Add tooling for working with query parameters (#69)

This commit is contained in:
Connor Prussin 2017-09-26 00:14:06 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 278e110d59
commit 0e71e9204a
8 changed files with 150 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module QueryParameters where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import HTTPure ((!!))
-- | Serve the example server on this port
port :: Int
port = 8087
-- | Shortcut for `show port`
portS :: String
portS = show port
-- | Specify the routes
router :: forall e. HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e
router { query }
| query !! "foo" /= "" = HTTPure.ok $ "foo"
| query !! "bar" == "test" = HTTPure.ok $ "bar"
| otherwise = HTTPure.ok $ query !! "baz"
-- | Boot up the server
main :: forall e. HTTPure.ServerM (console :: Console.CONSOLE | e)
main = HTTPure.serve port router do
Console.log $ " ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port " <> portS <> ""
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:" <> portS <> "?foo │"
Console.log $ " │ # => foo │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:" <> portS <> "?bar=test │"
Console.log $ " │ # => bar │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:" <> portS <> "?baz=<anything> │"
Console.log $ " │ # => <anything> │"
Console.log $ " └────────────────────────────────────────┘"

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Query Parameters Example
This is a basic example that demonstrates working with URL query parameters. It
includes an example of routing based on the _existence_ of a query parameter, an
example of routing based on the _value_ of a given query parameter, and an
example where the response is driven by the contents of a query parameter.
To run the example server, run:
make example EXAMPLE=QueryParameters

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
-- | Types that implement the Lookup class can be looked up by some key to
-- | retrieve some value. For instance, you could have an implementation for
@ -24,3 +25,9 @@ infixl 8 lookup as !!
-- | return a Maybe. If the index is out of bounds, the return value is mempty.
instance lookupArray :: Monoid.Monoid m => Lookup (Array m) m Int where
lookup arr = Maybe.fromMaybe Monoid.mempty <<< Array.index arr
-- | A default instance of Lookup for a StrMap of some type of Monoid. If the
-- | key does not exist in the StrMap, then the return value is mempty.
instance lookupStrMap :: Monoid.Monoid m =>
Lookup (StrMap.StrMap m) m String where
lookup strMap = Maybe.fromMaybe Monoid.mempty <<< flip StrMap.lookup strMap

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@ -3,12 +3,36 @@ module HTTPure.Query
, read
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.String as String
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
-- | The Query type is a StrMap of Strings, with one entry per query parameter
-- | in the request. For any query parameters that don't have values
-- | (`/some/path?query`), the value in the StrMap for that parameter will be
-- | the string "true". Note that this type has an implementation of Lookup for
-- | `String` keys defined by `lookpStrMap` in `Lookup.purs` because
-- | `lookupStrMap` is defined for any `StrMap` of `Monoids`. So you can do
-- | something like `query !! "foo"` to get the value of the query parameter
-- | "foo".
type Query = StrMap.StrMap String
-- | The StrMap of query segments in the given HTTP Request.
-- | TODO fill in this stub
read :: HTTP.Request -> Query
read _ = StrMap.empty
read =
HTTP.requestURL >>> split "?" >>> last >>> split "&" >>> nonempty >>> toStrMap
toStrMap = map toTuple >>> StrMap.fromFoldable
nonempty = Array.filter ((/=) "")
split = String.Pattern >>> String.split
first = Array.head >>> Maybe.fromMaybe ""
last = Array.tail >>> Maybe.fromMaybe [] >>> String.joinWith ""
toTuple item = Tuple.Tuple (first itemParts) $ value $ last itemParts
value val = if val == "" then "true" else val
itemParts = split "=" item

