* chore: remove src/externs.d.ts It defined global types that we don't want to use, and instead we move to using interfaces that we import and reference just like with any other interface. This means other than Protocol (which I think is fine to leave as is), there are no other magic global types and you have to import any types or interfaces that you want.
549 lines
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549 lines
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* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const jsBuilder = require('./JSBuilder');
const mdBuilder = require('./MDBuilder');
const Documentation = require('./Documentation');
const Message = require('../Message');
const EXCLUDE_PROPERTIES = new Set([
* @param {!Page} page
* @param {!Array<!Source>} mdSources
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!Message>>}
module.exports = async function lint(page, mdSources, jsSources) {
const mdResult = await mdBuilder(page, mdSources);
const jsResult = await jsBuilder(jsSources);
const jsDocumentation = filterJSDocumentation(jsSources, jsResult.documentation);
const mdDocumentation = mdResult.documentation;
const jsErrors = jsResult.errors;
const mdErrors = mdResult.errors;
mdErrors.push(...compareDocumentations(mdDocumentation, jsDocumentation));
// Push all errors with proper prefixes
const errors = jsErrors.map(error => '[JavaScript] ' + error);
errors.push(...mdErrors.map(error => '[MarkDown] ' + error));
return errors.map(error => Message.error(error));
* @param {!Documentation} doc
* @return {!Array<string>}
function checkSorting(doc) {
const errors = [];
for (const cls of doc.classesArray) {
const members = cls.membersArray;
// Events should go first.
let eventIndex = 0;
for (; eventIndex < members.length && members[eventIndex].kind === 'event'; ++eventIndex);
for (; eventIndex < members.length && members[eventIndex].kind !== 'event'; ++eventIndex);
if (eventIndex < members.length)
errors.push(`Events should go first. Event '${members[eventIndex].name}' in class ${cls.name} breaks order`);
// Constructor should be right after events and before all other members.
const constructorIndex = members.findIndex(member => member.kind === 'method' && member.name === 'constructor');
if (constructorIndex > 0 && members[constructorIndex - 1].kind !== 'event')
errors.push(`Constructor of ${cls.name} should go before other methods`);
// Events should be sorted alphabetically.
for (let i = 0; i < members.length - 1; ++i) {
const member1 = cls.membersArray[i];
const member2 = cls.membersArray[i + 1];
if (member1.kind !== 'event' || member2.kind !== 'event')
if (member1.name > member2.name)
errors.push(`Event '${member1.name}' in class ${cls.name} breaks alphabetic ordering of events`);
// All other members should be sorted alphabetically.
for (let i = 0; i < members.length - 1; ++i) {
const member1 = cls.membersArray[i];
const member2 = cls.membersArray[i + 1];
if (member1.kind === 'event' || member2.kind === 'event')
if (member1.kind === 'method' && member1.name === 'constructor')
if (member1.name > member2.name) {
let memberName1 = `${cls.name}.${member1.name}`;
if (member1.kind === 'method')
memberName1 += '()';
let memberName2 = `${cls.name}.${member2.name}`;
if (member2.kind === 'method')
memberName2 += '()';
errors.push(`Bad alphabetic ordering of ${cls.name} members: ${memberName1} should go after ${memberName2}`);
return errors;
* @param {!Array<!Source>} jsSources
* @param {!Documentation} jsDocumentation
* @return {!Documentation}
function filterJSDocumentation(jsSources, jsDocumentation) {
const apijs = jsSources.find(source => source.name() === 'api.js');
let includedClasses = null;
if (apijs)
includedClasses = new Set(Object.keys(require(apijs.filePath())));
// Filter private classes and methods.
const classes = [];
for (const cls of jsDocumentation.classesArray) {
if (includedClasses && !includedClasses.has(cls.name))
const members = cls.membersArray.filter(member => !EXCLUDE_PROPERTIES.has(`${cls.name}.${member.name}`));
classes.push(new Documentation.Class(cls.name, members));
return new Documentation(classes);
* @param {!Documentation} doc
* @return {!Array<string>}
function checkDuplicates(doc) {
const errors = [];
const classes = new Set();
// Report duplicates.
