 [Meta]');
await keyboard.up('Meta');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe('Keyup: Meta MetaLeft 91 []');
it('should send proper codes while typing', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
await page.keyboard.type('!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe(
[ 'Keydown: ! Digit1 49 []',
'Keypress: ! Digit1 33 33 33 []',
'Keyup: ! Digit1 49 []'].join('\n'));
await page.keyboard.type('^');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe(
[ 'Keydown: ^ Digit6 54 []',
'Keypress: ^ Digit6 94 94 94 []',
'Keyup: ^ Digit6 54 []'].join('\n'));
it('should send proper codes while typing with shift', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/keyboard.html');
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
await keyboard.down('Shift');
await page.keyboard.type('~');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toBe(
[ 'Keydown: Shift ShiftLeft 16 [Shift]',
'Keydown: ~ Backquote 192 [Shift]', // 192 is ` keyCode
'Keypress: ~ Backquote 126 126 126 [Shift]', // 126 is ~ charCode
'Keyup: ~ Backquote 192 [Shift]'].join('\n'));
await keyboard.up('Shift');
it('should not type canceled events', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
if (event.key === 'l')
if (event.key === 'o')
Promise.resolve().then(() => event.preventDefault());
}, false);
await page.keyboard.type('Hello World!');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => textarea.value)).toBe('He Wrd!');
it('keyboard.modifiers()', SX(async function(){
const keyboard = page.keyboard;
await keyboard.down('Shift');
await keyboard.down('Alt');
await keyboard.up('Shift');
await keyboard.up('Alt');
it('should resize the textarea', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
const {x, y, width, height} = await page.evaluate(dimensions);
const mouse = page.mouse;
await mouse.move(x + width - 4, y + height - 4);
await mouse.down();
await mouse.move(x + width + 100, y + height + 100);
await mouse.up();
const newDimensions = await page.evaluate(dimensions);
expect(newDimensions.width).toBe(width + 104);
expect(newDimensions.height).toBe(height + 104);
it('should scroll and click the button', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.click('#button-5');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#button-5').textContent)).toBe('clicked');
await page.click('#button-80');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#button-80').textContent)).toBe('clicked');
it('should click a partially obscured button', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.evaluate(() => {
const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.textContent = 'Some really long text that will go offscreen';
button.style.position = 'absolute';
button.style.left = '368px';
await page.click('button');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should select the text with mouse', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
const text = 'This is the text that we are going to try to select. Let\'s see how it goes.';
await page.keyboard.type(text);
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').scrollTop = 0);
const {x, y} = await page.evaluate(dimensions);
await page.mouse.move(x + 2,y + 2);
await page.mouse.down();
await page.mouse.move(100,100);
await page.mouse.up();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.getSelection().toString())).toBe(text);
it('should select the text by triple clicking', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
const text = 'This is the text that we are going to try to select. Let\'s see how it goes.';
await page.keyboard.type(text);
await page.click('textarea');
await page.click('textarea', {clickCount: 2});
await page.click('textarea', {clickCount: 3});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.getSelection().toString())).toBe(text);
it('should trigger hover state', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.hover('#button-6');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('button:hover').id)).toBe('button-6');
await page.hover('#button-2');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('button:hover').id)).toBe('button-2');
await page.hover('#button-91');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('button:hover').id)).toBe('button-91');
it('should fire contextmenu event on right click', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.click('#button-8', {button: 'right'});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#button-8').textContent)).toBe('context menu');
it('should set modifier keys on click', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/scrollable.html');
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#button-3').addEventListener('mousedown', e => window.lastEvent = e, true));
const modifiers = {'Shift': 'shiftKey', 'Control': 'ctrlKey', 'Alt': 'altKey', 'Meta': 'metaKey'};
for (const modifier in modifiers) {
await page.keyboard.down(modifier);
await page.click('#button-3');
if (!(await page.evaluate(mod => window.lastEvent[mod], modifiers[modifier])))
fail(modifiers[modifier] + ' should be true');
await page.keyboard.up(modifier);
await page.click('#button-3');
for (const modifier in modifiers) {
if ((await page.evaluate(mod => window.lastEvent[mod], modifiers[modifier])))
fail(modifiers[modifier] + ' should be false');
it('should specify repeat property', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('textarea').addEventListener('keydown', e => window.lastEvent = e, true));
await page.keyboard.down('a', {text: 'a'});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.lastEvent.repeat)).toBe(false);
await page.keyboard.press('a');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.lastEvent.repeat)).toBe(true);
// @see https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer/issues/206
it('should click links which cause navigation', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent(`<a href="${EMPTY_PAGE}">empty.html</a>`);
// This await should not hang.