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Headers as Headers
import HelloWorld as HelloWorld
import MultiRoute as MultiRoute
import PathSegments as PathSegments
import QueryParameters as QueryParameters
import Post as Post
import SSL as SSL
@ -47,9 +48,22 @@ pathSegmentsSpec = "runs the path segments example" do
foo <- SpecHelpers.get port StrMap.empty "/segment/foo"
foo ?= "foo"
somebars <- SpecHelpers.get port StrMap.empty "/some/bars"
somebars?= "[\"some\",\"bars\"]"
somebars ?= "[\"some\",\"bars\"]"
where port = PathSegments.port
queryParametersSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
queryParametersSpec = "runs the query parameters example" do
EffClass.liftEff QueryParameters.main
foo <- SpecHelpers.get port StrMap.empty "/?foo"
foo ?= "foo"
bar <- SpecHelpers.get port StrMap.empty "/?bar=test"
bar ?= "bar"
notbar <- SpecHelpers.get port StrMap.empty "/?bar=nottest"
notbar ?= ""
baz <- SpecHelpers.get port StrMap.empty "/?baz=test"
baz ?= "test"
where port = QueryParameters.port
postSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
postSpec = "runs the post example" do
EffClass.liftEff Post.main
@ -70,5 +84,6 @@ integrationSpec = Spec.describe "Integration" do

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ module HTTPure.LookupSpec where
import Prelude
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Lookup ((!!))
@ -18,6 +20,18 @@ lookupArraySpec = Spec.describe "lookupArray" do "is an empty monoid" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 4 ?= ""
lookupStrMapSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
lookupStrMapSpec = Spec.describe "lookupStrMap" do
Spec.describe "when the key is in the StrMap" do "is the value at the given key" do
mockStrMap !! "foo" ?= "bar"
Spec.describe "when the key is not in the StrMap" do "is an empty monoid" do
mockStrMap !! "baz" ?= ""
mockStrMap = StrMap.singleton "foo" "bar"
lookupSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
lookupSpec = Spec.describe "Lookup" do

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module HTTPure.QuerySpec where
import Prelude
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Query as Query
@ -12,9 +13,42 @@ import HTTPure.SpecHelpers ((?=))
readSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
readSpec = Spec.describe "read" do "is always an empty StrMap (until the stub is fully implemented)" do
req <- SpecHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "" [] req ?= StrMap.empty
Spec.describe "with no query string" do "is an empty StrMap" do
req <- SpecHelpers.mockRequest "" "/test" "" [] req ?= StrMap.empty
Spec.describe "with an empty query string" do "is an empty StrMap" do
req <- SpecHelpers.mockRequest "" "/test?" "" [] req ?= StrMap.empty
Spec.describe "with a query parameter in the query string" do "is a correct StrMap" do
req <- SpecHelpers.mockRequest "" "/test?a=b" "" [] req ?= StrMap.singleton "a" "b"
Spec.describe "with empty fields in the query string" do "ignores the empty fields" do
req <- SpecHelpers.mockRequest "" "/test?&&a=b&&" "" [] req ?= StrMap.singleton "a" "b"
Spec.describe "with duplicated params" do "takes the last param value" do
req <- SpecHelpers.mockRequest "" "/test?a=b&a=c" "" [] req ?= StrMap.singleton "a" "c"
Spec.describe "with empty params" do "uses 'true' as the value" do
req <- SpecHelpers.mockRequest "" "/test?a" "" [] req ?= StrMap.singleton "a" "true"
Spec.describe "with complex params" do "is the correct StrMap" do
req <- SpecHelpers.mockRequest "" "/test?&&a&b=c&b=d&&&e=f&g=&" "" [] req ?= expectedComplexResult
expectedComplexResult =
[ Tuple.Tuple "a" "true"
, Tuple.Tuple "b" "d"
, Tuple.Tuple "e" "f"
, Tuple.Tuple "g" "true"
querySpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
querySpec = Spec.describe "Query" do

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ fromHTTPRequestSpec = Spec.describe "fromHTTPRequest" do
mock.path ?= [ "test" ] "contains the correct query" do
mock <- mockRequest
mock.query ?= StrMap.empty
mock.query ?= StrMap.singleton "a" "b" "contains the correct headers" do
mock <- mockRequest
mock.headers ?= Headers.headers mockHeaders