Clean up imports (#185)

* Clean up import declarations to only use qualified when necessary

* Remove unused imports
This commit is contained in:
Connor Prussin 2021-11-18 22:16:35 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent f58aa94484
commit 8295d8755e
No known key found for this signature in database
42 changed files with 1540 additions and 1505 deletions

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@ -36,16 +36,15 @@ spago install httpure
module Main where
import Prelude (($))
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (ServerM, serve, ok)
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 router $ Console.log "Server now up on port 8080"
main :: ServerM
main = serve 8080 router $ log "Server now up on port 8080"
router _ = HTTPure.ok "hello world!"
router _ = ok "hello world!"
## Documentation

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ You can create an HTTPure server without SSL using `HTTPure.serve`:
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main = HTTPure.serve 8080 router $ Console.log "Server up"
main = HTTPure.serve 8080 router $ log "Server up"
Most of the [examples](./Examples), besides [the SSL Example](./Examples/SSL),
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ You can also create a server using a custom
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main = HTTPure.serve' customOptions router $ Console.log "Server up"
main = HTTPure.serve' customOptions router $ log "Server up"
## SSL
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ path to a cert file and a path to a key file after the port number:
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serveSecure 8080 "./Certificate.cer" "./Key.key" router $
Console.log "Server up"
log "Server up"
You can look at [the SSL Example](./Examples/SSL/Main.purs), which uses this
@ -62,12 +62,13 @@ You can also create a server using a
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serveSecure' customSSLOptions customOptions router $
Console.log "Server up"
log "Server up"
## Shutdown hook
To gracefully shut down a server you can add a shutdown hook. For this you will need to add the following dependencies:
@ -78,17 +79,17 @@ Then take the closing handler returned by `serve` and create a `SIGINT` and `SIG
import Prelude
import Data.Posix.Signal (Signal(..))
import Data.Posix.Signal (Signal(SIGINT, SIGTERM))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (serve, ok)
import Node.Process (onSignal)
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
closingHandler <- HTTPure.serve 8080 (const $ HTTPure.ok "hello world!") do
Console.log $ "Server now up on port 8080"
closingHandler <- serve 8080 (const $ ok "hello world!") do
log $ "Server now up on port 8080"
onSignal SIGINT $ closingHandler $ Console.log "Received SIGINT, stopping service now."
onSignal SIGTERM $ closingHandler $ Console.log "Received SIGTERM, stopping service now."
onSignal SIGINT $ closingHandler $ log "Received SIGINT, stopping service now."
onSignal SIGTERM $ closingHandler $ log "Received SIGTERM, stopping service now."

View File

@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
module Examples.AsyncResponse.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.FS.Aff as FSAff
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (ServerM, Request, ResponseM, serve, ok)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.FS.Aff (readTextFile)
-- | The path to the file containing the response to send
filePath :: String
filePath = "./docs/Examples/AsyncResponse/Hello"
-- | Say 'hello world!' when run
sayHello :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
sayHello = const $ FSAff.readTextFile Encoding.UTF8 filePath >>= HTTPure.ok
sayHello :: Request -> ResponseM
sayHello = const $ readTextFile UTF8 filePath >>= ok
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 sayHello do
Console.log $ " ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:8080 # => hello world! │"
Console.log $ " └────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 sayHello do
log " ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl localhost:8080 # => hello world! │"
log " └────────────────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
module Examples.BinaryRequest.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import Effect.Console (log)
import Node.Buffer (Buffer)
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import HTTPure (Request, ResponseM, ServerM, toBuffer, serve, ok)
foreign import sha256sum :: Buffer -> String
-- | Respond with file's sha256sum
router :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
router { body } = HTTPure.toBuffer body >>= sha256sum >>> HTTPure.ok
router :: Request -> ResponseM
router { body } = toBuffer body >>= sha256sum >>> ok
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 router do
Console.log $ " ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl -XPOST --data-binary @circle.png localhost:8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ # => d5e776724dd5... │"
Console.log $ " └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 router do
log " ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl -XPOST --data-binary @circle.png localhost:8080 │"
log " │ # => d5e776724dd5... │"
log " └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"

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@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
module Examples.BinaryResponse.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import Node.FS.Aff as FS
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Effect.Console (log)
import Node.FS.Aff (readFile)
import HTTPure (ServerM, Request, ResponseM, Headers, serve, ok', header)
-- | The path to the file containing the response to send
filePath :: String
filePath = "./docs/Examples/BinaryResponse/circle.png"
responseHeaders :: HTTPure.Headers
responseHeaders = HTTPure.header "Content-Type" "image/png"
responseHeaders :: Headers
responseHeaders = header "Content-Type" "image/png"
-- | Respond with image data when run
image :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
image = const $ FS.readFile filePath >>= HTTPure.ok' responseHeaders
image :: Request -> ResponseM
image = const $ readFile filePath >>= ok' responseHeaders
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 image do
Console.log $ " ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl -o circle.png localhost:8080 │"
Console.log $ " └──────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 image do
log " ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl -o circle.png localhost:8080 │"
log " └──────────────────────────────────────┘"

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@ -1,36 +1,35 @@
module Examples.Chunked.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Node.ChildProcess as ChildProcess
import Node.Stream as Stream
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (ServerM, Request, ResponseM, serve, ok)
import Node.ChildProcess (stdout, spawn, defaultSpawnOptions)
import Node.Stream (Readable)
-- | Run a script and return it's stdout stream
runScript :: String -> Aff.Aff (Stream.Readable ())
runScript :: String -> Aff (Readable ())
runScript script =
EffectClass.liftEffect $ ChildProcess.stdout
<$> ChildProcess.spawn "sh" [ "-c", script ] ChildProcess.defaultSpawnOptions
liftEffect $ stdout <$> spawn "sh" [ "-c", script ] defaultSpawnOptions
-- | Say 'hello world!' in chunks when run
sayHello :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
sayHello = const $ runScript "echo 'hello '; sleep 1; echo 'world!'" >>= HTTPure.ok
sayHello :: Request -> ResponseM
sayHello = const $ runScript "echo 'hello '; sleep 1; echo 'world!'" >>= ok
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 sayHello do
Console.log $ " ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl -Nv localhost:8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ... │"
Console.log $ " │ # => < Transfer-Encoding: chunked │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ... │"
Console.log $ " │ # => hello │"
Console.log $ " │ (1 second pause) │"
Console.log $ " │ # => world! │"
Console.log $ " └──────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 sayHello do
log " ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl -Nv localhost:8080 │"
log " │ # => ... │"
log " │ # => < Transfer-Encoding: chunked │"
log " │ # => ... │"
log " │ # => hello │"
log " │ (1 second pause) │"
log " │ # => world! │"
log " └──────────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -4,34 +4,34 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Reader (class MonadAsk, ReaderT, asks, runReaderT)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (Request, Response, ResponseM, ServerM, serve, ok)
-- | A type to hold the environment for our ReaderT
type Env = { name :: String }
-- | A middleware that introduces a ReaderT
readerMiddleware ::
(HTTPure.Request -> ReaderT Env Aff HTTPure.Response) ->
HTTPure.Request ->
(Request -> ReaderT Env Aff Response) ->
Request ->
readerMiddleware router request = do
runReaderT (router request) { name: "joe" }
-- | Say 'hello, joe' when run
sayHello :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadAsk Env m => HTTPure.Request -> m HTTPure.Response
sayHello :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadAsk Env m => Request -> m Response
sayHello _ = do
name <- asks
HTTPure.ok $ "hello, " <> name
ok $ "hello, " <> name
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 (readerMiddleware sayHello) do
Console.log $ " ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl -v localhost:8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ # => hello, joe │"
Console.log $ " └───────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 (readerMiddleware sayHello) do
log " ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl -v localhost:8080 │"
log " │ # => hello, joe │"
log " └───────────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
module Examples.Headers.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import HTTPure ((!@))
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (ServerM, Headers, Request, ResponseM, (!@), header, serve, ok')
-- | The headers that will be included in every response.
responseHeaders :: HTTPure.Headers
responseHeaders = HTTPure.header "X-Example" "hello world!"
responseHeaders :: Headers
responseHeaders = header "X-Example" "hello world!"
-- | Route to the correct handler
router :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
router { headers } = HTTPure.ok' responseHeaders $ headers !@ "X-Input"
router :: Request -> ResponseM
router { headers } = ok' responseHeaders $ headers !@ "X-Input"
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 router do
Console.log $ " ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl -H 'X-Input: test' -v localhost:8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ... │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ...< X-Example: hello world! │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ... │"
Console.log $ " │ # => test │"
Console.log $ " └──────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 router do
log " ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl -H 'X-Input: test' -v localhost:8080 │"
log " │ # => ... │"
log " │ # => ...< X-Example: hello world! │"
log " │ # => ... │"
log " │ # => test │"
log " └──────────────────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
module Examples.HelloWorld.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (ServerM, serve, ok)
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 (const $ HTTPure.ok "hello world!") do
Console.log $ " ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:8080 # => hello world! │"
Console.log $ " └────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 (const $ ok "hello world!") do
log " ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl localhost:8080 # => hello world! │"
log " └────────────────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -1,66 +1,68 @@
module Examples.Middleware.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (Request, ResponseM, ServerM, serve, fullPath, header, ok, ok')
-- | A middleware that logs at the beginning and end of each request
loggingMiddleware ::
(HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM) ->
HTTPure.Request ->
(Request -> ResponseM) ->
Request ->
loggingMiddleware router request = do
EffectClass.liftEffect $ Console.log $ "Request starting for " <> path
liftEffect $ log $ "Request starting for " <> path
response <- router request
EffectClass.liftEffect $ Console.log $ "Request ending for " <> path
liftEffect $ log $ "Request ending for " <> path
pure response
path = HTTPure.fullPath request
path = fullPath request
-- | A middleware that adds the X-Middleware header to the response, if it
-- | wasn't already in the response
headerMiddleware ::
(HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM) ->
HTTPure.Request ->
(Request -> ResponseM) ->
Request ->
headerMiddleware router request = do
response@{ headers } <- router request
pure $ response { headers = header <> headers }
pure $ response { headers = header' <> headers }
header = HTTPure.header "X-Middleware" "middleware"
header' = header "X-Middleware" "middleware"
-- | A middleware that sends the body "Middleware!" instead of running the
-- | router when requesting /middleware
pathMiddleware ::
(HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM) ->
HTTPure.Request ->
pathMiddleware _ { path: [ "middleware" ] } = HTTPure.ok "Middleware!"
(Request -> ResponseM) ->
Request ->
pathMiddleware _ { path: [ "middleware" ] } = ok "Middleware!"
pathMiddleware router request = router request
-- | Say 'hello' when run, and add a default value to the X-Middleware header
sayHello :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
sayHello _ = HTTPure.ok' (HTTPure.header "X-Middleware" "router") "hello"
sayHello :: Request -> ResponseM
sayHello _ = ok' (header "X-Middleware" "router") "hello"
-- | The stack of middlewares to use for the server
middlewareStack :: (Request -> ResponseM) -> Request -> ResponseM
middlewareStack = loggingMiddleware <<< headerMiddleware <<< pathMiddleware
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 (middlewares sayHello) do
Console.log $ " ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl -v localhost:8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ... │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ...< X-Middleware: router │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ... │"
Console.log $ " │ # => hello │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl -v localhost:8080/middleware │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ... │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ...< X-Middleware: middleware │"
Console.log $ " │ # => ... │"
Console.log $ " │ # => Middleware! │"
Console.log $ " └───────────────────────────────────────┘"
middlewares = loggingMiddleware <<< headerMiddleware <<< pathMiddleware
serve 8080 (middlewareStack sayHello) do
log " ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl -v localhost:8080 │"
log " │ # => ... │"
log " │ # => ...< X-Middleware: router │"
log " │ # => ... │"
log " │ # => hello │"
log " │ > curl -v localhost:8080/middleware │"
log " │ # => ... │"
log " │ # => ...< X-Middleware: middleware │"
log " │ # => ... │"
log " │ # => Middleware! │"
log " └───────────────────────────────────────┘"

