2017-05-25 19:12:29 +00:00
module HTTPure.RouteSpec where
2017-07-10 10:17:13 +00:00
import Prelude (bind, discard, eq, flip, show, ($))
2017-05-25 19:12:29 +00:00
2017-07-10 10:17:13 +00:00
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class as EffClass
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.StreamBuffer as StreamBuffer
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.Spec.Assertions as Assertions
import HTTPure.SpecHelpers as SpecHelpers
import HTTPure.Route as Route
hooks :: forall e. Route.RouteHooks e
hooks = { body: \_ -> "", headers: \_ -> [], status: \_ -> 200 }
showSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
showSpec = Spec.describe "show" do
Spec.describe "with a Get route on /test" $
Spec.it "is 'GET: /test'" $
show (Route.Get "/test" hooks) `Assertions.shouldEqual` "GET: /test"
Spec.describe "with a Post route on /test" $
Spec.it "is 'POST: /test" $
show (Route.Post "/test" hooks) `Assertions.shouldEqual` "POST: /test"
Spec.describe "with a Put route on /test" $
Spec.it "is 'PUT /test" $
show (Route.Put "/test" hooks) `Assertions.shouldEqual` "PUT: /test"
Spec.describe "with a Delete route on /test" $
Spec.it "is 'DELETE: /test" $
show (Route.Delete "/test" hooks) `Assertions.shouldEqual` "DELETE: /test"
eqSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
eqSpec = Spec.describe "eq" do
Spec.describe "with routes with the same method and same match patterns" $
Spec.it "is true" $
route1 `eq` route2 `Assertions.shouldEqual` true
Spec.describe "with routes with different match patterns" $
Spec.it "is false" $
route1 `eq` route3 `Assertions.shouldEqual` false
Spec.describe "with routes with different methods" $
Spec.it "is false" $
route1 `eq` route4 `Assertions.shouldEqual` false
route1 = Route.Get "a" hooks
route2 = Route.Get "a" hooks
route3 = Route.Get "b" hooks
route4 = Route.Put "a" hooks
runSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
runSpec = Spec.describe "run" $
Spec.it "writes the body" do
body <- EffClass.liftEff do
buf <- StreamBuffer.writable
run $ SpecHelpers.mockResponse buf
StreamBuffer.contents Encoding.UTF8 buf
body `Assertions.shouldEqual` "test"
run resp = Route.run testRoute (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "/") resp
testRoute = Route.Get "/"
{ body: \_ -> "test"
, headers: \_ -> []
, status: \_ -> 200
isMatchSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
isMatchSpec = Spec.describe "isMatch" do
Spec.describe "when the route is a match" $
Spec.it "is true" $
isMatch (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "test") `Assertions.shouldEqual` true
Spec.describe "when the route is not a match" $
Spec.it "is false" $
isMatch (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "test2") `Assertions.shouldEqual` false
isMatch = Route.isMatch route
route = Route.Get "test" hooks
matchSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
matchSpec = Spec.describe "match" do
Spec.describe "when a matching route exists" $
Spec.it "is Just the matching route" $
match [ route1, route2 ] `Assertions.shouldEqual` Maybe.Just route1
Spec.describe "when a matching route does not exist" $
Spec.it "is Nothing" $
match [ route2 ] `Assertions.shouldEqual` Maybe.Nothing
match = (flip Route.match) (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "1")
route1 = Route.Get "1" hooks
route2 = Route.Get "2" hooks
routeSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
routeSpec = Spec.describe "Route" do