for (const cls of doc.classesArray) {
if (classes.has(cls.name))
errors.push(`Duplicate declaration of class ${cls.name}`);
const members = new Set();
for (const member of cls.membersArray) {
if (members.has(member.kind + ' ' + member.name))
errors.push(`Duplicate declaration of ${member.kind} ${cls.name}.${member.name}()`);
members.add(member.kind + ' ' + member.name);
const args = new Set();
for (const arg of member.argsArray) {
if (args.has(arg.name))
errors.push(`Duplicate declaration of argument ${cls.name}.${member.name} "${arg.name}"`);
return errors;
const expectedNonExistingMethods = new Map([
/* Expected to be missing as the method is deprecated
* and we alias it to Page.prototype.emulateMediaType in index.js
* which is not checked by DocLint
['Page', new Set(['emulateMedia'])],
* @param {!Documentation} actual
* @param {!Documentation} expected
* @return {!Array<string>}
function compareDocumentations(actual, expected) {
const errors = [];
const actualClasses = Array.from(actual.classes.keys()).sort();
const expectedClasses = Array.from(expected.classes.keys()).sort();
const classesDiff = diff(actualClasses, expectedClasses);
for (const className of classesDiff.extra)
errors.push(`Non-existing class found: ${className}`);
for (const className of classesDiff.missing)
errors.push(`Class not found: ${className}`);
for (const className of classesDiff.equal) {
const actualClass = actual.classes.get(className);
const expectedClass = expected.classes.get(className);
const actualMethods = Array.from(actualClass.methods.keys()).sort();
const expectedMethods = Array.from(expectedClass.methods.keys()).sort();
const methodDiff = diff(actualMethods, expectedMethods);
for (const methodName of methodDiff.extra) {
const missingMethodsForClass = expectedNonExistingMethods.get(className);
if (missingMethodsForClass && missingMethodsForClass.has(methodName)) continue;
errors.push(`Non-existing method found: ${className}.${methodName}()`);
for (const methodName of methodDiff.missing)
errors.push(`Method not found: ${className}.${methodName}()`);
for (const methodName of methodDiff.equal) {
const actualMethod = actualClass.methods.get(methodName);
const expectedMethod = expectedClass.methods.get(methodName);
if (!actualMethod.type !== !expectedMethod.type) {
if (actualMethod.type)
errors.push(`Method ${className}.${methodName} has unneeded description of return type`);
errors.push(`Method ${className}.${methodName} is missing return type description`);
} else if (actualMethod.hasReturn) {
checkType(`Method ${className}.${methodName} has the wrong return type: `, actualMethod.type, expectedMethod.type);
const actualArgs = Array.from(actualMethod.args.keys());
const expectedArgs = Array.from(expectedMethod.args.keys());
const argsDiff = diff(actualArgs, expectedArgs);
if (argsDiff.extra.length || argsDiff.missing.length) {
const text = [`Method ${className}.${methodName}() fails to describe its parameters:`];
for (const arg of argsDiff.missing)
text.push(`- Argument not found: ${arg}`);
for (const arg of argsDiff.extra)
text.push(`- Non-existing argument found: ${arg}`);
for (const arg of argsDiff.equal)
checkProperty(`Method ${className}.${methodName}()`, actualMethod.args.get(arg), expectedMethod.args.get(arg));
const actualProperties = Array.from(actualClass.properties.keys()).sort();
const expectedProperties = Array.from(expectedClass.properties.keys()).sort();
const propertyDiff = diff(actualProperties, expectedProperties);
for (const propertyName of propertyDiff.extra)
errors.push(`Non-existing property found: ${className}.${propertyName}`);
for (const propertyName of propertyDiff.missing)
errors.push(`Property not found: ${className}.${propertyName}`);
const actualEvents = Array.from(actualClass.events.keys()).sort();
const expectedEvents = Array.from(expectedClass.events.keys()).sort();
const eventsDiff = diff(actualEvents, expectedEvents);
for (const eventName of eventsDiff.extra)
errors.push(`Non-existing event found in class ${className}: '${eventName}'`);
for (const eventName of eventsDiff.missing)
errors.push(`Event not found in class ${className}: '${eventName}'`);
* @param {string} source
* @param {!Documentation.Member} actual
* @param {!Documentation.Member} expected
function checkProperty(source, actual, expected) {
checkType(source + ' ' + actual.name, actual.type, expected.type);
* @param {string} source
* @param {!string} actualName
* @param {!string} expectedName
function namingMisMatchInTypeIsExpected(source, actualName, expectedName) {
/* The DocLint tooling doesn't deal well with generics in TypeScript
* source files. We could fix this but the longterm plan is to
* auto-generate documentation from TS. So instead we document here
* the methods that use generics that DocLint trips up on and if it
* finds a mismatch that matches one of the cases below it doesn't
* error. This still means we're protected from accidental changes, as
* if the mismatch doesn't exactly match what's described below
* DocLint will fail.