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@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
module Examples.MultiRoute.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (Request, ResponseM, ServerM, serve, ok, notFound)
-- | Specify the routes
router :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
router { path: [ "hello" ] } = HTTPure.ok "hello"
router { path: [ "goodbye" ] } = HTTPure.ok "goodbye"
router _ = HTTPure.notFound
router :: Request -> ResponseM
router { path: [ "hello" ] } = ok "hello"
router { path: [ "goodbye" ] } = ok "goodbye"
router _ = notFound
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 router do
Console.log $ " ┌────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:8080/hello │"
Console.log $ " │ # => hello │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:8080/goodbye │"
Console.log $ " │ # => goodbye │"
Console.log $ " └────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 router do
log " ┌────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl localhost:8080/hello │"
log " │ # => hello │"
log " │ > curl localhost:8080/goodbye │"
log " │ # => goodbye │"
log " └────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
module Examples.PathSegments.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import HTTPure ((!@))
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (Request, ResponseM, ServerM, (!@), serve, ok)
-- | Specify the routes
router :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
router :: Request -> ResponseM
router { path }
| path !@ 0 == "segment" = HTTPure.ok $ path !@ 1
| otherwise = HTTPure.ok $ show path
| path !@ 0 == "segment" = ok $ path !@ 1
| otherwise = ok $ show path
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 router do
Console.log $ " ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:8080/segment/<anything> │"
Console.log $ " │ # => <anything> │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:8080/<anything>/<else>/... │"
Console.log $ " │ # => [ <anything>, <else>, ... ] │"
Console.log $ " └───────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 router do
log " ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl localhost:8080/segment/<anything> │"
log " │ # => <anything> │"
log " │ > curl localhost:8080/<anything>/<else>/... │"
log " │ # => [ <anything>, <else>, ... ] │"
log " └───────────────────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -1,22 +1,31 @@
module Examples.Post.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure
( Request
, ResponseM
, ServerM
, Method(Post)
, serve
, ok
, notFound
, toString
-- | Route to the correct handler
router :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
router { body, method: HTTPure.Post } = HTTPure.toString body >>= HTTPure.ok
router _ = HTTPure.notFound
router :: Request -> ResponseM
router { body, method: Post } = toString body >>= ok
router _ = notFound
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 router do
Console.log $ " ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl -XPOST --data test localhost:8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ # => test │"
Console.log $ " └───────────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 router do
log " ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl -XPOST --data test localhost:8080 │"
log " │ # => test │"
log " └───────────────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
module Examples.QueryParameters.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import HTTPure ((!@), (!?))
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (Request, ResponseM, ServerM, (!@), (!?), serve, ok)
-- | Specify the routes
router :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
router :: Request -> ResponseM
router { query }
| query !? "foo" = HTTPure.ok "foo"
| query !@ "bar" == "test" = HTTPure.ok "bar"
| otherwise = HTTPure.ok $ query !@ "baz"
| query !? "foo" = ok "foo"
| query !@ "bar" == "test" = ok "bar"
| otherwise = ok $ query !@ "baz"
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serve 8080 router do
Console.log $ " ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:8080?foo │"
Console.log $ " │ # => foo │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:8080?bar=test │"
Console.log $ " │ # => bar │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl localhost:8080?baz=<anything> │"
Console.log $ " │ # => <anything> │"
Console.log $ " └───────────────────────────────────────┘"
serve 8080 router do
log " ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl localhost:8080?foo │"
log " │ # => foo │"
log " │ > curl localhost:8080?bar=test │"
log " │ # => bar │"
log " │ > curl localhost:8080?baz=<anything> │"
log " │ # => <anything> │"
log " └───────────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Examples.SSL.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Console as Console
import HTTPure as HTTPure
import Effect.Console (log)
import HTTPure (Request, ResponseM, ServerM, serveSecure, ok)
-- | The path to the certificate file
cert :: String
@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ key :: String
key = "./docs/Examples/SSL/Key.key"
-- | Say 'hello world!' when run
sayHello :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM
sayHello _ = HTTPure.ok "hello world!"
sayHello :: Request -> ResponseM
sayHello _ = ok "hello world!"
-- | Boot up the server
main :: HTTPure.ServerM
main :: ServerM
main =
HTTPure.serveSecure 8080 cert key sayHello do
Console.log $ " ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐"
Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ │"
Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │"
Console.log $ " │ > curl --insecure https://localhost:8080 │"
Console.log $ " │ # => hello world! │"
Console.log $ " └───────────────────────────────────────────┘"
serveSecure 8080 cert key sayHello do
log " ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐"
log " │ Server now up on port 8080 │"
log " │ │"
log " │ To test, run: │"
log " │ > curl --insecure https://localhost:8080 │"
log " │ # => hello world! │"
log " └───────────────────────────────────────────┘"

View File

@ -8,37 +8,39 @@ module HTTPure.Body
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Either as Either
import Effect as Effect
import Data.Either (Either(Right))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Ref as Ref
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.Stream as Stream
import Type.Equality as TypeEquals
import Effect.Aff (Aff, makeAff, nonCanceler)
import Effect.Ref (read) as Ref
import Effect.Ref (new, modify)
import HTTPure.Headers (Headers, header)
import Node.Buffer (toString) as Buffer
import Node.Buffer (Buffer, concat, fromString, size)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.HTTP (Request, Response, requestAsStream, responseAsStream)
import Node.Stream (write) as Stream
import Node.Stream (Stream, Readable, onData, onEnd, writeString, pipe, end)
import Type.Equality (class TypeEquals, to)
-- | Read the body `Readable` stream out of the incoming request
read :: HTTP.Request -> Stream.Readable ()
read = HTTP.requestAsStream
read :: Request -> Readable ()
read = requestAsStream
-- | Slurp the entire `Readable` stream into a `String`
toString :: Stream.Readable () -> Aff.Aff String
toString = toBuffer >=> Buffer.toString Encoding.UTF8 >>> liftEffect
toString :: Readable () -> Aff String
toString = toBuffer >=> Buffer.toString UTF8 >>> liftEffect
-- | Slurp the entire `Readable` stream into a `Buffer`
toBuffer :: Stream.Readable () -> Aff.Aff Buffer.Buffer
toBuffer :: Readable () -> Aff Buffer
toBuffer stream =
Aff.makeAff \done -> do
bufs <- []
Stream.onData stream \buf ->
void $ Ref.modify (_ <> [ buf ]) bufs
Stream.onEnd stream do
body <- bufs >>= Buffer.concat
done $ Either.Right body
pure Aff.nonCanceler
makeAff \done -> do
bufs <- new []
onData stream \buf -> void $ modify (_ <> [ buf ]) bufs
onEnd stream do
body <- bufs >>= concat
done $ Right body
pure nonCanceler
-- | Types that implement the `Body` class can be used as a body to an HTTPure
-- | response, and can be used with all the response helpers.
@ -47,10 +49,10 @@ class Body b where
-- | things like `Content-Type`, `Content-Length`, and `Transfer-Encoding`.
-- | Note that any headers passed in a response helper such as `ok'` will take
-- | precedence over these.
defaultHeaders :: b -> Effect.Effect Headers.Headers
defaultHeaders :: b -> Effect Headers
-- | Given a body value and a Node HTTP `Response` value, write the body value
-- | to the Node response.
write :: b -> HTTP.Response -> Aff.Aff Unit
write :: b -> Response -> Aff Unit
-- | The instance for `String` will convert the string to a buffer first in
-- | order to determine it's additional headers. This is to ensure that the
@ -59,44 +61,32 @@ class Body b where
-- | response stream and closing the response stream.
instance bodyString :: Body String where
defaultHeaders body = do
buf :: Buffer.Buffer <- Buffer.fromString body Encoding.UTF8
buf :: Buffer <- fromString body UTF8
defaultHeaders buf
write body response =
Aff.makeAff \done -> do
stream = HTTP.responseAsStream response
void $ Stream.writeString stream Encoding.UTF8 body
$ Stream.end stream
$ done
$ Either.Right unit
pure Aff.nonCanceler
write body response = makeAff \done -> do
let stream = responseAsStream response
void $ writeString stream UTF8 body $ end stream $ done $ Right unit
pure nonCanceler
-- | The instance for `Buffer` is trivial--we add a `Content-Length` header
-- | using `Buffer.size`, and to send the response, we just write the buffer to
-- | the stream and end the stream.
instance bodyBuffer :: Body Buffer.Buffer where
defaultHeaders buf = Headers.header "Content-Length" <$> show <$> Buffer.size buf
write body response =
Aff.makeAff \done -> do
stream = HTTP.responseAsStream response
void $ Stream.write stream body
$ Stream.end stream
$ done
$ Either.Right unit
pure Aff.nonCanceler
instance bodyBuffer :: Body Buffer where
defaultHeaders buf = header "Content-Length" <$> show <$> size buf
write body response = makeAff \done -> do
let stream = responseAsStream response
void $ Stream.write stream body $ end stream $ done $ Right unit
pure nonCanceler
-- | This instance can be used to send chunked data. Here, we add a
-- | `Transfer-Encoding` header to indicate chunked data. To write the data, we
-- | simply pipe the newtype-wrapped `Stream` to the response.
instance bodyChunked ::
TypeEquals.TypeEquals (Stream.Stream r) (Stream.Readable ()) =>
Body (Stream.Stream r) where
defaultHeaders _ = pure $ Headers.header "Transfer-Encoding" "chunked"
write body response =
Aff.makeAff \done -> do
stream = body
void $ Stream.pipe stream $ HTTP.responseAsStream response
Stream.onEnd stream $ done $ Either.Right unit
pure Aff.nonCanceler
TypeEquals (Stream r) (Readable ()) =>
Body (Stream r) where
defaultHeaders _ = pure $ header "Transfer-Encoding" "chunked"
write body response = makeAff \done -> do
let stream = to body
void $ pipe stream $ responseAsStream response
onEnd stream $ done $ Right unit
pure nonCanceler

