Consolidate APIs (#104)
* Consolidate APIs * Use partial function approach instead of Streamable typeclass * Clean up
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ filePath = "./docs/Examples/Image/circle.png"
-- | Respond with image data when run
image :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
image _ =
FS.readFile filePath >>= HTTPure.binaryResponse' 200 headers
image _ = FS.readFile filePath >>= HTTPure.ok' headers
headers = HTTPure.header "Content-Type" "image/png"
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import HTTPure.Response
( Response
, ResponseM
, response, response'
, binaryResponse, binaryResponse'
, emptyResponse, emptyResponse'
-- 1xx
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
module HTTPure.Body
( Body(..)
( class Body
, read
, write
, size
, write
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Either as Either
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Effect as Effect
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Ref as Ref
@ -16,11 +17,44 @@ import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.Stream as Stream
-- | The `Body` type is just sugar for a `String`, that will be sent or received
-- | in the HTTP body.
data Body
= StringBody String
| BinaryBody Buffer.Buffer
-- | Types that implement the `Body` class can be used as a body to an HTTPure
-- | response, and can be used with all the response helpers.
class Body b where
-- | Given a body value, return an effect that maybe calculates a size.
-- | TODO: This is a `Maybe` to support chunked transfer encoding. We still
-- | need to add code to send the body using chunking if the effect resolves a
-- | `Maybe.Nothing`.
size :: b -> Effect.Effect (Maybe.Maybe Int)
-- | Given a body value and a Node HTTP `Response` value, write the body value
-- | to the Node response.
write :: b -> HTTP.Response -> Aff.Aff Unit
-- | The instance for `String` will convert the string to a buffer first in
-- | order to determine it's size. This is to properly handle UTF-8 characters
-- | in the string. Writing is simply implemented by writing the string to the
-- | response stream and closing the response stream.
instance bodyString :: Body String where
size body = Buffer.fromString body Encoding.UTF8 >>= size
write body response = Aff.makeAff \done -> do
let stream = HTTP.responseAsStream response
_ <- Stream.writeString stream Encoding.UTF8 body $ pure unit
_ <- Stream.end stream $ pure unit
done $ Either.Right unit
pure Aff.nonCanceler
-- | The instance for `Buffer` is trivial--to calculate size, we use
-- | `Buffer.size`, and to send the response, we just write the buffer to the
-- | stream and end the stream.
instance bodyBuffer :: Body Buffer.Buffer where
size = Buffer.size >>> map Maybe.Just
write body response = Aff.makeAff \done -> do
let stream = HTTP.responseAsStream response
_ <- Stream.write stream body $ pure unit
_ <- Stream.end stream $ pure unit
done $ Either.Right unit
pure Aff.nonCanceler
-- | Extract the contents of the body of the HTTP `Request`.
read :: HTTP.Request -> Aff.Aff String
@ -30,21 +64,4 @@ read request = Aff.makeAff \done -> do
Stream.onDataString stream Encoding.UTF8 \str ->
void $ Ref.modify ((<>) str) buf
Stream.onEnd stream $ buf >>= Either.Right >>> done
pure $ Aff.nonCanceler
-- | Write a `Body` to the given HTTP `Response` and close it.
write :: HTTP.Response -> Body -> Effect.Effect Unit
write response body = void do
_ <- writeToStream $ pure unit
Stream.end stream $ pure unit
stream = HTTP.responseAsStream response
writeToStream =
case body of
StringBody str -> Stream.writeString stream Encoding.UTF8 str
BinaryBody buf -> Stream.write stream buf
-- | Get the size of the body in bytes
size :: Body -> Effect.Effect Int
size (StringBody body) = Buffer.fromString body Encoding.UTF8 >>= Buffer.size
size (BinaryBody body) = Buffer.size body
pure Aff.nonCanceler
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module HTTPure.Headers
( Headers
( Headers(..)
, empty
, headers
, header
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Prelude
import Effect as Effect
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Data.Newtype as Newtype
import Data.String as String
import Data.TraversableWithIndex as TraversableWithIndex
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ import HTTPure.Lookup ((!!))
