[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/icyrockcom/purescript-cheerio.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/icyrockcom/purescript-cheerio) ## Description Basic bindings for [cheerio](https://cheerio.js.org/). Only includes read-only functionality for now. ## Installation Install [cheerio](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cheerio) dependency: $ npm install --save cheerio Install this package: * Using [bower](https://bower.io/): $ bower install --save purescript-cheerio * Using [psc-package](https://github.com/purescript/psc-package): $ psc-package install cheerio You might need to set up a [custom package set](https://github.com/purescript/psc-package#add-a-package-to-the-package-set). ## Example From [basic example](examples/Basic.purs). Imports: import Cheerio (Cheerio, find, length) import Cheerio.Static (loadRoot) Example html: htmlEx :: String htmlEx = """ """ Load it and get the root element: root :: Cheerio root = loadRoot htmlEx Use the query functions: let fruitCount = find "#fruits" root # length in log $ "Number of fruits: " <> show fruitCount For more examples, please take a look at the [unit tests](test/Test/Main.purs). They cover most of the read-only cheerio functions. ## Issues or suggestions If you run into any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Both are welcome! Be prepared to wait more than a couple of days for a response though :) ## License MIT