View File

@ -8,37 +8,36 @@ module HTTPure.Headers
) where
import Prelude
import Effect as Effect
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.FoldableWithIndex as FoldableWithIndex
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Newtype as Newtype
import Data.String.CaseInsensitive as CaseInsensitive
import Data.TraversableWithIndex as TraversableWithIndex
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.Lookup as Lookup
import HTTPure.Lookup ((!!))
import Effect (Effect)
import Foreign.Object (fold)
import Data.Foldable (foldl)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (foldMapWithIndex)
import Data.Map (empty) as Map
import Data.Map (Map, singleton, union, insert)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap)
import Data.String.CaseInsensitive (CaseInsensitiveString(CaseInsensitiveString))
import Data.TraversableWithIndex (traverseWithIndex)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(Tuple))
import Node.HTTP (Request, Response, requestHeaders, setHeader)
import HTTPure.Lookup (class Lookup, (!!))
-- | The `Headers` type is just sugar for a `Object` of `Strings`
-- | that represents the set of headers in an HTTP request or response.
newtype Headers
= Headers (Map.Map CaseInsensitive.CaseInsensitiveString String)
newtype Headers = Headers (Map CaseInsensitiveString String)
derive instance newtypeHeaders :: Newtype.Newtype Headers _
derive instance newtypeHeaders :: Newtype Headers _
-- | Given a string, return a `Maybe` containing the value of the matching
-- | header, if there is any.
instance lookup :: Lookup.Lookup Headers String String where
instance lookup :: Lookup Headers String String where
lookup (Headers headers') key = headers' !! key
-- | Allow a `Headers` to be represented as a string. This string is formatted
-- | in HTTP headers format.
instance show :: Show Headers where
show (Headers headers') = FoldableWithIndex.foldMapWithIndex showField headers' <> "\n"
show (Headers headers') = foldMapWithIndex showField headers' <> "\n"
showField key value = Newtype.unwrap key <> ": " <> value <> "\n"
showField key value = unwrap key <> ": " <> value <> "\n"
-- | Compare two `Headers` objects by comparing the underlying `Objects`.
instance eq :: Eq Headers where
@ -46,33 +45,31 @@ instance eq :: Eq Headers where
-- | Allow one `Headers` objects to be appended to another.
instance semigroup :: Semigroup Headers where
append (Headers a) (Headers b) = Headers $ Map.union b a
append (Headers a) (Headers b) = Headers $ union b a
-- | Get the headers out of a HTTP `Request` object.
read :: HTTP.Request -> Headers
read = HTTP.requestHeaders >>> Object.fold insertField Map.empty >>> Headers
read :: Request -> Headers
read = requestHeaders >>> fold insertField Map.empty >>> Headers
insertField x key value = Map.insert (CaseInsensitive.CaseInsensitiveString key) value x
insertField x key value = insert (CaseInsensitiveString key) value x
-- | Given an HTTP `Response` and a `Headers` object, return an effect that will
-- | write the `Headers` to the `Response`.
write :: HTTP.Response -> Headers -> Effect.Effect Unit
write response (Headers headers') =
$ TraversableWithIndex.traverseWithIndex writeField headers'
write :: Response -> Headers -> Effect Unit
write response (Headers headers') = void $ traverseWithIndex writeField headers'
writeField key value = HTTP.setHeader response (Newtype.unwrap key) value
writeField key value = setHeader response (unwrap key) value
-- | Return a `Headers` containing nothing.
empty :: Headers
empty = Headers Map.empty
-- | Convert an `Array` of `Tuples` of 2 `Strings` to a `Headers` object.
headers :: Array (Tuple.Tuple String String) -> Headers
headers = Foldable.foldl insertField Map.empty >>> Headers
headers :: Array (Tuple String String) -> Headers
headers = foldl insertField Map.empty >>> Headers
insertField x (Tuple.Tuple key value) = Map.insert (CaseInsensitive.CaseInsensitiveString key) value x
insertField x (Tuple key value) = insert (CaseInsensitiveString key) value x
-- | Create a singleton header from a key-value pair.
header :: String -> String -> Headers
header key = Map.singleton (CaseInsensitive.CaseInsensitiveString key) >>> Headers
header key = singleton (CaseInsensitiveString key) >>> Headers

View File

@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ module HTTPure.Lookup
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.String.CaseInsensitive as CaseInsensitive
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Data.Array (index)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map (lookup) as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe, fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.String.CaseInsensitive (CaseInsensitiveString(CaseInsensitiveString))
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Foreign.Object (lookup) as Object
-- | Types that implement the `Lookup` class can be looked up by some key to
-- | retrieve some value. For instance, you could have an implementation for
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ import Foreign.Object as Object
class Lookup c k r | c -> r where
-- | Given some type and a key on that type, extract some value that
-- | corresponds to that key.
lookup :: c -> k -> Maybe.Maybe r
lookup :: c -> k -> Maybe r
-- | `!!` is inspired by `!!` in `Data.Array`, but note that it differs from
-- | `!!` in `Data.Array` in that you can use `!!` for any other instance of
@ -33,26 +34,26 @@ infixl 8 lookup as !!
-- | The instance of `Lookup` for an `Array` is just `!!` as defined in
-- | `Data.Array`.
instance lookupArray :: Lookup (Array t) Int t where
lookup = Array.index
lookup = index
-- | The instance of `Lookup` for a `Object` just uses `Object.lookup` (but
-- | flipped, because `Object.lookup` expects the key first, which would end up
-- | with a really weird API for `!!`).
instance lookupObject :: Lookup (Object.Object t) String t where
instance lookupObject :: Lookup (Object t) String t where
lookup = flip Object.lookup
-- | The instance of `Lookup` for a `Map CaseInsensitiveString` converts the
-- | `String` to a `CaseInsensitiveString` for lookup.
instance lookupMapCaseInsensitiveString ::
Lookup (Map.Map CaseInsensitive.CaseInsensitiveString t) String t where
lookup set key = Map.lookup (CaseInsensitive.CaseInsensitiveString key) set
Lookup (Map CaseInsensitiveString t) String t where
lookup set key = Map.lookup (CaseInsensitiveString key) set
-- | This simple helper works on any `Lookup` instance where the return type is
-- | a `Monoid`, and is the same as `lookup` except that it returns a `t`
-- | instead of a `Maybe t`. If `lookup` would return `Nothing`, then `at`
-- | returns `mempty`.
at :: forall c k r. Monoid.Monoid r => Lookup c k r => c -> k -> r
at set = Maybe.fromMaybe Monoid.mempty <<< lookup set
at :: forall c k r. Monoid r => Lookup c k r => c -> k -> r
at set = fromMaybe mempty <<< lookup set
-- | Expose `at` as the infix operator `!@`
infixl 8 at as !@
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ infixl 8 at as !@
-- | has a single type variable, and returns a `Boolean` indicating if the given
-- | key matches any value in the given container.
has :: forall c k r. Lookup (c r) k r => c r -> k -> Boolean
has set key = Maybe.isJust ((lookup set key) :: Maybe.Maybe r)
has set key = isJust ((lookup set key) :: Maybe r)
-- | Expose `has` as the infix operator `!?`
infixl 8 has as !?

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module HTTPure.Method
) where
import Prelude
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.HTTP (Request, requestMethod)
-- | These are the HTTP methods that HTTPure understands.
data Method
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ instance showMethod :: Show Method where
show Patch = "Patch"
-- | Take an HTTP `Request` and extract the `Method` for that request.
read :: HTTP.Request -> Method
read request = case HTTP.requestMethod request of
read :: Request -> Method
read = requestMethod >>> case _ of
"POST" -> Post
"PUT" -> Put
"DELETE" -> Delete

View File

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ module HTTPure.Path
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.String as String
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.Utils as Utils
import Data.Array (filter, head)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String (Pattern(Pattern), split)
import Node.HTTP (Request, requestURL)
import HTTPure.Utils (urlDecode)
-- | The `Path` type is just sugar for an `Array` of `String` segments that are
-- | sent in a request and indicates the path of the resource being requested.
@ -16,15 +16,12 @@ import HTTPure.Utils as Utils
-- | defined by `lookupArray` in [Lookup.purs](./Lookup.purs) because
-- | `lookupArray` is defined for any `Array` of `Monoids`. So you can do
-- | something like `path !! 2` to get the path segment at index 2.
type Path
= Array String
type Path = Array String
-- | Given an HTTP `Request` object, extract the `Path`.
read :: HTTP.Request -> Path
read = HTTP.requestURL >>> split "?" >>> first >>> split "/" >>> nonempty >>> map Utils.urlDecode
read :: Request -> Path
read = requestURL >>> split' "?" >>> first >>> split' "/" >>> nonempty >>> map urlDecode
nonempty = Array.filter ((/=) "")
split = String.Pattern >>> String.split
first = Array.head >>> Maybe.fromMaybe ""
nonempty = filter ((/=) "")
split' = Pattern >>> split
first = head >>> fromMaybe ""

View File

@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ module HTTPure.Query
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.String as String
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.Utils as Utils
import Data.Array (filter, head, tail)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String (Pattern(Pattern), split, joinWith)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(Tuple))
import Foreign.Object (Object, fromFoldable)
import Node.HTTP (Request, requestURL)
import HTTPure.Utils (replacePlus, urlDecode)
-- | The `Query` type is a `Object` of `Strings`, with one entry per query
-- | parameter in the request. For any query parameters that don't have values
@ -21,27 +21,19 @@ import HTTPure.Utils as Utils
-- | [Lookup.purs](./Lookup.purs) because `lookupObject` is defined for any
-- | `Object` of `Monoids`. So you can do something like `query !! "foo"` to get
-- | the value of the query parameter "foo".
type Query
= Object.Object String
type Query = Object String
-- | The `Map` of query segments in the given HTTP `Request`.
read :: HTTP.Request -> Query
read = HTTP.requestURL >>> split "?" >>> last >>> split "&" >>> nonempty >>> toObject
read :: Request -> Query
read = requestURL >>> split' "?" >>> last >>> split' "&" >>> nonempty >>> toObject
toObject = map toTuple >>> Object.fromFoldable
nonempty = Array.filter ((/=) "")
split = String.Pattern >>> String.split
first = Array.head >>> Maybe.fromMaybe ""
last = Array.tail >>> Maybe.fromMaybe [] >>> String.joinWith ""
decode = Utils.replacePlus >>> Utils.urlDecode
decodeKeyValue = Bifunctor.bimap decode decode
toTuple item = decodeKeyValue $ Tuple.Tuple (first itemParts) (last itemParts)
toObject = map toTuple >>> fromFoldable
nonempty = filter ((/=) "")
split' = Pattern >>> split
first = head >>> fromMaybe ""
last = tail >>> fromMaybe [] >>> joinWith ""
decode = replacePlus >>> urlDecode
decodeKeyValue = bimap decode decode
toTuple item = decodeKeyValue $ Tuple (first itemParts) (last itemParts)
itemParts = split "=" item
itemParts = split' "=" item