-- | The `Headers` type is just sugar for a `Object` of `Strings`
-- | that represents the set of headers in an HTTP request or response.
newtype Headers = Headers (Object.Object String)
derive instance newtypeHeaders :: Newtype.Newtype Headers _
-- | Given a string, return a `Maybe` containing the value of the matching
-- | header, if there is any.
@ -50,9 +52,7 @@ read = HTTP.requestHeaders >>> Headers
-- | Given an HTTP `Response` and a `Headers` object, return an effect that will
-- | write the `Headers` to the `Response`.
write :: HTTP.Response ->
Headers ->
Effect.Effect Unit
write :: HTTP.Response -> Headers -> Effect.Effect Unit
write response (Headers headers') = void $
TraversableWithIndex.traverseWithIndex (HTTP.setHeader response) headers'
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Foreign.Object as Object
-- | retrieve some value. For instance, you could have an implementation for
-- | `String Int String` where `lookup s i` returns `Just` a `String` containing
-- | the character in `s` at `i`, or `Nothing` if `i` is out of bounds.
class Lookup c k r where
class Lookup c k r | c -> r where
-- | Given some type and a key on that type, extract some value that
-- | corresponds to that key.
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module HTTPure.Response
, ResponseM
, send
, response, response'
, binaryResponse, binaryResponse'
, emptyResponse, emptyResponse'
-- 1xx
@ -79,9 +78,9 @@ module HTTPure.Response
import Prelude
import Effect as Effect
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.Body as Body
@ -97,45 +96,37 @@ type ResponseM = Aff.Aff Response
type Response =
{ status :: Status.Status
, headers :: Headers.Headers
, body :: Body.Body
, writeBody :: HTTP.Response -> Aff.Aff Unit
, size :: Maybe.Maybe Int
-- | Given an HTTP `Response` and a HTTPure `Response`, this method will return
-- | a monad encapsulating writing the HTTPure `Response` to the HTTP `Response`
-- | and closing the HTTP `Response`.
send :: HTTP.Response -> Response -> Effect.Effect Unit
send httpresponse { status, headers, body } = do
Status.write httpresponse $ status
size <- Body.size body
Headers.write httpresponse $ headers <> contentLength size
Body.write httpresponse $ body
send :: HTTP.Response -> Response -> Aff.Aff Unit
send httpresponse { status, headers, writeBody, size } = do
EffectClass.liftEffect $ Status.write httpresponse status
EffectClass.liftEffect $ Headers.write httpresponse finalHeaders
writeBody httpresponse
contentLength size = Headers.header "Content-Length" $ show size
finalHeaders = headers <> contentLength size
contentLength (Maybe.Just s) = Headers.header "Content-Length" $ show s
contentLength Maybe.Nothing = Headers.empty
-- | For custom response statuses or providing a body for response codes that
-- | don't typically send one.
response :: Status.Status -> String -> ResponseM
response :: forall b. Body.Body b => Status.Status -> b -> ResponseM
response status = response' status Headers.empty
-- | The same as `response` but with headers.
response' :: Status.Status ->
response' :: forall b. Body.Body b =>
Status.Status ->
Headers.Headers ->
String ->
b ->
response' status headers body =
pure $ { status, headers, body: Body.StringBody body }
-- | Like `response`, but the response body is binary data.
binaryResponse :: Status.Status -> Buffer.Buffer -> Aff.Aff Response
binaryResponse status = binaryResponse' status Headers.empty
-- | The same as `binaryResponse` but with headers.
binaryResponse' :: Status.Status ->
Headers.Headers ->
Buffer.Buffer ->
Aff.Aff Response
binaryResponse' status headers body
= pure $ { status, headers, body: Body.BinaryBody body }
response' status headers body = do
size <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.size body
pure $ { status, headers, size, writeBody: Body.write body }
-- | The same as `response` but without a body.