const expectedNamingMismatches = new Map([
['Method CDPSession.send() method', {
actualName: 'string',
expectedName: 'T'
['Method CDPSession.send() params', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'CommandParameters[T]'
['Method ElementHandle.press() key', {
actualName: 'string',
expectedName: 'KeyInput'
['Method Keyboard.down() key', {
actualName: 'string',
expectedName: 'KeyInput'
['Method Keyboard.press() key', {
actualName: 'string',
expectedName: 'KeyInput'
['Method Keyboard.up() key', {
actualName: 'string',
expectedName: 'KeyInput'
['Method Mouse.down() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'MouseOptions'
['Method Mouse.up() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'MouseOptions'
['Method Tracing.start() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'TracingOptions'
['Method Frame.waitForSelector() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'WaitForSelectorOptions'
['Method Frame.waitForXPath() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'WaitForSelectorOptions'
['Method Request.abort() errorCode', {
actualName: 'string',
expectedName: 'ErrorCode'
['Method Frame.goto() options.waitUntil', {
actualName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array',
expectedName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array<PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent>'
['Method Frame.waitForNavigation() options.waitUntil', {
actualName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array',
expectedName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array<PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent>'
['Method Frame.setContent() options.waitUntil', {
actualName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array',
expectedName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array<PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent>'
['Method Puppeteer.defaultArgs() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'ChromeArgOptions'
['Method Page.goBack() options.waitUntil', {
actualName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array',
expectedName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array<PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent>'
['Method Page.goForward() options.waitUntil', {
actualName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array',
expectedName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array<PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent>'
['Method Page.goto() options.waitUntil', {
actualName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array',
expectedName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array<PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent>'
['Method Page.reload() options.waitUntil', {
actualName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array',
expectedName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array<PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent>'
['Method Page.setContent() options.waitUntil', {
actualName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array',
expectedName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array<PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent>'
['Method Page.waitForNavigation() options.waitUntil', {
actualName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array',
expectedName: '"load"|"domcontentloaded"|"networkidle0"|"networkidle2"|Array<PuppeteerLifeCycleEvent>'
['Method BrowserContext.overridePermissions() permissions', {
actualName: 'Array<string>',
expectedName: 'Array<PermissionType>'
['Method Puppeteer.createBrowserFetcher() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'BrowserFetcherOptions'
['Method Page.authenticate() credentials', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'Credentials'
['Method Page.emulateMediaFeatures() features', {
actualName: 'Array<Object>',
expectedName: 'Array<MediaFeature>'
['Method Page.emulate() options.viewport', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'Viewport'
['Method Page.setViewport() options.viewport', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'Viewport'
['Method Page.setViewport() viewport', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'Viewport'
['Method Page.connect() options.defaultViewport', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'Viewport'