View File

@ -5,28 +5,34 @@ module HTTPure.Request
) where
import Prelude
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Data.String as String
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.Stream as Stream
import HTTPure.Body as Body
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import HTTPure.Method as Method
import HTTPure.Path as Path
import HTTPure.Query as Query
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Data.String (joinWith)
import Foreign.Object (isEmpty, toArrayWithKey)
import Node.HTTP (requestURL)
import Node.HTTP (Request) as HTTP
import Node.Stream (Readable)
import HTTPure.Body (read) as Body
import HTTPure.Headers (Headers)
import HTTPure.Headers (read) as Headers
import HTTPure.Method (Method)
import HTTPure.Method (read) as Method
import HTTPure.Path (Path)
import HTTPure.Path (read) as Path
import HTTPure.Query (Query)
import HTTPure.Query (read) as Query
import HTTPure.Utils (encodeURIComponent)
import HTTPure.Version as Version
import HTTPure.Version (Version)
import HTTPure.Version (read) as Version
-- | The `Request` type is a `Record` type that includes fields for accessing
-- | the different parts of the HTTP request.
type Request =
{ method :: Method.Method
, path :: Path.Path
, query :: Query.Query
, headers :: Headers.Headers
, body :: Stream.Readable ()
, httpVersion :: Version.Version
{ method :: Method
, path :: Path
, query :: Query
, headers :: Headers
, body :: Readable ()
, httpVersion :: Version
, url :: String
@ -36,19 +42,15 @@ type Request =
fullPath :: Request -> String
fullPath request = "/" <> path <> questionMark <> queryParams
path = String.joinWith "/" request.path
questionMark = if Object.isEmpty request.query then "" else "?"
queryParams = String.joinWith "&" queryParamsArr
queryParamsArr = Object.toArrayWithKey stringifyQueryParam request.query
path = joinWith "/" request.path
questionMark = if isEmpty request.query then "" else "?"
queryParams = joinWith "&" queryParamsArr
queryParamsArr = toArrayWithKey stringifyQueryParam request.query
stringifyQueryParam key value = encodeURIComponent key <> "=" <> encodeURIComponent value
-- | Given an HTTP `Request` object, this method will convert it to an HTTPure
-- | `Request` object.
fromHTTPRequest :: HTTP.Request -> Aff.Aff Request
fromHTTPRequest :: HTTP.Request -> Aff Request
fromHTTPRequest request = pure
{ method: request
, path: request
@ -56,5 +58,5 @@ fromHTTPRequest request = pure
, headers: request
, body: request
, httpVersion: request
, url: HTTP.requestURL request
, url: requestURL request

