Add helpers in Lookup and return a Maybe from lookup. (#84)

This commit is contained in:
Connor Prussin 2017-10-23 18:50:27 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent f38c5987ee
commit 133b98c9c6
8 changed files with 90 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import HTTPure ((!!))
import HTTPure ((!@))
-- | Serve the example server on this port
port :: Int
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ responseHeaders = HTTPure.header "X-Example" "hello world!"
-- | Route to the correct handler
router :: forall e. HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e
router { headers } = HTTPure.ok' responseHeaders $ headers !! "X-Input"
router { headers } = HTTPure.ok' responseHeaders $ headers !@ "X-Input"
-- | Boot up the server
main :: forall e. HTTPure.ServerM (console :: Console.CONSOLE | e)

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import HTTPure ((!!))
import HTTPure ((!@))
-- | Serve the example server on this port
port :: Int
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ portS = show port
-- | Specify the routes
router :: forall e. HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e
router { path }
| path !! 0 == "segment" = HTTPure.ok $ path !! 1
| path !@ 0 == "segment" = HTTPure.ok $ path !@ 1
| otherwise = HTTPure.ok $ show path
-- | Boot up the server

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import HTTPure ((!!))
import HTTPure ((!@), (!?))
-- | Serve the example server on this port
port :: Int
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ portS = show port
-- | Specify the routes
router :: forall e. HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e
router { query }
| query !! "foo" /= "" = HTTPure.ok $ "foo"
| query !! "bar" == "test" = HTTPure.ok $ "bar"
| otherwise = HTTPure.ok $ query !! "baz"
| query !? "foo" = HTTPure.ok "foo"
| query !@ "bar" == "test" = HTTPure.ok "bar"
| otherwise = HTTPure.ok $ query !@ "baz"
-- | Boot up the server
main :: forall e. HTTPure.ServerM (console :: Console.CONSOLE | e)

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module HTTPure
) where
import HTTPure.Headers (Headers, empty, header, headers)
import HTTPure.Lookup (lookup, (!!))
import HTTPure.Lookup (at, (!@), has, (!?), lookup, (!!))
import HTTPure.Method (Method(..))
import HTTPure.Path (Path)
import HTTPure.Request (Request, fullPath)

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ module HTTPure.Headers
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff as Eff
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.String as StringUtil
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Data.TraversableWithIndex as TraversableWithIndex
@ -18,31 +17,31 @@ import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.Lookup as Lookup
import HTTPure.Lookup ((!!))
-- | The `Headers` type is just sugar for a `StrMap` of `Strings` that
-- | represents the set of headers in an HTTP request or response.
newtype Headers = Headers (StrMap.StrMap String)
-- | Given a string, return the value of the matching header, or an empty string
-- | if no match exists. This search is case-insensitive.
instance lookupHeaders :: Lookup.Lookup Headers String String where
lookup (Headers headers') =
Maybe.fromMaybe "" <<< flip StrMap.lookup headers' <<< StringUtil.toLower
-- | Given a string, return a `Maybe` containing the value of the matching
-- | header, if there is any.
instance lookup :: Lookup.Lookup Headers String String where
lookup (Headers headers') key = headers' !! StringUtil.toLower key
-- | Allow a `Headers` to be represented as a string. This string is formatted
-- | in HTTP headers format.
instance showHeaders :: Show Headers where
instance show :: Show Headers where
show (Headers headers') =
StrMap.foldMap showField headers' <> "\n"
showField key value = key <> ": " <> value <> "\n"
-- | Compare two `Headers` objects by comparing the underlying `StrMaps`.
instance eqHeaders :: Eq Headers where
instance eq :: Eq Headers where
eq (Headers a) (Headers b) = eq a b
-- | Allow one `Headers` objects to be appended to another.
instance semigroupHeaders :: Semigroup Headers where
instance semigroup :: Semigroup Headers where
append (Headers a) (Headers b) = Headers $ StrMap.union b a
-- | Get the headers out of a HTTP `Request` object.