await page.click('a');
it('should tween mouse movement', SX(async function() {
await page.mouse.move(100, 100);
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.result = [];
document.addEventListener('mousemove', event => {
window.result.push([event.clientX, event.clientY]);
await page.mouse.move(200, 300, {steps: 5});
expect(await page.evaluate('result')).toEqual([
[120, 140],
[140, 180],
[160, 220],
[180, 260],
[200, 300]
it('should tap the button', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
await page.tap('button');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
xit('should report touches', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/touches.html');
const button = await page.$('button');
await button.tap();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => getResult())).toEqual(['Touchstart: 0', 'Touchend: 0']);
it('should click the button inside an iframe', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.setContent('<div style="width:100px;height:100px">spacer</div>');
const FrameUtils = require('./frame-utils');
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'button-test', PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const frame = page.frames()[1];
const button = await frame.$('button');
await button.click();
expect(await frame.evaluate(() => window.result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should click the button with deviceScaleFactor set', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 400, height: 400, deviceScaleFactor: 5});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.devicePixelRatio)).toBe(5);
await page.setContent('<div style="width:100px;height:100px">spacer</div>');
const FrameUtils = require('./frame-utils');
await FrameUtils.attachFrame(page, 'button-test', PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const frame = page.frames()[1];
const button = await frame.$('button');
await button.click();
expect(await frame.evaluate(() => window.result)).toBe('Clicked');
it('should type all kinds of characters', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.focus('textarea');
const text = 'This text goes onto two lines.\nThis character is 嗨.';
await page.keyboard.type(text);
expect(await page.evaluate('result')).toBe(text);
it('should specify location', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/textarea.html');
await page.evaluate(() => {
window.addEventListener('keydown', event => window.keyLocation = event.location, true);
const textarea = await page.$('textarea');
await textarea.press('Digit5');
expect(await page.evaluate('keyLocation')).toBe(0);
await textarea.press('ControlLeft');
expect(await page.evaluate('keyLocation')).toBe(1);
await textarea.press('ControlRight');
expect(await page.evaluate('keyLocation')).toBe(2);
await textarea.press('NumpadSubtract');
expect(await page.evaluate('keyLocation')).toBe(3);
it('should throw on unknown keys', SX(async function() {
let error = await page.keyboard.press('NotARealKey').catch(e => e);
expect(error.message).toBe('Unknown key: "NotARealKey"');
error = await page.keyboard.press('ё').catch(e => e);
expect(error && error.message).toBe('Unknown key: "ё"');
error = await page.keyboard.press('😊').catch(e => e);
expect(error && error.message).toBe('Unknown key: "😊"');
function dimensions() {
const rect = document.querySelector('textarea').getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: rect.left,
y: rect.top,
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height
describe('Page.setUserAgent', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)).toContain('Mozilla');
const [request] = await Promise.all([
it('should emulate device user-agent', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/mobile.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)).toContain('Chrome');
await page.setUserAgent(iPhone.userAgent);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)).toContain('Safari');
describe('Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({
foo: 'bar'
const [request] = await Promise.all([
it('should throw for non-string header values', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
try {
await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders({ 'foo': 1 });
} catch (e) {
error = e;
expect(error.message).toBe('Expected value of header "foo" to be String, but "number" is found.');
describe('Page.authenticate', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
server.setAuth('/empty.html', 'user', 'pass');
let response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.authenticate({
username: 'user',
password: 'pass'
response = await page.reload();
it('should fail if wrong credentials', SX(async function() {
// Use unique user/password since Chrome caches credentials per origin.