View File

@ -134,25 +134,88 @@ module HTTPure.Response
) where
import Prelude
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.Body as Body
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import HTTPure.Status as Status
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Node.HTTP (Response) as HTTP
import HTTPure.Body (class Body, defaultHeaders, write)
import HTTPure.Headers (Headers, empty)
import HTTPure.Headers (write) as Headers
import HTTPure.Status (Status)
import HTTPure.Status
( write
, continue
, switchingProtocols
, processing
, ok
, created
, accepted
, nonAuthoritativeInformation
, noContent
, resetContent
, partialContent
, multiStatus
, alreadyReported
, iMUsed
, multipleChoices
, movedPermanently
, found
, seeOther
, notModified
, useProxy
, temporaryRedirect
, permanentRedirect
, badRequest
, unauthorized
, paymentRequired
, forbidden
, notFound
, methodNotAllowed
, notAcceptable
, proxyAuthenticationRequired
, requestTimeout
, conflict
, gone
, lengthRequired
, preconditionFailed
, payloadTooLarge
, uRITooLong
, unsupportedMediaType
, rangeNotSatisfiable
, expectationFailed
, imATeapot
, misdirectedRequest
, unprocessableEntity
, locked
, failedDependency
, upgradeRequired
, preconditionRequired
, tooManyRequests
, requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
, unavailableForLegalReasons
, internalServerError
, notImplemented
, badGateway
, serviceUnavailable
, gatewayTimeout
, hTTPVersionNotSupported
, variantAlsoNegotiates
, insufficientStorage
, loopDetected
, notExtended
, networkAuthenticationRequired
) as Status
-- | The `ResponseM` type simply conveniently wraps up an HTTPure monad that
-- | returns a response. This type is the return type of all router/route
-- | methods.
type ResponseM = Aff.Aff Response
type ResponseM = Aff Response
-- | A `Response` is a status code, headers, and a body.
type Response =
{ status :: Status.Status
, headers :: Headers.Headers
, writeBody :: HTTP.Response -> Aff.Aff Unit
{ status :: Status
, headers :: Headers
, writeBody :: HTTP.Response -> Aff Unit
-- | Given an HTTP `Response` and a HTTPure `Response`, this method will return
@ -160,39 +223,38 @@ type Response =
-- | and closing the HTTP `Response`.
send :: forall m. MonadEffect m => MonadAff m => HTTP.Response -> Response -> m Unit
send httpresponse { status, headers, writeBody } = do
EffectClass.liftEffect $ Status.write httpresponse status
EffectClass.liftEffect $ Headers.write httpresponse headers
liftEffect $ Status.write httpresponse status
liftEffect $ Headers.write httpresponse headers
liftAff $ writeBody httpresponse
-- | For custom response statuses or providing a body for response codes that
-- | don't typically send one.
response :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Status.Status -> b -> m Response
response status = response' status Headers.empty
response :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Status -> b -> m Response
response status = response' status empty
-- | The same as `response` but with headers.
response' ::
forall m b.
MonadAff m =>
Body.Body b =>
Status.Status ->
Headers.Headers ->
Body b =>
Status ->
Headers ->
b ->
m Response
response' status headers body =
EffectClass.liftEffect do
defaultHeaders <- Body.defaultHeaders body
{ status
, headers: defaultHeaders <> headers
, writeBody: Body.write body
response' status headers body = liftEffect do
defaultHeaders' <- defaultHeaders body
{ status
, headers: defaultHeaders' <> headers
, writeBody: write body
-- | The same as `response` but without a body.
emptyResponse :: forall m. MonadAff m => Status.Status -> m Response
emptyResponse status = emptyResponse' status Headers.empty
emptyResponse :: forall m. MonadAff m => Status -> m Response
emptyResponse status = emptyResponse' status empty
-- | The same as `emptyResponse` but with headers.
emptyResponse' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Status.Status -> Headers.Headers -> m Response
emptyResponse' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Status -> Headers -> m Response
emptyResponse' status headers = response' status headers ""
@ -200,504 +262,504 @@ emptyResponse' status headers = response' status headers ""
-- | 100
continue :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
continue = continue' Headers.empty
continue = continue' empty
-- | 100 with headers
continue' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
continue' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
continue' = emptyResponse' Status.continue
-- | 101
switchingProtocols :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
switchingProtocols = switchingProtocols' Headers.empty
switchingProtocols = switchingProtocols' empty
-- | 101 with headers
switchingProtocols' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
switchingProtocols' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
switchingProtocols' = emptyResponse' Status.switchingProtocols
-- | 102
processing :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
processing = processing' Headers.empty
processing = processing' empty
-- | 102 with headers
processing' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
processing' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
processing' = emptyResponse' Status.processing
-- 2xx --
-- | 200
ok :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
ok = ok' Headers.empty
ok :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
ok = ok' empty
-- | 200 with headers
ok' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
ok' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
ok' = response' Status.ok
-- | 201
created :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
created = created' Headers.empty
created = created' empty
-- | 201 with headers
created' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
created' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
created' = emptyResponse' Status.created
-- | 202
accepted :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
accepted = accepted' Headers.empty
accepted = accepted' empty
-- | 202 with headers
accepted' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
accepted' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
accepted' = emptyResponse' Status.accepted
-- | 203
nonAuthoritativeInformation :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
nonAuthoritativeInformation = nonAuthoritativeInformation' Headers.empty
nonAuthoritativeInformation :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
nonAuthoritativeInformation = nonAuthoritativeInformation' empty
-- | 203 with headers
nonAuthoritativeInformation' ::
forall m b.
MonadAff m =>
Body.Body b =>
Headers.Headers ->
Body b =>
Headers ->
b ->
m Response
nonAuthoritativeInformation' = response' Status.nonAuthoritativeInformation
-- | 204
noContent :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
noContent = noContent' Headers.empty
noContent = noContent' empty
-- | 204 with headers
noContent' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
noContent' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
noContent' = emptyResponse' Status.noContent
-- | 205
resetContent :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
resetContent = resetContent' Headers.empty
resetContent = resetContent' empty
-- | 205 with headers
resetContent' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
resetContent' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
resetContent' = emptyResponse' Status.resetContent
-- | 206
partialContent :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
partialContent = partialContent' Headers.empty
partialContent :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
partialContent = partialContent' empty
-- | 206 with headers
partialContent' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
partialContent' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
partialContent' = response' Status.partialContent
-- | 207
multiStatus :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
multiStatus = multiStatus' Headers.empty
multiStatus :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
multiStatus = multiStatus' empty
-- | 207 with headers
multiStatus' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
multiStatus' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
multiStatus' = response' Status.multiStatus
-- | 208
alreadyReported :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
alreadyReported = alreadyReported' Headers.empty
alreadyReported = alreadyReported' empty
-- | 208 with headers
alreadyReported' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
alreadyReported' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
alreadyReported' = emptyResponse' Status.alreadyReported
-- | 226
iMUsed :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
iMUsed = iMUsed' Headers.empty
iMUsed :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
iMUsed = iMUsed' empty
-- | 226 with headers
iMUsed' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
iMUsed' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
iMUsed' = response' Status.iMUsed
-- 3xx --
-- | 300
multipleChoices :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
multipleChoices = multipleChoices' Headers.empty
multipleChoices :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
multipleChoices = multipleChoices' empty
-- | 300 with headers
multipleChoices' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
multipleChoices' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
multipleChoices' = response' Status.multipleChoices
-- | 301
movedPermanently :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
movedPermanently = movedPermanently' Headers.empty
movedPermanently :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
movedPermanently = movedPermanently' empty
-- | 301 with headers
movedPermanently' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
movedPermanently' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
movedPermanently' = response' Status.movedPermanently
-- | 302
found :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
found = found' Headers.empty
found :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
found = found' empty
-- | 302 with headers
found' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
found' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
found' = response' Status.found
-- | 303
seeOther :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
seeOther = seeOther' Headers.empty
seeOther :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
seeOther = seeOther' empty
-- | 303 with headers
seeOther' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
seeOther' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
seeOther' = response' Status.seeOther
-- | 304
notModified :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
notModified = notModified' Headers.empty
notModified = notModified' empty
-- | 304 with headers
notModified' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
notModified' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
notModified' = emptyResponse' Status.notModified
-- | 305
useProxy :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
useProxy = useProxy' Headers.empty
useProxy :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
useProxy = useProxy' empty
-- | 305 with headers
useProxy' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
useProxy' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
useProxy' = response' Status.useProxy
-- | 307
temporaryRedirect :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
temporaryRedirect = temporaryRedirect' Headers.empty
temporaryRedirect :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
temporaryRedirect = temporaryRedirect' empty
-- | 307 with headers
temporaryRedirect' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
temporaryRedirect' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
temporaryRedirect' = response' Status.temporaryRedirect
-- | 308
permanentRedirect :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
permanentRedirect = permanentRedirect' Headers.empty
permanentRedirect :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
permanentRedirect = permanentRedirect' empty
-- | 308 with headers
permanentRedirect' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
permanentRedirect' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
permanentRedirect' = response' Status.permanentRedirect
-- 4xx --
-- | 400
badRequest :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
badRequest = badRequest' Headers.empty
badRequest :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
badRequest = badRequest' empty
-- | 400 with headers
badRequest' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
badRequest' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
badRequest' = response' Status.badRequest
-- | 401
unauthorized :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
unauthorized = unauthorized' Headers.empty
unauthorized = unauthorized' empty
-- | 401 with headers
unauthorized' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
unauthorized' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
unauthorized' = emptyResponse' Status.unauthorized
-- | 402
paymentRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
paymentRequired = paymentRequired' Headers.empty
paymentRequired = paymentRequired' empty
-- | 402 with headers
paymentRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
paymentRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
paymentRequired' = emptyResponse' Status.paymentRequired
-- | 403
forbidden :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
forbidden = forbidden' Headers.empty
forbidden = forbidden' empty
-- | 403 with headers
forbidden' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
forbidden' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
forbidden' = emptyResponse' Status.forbidden
-- | 404
notFound :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
notFound = notFound' Headers.empty
notFound = notFound' empty
-- | 404 with headers
notFound' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
notFound' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
notFound' = emptyResponse' Status.notFound
-- | 405
methodNotAllowed :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
methodNotAllowed = methodNotAllowed' Headers.empty
methodNotAllowed = methodNotAllowed' empty
-- | 405 with headers
methodNotAllowed' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
methodNotAllowed' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
methodNotAllowed' = emptyResponse' Status.methodNotAllowed
-- | 406
notAcceptable :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
notAcceptable = notAcceptable' Headers.empty
notAcceptable = notAcceptable' empty
-- | 406 with headers
notAcceptable' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
notAcceptable' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
notAcceptable' = emptyResponse' Status.notAcceptable
-- | 407
proxyAuthenticationRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
proxyAuthenticationRequired = proxyAuthenticationRequired' Headers.empty
proxyAuthenticationRequired = proxyAuthenticationRequired' empty
-- | 407 with headers
proxyAuthenticationRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
proxyAuthenticationRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
proxyAuthenticationRequired' = emptyResponse' Status.proxyAuthenticationRequired
-- | 408
requestTimeout :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
requestTimeout = requestTimeout' Headers.empty
requestTimeout = requestTimeout' empty
-- | 408 with headers
requestTimeout' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
requestTimeout' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
requestTimeout' = emptyResponse' Status.requestTimeout
-- | 409
conflict :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
conflict = conflict' Headers.empty
conflict :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
conflict = conflict' empty
-- | 409 with headers
conflict' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => Headers.Headers -> b -> m Response
conflict' :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => Headers -> b -> m Response
conflict' = response' Status.conflict
-- | 410
gone :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
gone = gone' Headers.empty
gone = gone' empty
-- | 410 with headers
gone' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
gone' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
gone' = emptyResponse' Status.gone
-- | 411
lengthRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
lengthRequired = lengthRequired' Headers.empty
lengthRequired = lengthRequired' empty
-- | 411 with headers
lengthRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
lengthRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
lengthRequired' = emptyResponse' Status.lengthRequired
-- | 412
preconditionFailed :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
preconditionFailed = preconditionFailed' Headers.empty
preconditionFailed = preconditionFailed' empty
-- | 412 with headers
preconditionFailed' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
preconditionFailed' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
preconditionFailed' = emptyResponse' Status.preconditionFailed
-- | 413
payloadTooLarge :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
payloadTooLarge = payloadTooLarge' Headers.empty
payloadTooLarge = payloadTooLarge' empty
-- | 413 with headers
payloadTooLarge' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
payloadTooLarge' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
payloadTooLarge' = emptyResponse' Status.payloadTooLarge
-- | 414
uRITooLong :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
uRITooLong = uRITooLong' Headers.empty
uRITooLong = uRITooLong' empty
-- | 414 with headers
uRITooLong' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
uRITooLong' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
uRITooLong' = emptyResponse' Status.uRITooLong
-- | 415
unsupportedMediaType :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
unsupportedMediaType = unsupportedMediaType' Headers.empty
unsupportedMediaType = unsupportedMediaType' empty
-- | 415 with headers
unsupportedMediaType' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
unsupportedMediaType' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
unsupportedMediaType' = emptyResponse' Status.unsupportedMediaType
-- | 416
rangeNotSatisfiable :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
rangeNotSatisfiable = rangeNotSatisfiable' Headers.empty
rangeNotSatisfiable = rangeNotSatisfiable' empty
-- | 416 with headers
rangeNotSatisfiable' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
rangeNotSatisfiable' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
rangeNotSatisfiable' = emptyResponse' Status.rangeNotSatisfiable
-- | 417
expectationFailed :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
expectationFailed = expectationFailed' Headers.empty
expectationFailed = expectationFailed' empty
-- | 417 with headers
expectationFailed' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
expectationFailed' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
expectationFailed' = emptyResponse' Status.expectationFailed
-- | 418
imATeapot :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
imATeapot = imATeapot' Headers.empty
imATeapot = imATeapot' empty
-- | 418 with headers
imATeapot' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
imATeapot' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
imATeapot' = emptyResponse' Status.imATeapot
-- | 421
misdirectedRequest :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
misdirectedRequest = misdirectedRequest' Headers.empty
misdirectedRequest = misdirectedRequest' empty
-- | 421 with headers
misdirectedRequest' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
misdirectedRequest' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
misdirectedRequest' = emptyResponse' Status.misdirectedRequest
-- | 422
unprocessableEntity :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
unprocessableEntity = unprocessableEntity' Headers.empty
unprocessableEntity = unprocessableEntity' empty
-- | 422 with headers
unprocessableEntity' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
unprocessableEntity' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
unprocessableEntity' = emptyResponse' Status.unprocessableEntity
-- | 423
locked :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
locked = locked' Headers.empty
locked = locked' empty
-- | 423 with headers
locked' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
locked' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
locked' = emptyResponse' Status.locked
-- | 424
failedDependency :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
failedDependency = failedDependency' Headers.empty
failedDependency = failedDependency' empty
-- | 424 with headers
failedDependency' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
failedDependency' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
failedDependency' = emptyResponse' Status.failedDependency
-- | 426
upgradeRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
upgradeRequired = upgradeRequired' Headers.empty
upgradeRequired = upgradeRequired' empty
-- | 426 with headers
upgradeRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
upgradeRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
upgradeRequired' = emptyResponse' Status.upgradeRequired
-- | 428
preconditionRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
preconditionRequired = preconditionRequired' Headers.empty
preconditionRequired = preconditionRequired' empty
-- | 428 with headers
preconditionRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
preconditionRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
preconditionRequired' = emptyResponse' Status.preconditionRequired
-- | 429
tooManyRequests :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
tooManyRequests = tooManyRequests' Headers.empty
tooManyRequests = tooManyRequests' empty
-- | 429 with headers
tooManyRequests' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
tooManyRequests' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
tooManyRequests' = emptyResponse' Status.tooManyRequests
-- | 431
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' Headers.empty
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' empty
-- | 431 with headers
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' = emptyResponse' Status.requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
-- | 451
unavailableForLegalReasons :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
unavailableForLegalReasons = unavailableForLegalReasons' Headers.empty
unavailableForLegalReasons = unavailableForLegalReasons' empty
-- | 451 with headers
unavailableForLegalReasons' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
unavailableForLegalReasons' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
unavailableForLegalReasons' = emptyResponse' Status.unavailableForLegalReasons
-- 5xx --
-- | 500
internalServerError :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body.Body b => b -> m Response
internalServerError = internalServerError' Headers.empty
internalServerError :: forall m b. MonadAff m => Body b => b -> m Response
internalServerError = internalServerError' empty
-- | 500 with headers
internalServerError' ::
forall m b.
MonadAff m =>
Body.Body b =>
Headers.Headers ->
Body b =>
Headers ->
b ->
m Response
internalServerError' = response' Status.internalServerError
-- | 501
notImplemented :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
notImplemented = notImplemented' Headers.empty
notImplemented = notImplemented' empty
-- | 501 with headers
notImplemented' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
notImplemented' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
notImplemented' = emptyResponse' Status.notImplemented
-- | 502
badGateway :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
badGateway = badGateway' Headers.empty
badGateway = badGateway' empty
-- | 502 with headers
badGateway' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
badGateway' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
badGateway' = emptyResponse' Status.badGateway
-- | 503
serviceUnavailable :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
serviceUnavailable = serviceUnavailable' Headers.empty
serviceUnavailable = serviceUnavailable' empty
-- | 503 with headers
serviceUnavailable' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
serviceUnavailable' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
serviceUnavailable' = emptyResponse' Status.serviceUnavailable
-- | 504
gatewayTimeout :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
gatewayTimeout = gatewayTimeout' Headers.empty
gatewayTimeout = gatewayTimeout' empty
-- | 504 with headers
gatewayTimeout' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
gatewayTimeout' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
gatewayTimeout' = emptyResponse' Status.gatewayTimeout
-- | 505
hTTPVersionNotSupported :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
hTTPVersionNotSupported = hTTPVersionNotSupported' Headers.empty
hTTPVersionNotSupported = hTTPVersionNotSupported' empty
-- | 505 with headers
hTTPVersionNotSupported' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
hTTPVersionNotSupported' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
hTTPVersionNotSupported' = emptyResponse' Status.hTTPVersionNotSupported
-- | 506
variantAlsoNegotiates :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
variantAlsoNegotiates = variantAlsoNegotiates' Headers.empty
variantAlsoNegotiates = variantAlsoNegotiates' empty
-- | 506 with headers
variantAlsoNegotiates' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
variantAlsoNegotiates' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
variantAlsoNegotiates' = emptyResponse' Status.variantAlsoNegotiates
-- | 507
insufficientStorage :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
insufficientStorage = insufficientStorage' Headers.empty
insufficientStorage = insufficientStorage' empty
-- | 507 with headers
insufficientStorage' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
insufficientStorage' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
insufficientStorage' = emptyResponse' Status.insufficientStorage
-- | 508
loopDetected :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
loopDetected = loopDetected' Headers.empty
loopDetected = loopDetected' empty
-- | 508 with headers
loopDetected' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
loopDetected' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
loopDetected' = emptyResponse' Status.loopDetected
-- | 510
notExtended :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
notExtended = notExtended' Headers.empty
notExtended = notExtended' empty
-- | 510 with headers
notExtended' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
notExtended' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
notExtended' = emptyResponse' Status.notExtended
-- | 511
networkAuthenticationRequired :: forall m. MonadAff m => m Response
networkAuthenticationRequired = networkAuthenticationRequired' Headers.empty
networkAuthenticationRequired = networkAuthenticationRequired' empty
-- | 511 with headers
networkAuthenticationRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers.Headers -> m Response
networkAuthenticationRequired' :: forall m. MonadAff m => Headers -> m Response
networkAuthenticationRequired' = emptyResponse' Status.networkAuthenticationRequired