emptyResponse :: Status.Status -> ResponseM
@ -178,11 +169,11 @@ processing' = emptyResponse' Status.processing
-- | 200
ok :: String -> ResponseM
ok :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
ok = ok' Headers.empty
-- | 200 with headers
ok' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
ok' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
ok' = response' Status.ok
-- | 201
@ -202,12 +193,13 @@ accepted' :: Headers.Headers -> ResponseM
accepted' = emptyResponse' Status.accepted
-- | 203
nonAuthoritativeInformation :: String -> ResponseM
nonAuthoritativeInformation :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
nonAuthoritativeInformation = nonAuthoritativeInformation' Headers.empty
-- | 203 with headers
nonAuthoritativeInformation' :: Headers.Headers ->
String ->
nonAuthoritativeInformation' :: forall b. Body.Body b =>
Headers.Headers ->
b ->
nonAuthoritativeInformation' = response' Status.nonAuthoritativeInformation
@ -228,19 +220,19 @@ resetContent' :: Headers.Headers -> ResponseM
resetContent' = emptyResponse' Status.resetContent
-- | 206
partialContent :: String -> ResponseM
partialContent :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
partialContent = partialContent' Headers.empty
-- | 206 with headers
partialContent' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
partialContent' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
partialContent' = response' Status.partialContent
-- | 207
multiStatus :: String -> ResponseM
multiStatus :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
multiStatus = multiStatus' Headers.empty
-- | 207 with headers
multiStatus' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
multiStatus' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
multiStatus' = response' Status.multiStatus
-- | 208
@ -252,11 +244,11 @@ alreadyReported' :: Headers.Headers -> ResponseM
alreadyReported' = emptyResponse' Status.alreadyReported
-- | 226
iMUsed :: String -> ResponseM
iMUsed :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
iMUsed = iMUsed' Headers.empty
-- | 226 with headers
iMUsed' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
iMUsed' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
iMUsed' = response' Status.iMUsed
@ -264,35 +256,35 @@ iMUsed' = response' Status.iMUsed
-- | 300
multipleChoices :: String -> ResponseM
multipleChoices :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
multipleChoices = multipleChoices' Headers.empty
-- | 300 with headers
multipleChoices' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
multipleChoices' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
multipleChoices' = response' Status.multipleChoices
-- | 301
movedPermanently :: String -> ResponseM
movedPermanently :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
movedPermanently = movedPermanently' Headers.empty
-- | 301 with headers
movedPermanently' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
movedPermanently' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
movedPermanently' = response' Status.movedPermanently
-- | 302
found :: String -> ResponseM
found :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
found = found' Headers.empty
-- | 302 with headers
found' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
found' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
found' = response' Status.found
-- | 303
seeOther :: String -> ResponseM
seeOther :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
seeOther = seeOther' Headers.empty
-- | 303 with headers
seeOther' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
seeOther' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
seeOther' = response' Status.seeOther
-- | 304
@ -304,27 +296,27 @@ notModified' :: Headers.Headers -> ResponseM
notModified' = emptyResponse' Status.notModified
-- | 305
useProxy :: String -> ResponseM
useProxy :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
useProxy = useProxy' Headers.empty
-- | 305 with headers
useProxy' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
useProxy' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
useProxy' = response' Status.useProxy
-- | 307
temporaryRedirect :: String -> ResponseM
temporaryRedirect :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
temporaryRedirect = temporaryRedirect' Headers.empty
-- | 307 with headers
temporaryRedirect' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
temporaryRedirect' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
temporaryRedirect' = response' Status.temporaryRedirect
-- | 308
permanentRedirect :: String -> ResponseM
permanentRedirect :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
permanentRedirect = permanentRedirect' Headers.empty
-- | 308 with headers