server.setAuth('/empty.html', 'user2', 'pass2');
await page.authenticate({
username: 'foo',
password: 'bar'
const response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should allow disable authentication', SX(async function() {
// Use unique user/password since Chrome caches credentials per origin.
server.setAuth('/empty.html', 'user3', 'pass3');
await page.authenticate({
username: 'user3',
password: 'pass3'
let response = await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.authenticate(null);
// Navigate to a different origin to bust Chrome's credential caching.
response = await page.goto(CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/empty.html');
describe('Page.setContent', function() {
const expectedOutput = '<html><head></head><body><div>hello</div></body></html>';
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<div>hello</div>');
const result = await page.content();
it('should work with doctype', SX(async function() {
const doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
await page.setContent(`${doctype}<div>hello</div>`);
const result = await page.content();
it('should work with HTML 4 doctype', SX(async function() {
const doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ' +
await page.setContent(`${doctype}<div>hello</div>`);
const result = await page.content();
describe('Network Events', function() {
it('Page.Events.Request', SX(async function() {
const requests = [];
page.on('request', request => requests.push(request));
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('Page.Events.Request should report post data', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
server.setRoute('/post', (req, res) => res.end());
let request = null;
page.on('request', r => request = r);
await page.evaluate(() => fetch('./post', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({foo: 'bar'})}));
it('Page.Events.Response', SX(async function() {
const responses = [];
page.on('response', response => responses.push(response));
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('Page.Events.Response should provide body', SX(async function() {
let response = null;
page.on('response', r => response = r);
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/simple.json');
expect(await response.text()).toBe('{"foo": "bar"}\n');
expect(await response.json()).toEqual({foo: 'bar'});
it('Page.Events.Response should not report body unless request is finished', SX(async() => {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
// Setup server to trap request.
let serverResponse = null;
server.setRoute('/get', (req, res) => {
serverResponse = res;
res.write('hello ');
// Setup page to trap response.
let pageResponse = null;
let requestFinished = false;
page.on('response', r => pageResponse = r);
page.on('requestfinished', () => requestFinished = true);
// send request and wait for server response
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(() => fetch('./get', { method: 'GET'})),
waitForEvents(page, 'response')
const responseText = pageResponse.text();
// Write part of the response and wait for it to be flushed.
await new Promise(x => serverResponse.write('wor', x));
// Finish response.
await new Promise(x => serverResponse.end('ld!', x));
expect(await responseText).toBe('hello world!');
it('Page.Events.RequestFailed', SX(async function() {
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('request', request => {
if (request.url.endsWith('css'))
const failedRequests = [];
page.on('requestfailed', request => failedRequests.push(request));
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/one-style.html');
it('Page.Events.RequestFinished', SX(async function() {
const requests = [];
page.on('requestfinished', request => requests.push(request));
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should fire events in proper order', SX(async function() {
const events = [];
page.on('request', request => events.push('request'));
page.on('response', response => events.push('response'));
page.on('requestfinished', request => events.push('requestfinished'));
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
expect(events).toEqual(['request', 'response', 'requestfinished']);
it('should support redirects', SX(async function() {
const events = [];
page.on('request', request => events.push(`${request.method} ${request.url}`));
page.on('response', response => events.push(`${response.status} ${response.url}`));
page.on('requestfinished', request => events.push(`DONE ${request.url}`));
page.on('requestfailed', request => events.push(`FAIL ${request.url}`));
server.setRedirect('/foo.html', '/empty.html');
const FOO_URL = PREFIX + '/foo.html';
await page.goto(FOO_URL);
`302 ${FOO_URL}`,
`200 ${EMPTY_PAGE}`,
describe('Page.addScriptTag', function() {
it('should throw an error if no options are provided', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
try {
await page.addScriptTag('/injectedfile.js');
} catch (e) {
error = e;
expect(error.message).toBe('Provide an object with a `url`, `path` or `content` property');
it('should work with a url', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const scriptHandle = await page.addScriptTag({ url: '/injectedfile.js' });