View File

@ -7,84 +7,78 @@ module HTTPure.Server
) where
import Prelude
import Effect as Effect
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Effect.Console as Console
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (catchError, runAff, message)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (error)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing))
import Data.Options ((:=), Options)
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.FS.Sync as FSSync
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.HTTP.Secure as HTTPS
import HTTPure.Request as Request
import HTTPure.Response as Response
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.FS.Sync (readTextFile)
import Node.HTTP (Request, Response, createServer) as HTTP
import Node.HTTP (ListenOptions, listen, close)
import Node.HTTP.Secure (createServer) as HTTPS
import Node.HTTP.Secure (SSLOptions, key, keyString, cert, certString)
import HTTPure.Request (Request, fromHTTPRequest)
import HTTPure.Response (ResponseM, internalServerError, send)
-- | The `ServerM` is just an `Effect` containing a callback to close the
-- | server. This type is the return type of the HTTPure serve and related
-- | methods.
type ServerM
= Effect.Effect (Effect.Effect Unit -> Effect.Effect Unit)
type ServerM = Effect (Effect Unit -> Effect Unit)
-- | Given a router, handle unhandled exceptions it raises by
-- | responding with 500 Internal Server Error.
onError500 ::
(Request.Request -> Response.ResponseM) ->
Request.Request ->
onError500 :: (Request -> ResponseM) -> Request -> ResponseM
onError500 router request =
Aff.catchError (router request) \err -> do
EffectClass.liftEffect $ Console.error $ Aff.message err
Response.internalServerError "Internal server error"
catchError (router request) \err -> do
liftEffect $ error $ message err
internalServerError "Internal server error"
-- | This function takes a method which takes a `Request` and returns a
-- | `ResponseM`, an HTTP `Request`, and an HTTP `Response`. It runs the
-- | request, extracts the `Response` from the `ResponseM`, and sends the
-- | `Response` to the HTTP `Response`.
handleRequest ::
(Request.Request -> Response.ResponseM) ->
(Request -> ResponseM) ->
HTTP.Request ->
HTTP.Response ->
Effect.Effect Unit
Effect Unit
handleRequest router request httpresponse =
void $ Aff.runAff (\_ -> pure unit) $ Request.fromHTTPRequest request
void $ runAff (\_ -> pure unit) $ fromHTTPRequest request
>>= onError500 router
>>= Response.send httpresponse
>>= send httpresponse
-- | Given a `ListenOptions` object, a function mapping `Request` to
-- | `ResponseM`, and a `ServerM` containing effects to run on boot, creates and
-- | runs a HTTPure server without SSL.
serve' ::
HTTP.ListenOptions ->
(Request.Request -> Response.ResponseM) ->
Effect.Effect Unit ->
serve' :: ListenOptions -> (Request -> ResponseM) -> Effect Unit -> ServerM
serve' options router onStarted = do
server <- HTTP.createServer (handleRequest router)
HTTP.listen server options onStarted
pure $ HTTP.close server
listen server options onStarted
pure $ close server
-- | Given a `Options HTTPS.SSLOptions` object and a `HTTP.ListenOptions`
-- | object, a function mapping `Request` to `ResponseM`, and a `ServerM`
-- | containing effects to run on boot, creates and runs a HTTPure server with
-- | SSL.
serveSecure' ::
Options HTTPS.SSLOptions ->
HTTP.ListenOptions ->
(Request.Request -> Response.ResponseM) ->
Effect.Effect Unit ->
Options SSLOptions ->
ListenOptions ->
(Request -> ResponseM) ->
Effect Unit ->
serveSecure' sslOptions options router onStarted = do
server <- HTTPS.createServer sslOptions (handleRequest router)
HTTP.listen server options onStarted
pure $ HTTP.close server
listen server options onStarted
pure $ close server
-- | Given a port number, return a `HTTP.ListenOptions` `Record`.
listenOptions :: Int -> HTTP.ListenOptions
listenOptions :: Int -> ListenOptions
listenOptions port =
{ hostname: ""
, port: port
, backlog: Maybe.Nothing
, port
, backlog: Nothing
-- | Create and start a server. This is the main entry point for HTTPure. Takes
@ -92,11 +86,7 @@ listenOptions port =
-- | `ResponseM`, and a `ServerM` containing effects to run after the server has
-- | booted (usually logging). Returns an `ServerM` containing the server's
-- | effects.
serve ::
Int ->
(Request.Request -> Response.ResponseM) ->
Effect.Effect Unit ->
serve :: Int -> (Request -> ResponseM) -> Effect Unit -> ServerM
serve = serve' <<< listenOptions
-- | Create and start an SSL server. This method is the same as `serve`, but
@ -110,14 +100,11 @@ serveSecure ::
Int ->
String ->
String ->
(Request.Request -> Response.ResponseM) ->
Effect.Effect Unit ->
(Request -> ResponseM) ->
Effect Unit ->
serveSecure port cert key router onStarted = do
cert' <- FSSync.readTextFile Encoding.UTF8 cert
key' <- FSSync.readTextFile Encoding.UTF8 key
serveSecure' (sslOpts key' cert') (listenOptions port) router onStarted
sslOpts key' cert' =
HTTPS.key := HTTPS.keyString key'
<> HTTPS.cert := HTTPS.certString cert'
serveSecure port certFile keyFile router onStarted = do
cert' <- readTextFile UTF8 certFile
key' <- readTextFile UTF8 keyFile
let sslOpts = key := keyString key' <> cert := certString cert'
serveSecure' sslOpts (listenOptions port) router onStarted

View File

@ -69,16 +69,15 @@ module HTTPure.Status
) where
import Prelude
import Effect as Effect
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Effect (Effect)
import Node.HTTP (Response, setStatusCode)
-- | The `Status` type enumerates all valid HTTP response status codes.
type Status
= Int
type Status = Int
-- | Write a status to a given HTTP `Response`.
write :: HTTP.Response -> Status -> Effect.Effect Unit
write = HTTP.setStatusCode
write :: Response -> Status -> Effect Unit
write = setStatusCode
-- 1xx --

View File

@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ module HTTPure.Utils
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.String as String
import JSURI as JSURI
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String (Pattern(Pattern), Replacement(Replacement), replaceAll)
import JSURI (encodeURIComponent, decodeURIComponent) as JSURI
encodeURIComponent :: String -> String
encodeURIComponent s = Maybe.fromMaybe s $ JSURI.encodeURIComponent s
encodeURIComponent s = fromMaybe s $ JSURI.encodeURIComponent s
replacePlus :: String -> String
replacePlus = String.replaceAll (String.Pattern "+") (String.Replacement "%20")
replacePlus = replaceAll (Pattern "+") (Replacement "%20")
urlDecode :: String -> String
urlDecode s = Maybe.fromMaybe s $ JSURI.decodeURIComponent s
urlDecode s = fromMaybe s $ JSURI.decodeURIComponent s

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module HTTPure.Version
) where
import Prelude
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.HTTP (Request, httpVersion)
-- | These are the HTTP versions that HTTPure understands. There are five
-- | commonly known versions which are explicitly named.
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ instance showVersion :: Show Version where
show (Other version) = "HTTP/" <> version
-- | Take an HTTP `Request` and extract the `Version` for that request.
read :: HTTP.Request -> Version
read request = case HTTP.httpVersion request of
read :: Request -> Version
read = httpVersion >>> case _ of
"0.9" -> HTTP0_9
"1.0" -> HTTP1_0
"1.1" -> HTTP1_1

View File

@ -2,92 +2,90 @@ module Test.HTTPure.BodySpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing), fromMaybe)
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.Stream as Stream
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Body as Body
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=), stringToStream)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Node.Buffer (toString) as Buffer
import Node.Buffer (Buffer, fromString)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.Stream (readString)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Body (read, toString, toBuffer, defaultHeaders, write)
import HTTPure.Headers (header)
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=), mockRequest, mockResponse, getResponseBody, stringToStream)
readSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
readSpec :: Test
readSpec =
Spec.describe "read" do "is the body of the Request" do
body <- <$> TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "GET" "" "test" []
string <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ fromMaybe "" <$> Stream.readString body Nothing Encoding.UTF8
describe "read" do
it "is the body of the Request" do
body <- read <$> mockRequest "" "GET" "" "test" []
string <- liftEffect $ fromMaybe "" <$> readString body Nothing UTF8
string ?= "test"
toStringSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
toStringSpec :: Test
toStringSpec =
Spec.describe "toString" do "slurps Streams into Strings" do
string <- Body.toString $ stringToStream "foobar"
describe "toString" do
it "slurps Streams into Strings" do
string <- toString $ stringToStream "foobar"
string ?= "foobar"
toBufferSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
toBufferSpec :: Test
toBufferSpec =
Spec.describe "toBuffer" do "slurps Streams into Buffers" do
buf <- Body.toBuffer $ stringToStream "foobar"
string <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.toString Encoding.UTF8 buf
describe "toBuffer" do
it "slurps Streams into Buffers" do
buf <- toBuffer $ stringToStream "foobar"
string <- liftEffect $ Buffer.toString UTF8 buf
string ?= "foobar"
defaultHeadersSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
defaultHeadersSpec :: Test
defaultHeadersSpec =
Spec.describe "defaultHeaders" do
Spec.describe "String" do
Spec.describe "with an ASCII string" do "has the correct Content-Length header" do
headers <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.defaultHeaders "ascii"
headers ?= Headers.header "Content-Length" "5"
Spec.describe "with a UTF-8 string" do "has the correct Content-Length header" do
headers <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.defaultHeaders "\x2603"
headers ?= Headers.header "Content-Length" "3"
Spec.describe "Buffer" do "has the correct Content-Length header" do
buf :: Buffer.Buffer <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "foobar" Encoding.UTF8
headers <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.defaultHeaders buf
headers ?= Headers.header "Content-Length" "6"
Spec.describe "Readable" do "specifies the Transfer-Encoding header" do
body = TestHelpers.stringToStream "test"
headers <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.defaultHeaders body
headers ?= Headers.header "Transfer-Encoding" "chunked"
describe "defaultHeaders" do
describe "String" do
describe "with an ASCII string" do
it "has the correct Content-Length header" do
headers <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "ascii"
headers ?= header "Content-Length" "5"
describe "with a UTF-8 string" do
it "has the correct Content-Length header" do
headers <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "\x2603"
headers ?= header "Content-Length" "3"
describe "Buffer" do
it "has the correct Content-Length header" do
buf :: Buffer <- liftEffect $ fromString "foobar" UTF8
headers <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders buf
headers ?= header "Content-Length" "6"
describe "Readable" do
it "specifies the Transfer-Encoding header" do
headers <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders $ stringToStream "test"
headers ?= header "Transfer-Encoding" "chunked"
writeSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
writeSpec :: Test
writeSpec =
Spec.describe "write" do
Spec.describe "String" do "writes the String to the Response body" do
describe "write" do
describe "String" do
it "writes the String to the Response body" do
body <- do
resp <- EffectClass.liftEffect TestHelpers.mockResponse
Body.write "test" resp
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody resp
resp <- liftEffect mockResponse
write "test" resp
pure $ getResponseBody resp
body ?= "test"
Spec.describe "Buffer" do "writes the Buffer to the Response body" do
describe "Buffer" do
it "writes the Buffer to the Response body" do
body <- do
resp <- EffectClass.liftEffect TestHelpers.mockResponse
buf :: Buffer.Buffer <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.fromString "test" Encoding.UTF8
Body.write buf resp
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody resp
resp <- liftEffect mockResponse
buf :: Buffer <- liftEffect $ fromString "test" UTF8
write buf resp
pure $ getResponseBody resp
body ?= "test"
Spec.describe "Readable" do "pipes the input stream to the Response body" do
describe "Readable" do
it "pipes the input stream to the Response body" do
body <- do
resp <- EffectClass.liftEffect TestHelpers.mockResponse
Body.write (TestHelpers.stringToStream "test") resp
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody resp
resp <- liftEffect mockResponse
write (stringToStream "test") resp
pure $ getResponseBody resp
body ?= "test"
bodySpec :: TestHelpers.Test
bodySpec :: Test
bodySpec =
Spec.describe "Body" do
describe "Body" do