permanentRedirect' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
permanentRedirect' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
permanentRedirect' = response' Status.permanentRedirect
@ -333,11 +325,11 @@ permanentRedirect' = response' Status.permanentRedirect
-- | 400
badRequest :: String -> ResponseM
badRequest :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
badRequest = badRequest' Headers.empty
-- | 400 with headers
badRequest' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
badRequest' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
badRequest' = response' Status.badRequest
-- | 401
@ -405,11 +397,11 @@ requestTimeout' :: Headers.Headers -> ResponseM
requestTimeout' = emptyResponse' Status.requestTimeout
-- | 409
conflict :: String -> ResponseM
conflict :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
conflict = conflict' Headers.empty
-- | 409 with headers
conflict' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
conflict' :: forall b. Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> ResponseM
conflict' = response' Status.conflict
-- | 410
@ -561,11 +553,14 @@ unavailableForLegalReasons' = emptyResponse' Status.unavailableForLegalReasons
-- | 500
internalServerError :: String -> ResponseM
internalServerError :: forall b. Body.Body b => b -> ResponseM
internalServerError = internalServerError' Headers.empty
-- | 500 with headers
internalServerError' :: Headers.Headers -> String -> ResponseM
internalServerError' :: forall b. Body.Body b =>
Headers.Headers ->
b ->
internalServerError' = response' Status.internalServerError
-- | 501
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Prelude
import Effect as Effect
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Options ((:=), Options)
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ handleRequest :: (Request.Request -> Response.ResponseM) ->
handleRequest router request response =
void $ Aff.runAff (\_ -> pure unit) do
req <- Request.fromHTTPRequest request
router req >>= Response.send response >>> EffectClass.liftEffect
router req >>= Response.send response
-- | Given a `ListenOptions` object, a function mapping `Request` to
-- | `ResponseM`, and a `ServerM` containing effects to run on boot, creates and
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Test.HTTPure.BodySpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
@ -21,28 +22,37 @@ readSpec = Spec.describe "read" do
sizeSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
sizeSpec = Spec.describe "size" do
|||| "returns the correct size for ASCII string body" do
size <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.size $ Body.StringBody "ascii"
size ?= 5
|||| "returns the correct size for UTF-8 string body" do
size <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.size $ Body.StringBody "\x2603" -- snowman
size ?= 3
|||| "returns the correct size for binary body" do
size <- EffectClass.liftEffect do
buf <- Buffer.fromString "foobar" Encoding.UTF8
Body.size $ Body.BinaryBody buf
size ?= 6
Spec.describe "String" do
|||| "returns the correct size for ASCII string body" do
size <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.size "ascii"
size ?= Maybe.Just 5
|||| "returns the correct size for UTF-8 string body" do
size <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.size "\x2603" -- snowman
size ?= Maybe.Just 3
Spec.describe "Buffer" do
|||| "returns the correct size for binary body" do
size <- EffectClass.liftEffect do
buf <- Buffer.fromString "foobar" Encoding.UTF8
Body.size buf
size ?= Maybe.Just 6
writeSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
writeSpec = Spec.describe "write" do
|||| "writes the string to the Response body" do
body <- EffectClass.liftEffect do
resp <- TestHelpers.mockResponse
Body.write resp $ Body.StringBody "test"
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody resp
body ?= "test"
Spec.describe "String" do
|||| "writes the String to the Response body" do
body <- do
resp <- EffectClass.liftEffect TestHelpers.mockResponse
Body.write "test" resp
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody resp
body ?= "test"
Spec.describe "Buffer" do
|||| "writes the Buffer to the Response body" do
body <- do
resp <- EffectClass.liftEffect TestHelpers.mockResponse
buf <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "test" Encoding.UTF8
Body.write buf resp
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody resp
body ?= "test"
bodySpec :: TestHelpers.Test
bodySpec = Spec.describe "Body" do
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
module Test.HTTPure.HTTPureEffectsSpec where
import Prelude
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
httpureEffectsSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
httpureEffectsSpec = Spec.describe "HTTPureEffects" do