expect(await page.evaluate(() => __injected)).toBe(42);
it('should throw an error if loading from url fail', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
let error = null;
try {
await page.addScriptTag({ url: '/nonexistfile.js' });
} catch (e) {
error = e;
expect(error.message).toBe('Loading script from /nonexistfile.js failed');
it('should work with a path', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const scriptHandle = await page.addScriptTag({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/injectedfile.js') });
expect(await page.evaluate(() => __injected)).toBe(42);
it('should include sourcemap when path is provided', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.addScriptTag({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/injectedfile.js') });
const result = await page.evaluate(() => __injectedError.stack);
expect(result).toContain(path.join('assets', 'injectedfile.js'));
it('should work with content', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const scriptHandle = await page.addScriptTag({ content: 'window.__injected = 35;' });
expect(await page.evaluate(() => __injected)).toBe(35);
describe('Page.addStyleTag', function() {
it('should throw an error if no options are provided', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
try {
await page.addStyleTag('/injectedstyle.css');
} catch (e) {
error = e;
expect(error.message).toBe('Provide an object with a `url`, `path` or `content` property');
it('should work with a url', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const styleHandle = await page.addStyleTag({ url: '/injectedstyle.css' });
expect(await page.evaluate(`window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')).getPropertyValue('background-color')`)).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)');
it('should throw an error if loading from url fail', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
let error = null;
try {
await page.addStyleTag({ url: '/nonexistfile.js' });
} catch (e) {
error = e;
expect(error.message).toBe('Loading style from /nonexistfile.js failed');
it('should work with a path', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const styleHandle = await page.addStyleTag({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/injectedstyle.css') });
expect(await page.evaluate(`window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')).getPropertyValue('background-color')`)).toBe('rgb(255, 0, 0)');
it('should include sourcemap when path is provided', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
await page.addStyleTag({ path: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/injectedstyle.css') });
const styleHandle = await page.$('style');
const styleContent = await page.evaluate(style => style.innerHTML, styleHandle);
expect(styleContent).toContain(path.join('assets', 'injectedstyle.css'));
it('should work with content', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const styleHandle = await page.addStyleTag({ content: 'body { background-color: green; }' });
expect(await page.evaluate(`window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('body')).getPropertyValue('background-color')`)).toBe('rgb(0, 128, 0)');
describe('Page.url', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
describe('Page.viewport', function() {
it('should get the proper viewport size', SX(async function() {
expect(page.viewport()).toEqual({width: 800, height: 600});
await page.setViewport({width: 123, height: 456});
expect(page.viewport()).toEqual({width: 123, height: 456});
it('should support mobile emulation', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/mobile.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.innerWidth)).toBe(800);
await page.setViewport(iPhone.viewport);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.innerWidth)).toBe(375);
await page.setViewport({width: 400, height: 300});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.innerWidth)).toBe(400);
it('should support touch emulation', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/mobile.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => 'ontouchstart' in window)).toBe(false);
await page.setViewport(iPhone.viewport);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => 'ontouchstart' in window)).toBe(true);
expect(await page.evaluate(dispatchTouch)).toBe('Recieved touch');
await page.setViewport({width: 100, height: 100});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => 'ontouchstart' in window)).toBe(false);
function dispatchTouch() {
let fulfill;
const promise = new Promise(x => fulfill = x);
window.ontouchstart = function(e) {
fulfill('Recieved touch');
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('touchstart'));
fulfill('Did not recieve touch');
return promise;
it('should be detectable by Modernizr', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/detect-touch.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.body.textContent.trim())).toBe('NO');
await page.setViewport(iPhone.viewport);
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/detect-touch.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => document.body.textContent.trim())).toBe('YES');