View File

@ -1,139 +1,131 @@
module Test.HTTPure.HeadersSpec where
import Prelude
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing, Just))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(Tuple))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Headers (header, headers, empty, read, write)
import HTTPure.Lookup ((!!))
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
lookupSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
lookupSpec =
Spec.describe "lookup" do
Spec.describe "when the string is in the header set" do
Spec.describe "when searching with lowercase" do "is Just the string" do
Headers.header "x-test" "test" !! "x-test" ?= Maybe.Just "test"
Spec.describe "when searching with uppercase" do "is Just the string" do
Headers.header "x-test" "test" !! "X-Test" ?= Maybe.Just "test"
Spec.describe "when the string is uppercase" do
Spec.describe "when searching with lowercase" do "is Just the string" do
Headers.header "X-Test" "test" !! "x-test" ?= Maybe.Just "test"
Spec.describe "when searching with uppercase" do "is Just the string" do
Headers.header "X-Test" "test" !! "X-Test" ?= Maybe.Just "test"
Spec.describe "when the string is not in the header set" do "is Nothing" do
((Headers.empty !! "X-Test") :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
describe "lookup" do
describe "when the string is in the header set" do
describe "when searching with lowercase" do
it "is Just the string" do
header "x-test" "test" !! "x-test" ?= Just "test"
describe "when searching with uppercase" do
it "is Just the string" do
header "x-test" "test" !! "X-Test" ?= Just "test"
describe "when the string is uppercase" do
describe "when searching with lowercase" do
it "is Just the string" do
header "X-Test" "test" !! "x-test" ?= Just "test"
describe "when searching with uppercase" do
it "is Just the string" do
header "X-Test" "test" !! "X-Test" ?= Just "test"
describe "when the string is not in the header set" do
it "is Nothing" do
((empty !! "X-Test") :: Maybe String) ?= Nothing
showSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
showSpec =
Spec.describe "show" do "is a string representing the headers in HTTP format" do
mock = Headers.header "Test1" "1" <> Headers.header "Test2" "2"
describe "show" do
it "is a string representing the headers in HTTP format" do
let mock = header "Test1" "1" <> header "Test2" "2"
show mock ?= "Test1: 1\nTest2: 2\n\n"
eqSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
eqSpec =
Spec.describe "eq" do
Spec.describe "when the two Headers contain the same keys and values" do "is true" do
Headers.header "Test1" "test1" == Headers.header "Test1" "test1" ?= true
Spec.describe "when the two Headers contain different keys and values" do "is false" do
Headers.header "Test1" "test1" == Headers.header "Test2" "test2" ?= false
Spec.describe "when the two Headers contain only different values" do "is false" do
Headers.header "Test1" "test1" == Headers.header "Test1" "test2" ?= false
Spec.describe "when the one Headers contains additional keys and values" do "is false" do
mock = Headers.header "Test1" "1" <> Headers.header "Test2" "2"
Headers.header "Test1" "1" == mock ?= false
describe "eq" do
describe "when the two Headers contain the same keys and values" do
it "is true" do
header "Test1" "test1" == header "Test1" "test1" ?= true
describe "when the two Headers contain different keys and values" do
it "is false" do
header "Test1" "test1" == header "Test2" "test2" ?= false
describe "when the two Headers contain only different values" do
it "is false" do
header "Test1" "test1" == header "Test1" "test2" ?= false
describe "when the one Headers contains additional keys and values" do
it "is false" do
let mock = header "Test1" "1" <> header "Test2" "2"
header "Test1" "1" == mock ?= false
appendSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
appendSpec =
Spec.describe "append" do
Spec.describe "when there are multiple keys" do "appends the headers correctly" do
mock1 = Headers.header "Test1" "1" <> Headers.header "Test2" "2"
mock2 = Headers.header "Test3" "3" <> Headers.header "Test4" "4"
describe "append" do
describe "when there are multiple keys" do
it "appends the headers correctly" do
mock1 = header "Test1" "1" <> header "Test2" "2"
mock2 = header "Test3" "3" <> header "Test4" "4"
mock3 =
[ Tuple.Tuple "Test1" "1"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test2" "2"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test3" "3"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test4" "4"
[ Tuple "Test1" "1"
, Tuple "Test2" "2"
, Tuple "Test3" "3"
, Tuple "Test4" "4"
mock1 <> mock2 ?= mock3
Spec.describe "when there is a duplicated key" do "uses the last appended value" do
mock = Headers.header "Test" "foo" <> Headers.header "Test" "bar"
mock ?= Headers.header "Test" "bar"
describe "when there is a duplicated key" do
it "uses the last appended value" do
let mock = header "Test" "foo" <> header "Test" "bar"
mock ?= header "Test" "bar"
readSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
readSpec =
Spec.describe "read" do
Spec.describe "with no headers" do "is an empty Map" do
describe "read" do
describe "with no headers" do
it "is an empty Map" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "" "" [] request ?= Headers.empty
Spec.describe "with headers" do "is a Map with the contents of the headers" do
testHeader = [ Tuple.Tuple "X-Test" "test" ]
read request ?= empty
describe "with headers" do
it "is a Map with the contents of the headers" do
let testHeader = [ Tuple "X-Test" "test" ]
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "" "" testHeader request ?= Headers.headers testHeader
read request ?= headers testHeader
writeSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
writeSpec =
Spec.describe "write" do "writes the headers to the response" do
header <- EffectClass.liftEffect do
describe "write" do
it "writes the headers to the response" do
header <- liftEffect do
mock <- TestHelpers.mockResponse
Headers.write mock $ Headers.header "X-Test" "test"
write mock $ header "X-Test" "test"
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseHeader "X-Test" mock
header ?= "test"
emptySpec :: TestHelpers.Test
emptySpec =
Spec.describe "empty" do "is an empty Map in an empty Headers" do
show Headers.empty ?= "\n"
describe "empty" do
it "is an empty Map in an empty Headers" do
show empty ?= "\n"
headerSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
headerSpec =
Spec.describe "header" do "creates a singleton Headers" do
show (Headers.header "X-Test" "test") ?= "X-Test: test\n\n"
describe "header" do
it "creates a singleton Headers" do
show (header "X-Test" "test") ?= "X-Test: test\n\n"
headersFunctionSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
headersFunctionSpec =
Spec.describe "headers" do "is equivalent to using Headers.header with <>" do
describe "headers" do
it "is equivalent to using header with <>" do
expected = header "X-Test-1" "1" <> header "X-Test-2" "2"
test = headers
[ Tuple "X-Test-1" "1"
, Tuple "X-Test-2" "2"
test ?= expected
test =
[ Tuple.Tuple "X-Test-1" "1"
, Tuple.Tuple "X-Test-2" "2"
expected = Headers.header "X-Test-1" "1" <> Headers.header "X-Test-2" "2"
headersSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
headersSpec =
Spec.describe "Headers" do
describe "Headers" do

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@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
module Test.HTTPure.IntegrationSpec where
import Prelude
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.FS.Aff as FS
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Foreign.Object (singleton, empty)
import Node.Buffer (toArray)
import Node.FS.Aff (readFile)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers
( Test
, (?=)
, get
, get'
, getBinary
, getHeader
, post
, postBinary
import Examples.AsyncResponse.Main as AsyncResponse
import Examples.BinaryRequest.Main as BinaryRequest
import Examples.BinaryResponse.Main as BinaryResponse
@ -22,137 +30,137 @@ import Examples.Post.Main as Post
import Examples.QueryParameters.Main as QueryParameters
import Examples.SSL.Main as SSL
asyncResponseSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
asyncResponseSpec :: Test
asyncResponseSpec = "runs the async response example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect AsyncResponse.main
response <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the async response example" do
close <- liftEffect AsyncResponse.main
response <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "hello world!"
binaryRequestSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
binaryRequestSpec :: Test
binaryRequestSpec = "runs the binary request example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect BinaryRequest.main
binaryBuf <- FS.readFile BinaryResponse.filePath
response <- TestHelpers.postBinary 8080 Object.empty "/" binaryBuf
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the binary request example" do
close <- liftEffect BinaryRequest.main
binaryBuf <- readFile BinaryResponse.filePath
response <- postBinary 8080 empty "/" binaryBuf
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "d5e776724dd545d8b54123b46362a553d10257cee688ef1be62166c984b34405"
binaryResponseSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
binaryResponseSpec :: Test
binaryResponseSpec = "runs the binary response example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect BinaryResponse.main
responseBuf <- TestHelpers.getBinary 8080 Object.empty "/"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
binaryBuf <- FS.readFile BinaryResponse.filePath
expected <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.toArray binaryBuf
response <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.toArray responseBuf
it "runs the binary response example" do
close <- liftEffect BinaryResponse.main
responseBuf <- getBinary 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
binaryBuf <- readFile BinaryResponse.filePath
expected <- liftEffect $ toArray binaryBuf
response <- liftEffect $ toArray responseBuf
response ?= expected
chunkedSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
chunkedSpec :: Test
chunkedSpec = "runs the chunked example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect Chunked.main
response <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the chunked example" do
close <- liftEffect Chunked.main
response <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
-- TODO this isn't a great way to validate this, we need a way of inspecting
-- each individual chunk instead of just looking at the entire response
response ?= "hello \nworld!\n"
customStackSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
customStackSpec :: Test
customStackSpec = "runs the custom stack example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect CustomStack.main
response <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the custom stack example" do
close <- liftEffect CustomStack.main
response <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "hello, joe"
headersSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
headersSpec :: Test
headersSpec = "runs the headers example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect Headers.main
header <- TestHelpers.getHeader 8080 Object.empty "/" "X-Example"
response <- TestHelpers.get 8080 (Object.singleton "X-Input" "test") "/"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the headers example" do
close <- liftEffect Headers.main
header <- getHeader 8080 empty "/" "X-Example"
response <- get 8080 (singleton "X-Input" "test") "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
header ?= "hello world!"
response ?= "test"
helloWorldSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
helloWorldSpec :: Test
helloWorldSpec = "runs the hello world example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect HelloWorld.main
response <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the hello world example" do
close <- liftEffect HelloWorld.main
response <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "hello world!"
middlewareSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
middlewareSpec :: Test
middlewareSpec = "runs the middleware example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect Middleware.main
header <- TestHelpers.getHeader 8080 Object.empty "/" "X-Middleware"
body <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/"
header' <- TestHelpers.getHeader 8080 Object.empty "/middleware" "X-Middleware"
body' <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/middleware"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the middleware example" do
close <- liftEffect Middleware.main
header <- getHeader 8080 empty "/" "X-Middleware"
body <- get 8080 empty "/"
header' <- getHeader 8080 empty "/middleware" "X-Middleware"
body' <- get 8080 empty "/middleware"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
header ?= "router"
body ?= "hello"
header' ?= "middleware"
body' ?= "Middleware!"
multiRouteSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
multiRouteSpec :: Test
multiRouteSpec = "runs the multi route example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect MultiRoute.main
hello <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/hello"
goodbye <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/goodbye"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the multi route example" do
close <- liftEffect MultiRoute.main
hello <- get 8080 empty "/hello"
goodbye <- get 8080 empty "/goodbye"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
hello ?= "hello"
goodbye ?= "goodbye"
pathSegmentsSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
pathSegmentsSpec :: Test
pathSegmentsSpec = "runs the path segments example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect PathSegments.main
foo <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/segment/foo"
somebars <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/some/bars"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the path segments example" do
close <- liftEffect PathSegments.main
foo <- get 8080 empty "/segment/foo"
somebars <- get 8080 empty "/some/bars"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
foo ?= "foo"
somebars ?= "[\"some\",\"bars\"]"
postSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
postSpec :: Test
postSpec = "runs the post example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect Post.main
response <- 8080 Object.empty "/" "test"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the post example" do
close <- liftEffect Post.main
response <- post 8080 empty "/" "test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "test"
queryParametersSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
queryParametersSpec :: Test
queryParametersSpec = "runs the query parameters example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect QueryParameters.main
foo <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/?foo"
bar <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/?bar=test"
notbar <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/?bar=nottest"
baz <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/?baz=test"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the query parameters example" do
close <- liftEffect QueryParameters.main
foo <- get 8080 empty "/?foo"
bar <- get 8080 empty "/?bar=test"
notbar <- get 8080 empty "/?bar=nottest"
baz <- get 8080 empty "/?baz=test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
foo ?= "foo"
bar ?= "bar"
notbar ?= ""
baz ?= "test"
sslSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
sslSpec :: Test
sslSpec = "runs the ssl example" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect SSL.main
response <- TestHelpers.get' 8080 Object.empty "/"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "runs the ssl example" do
close <- liftEffect SSL.main
response <- get' 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "hello world!"
integrationSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
integrationSpec :: Test
integrationSpec =
Spec.describe "Integration" do
describe "Integration" do