pure unit
@ -30,23 +30,22 @@ hasSpec = Spec.describe "has" do
|||| "is false" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !? 4 ?= false
lookupArraySpec :: TestHelpers.Test
lookupArraySpec = Spec.describe "lookupArray" do
Spec.describe "when the index is in bounds" do
|||| "is Just the value at the index" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 1 ?= Maybe.Just "two"
Spec.describe "when the index is out of bounds" do
|||| "is Nothing" do
(([ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 4) :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
lookupMapSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
lookupMapSpec = Spec.describe "lookupMap" do
Spec.describe "when the key is in the Map" do
|||| "is Just the value at the given key" do
mockMap !! "foo" ?= Maybe.Just "bar"
Spec.describe "when the key is not in the Map" do
|||| "is Nothing" do
((mockMap !! "baz") :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
lookupFunctionSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
lookupFunctionSpec = Spec.describe "lookup" do
Spec.describe "Array" do
Spec.describe "when the index is in bounds" do
|||| "is Just the value at the index" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 1 ?= Maybe.Just "two"
Spec.describe "when the index is out of bounds" do
|||| "is Nothing" do
(([ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 4) :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
Spec.describe "Map" do
Spec.describe "when the key is in the Map" do
|||| "is Just the value at the given key" do
mockMap !! "foo" ?= Maybe.Just "bar"
Spec.describe "when the key is not in the Map" do
|||| "is Nothing" do
((mockMap !! "baz") :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
mockMap = Object.singleton "foo" "bar"
@ -54,5 +53,4 @@ lookupSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
lookupSpec = Spec.describe "Lookup" do
@ -2,13 +2,15 @@ module Test.HTTPure.ResponseSpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Either as Either
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.Stream as Stream
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.Spec.Assertions as Assertions
import HTTPure.Body as Body
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import HTTPure.Response as Response
@ -18,35 +20,41 @@ import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
sendSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
sendSpec = Spec.describe "send" do
|||| "writes the headers" do
header <- EffectClass.liftEffect do
httpResponse <- TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse mockResponse
header <- do
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse $ mockResponse unit
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseHeader "Test" httpResponse
header ?= "test"
|||| "sets the Content-Length header" do
header <- EffectClass.liftEffect do
httpResponse <- TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse mockResponse
header <- do
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse $ mockResponse unit
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseHeader "Content-Length" httpResponse
header ?= "4"
|||| "writes the status" do
status <- EffectClass.liftEffect do
httpResponse <- TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse mockResponse
status <- do
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse $ mockResponse unit
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseStatus httpResponse
status ?= 123
|||| "writes the body" do
body <- EffectClass.liftEffect do
httpResponse <- TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse mockResponse
body <- do
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse $ mockResponse unit
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse =
mockResponse _ =
{ status: 123
, headers: mockHeaders
, body: Body.StringBody "test"
, writeBody: \response -> Aff.makeAff \done -> do
stream <- pure $ HTTP.responseAsStream response
_ <- Stream.writeString stream Encoding.UTF8 "test" $ pure unit
_ <- Stream.end stream $ pure unit
done $ Either.Right unit
pure Aff.nonCanceler
, size: Maybe.Just 4
responseFunctionSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
@ -57,11 +65,16 @@ responseFunctionSpec = Spec.describe "response" do
|||| "has empty headers" do
resp <- Response.response 123 "test"
resp.headers ?= Headers.empty
|||| "has the right body" do
|||| "has the right size" do
resp <- Response.response 123 "test"
case resp.body of
Body.StringBody str -> str ?= "test"
_ -> "String body expected"
resp.size ?= Maybe.Just 4
|||| "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- Response.response 123 "test"
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
response'Spec :: TestHelpers.Test
response'Spec = Spec.describe "response'" do