it('should support landscape emulation', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/mobile.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => screen.orientation.type)).toBe('portrait-primary');
await page.setViewport(iPhoneLandscape.viewport);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => screen.orientation.type)).toBe('landscape-primary');
await page.setViewport({width: 100, height: 100});
expect(await page.evaluate(() => screen.orientation.type)).toBe('portrait-primary');
describe('Page.emulate', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/mobile.html');
await page.emulate(iPhone);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.innerWidth)).toBe(375);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.userAgent)).toContain('Safari');
it('should support clicking', SX(async function() {
await page.emulate(iPhone);
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
const button = await page.$('button');
await page.evaluate(button => button.style.marginTop = '200px', button);
await button.click();
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result)).toBe('Clicked');
describe('Page.emulateMedia', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.matchMedia('screen').matches)).toBe(true);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.matchMedia('print').matches)).toBe(false);
await page.emulateMedia('print');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.matchMedia('screen').matches)).toBe(false);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.matchMedia('print').matches)).toBe(true);
await page.emulateMedia(null);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.matchMedia('screen').matches)).toBe(true);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.matchMedia('print').matches)).toBe(false);
it('should throw in case of bad argument', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
await page.emulateMedia('bad').catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toBe('Unsupported media type: bad');
describe('Page.setJavaScriptEnabled', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(false);
await page.goto('data:text/html, <script>var something = "forbidden"</script>');
let error = null;
await page.evaluate('something').catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('something is not defined');
await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
await page.goto('data:text/html, <script>var something = "forbidden"</script>');
expect(await page.evaluate('something')).toBe('forbidden');
describe('Page.evaluateOnNewDocument', function() {
it('should evaluate before anything else on the page', SX(async function() {
await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(function(){
window.injected = 123;
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/tamperable.html');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window.result)).toBe(123);
// Printing to pdf is currently only supported in headless
(headless ? describe : xdescribe)('Page.pdf', function() {
it('should be able to save file', SX(async function() {
const outputFile = __dirname + '/assets/output.pdf';
await page.pdf({path: outputFile});
it('should default to printing in Letter format', SX(async function() {
const pages = await getPDFPages(await page.pdf());
expect(pages[0].width).toBeCloseTo(8.5, 2);
expect(pages[0].height).toBeCloseTo(11, 2);
it('should support setting custom format', SX(async function() {
const pages = await getPDFPages(await page.pdf({
format: 'a4'
expect(pages[0].width).toBeCloseTo(8.27, 1);
expect(pages[0].height).toBeCloseTo(11.7, 1);
it('should support setting paper width and height', SX(async function() {
const pages = await getPDFPages(await page.pdf({
width: '10in',
height: '10in',
expect(pages[0].width).toBeCloseTo(10, 2);
expect(pages[0].height).toBeCloseTo(10, 2);
it('should print multiple pages', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
// Define width and height in CSS pixels.
const width = 50 * 5 + 1;
const height = 50 * 5 + 1;
const pages = await getPDFPages(await page.pdf({width, height}));
expect(pages[0].width).toBeCloseTo(cssPixelsToInches(width), 2);
expect(pages[0].height).toBeCloseTo(cssPixelsToInches(height), 2);
it('should support page ranges', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
// Define width and height in CSS pixels.
const width = 50 * 5 + 1;
const height = 50 * 5 + 1;
const pages = await getPDFPages(await page.pdf({width, height, pageRanges: '1,4-7'}));
it('should throw if format is unknown', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
try {
await getPDFPages(await page.pdf({
format: 'something'
} catch (e) {
error = e;
expect(error.message).toContain('Unknown paper format');
it('should throw if units are unknown', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
try {
await getPDFPages(await page.pdf({
width: '10em',
height: '10em',
} catch (e) {
error = e;
expect(error.message).toContain('Failed to parse parameter value');
describe('Page.title', function() {
it('should return the page title', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/button.html');
expect(await page.title()).toBe('Button test');
describe('Page.screenshot', function() {
