generated from tpl/purs
fix: request api sucks less now
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
/** @type {(_: string) => (_: string) => (_: Record<string, string>) => (_: null | string | FormData) => () => Promise<Response>} */
export const fetchImpl = url => method => headers => body => () =>
* @typedef {{
fetch(url, { redirect: 'manual', body, method, headers })
* body: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob | FormData | null,
* headers: Record<string, string>,
* credentials: RequestCredentials,
* method: string,
* url: string,
* }} RequestInit
/** @type {(o: RequestInit) => () => Promise<Response>} */
export const fetchImpl = o => () =>
fetch(o.url, {...o, redirect: 'manual'})
@ -4,30 +4,72 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Promise (Promise)
import Control.Promise (Promise)
import Control.Promise as Promise
import Control.Promise as Promise
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Data.Nullable as Nullable
import Data.Nullable as Nullable
import Data.URL (URL)
import Data.URL (URL)
import Data.URL as URL
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Foreign.Object as Object
import HTTP.Header (Headers(..))
import HTTP.Header (Headers)
import HTTP.Header (headers) as X
import HTTP.Header (headers) as X
import HTTP.Request (bodyToRaw)
import HTTP.Request (Body(..), Credentials(..), Method, RawBody, bodyHeaders, bodyToRaw)
import HTTP.Request (class Request, Method(..)) as X
import HTTP.Request (Method(..)) as X
import HTTP.Request as Req
import HTTP.Request as Req
import HTTP.Response (Response)
import HTTP.Response (Response)
import Prim.Row (class Nub, class Union)
import Record as Record
import Type.Prelude (Proxy(..))
foreign import fetchImpl :: URL -> String -> Object String -> Nullable Req.RawRequestBody -> Effect (Promise Response)
foreign import fetchImpl
:: forall r
. Record
( body :: Nullable RawBody
, headers :: Object String
, credentials :: String
, method :: String
, url :: String
| r
-> Effect (Promise Response)
fetch :: forall m a. MonadAff m => Req.Request a => a -> m Response
type OptionalFields =
fetch req = do
( body :: Body
url <- Req.requestUrl req
, headers :: Headers
method <- Req.requestMethod req
, credentials :: Credentials
body <- Req.requestBody req
bodyRaw <- bodyToRaw body
Headers headers <- Req.requestHeaders req
:: forall @x xm o
. Nub o OptionalFields
=> Union x OptionalFields o
=> Union x xm OptionalFields
=> {|x}
-> Record OptionalFields
makeOptionalFields x =
default :: Record OptionalFields
default =
{ body: BodyEmpty
, headers: mempty
, credentials: SameSiteCredentials
Record.merge x default
:: forall x xm m o
. MonadAff m
=> Nub o OptionalFields
=> Union x OptionalFields o
=> Union x xm OptionalFields
=> URL
-> Method
-> {|x}
-> m Response
fetch url method x = do
methodStr = case method of
methodStr = case method of
Req.GET -> "GET"
Req.GET -> "GET"
@ -36,6 +78,25 @@ fetch req = do
Req.HEAD -> "HEAD"
Req.HEAD -> "HEAD"
headers' = Object.fromFoldableWithIndex headers
liftAff $ Promise.toAffE $ fetchImpl url methodStr headers' $ Nullable.toNullable bodyRaw
credsStr = case _ of
SameSiteCredentials -> "same-origin"
OmitCredentials -> "omit"
IncludeCredentials -> "include"
fields =
Record.modify (Proxy @"credentials") credsStr
$ Record.modify (Proxy @"headers") (Object.fromFoldableWithIndex <<< unwrap)
$ Record.insert (Proxy @"method") methodStr
$ Record.insert (Proxy @"url") (URL.toString url)
$ makeOptionalFields @x x
bodyHeaders' <- (Object.fromFoldableWithIndex <<< unwrap) <$> bodyHeaders fields.body
bodyRaw <- Nullable.toNullable <$> bodyToRaw fields.body
fields' =
Record.modify (Proxy @"headers") (Object.union bodyHeaders')
$ Record.set (Proxy @"body") bodyRaw
$ fields
liftAff $ Promise.toAffE $ fetchImpl fields'
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
import { fetch, ProxyAgent } from 'undici'
import { socksDispatcher } from 'fetch-socks'
/** @type {(_: URL) => (_: URL) => (_: string) => (_: Record<string, string>) => (_: null | string | FormData) => () => Promise<import('undici').Response>} */
export const fetchImpl = proxyURL => url => method => headers => body => () => {
const dispatcher = proxyURL.protocol.startsWith('https')
? new ProxyAgent(
: proxyURL.protocol.startsWith('socks')
? socksDispatcher({
type: 5,
host: proxyURL.hostname,
port: parseInt(proxyURL.port, 10),
: (() => {
throw new Error(`unsupported proxy scheme ${proxyURL.protocol}`)
return fetch(url, { dispatcher })
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
module HTTP.Node (fetchProxy, module X) where
import Prelude
import Control.Promise (Promise)
import Control.Promise as Promise
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Data.Nullable as Nullable
import Data.URL (URL)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import HTTP.Header (Headers(..))
