Update readme
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,15 +129,11 @@ import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPurple (type (<+>), Request, ResponseM, ServerM, found', headers, ok, notFound, orElse, serve, (<+>))
import Record as Record
import HTTPurple (ServerM, found', headers, ok, serve)
import Routing.Duplex (RouteDuplex', as, optional, print, root, segment, string)
import Routing.Duplex.Generic as G
import Routing.Duplex.Generic.Syntax ((/), (?))
import Type.Prelude (Proxy(..))
-- define the ADT representing your Api
data Route
= Home
| Profile String
@ -164,7 +160,6 @@ sortFromString = case _ of
sort :: RouteDuplex' String -> RouteDuplex' Sort
sort = as sortToString sortFromString
-- define the api routes
api :: RouteDuplex' Route
api = root $ G.sum
{ "Home": G.noArgs
@ -173,36 +168,19 @@ api = root $ G.sum
, "Search": "search" ? { q: string, sorting: optional <<< sort }
-- example of a second api for meta information
data Route2 = Health
derive instance Generic Route2 _
meta :: RouteDuplex' Route2
meta = root $ G.sum { "Health": "health" / G.noArgs }
-- optionally define a custom notFoundHandler
notFoundHandler :: Request Unit -> ResponseM
notFoundHandler = const $ ok "Nothing to see here"
-- combine routes using `<+>`, combine routes using `orElse`
main :: ServerM
main = serve { port: 8080, notFoundHandler } { route: api <+> meta, router: apiRouter `orElse` metaRouter }
main = serve { port: 8080 } { route: api, router: apiRouter }
apiRouter { route: Home } = ok "hello world!"
apiRouter { route: (Profile profile) } = ok $ "hello " <> profile <> "!"
apiRouter { route: (Account account) } = found' redirect ""
-- to create a redirect just print the data constructor
redirect = headers [ Tuple "Location" $ print api $ Profile account ]
apiRouter { route: (Search { q, sorting }) } = ok $ "searching for query " <> q <> " " <> case sorting of
Just Asc -> "ascending"
Just Desc -> "descending"
Nothing -> "defaulting to ascending"
metaRouter { route: Health } = ok """{"status":"ok"}"""
### Startup options
Reference in New Issue
Block a user