it('should work', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
const screenshot = await page.screenshot();
it('should clip rect', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
const screenshot = await page.screenshot({
clip: {
x: 50,
y: 100,
width: 150,
height: 100
it('should work for offscreen clip', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
const screenshot = await page.screenshot({
clip: {
x: 50,
y: 600,
width: 100,
height: 100
it('should run in parallel', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
const promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
clip: {
x: 50 * i,
y: 0,
width: 50,
height: 50
const screenshots = await Promise.all(promises);
it('should take fullPage screenshots', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({width: 500, height: 500});
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
const screenshot = await page.screenshot({
fullPage: true
it('should run in parallel in multiple pages', SX(async function() {
const N = 2;
const pages = await Promise.all(Array(N).fill(0).map(async() => {
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
return page;
const promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i)
promises.push(pages[i].screenshot({ clip: { x: 50 * i, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50 } }));
const screenshots = await Promise.all(promises);
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i)
await Promise.all(pages.map(page => page.close()));
it('should allow transparency', SX(async function() {
await page.setViewport({ width: 100, height: 100 });
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const screenshot = await page.screenshot({omitBackground: true});
it('should work with odd clip size on Retina displays', SX(async function() {
const screenshot = await page.screenshot({
clip: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 11,
height: 11,
describe('Page.select', function() {
it('should select single option', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
await page.select('select', 'blue');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.onInput)).toEqual(['blue']);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.onChange)).toEqual(['blue']);
it('should select multiple options', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
await page.evaluate(() => makeMultiple());
await page.select('select', 'blue', 'green', 'red');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.onInput)).toEqual(['blue', 'green', 'red']);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.onChange)).toEqual(['blue', 'green', 'red']);
it('should respect event bubbling', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
await page.select('select', 'blue');
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.onBubblingInput)).toEqual(['blue']);
expect(await page.evaluate(() => result.onBubblingChange)).toEqual(['blue']);
it('should throw when element is not a <select>', SX(async function() {
let error = null;
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
await page.select('body', '').catch(e => error = e);
expect(error.message).toContain('Element is not a <select> element.');
it('should return [] on no matched values', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
const result = await page.select('select','42','abc');
it('should return an array of matched values', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
await page.evaluate(() => makeMultiple());
const result = await page.select('select','blue','black','magenta');
expect(result.reduce((accumulator,current) => ['blue', 'black', 'magenta'].includes(current) && accumulator, true)).toEqual(true);
it('should return an array of one element when multiple is not set', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
const result = await page.select('select','42','blue','black','magenta');
it('should return [] on no values',SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
const result = await page.select('select');
it('should deselect all options when passed no values for a multiple select',SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
await page.evaluate(() => makeMultiple());
await page.select('select','blue','black','magenta');
await page.select('select');
expect(await page.$eval('select', select => Array.from(select.options).every(option => !option.selected))).toEqual(true);
it('should deselect all options when passed no values for a select without multiple',SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/input/select.html');
await page.select('select','blue','black','magenta');
await page.select('select');
expect(await page.$eval('select', select => Array.from(select.options).every(option => !option.selected))).toEqual(true);
it('should throw if passed in non-strings', SX(async function() {
await page.setContent('<select><option value="12"/></select>');
let error = null;
try {
await page.select('select', 12);
} catch (e) {
error = e;
expect(error.message).toContain('Values must be strings');
describe('Tracing', function() {
const outputFile = path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'trace.json');
afterEach(function() {