@ -71,56 +84,20 @@ response'Spec = Spec.describe "response'" do
|||| "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse
resp.headers ?= mockHeaders
|||| "has the right body" do
|||| "has the right size" do
resp <- mockResponse
case resp.body of
Body.StringBody str -> str ?= "test"
_ -> "String body expected"
resp.size ?= Maybe.Just 4
|||| "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse = Response.response' 123 mockHeaders "test"
binaryResponseSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
binaryResponseSpec = Spec.describe "binaryResponse" do
|||| "has the right status" do
body <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "test" Encoding.UTF8
resp <- Response.binaryResponse 123 body
resp.status ?= 123
|||| "has empty headers" do
body <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "test" Encoding.UTF8
resp <- Response.binaryResponse 123 body
resp.headers ?= Headers.empty
|||| "has the right body" do
body <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "test" Encoding.UTF8
resp <- Response.binaryResponse 123 body
case resp.body of
Body.BinaryBody bin -> do
str <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.toString Encoding.UTF8 bin
str ?= "test"
_ -> "Binary body expected"
binaryResponse'Spec :: TestHelpers.Test
binaryResponse'Spec = Spec.describe "binaryResponse'" do
|||| "has the right status" do
body <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "test" Encoding.UTF8
resp <- mockResponse body
resp.status ?= 123
|||| "has the right headers" do
body <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "test" Encoding.UTF8
resp <- mockResponse body
resp.headers ?= mockHeaders
|||| "has the right body" do
body <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "test" Encoding.UTF8
resp <- mockResponse body
case resp.body of
Body.BinaryBody bin -> do
str <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.toString Encoding.UTF8 bin
str ?= "test"
_ -> "Binary body expected"
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse = Response.binaryResponse' 123 mockHeaders
emptyResponseSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
emptyResponseSpec = Spec.describe "emptyResponse" do
|||| "has the right status" do
@ -129,11 +106,16 @@ emptyResponseSpec = Spec.describe "emptyResponse" do
|||| "has empty headers" do
resp <- Response.emptyResponse 123
resp.headers ?= Headers.empty
|||| "has an empty body" do
|||| "has the right size" do
resp <- Response.emptyResponse 123
case resp.body of
Body.StringBody str -> str ?= ""
_ -> "String body expected"
resp.size ?= Maybe.Just 0
|||| "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- Response.emptyResponse 123
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= ""
emptyResponse'Spec :: TestHelpers.Test
emptyResponse'Spec = Spec.describe "emptyResponse'" do
@ -143,11 +125,16 @@ emptyResponse'Spec = Spec.describe "emptyResponse'" do
|||| "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse
resp.headers ?= mockHeaders
|||| "has an empty body" do
|||| "has the right size" do
resp <- mockResponse
case resp.body of
Body.StringBody str -> str ?= ""
_ -> "String body expected"
resp.size ?= Maybe.Just 0
|||| "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= ""
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse = Response.emptyResponse' 123 mockHeaders
@ -157,7 +144,5 @@ responseSpec = Spec.describe "Response" do
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ toBuffer response = Aff.makeAff \done -> do
|||| chunks
>>= List.reverse >>> Array.fromFoldable >>> Buffer.concat
>>= Either.Right >>> done
pure $ Aff.nonCanceler
pure Aff.nonCanceler
-- | Convert a request to an Aff containing the string with the response body.
toString :: HTTPClient.Response -> Aff.Aff String
@ -143,8 +143,7 @@ mockRequest method url body =
EffectClass.liftEffect <<< mockRequestImpl method url body <<< Object.fromFoldable
-- | Mock an HTTP Response object
foreign import mockResponse ::
Effect.Effect HTTP.Response
foreign import mockResponse :: Effect.Effect HTTP.Response
-- | Get the current body from an HTTP Response object (note this will only work
-- | with an object returned from mockResponse).
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import Test.Spec.Runner as Runner
import Test.HTTPure.BodySpec as BodySpec
import Test.HTTPure.HeadersSpec as HeadersSpec
import Test.HTTPure.HTTPureEffectsSpec as HTTPureEffectsSpec
import Test.HTTPure.LookupSpec as LookupSpec
import Test.HTTPure.MethodSpec as MethodSpec
import Test.HTTPure.PathSpec as PathSpec
@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ main :: TestHelpers.TestSuite
main = [ Reporter.specReporter ] $ Spec.describe "HTTPure" do
Reference in New Issue
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