['Method Puppeteer.connect() options.defaultViewport', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'Viewport'
['Method Puppeteer.launch() options.defaultViewport', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'Viewport'
['Method Page.launch() options.defaultViewport', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'Viewport'
['Method Page.goBack() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'WaitForOptions'
['Method Page.goForward() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'WaitForOptions'
['Method Page.reload() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'WaitForOptions'
['Method Page.waitForNavigation() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'WaitForOptions'
['Method Page.pdf() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'PDFOptions'
['Method Page.screenshot() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'ScreenshotOptions'
['Method Page.setContent() options', {
actualName: 'Object',
expectedName: 'WaitForOptions'
['Method Page.setCookie() ...cookies', {
actualName: '...Object',
expectedName: '...CookieParam'
const expectedForSource = expectedNamingMismatches.get(source);
if (!expectedForSource) return false;
const namingMismatchIsExpected = expectedForSource.actualName === actualName && expectedForSource.expectedName === expectedName;
return namingMismatchIsExpected;
* @param {string} source
* @param {!Documentation.Type} actual
* @param {!Documentation.Type} expected
function checkType(source, actual, expected) {
// TODO(@JoelEinbinder): check functions and Serializable
if (actual.name.includes('unction') || actual.name.includes('Serializable'))
// We don't have nullchecks on for TypeScript
const actualName = actual.name.replace(/[\? ]/g, '');
// TypeScript likes to add some spaces
const expectedName = expected.name.replace(/\ /g, '');
const namingMismatchIsExpected = namingMisMatchInTypeIsExpected(source, actualName, expectedName);
if (expectedName !== actualName && !namingMismatchIsExpected)
errors.push(`${source} ${actualName} != ${expectedName}`);
/* If we got a naming mismatch and it was expected, don't check the properties
* as they will likely be considered "wrong" by DocLint too.
if (namingMismatchIsExpected) return;
const actualPropertiesMap = new Map(actual.properties.map(property => [property.name, property.type]));
const expectedPropertiesMap = new Map(expected.properties.map(property => [property.name, property.type]));
const propertiesDiff = diff(Array.from(actualPropertiesMap.keys()).sort(), Array.from(expectedPropertiesMap.keys()).sort());
for (const propertyName of propertiesDiff.extra)
errors.push(`${source} has unexpected property ${propertyName}`);
for (const propertyName of propertiesDiff.missing)
errors.push(`${source} is missing property ${propertyName}`);
for (const propertyName of propertiesDiff.equal)
checkType(source + '.' + propertyName, actualPropertiesMap.get(propertyName), expectedPropertiesMap.get(propertyName));
return errors;
* @param {!Array<string>} actual
* @param {!Array<string>} expected
* @return {{extra: !Array<string>, missing: !Array<string>, equal: !Array<string>}}
function diff(actual, expected) {
const N = actual.length;
const M = expected.length;
if (N === 0 && M === 0)
return {extra: [], missing: [], equal: []};
if (N === 0)
return {extra: [], missing: expected.slice(), equal: []};
if (M === 0)
return {extra: actual.slice(), missing: [], equal: []};
const d = new Array(N);
const bt = new Array(N);
for (let i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
d[i] = new Array(M);
bt[i] = new Array(M);
for (let j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
const top = val(i - 1, j);
const left = val(i, j - 1);
if (top > left) {
d[i][j] = top;
bt[i][j] = 'extra';
} else {
d[i][j] = left;
bt[i][j] = 'missing';
const diag = val(i - 1, j - 1);
if (actual[i] === expected[j] && d[i][j] < diag + 1) {
d[i][j] = diag + 1;
bt[i][j] = 'eq';
// Backtrack results.
let i = N - 1;
let j = M - 1;
const missing = [];
const extra = [];
const equal = [];
while (i >= 0 && j >= 0) {
switch (bt[i][j]) {
case 'extra':
i -= 1;
case 'missing':
j -= 1;
case 'eq':
i -= 1;
j -= 1;
while (i >= 0)
while (j >= 0)
return {extra, missing, equal};
function val(i, j) {
return i < 0 || j < 0 ? 0 : d[i][j];