it('should output a trace', SX(async function() {
await page.tracing.start({screenshots: true, path: outputFile});
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
await page.tracing.stop();
it('should throw if tracing on two pages', SX(async function() {
await page.tracing.start({path: outputFile});
const newPage = await browser.newPage();
let error = null;
await newPage.tracing.start({path: outputFile}).catch(e => error = e);
await newPage.close();
await page.tracing.stop();
describe('Cookies', function() {
afterEach(SX(async function(){
const cookies = await page.cookies(PREFIX + '/grid.html', CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX);
for (const cookie of cookies)
await page.deleteCookie(cookie);
it('should set and get cookies', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
expect(await page.cookies()).toEqual([]);
await page.evaluate(() => {
document.cookie = 'username=John Doe';
expect(await page.cookies()).toEqual([{
name: 'username',
value: 'John Doe',
domain: 'localhost',
path: '/',
expires: 0,
size: 16,
httpOnly: false,
secure: false,
session: true }
await page.setCookie({
name: 'password',
value: '123456'
expect(await page.evaluate('document.cookie')).toBe('username=John Doe; password=123456');
const cookies = await page.cookies();
expect(cookies.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name))).toEqual([{
name: 'password',
value: '123456',
domain: 'localhost',
path: '/',
expires: 0,
size: 14,
httpOnly: false,
secure: false,
session: true
}, {
name: 'username',
value: 'John Doe',
domain: 'localhost',
path: '/',
expires: 0,
size: 16,
httpOnly: false,
secure: false,
session: true
it('should set a cookie with a path', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
await page.setCookie({
name: 'gridcookie',
value: 'GRID',
path: '/grid.html'
expect(await page.cookies()).toEqual([{
name: 'gridcookie',
value: 'GRID',
domain: 'localhost',
path: '/grid.html',
expires: 0,
size: 14,
httpOnly: false,
secure: false,
session: true
expect(await page.evaluate('document.cookie')).toBe('gridcookie=GRID');
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/empty.html');
expect(await page.cookies()).toEqual([]);
expect(await page.evaluate('document.cookie')).toBe('');
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
expect(await page.evaluate('document.cookie')).toBe('gridcookie=GRID');
it('should delete a cookie', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
await page.setCookie({
name: 'cookie1',
value: '1'
}, {
name: 'cookie2',
value: '2'
}, {
name: 'cookie3',
value: '3'
expect(await page.evaluate('document.cookie')).toBe('cookie1=1; cookie2=2; cookie3=3');
await page.deleteCookie({name: 'cookie2'});
expect(await page.evaluate('document.cookie')).toBe('cookie1=1; cookie3=3');
it('should set a cookie on a different domain', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
await page.setCookie({name: 'example-cookie', value: 'best', url: 'https://www.example.com'});
expect(await page.evaluate('document.cookie')).toBe('');
expect(await page.cookies()).toEqual([]);
expect(await page.cookies('https://www.example.com')).toEqual([{
name: 'example-cookie',
value: 'best',
domain: 'www.example.com',
path: '/',
expires: 0,
size: 18,
httpOnly: false,
secure: true,
session: true
it('should set cookies from a frame', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(PREFIX + '/grid.html');
await page.setCookie({name: 'localhost-cookie', value: 'best'});
await page.evaluate(src => {
let fulfill;
const promise = new Promise(x => fulfill = x);
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = fulfill;
iframe.src = src;
return promise;
await page.setCookie({name: '127-cookie', value: 'worst', url: CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX});
expect(await page.evaluate('document.cookie')).toBe('localhost-cookie=best');
expect(await page.frames()[1].evaluate('document.cookie')).toBe('127-cookie=worst');
expect(await page.cookies()).toEqual([{
name: 'localhost-cookie',
value: 'best',
domain: 'localhost',
path: '/',
expires: 0,
size: 20,
httpOnly: false,
secure: false,
session: true
expect(await page.cookies(CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX)).toEqual([{
name: '127-cookie',
value: 'worst',
domain: '',
path: '/',
expires: 0,
size: 15,
httpOnly: false,
secure: false,
session: true
describe('Target', function() {
it('Browser.targets should return all of the targets', SX(async function() {
// The pages will be the testing page and the original newtab page
const targets = browser.targets();
expect(targets.some(target => target.type() === 'page' &&
target.url() === 'about:blank')).toBeTruthy('Missing blank page');
expect(targets.some(target => target.type() === 'other' &&
target.url() === '')).toBeTruthy('Missing browser target');
it('Browser.pages should return all of the pages', SX(async function() {
// The pages will be the testing page and the original newtab page
const allPages = await browser.pages();
it('should be able to use the default page in the browser', SX(async function() {
// The pages will be the testing page and the original newtab page
const allPages = await browser.pages();
const originalPage = allPages.find(p => p !== page);