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module HTTPure.Lookup
( class Lookup
, at, (!@)
, has, (!?)
, lookup, (!!)
) where
@ -12,31 +14,45 @@ import Data.StrMap as StrMap
-- | Types that implement the `Lookup` class can be looked up by some key to
-- | retrieve some value. For instance, you could have an implementation for
-- | `String (Maybe String) Int` where `lookup s i` returns `Just` the
-- | character in `s` at `i`, or `Nothing` if `i` is out of bounds.
class Lookup a v k where
-- | `String Int String` where `lookup s i` returns `Just` a `String` containing
-- | the character in `s` at `i`, or `Nothing` if `i` is out of bounds.
class Lookup c k r where
-- | Given some type and a key on that type, extract some value that
-- | corresponds to that key.
lookup :: a -> k -> v
lookup :: c -> k -> Maybe.Maybe r
-- | `!!` is inspired by `!!` in `Data.Array`, but note that it differs from
-- | `!!` in `Data.Array` in that the default instance for `Arrays` with `Int`
-- | key types is defined on `Arrays` of some members of `Monoids`, and will
-- | always return a value and will not return `Maybes`. If the requested index
-- | is out of bounds, then this implementation will return `mempty` instead of
-- | `Nothing`.
-- | `!!` in `Data.Array` in that you can use `!!` for any other instance of
-- | `Lookup`.
infixl 8 lookup as !!
-- | A default instance of `Lookup` for an `Array` of some type of `Monoid`.
-- | Note that this is different from `!!` defined in `Data.Array` in that it
-- | does not return a `Maybe`. If the index is out of bounds, the return value
-- | is `mempty`.
instance lookupArray :: Monoid.Monoid m => Lookup (Array m) m Int where
lookup arr = Maybe.fromMaybe Monoid.mempty <<< Array.index arr
-- | The instance of `Lookup` for an `Array` is just `!!` as defined in
-- | `Data.Array`.
instance lookupArray :: Lookup (Array t) Int t where
lookup = Array.index
-- | A default instance of `Lookup` for a `StrMap` of some type of `Monoid`. If
-- | the key does not exist in the `StrMap`, then the return value is `mempty`.
instance lookupStrMap :: Monoid.Monoid m =>
Lookup (StrMap.StrMap m) m String where
lookup strMap = Maybe.fromMaybe Monoid.mempty <<< flip StrMap.lookup strMap
-- | The instance of `Lookup` for a `StrMap` just uses `StrMap.lookup` (but
-- | flipped, because `StrMap.lookup` expects the key first, which would end up
-- | with a really weird API for `!!`).
instance lookupStrMap :: Lookup (StrMap.StrMap t) String t where
lookup = flip StrMap.lookup
-- | This simple helper works on any `Lookup` instance where the return type is
-- | a `Monoid`, and is the same as `lookup` except that it returns a `t`
-- | instead of a `Maybe t`. If `lookup` would return `Nothing`, then `at`
-- | returns `mempty`.
at :: forall c k r. Monoid.Monoid r => Lookup c k r => c -> k -> r
at set = Maybe.fromMaybe Monoid.mempty <<< lookup set
-- | Expose `at` as the infix operator `!@`
infixl 8 at as !@
-- | This simple helper works on any `Lookup` instance, where the container set
-- | has a single type variable, and returns a `Boolean` indicating if the given
-- | key matches any value in the given container.
has :: forall c k r. Lookup (c r) k r => c r -> k -> Boolean
has set key = Maybe.isJust ((lookup set key) :: Maybe.Maybe r)
-- | Expose `has` as the infix operator `!?`
infixl 8 has as !?

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module HTTPure.HeadersSpec where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class as EffClass
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Test.Spec as Spec
@ -16,14 +17,14 @@ lookupSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
lookupSpec = Spec.describe "lookup" do
Spec.describe "when the string is in the header set" do
Spec.describe "when searching with lowercase" do "is the string" do
Headers.header "x-test" "test" !! "x-test" ?= "test" "is Just the string" do
Headers.header "x-test" "test" !! "x-test" ?= Maybe.Just "test"
Spec.describe "when searching with uppercase" do "is the string" do
Headers.header "x-test" "test" !! "X-Test" ?= "test" "is Just the string" do
Headers.header "x-test" "test" !! "X-Test" ?= Maybe.Just "test"
Spec.describe "when the string is not in the header set" do "is an empty string" do
Headers.empty !! "X-Test" ?= "" "is Nothing" do
((Headers.empty !! "X-Test") :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
showSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
showSpec = Spec.describe "show" do

View File

@ -2,36 +2,57 @@ module HTTPure.LookupSpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Lookup ((!!))
import HTTPure.Lookup ((!!), (!@), (!?))
import HTTPure.SpecHelpers as SpecHelpers
import HTTPure.SpecHelpers ((?=))
atSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
atSpec = Spec.describe "at" do
Spec.describe "when the lookup returns a Just" do "is the value inside the Just" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !@ 1 ?= "two"
Spec.describe "when the lookup returns a Nothing" do "is mempty" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !@ 4 ?= ""
hasSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
hasSpec = Spec.describe "has" do
Spec.describe "when the lookup returns a Just" do "is true" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !? 1 ?= true
Spec.describe "when the lookup returns a Nothing" do "is false" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !? 4 ?= false
lookupArraySpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
lookupArraySpec = Spec.describe "lookupArray" do
Spec.describe "when the index is in bounds" do "is the segment at the index" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 1 ?= "two" "is Just the value at the index" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 1 ?= Maybe.Just "two"
Spec.describe "when the index is out of bounds" do "is an empty monoid" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 4 ?= "" "is Nothing" do
(([ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 4) :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
lookupStrMapSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
lookupStrMapSpec = Spec.describe "lookupStrMap" do
Spec.describe "when the key is in the StrMap" do "is the value at the given key" do
mockStrMap !! "foo" ?= "bar" "is Just the value at the given key" do
mockStrMap !! "foo" ?= Maybe.Just "bar"
Spec.describe "when the key is not in the StrMap" do "is an empty monoid" do
mockStrMap !! "baz" ?= "" "is Nothing" do
((mockStrMap !! "baz") :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
mockStrMap = StrMap.singleton "foo" "bar"
lookupSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
lookupSpec = Spec.describe "Lookup" do