import HTTP.Header (headers) as X
import HTTP.Request (bodyToRaw)
import HTTP.Request (class Request, Method(..)) as X
import HTTP.Request as Req
import HTTP.Response (Response)
foreign import fetchImpl :: URL -> URL -> String -> Object String -> Nullable Req.RawRequestBody -> Effect (Promise Response)
fetchProxy :: forall m a. MonadAff m => Req.Request a => URL -> a -> m Response
fetchProxy pxy req = do
url <- Req.requestUrl req
method <- Req.requestMethod req
body <- Req.requestBody req
bodyRaw <- bodyToRaw body
Headers headers <- Req.requestHeaders req
methodStr = case method of
Req.GET -> "GET"
Req.PUT -> "PUT"
Req.POST -> "POST"
Req.HEAD -> "HEAD"
headers' = Object.fromFoldableWithIndex headers
liftAff $ Promise.toAffE $ fetchImpl pxy url methodStr headers' $ Nullable.toNullable bodyRaw
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
module HTTP.Request
module HTTP.Request
( class Request
( Credentials(..)
, Body(..)
, Body(..)
, RawRequestBody
, RawBody
, Method(..)
, Method(..)
, bodyHeaders
, bodyToRaw
, bodyToRaw
, json
, json
, form
, form
, blob
, blob
, arrayBuffer
, arrayBuffer
, requestBody
, rawBodySize
, requestHeaders
, requestUrl
, requestMethod
, rawRequestBodySize
) where
) where
import Prelude
import Prelude
@ -24,11 +21,7 @@ import Data.Eq.Generic (genericEq)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Nullable as Nullable
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Tuple.Containing (extract)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\))
import Data.URL (URL)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
@ -43,25 +36,27 @@ import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Web.File.Blob (Blob)
import Web.File.Blob (Blob)
import Web.File.Blob as Blob
import Web.File.Blob as Blob
foreign import data RawRequestBody :: Type
foreign import data RawBody :: Type
foreign import blobArrayBufferImpl :: Blob -> Effect (Promise ArrayBuffer)
foreign import blobArrayBufferImpl :: Blob -> Effect (Promise ArrayBuffer)
foreign import rawRequestBodySize :: RawRequestBody -> Effect Int
foreign import rawBodySize :: RawBody -> Effect Int
unsafeEmptyRawRequestBody :: RawRequestBody
unsafeStringRawBody :: String -> RawBody
unsafeEmptyRawRequestBody = unsafeCoerce Nullable.null
unsafeStringRawBody = unsafeCoerce
unsafeStringRawRequestBody :: String -> RawRequestBody
unsafeFormDataToRawBody :: RawFormData -> RawBody
unsafeStringRawRequestBody = unsafeCoerce
unsafeFormDataToRawBody = unsafeCoerce
unsafeFormDataToRawRequestBody :: RawFormData -> RawRequestBody
unsafeArrayBufferToRawBody :: ArrayBuffer -> RawBody
unsafeFormDataToRawRequestBody = unsafeCoerce
unsafeArrayBufferToRawBody = unsafeCoerce
unsafeArrayBufferToRawRequestBody :: ArrayBuffer -> RawRequestBody
unsafeBlobToRawBody :: forall m. MonadAff m => Blob -> m RawBody
unsafeArrayBufferToRawRequestBody = unsafeCoerce
unsafeBlobToRawBody = map unsafeArrayBufferToRawBody <<< liftAff <<< Promise.toAffE <<< blobArrayBufferImpl
unsafeBlobToRawRequestBody :: forall m. MonadAff m => Blob -> m RawRequestBody
data Credentials
unsafeBlobToRawRequestBody = map unsafeArrayBufferToRawRequestBody <<< liftAff <<< Promise.toAffE <<< blobArrayBufferImpl
= IncludeCredentials
| OmitCredentials
| SameSiteCredentials