expect(await originalPage.evaluate(() => ['Hello', 'world'].join(' '))).toBe('Hello world');
expect(await originalPage.$('body')).toBeTruthy();
it('should report when a new page is created and closed', SX(async function(){
const otherPagePromise = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetcreated', target => fulfill(target.page())));
await page.evaluate(url => window.open(url), CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX);
const otherPage = await otherPagePromise;
expect(await otherPage.evaluate(() => ['Hello', 'world'].join(' '))).toBe('Hello world');
expect(await otherPage.$('body')).toBeTruthy();
let allPages = await browser.pages();
const closePagePromise = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetdestroyed', target => fulfill(target.page())));
await otherPage.close();
expect(await closePagePromise).toBe(otherPage);
allPages = await Promise.all(browser.targets().map(target => target.page()));
it('should report when a service worker is created and destroyed', SX(async function() {
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
const createdTarget = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetcreated', target => fulfill(target)));
const registration = await page.evaluateHandle(() => navigator.serviceWorker.register('sw.js'));
expect((await createdTarget).type()).toBe('service_worker');
expect((await createdTarget).url()).toBe(PREFIX + '/sw.js');
const destroyedTarget = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetdestroyed', target => fulfill(target)));
await page.evaluate(registration => registration.unregister(), registration);
expect(await destroyedTarget).toBe(await createdTarget);
it('should report when a target url changes', SX(async function(){
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
let changedTarget = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetchanged', target => fulfill(target)));
await page.goto(CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/');
expect((await changedTarget).url()).toBe(CROSS_PROCESS_PREFIX + '/');
changedTarget = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetchanged', target => fulfill(target)));
await page.goto(EMPTY_PAGE);
expect((await changedTarget).url()).toBe(EMPTY_PAGE);
it('should not report uninitialized pages', SX(async function() {
browser.on('targetchanged', () => {
expect(false).toBe(true, 'target should not be reported as changed');
const targetPromise = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetcreated', target => fulfill(target)));
const newPagePromise = browser.newPage();
const target = await targetPromise;
const newPage = await newPagePromise;
const targetPromise2 = new Promise(fulfill => browser.once('targetcreated', target => fulfill(target)));
const evaluatePromise = newPage.evaluate(() => window.open('about:blank'));
const target2 = await targetPromise2;
await evaluatePromise;
await newPage.close();
it('should not crash while redirecting if original request was missed', SX(async function() {
let serverResponse = null;
server.setRoute('/one-style.css', (req, res) => serverResponse = res);
// Open a new page. Use window.open to connect to the page later.
await Promise.all([
page.evaluate(url => window.open(url), PREFIX + '/one-style.html'),
// Connect to the opened page.
const target = browser.targets().find(target => target.url().includes('one-style.html'));
const newPage = await target.page();
// Issue a redirect.
serverResponse.writeHead(302, { location: '/injectedstyle.css' });
// Wait for the new page to load.
await waitForEvents(newPage, 'load');
// Cleanup.
await newPage.close();
it('Unhandled promise rejections should not be thrown', function() {
if (process.env.COVERAGE) {
describe('COVERAGE', function(){
const coverage = helper.publicAPICoverage();
const disabled = new Set(['page.bringToFront']);
if (!headless)
for (const method of coverage.keys()) {
(disabled.has(method) ? xit : it)(`public api '${method}' should be called`, SX(async function(){
* @param {!EventEmitter} emitter
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {number=} eventCount
* @return {!Promise}
function waitForEvents(emitter, eventName, eventCount = 1) {
let fulfill;
const promise = new Promise(x => fulfill = x);
emitter.on(eventName, onEvent);
return promise;
function onEvent() {
if (eventCount)
emitter.removeListener(eventName, onEvent);
* @param {!Buffer} pdfBuffer
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!Object>>}
async function getPDFPages(pdfBuffer) {
const PDFJS = require('pdfjs-dist');
PDFJS.disableWorker = true;
const data = new Uint8Array(pdfBuffer);
const doc = await PDFJS.getDocument(data);
const pages = [];
for (let i = 0; i < doc.numPages; ++i) {
const page = await doc.getPage(i + 1);
const viewport = page.getViewport(1);
// Viewport width and height is in PDF points, which is
// 1/72 of an inch.
width: viewport.width / 72,
height: viewport.height / 72,
return pages;
* @param {number} px
* @return {number}
function cssPixelsToInches(px) {
return px / 96;
// Since Jasmine doesn't like async functions, they should be wrapped
// in a SX function.
function SX(fun) {
return done => Promise.resolve(fun()).then(done).catch(done.fail);