data Body
data Body
= BodyString String (Maybe ContentType)
= BodyString String (Maybe ContentType)
@ -89,11 +84,11 @@ bodyHeaders (BodyString _ ct) = liftEffect $ Header.headers ct
bodyHeaders (BodyArrayBuffer _ ct) = liftEffect $ Header.headers ct
bodyHeaders (BodyArrayBuffer _ ct) = liftEffect $ Header.headers ct
bodyHeaders (BodyBlob b) = liftEffect $ Header.headers <<< map (ContentType <<< MIME.fromString <<< unwrap) $ Blob.type_ b
bodyHeaders (BodyBlob b) = liftEffect $ Header.headers <<< map (ContentType <<< MIME.fromString <<< unwrap) $ Blob.type_ b
bodyToRaw :: forall m. MonadAff m => Body -> m (Maybe RawRequestBody)
bodyToRaw :: forall m. MonadAff m => Body -> m (Maybe RawBody)
bodyToRaw (BodyString body _) = pure $ Just $ unsafeStringRawRequestBody body
bodyToRaw (BodyString body _) = pure $ Just $ unsafeStringRawBody body
bodyToRaw (BodyArrayBuffer body _) = pure $ Just $ unsafeArrayBufferToRawRequestBody body
bodyToRaw (BodyArrayBuffer body _) = pure $ Just $ unsafeArrayBufferToRawBody body
bodyToRaw (BodyForm form') = map Just $ map unsafeFormDataToRawRequestBody $ Form.toRawFormData form'
bodyToRaw (BodyForm form') = map Just $ map unsafeFormDataToRawBody $ Form.toRawFormData form'
bodyToRaw (BodyBlob body) = map Just $ unsafeBlobToRawRequestBody body
bodyToRaw (BodyBlob body) = map Just $ unsafeBlobToRawBody body
bodyToRaw BodyEmpty = pure Nothing
bodyToRaw BodyEmpty = pure Nothing
data Method
data Method
@ -111,57 +106,3 @@ instance Eq Method where
instance Show Method where
instance Show Method where
show = genericShow
show = genericShow
class Request :: Type -> Constraint
class Request a where
requestUrl :: forall m. MonadAff m => a -> m URL
requestMethod :: forall m. MonadAff m => a -> m Method
requestBody :: forall m. MonadAff m => a -> m Body
requestHeaders :: forall m. MonadAff m => a -> m Headers
instance Request (Method /\ URL /\ Body /\ Effect Headers) where
requestUrl = pure <<< extract
requestMethod = pure <<< extract
requestBody = pure <<< extract
requestHeaders req = do
hs <- liftEffect $ extract req
bodyHs <- bodyHeaders $ extract req
pure $ hs <> bodyHs
instance Request (Method /\ URL /\ Body /\ Headers) where
requestUrl = pure <<< extract
requestMethod = pure <<< extract
requestBody = pure <<< extract
requestHeaders req = do
let hs = extract req
bodyHs <- bodyHeaders $ extract req
pure $ hs <> bodyHs
instance Request (Method /\ URL /\ Body) where
requestUrl = pure <<< extract
requestMethod = pure <<< extract
requestBody = pure <<< extract
requestHeaders _ = pure mempty
instance Request (Method /\ URL /\ Headers) where
requestUrl = pure <<< extract
requestMethod = pure <<< extract
requestBody _ = pure BodyEmpty
requestHeaders = pure <<< extract
instance Request (Method /\ URL /\ Effect Headers) where
requestUrl = pure <<< extract
requestMethod = pure <<< extract
requestBody _ = pure BodyEmpty
requestHeaders = liftEffect <<< extract @(Effect Headers)
instance Request (Method /\ URL) where
requestUrl = pure <<< extract
requestMethod = pure <<< extract
requestBody _ = pure BodyEmpty
requestHeaders _ = pure mempty
instance Request URL where
requestUrl = pure
requestMethod _ = pure GET
requestBody _ = pure BodyEmpty
requestHeaders _ = pure mempty
Reference in New Issue
Block a user