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@ -1,56 +1,55 @@
module Test.HTTPure.LookupSpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing, Just))
import Foreign.Object (singleton)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Lookup ((!!), (!@), (!?))
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=))
atSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
atSpec :: Test
atSpec =
Spec.describe "at" do
Spec.describe "when the lookup returns a Just" do "is the value inside the Just" do
describe "at" do
describe "when the lookup returns a Just" do
it "is the value inside the Just" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !@ 1 ?= "two"
Spec.describe "when the lookup returns a Nothing" do "is mempty" do
describe "when the lookup returns a Nothing" do
it "is mempty" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !@ 4 ?= ""
hasSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
hasSpec :: Test
hasSpec =
Spec.describe "has" do
Spec.describe "when the lookup returns a Just" do "is true" do
describe "has" do
describe "when the lookup returns a Just" do
it "is true" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !? 1 ?= true
Spec.describe "when the lookup returns a Nothing" do "is false" do
describe "when the lookup returns a Nothing" do
it "is false" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !? 4 ?= false
lookupFunctionSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
lookupFunctionSpec :: Test
lookupFunctionSpec =
Spec.describe "lookup" do
Spec.describe "Array" do
Spec.describe "when the index is in bounds" do "is Just the value at the index" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 1 ?= Maybe.Just "two"
Spec.describe "when the index is out of bounds" do "is Nothing" do
(([ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 4) :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
Spec.describe "Map" do
Spec.describe "when the key is in the Map" do "is Just the value at the given key" do
mockMap !! "foo" ?= Maybe.Just "bar"
Spec.describe "when the key is not in the Map" do "is Nothing" do
((mockMap !! "baz") :: Maybe.Maybe String) ?= Maybe.Nothing
mockMap = Object.singleton "foo" "bar"
describe "lookup" do
describe "Array" do
describe "when the index is in bounds" do
it "is Just the value at the index" do
[ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 1 ?= Just "two"
describe "when the index is out of bounds" do
it "is Nothing" do
(([ "one", "two", "three" ] !! 4) :: Maybe String) ?= Nothing
describe "Map" do
describe "when the key is in the Map" do
it "is Just the value at the given key" do
let mockMap = singleton "foo" "bar"
mockMap !! "foo" ?= Just "bar"
describe "when the key is not in the Map" do
it "is Nothing" do
let mockMap = singleton "foo" "bar"
((mockMap !! "baz") :: Maybe String) ?= Nothing
lookupSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
lookupSpec :: Test
lookupSpec =
Spec.describe "Lookup" do
describe "Lookup" do

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@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
module Test.HTTPure.MethodSpec where
import Prelude
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Method as Method
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Method
( Method(Get, Post, Put, Delete, Head, Connect, Options, Trace, Patch)
, read
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=), mockRequest)
showSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
showSpec :: Test
showSpec =
Spec.describe "show" do
Spec.describe "with a Get" do "is 'Get'" do
show Method.Get ?= "Get"
Spec.describe "with a Post" do "is 'Post'" do
show Method.Post ?= "Post"
Spec.describe "with a Put" do "is 'Put'" do
show Method.Put ?= "Put"
Spec.describe "with a Delete" do "is 'Delete'" do
show Method.Delete ?= "Delete"
Spec.describe "with a Head" do "is 'Head'" do
show Method.Head ?= "Head"
Spec.describe "with a Connect" do "is 'Connect'" do
show Method.Connect ?= "Connect"
Spec.describe "with a Options" do "is 'Options'" do
show Method.Options ?= "Options"
Spec.describe "with a Trace" do "is 'Trace'" do
show Method.Trace ?= "Trace"
Spec.describe "with a Patch" do "is 'Patch'" do
show Method.Patch ?= "Patch"
describe "show" do
describe "with a Get" do
it "is 'Get'" do
show Get ?= "Get"
describe "with a Post" do
it "is 'Post'" do
show Post ?= "Post"
describe "with a Put" do
it "is 'Put'" do
show Put ?= "Put"
describe "with a Delete" do
it "is 'Delete'" do
show Delete ?= "Delete"
describe "with a Head" do
it "is 'Head'" do
show Head ?= "Head"
describe "with a Connect" do
it "is 'Connect'" do
show Connect ?= "Connect"
describe "with a Options" do
it "is 'Options'" do
show Options ?= "Options"
describe "with a Trace" do
it "is 'Trace'" do
show Trace ?= "Trace"
describe "with a Patch" do
it "is 'Patch'" do
show Patch ?= "Patch"
readSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
readSpec :: Test
readSpec =
Spec.describe "read" do
Spec.describe "with a 'GET' Request" do "is Get" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "GET" "" "" [] request ?= Method.Get
describe "read" do
describe "with a 'GET' Request" do
it "is Get" do
request <- mockRequest "" "GET" "" "" []
read request ?= Get
methodSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
methodSpec :: Test
methodSpec =
Spec.describe "Method" do
describe "Method" do

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@ -1,39 +1,38 @@
module Test.HTTPure.PathSpec where
import Prelude
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Path as Path
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Path (read)
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=), mockRequest)
readSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
readSpec :: Test
readSpec =
Spec.describe "read" do
Spec.describe "with a query string" do "is just the path" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "GET" "test/path?blabla" "" [] request ?= [ "test", "path" ]
Spec.describe "with no query string" do "is the path" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "GET" "test/path" "" [] request ?= [ "test", "path" ]
Spec.describe "with no segments" do "is an empty array" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "GET" "" "" [] request ?= []
Spec.describe "with empty segments" do "strips the empty segments" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "GET" "//test//path///?query" "" [] request ?= [ "test", "path" ]
Spec.describe "with percent encoded segments" do "decodes percent encoding" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "GET" "/test%20path/%2Fthis" "" [] request ?= [ "test path", "/this" ] "does not decode a plus sign" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "GET" "/test+path/this" "" [] request ?= [ "test+path", "this" ]
describe "read" do
describe "with a query string" do
it "is just the path" do
request <- mockRequest "" "GET" "test/path?blabla" "" []
read request ?= [ "test", "path" ]
describe "with no query string" do
it "is the path" do
request <- mockRequest "" "GET" "test/path" "" []
read request ?= [ "test", "path" ]
describe "with no segments" do
it "is an empty array" do
request <- mockRequest "" "GET" "" "" []
read request ?= []
describe "with empty segments" do
it "strips the empty segments" do
request <- mockRequest "" "GET" "//test//path///?query" "" []
read request ?= [ "test", "path" ]
describe "with percent encoded segments" do
it "decodes percent encoding" do
request <- mockRequest "" "GET" "/test%20path/%2Fthis" "" []
read request ?= [ "test path", "/this" ]
it "does not decode a plus sign" do
request <- mockRequest "" "GET" "/test+path/this" "" []
read request ?= [ "test+path", "this" ]
pathSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
pathSpec :: Test
pathSpec =
Spec.describe "Path" do
describe "Path" do

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@ -1,64 +1,63 @@
module Test.HTTPure.QuerySpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Query as Query
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(Tuple))
import Foreign.Object (empty, singleton, fromFoldable)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Query (read)
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=), mockRequest)
readSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
readSpec :: Test
readSpec =
Spec.describe "read" do
Spec.describe "with no query string" do "is an empty Map" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test" "" [] req ?= Object.empty
Spec.describe "with an empty query string" do "is an empty Map" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test?" "" [] req ?= Object.empty
Spec.describe "with a query parameter in the query string" do "is a correct Map" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test?a=b" "" [] req ?= Object.singleton "a" "b"
Spec.describe "with empty fields in the query string" do "ignores the empty fields" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test?&&a=b&&" "" [] req ?= Object.singleton "a" "b"
Spec.describe "with duplicated params" do "takes the last param value" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test?a=b&a=c" "" [] req ?= Object.singleton "a" "c"
Spec.describe "with empty params" do "uses '' as the value" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test?a" "" [] req ?= Object.singleton "a" ""
Spec.describe "with complex params" do "is the correct Map" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test?&&a&b=c&b=d&&&e=f&g=&" "" [] req ?= expectedComplexResult
Spec.describe "with urlencoded params" do "decodes valid keys and values" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test?foo%20bar=%3Fx%3Dtest" "" [] req ?= Object.singleton "foo bar" "?x=test" "passes invalid keys and values through" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test?%%=%C3" "" [] req ?= Object.singleton "%%" "%C3" "converts + to a space" do
req <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "/test?foo=bar+baz" "" [] req ?= Object.singleton "foo" "bar baz"
expectedComplexResult =
[ Tuple.Tuple "a" ""
, Tuple.Tuple "b" "d"
, Tuple.Tuple "e" "f"
, Tuple.Tuple "g" ""
describe "read" do
describe "with no query string" do
it "is an empty Map" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test" "" []
read req ?= empty
describe "with an empty query string" do
it "is an empty Map" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test?" "" []
read req ?= empty
describe "with a query parameter in the query string" do
it "is a correct Map" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test?a=b" "" []
read req ?= singleton "a" "b"
describe "with empty fields in the query string" do
it "ignores the empty fields" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test?&&a=b&&" "" []
read req ?= singleton "a" "b"
describe "with duplicated params" do
it "takes the last param value" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test?a=b&a=c" "" []
read req ?= singleton "a" "c"
describe "with empty params" do
it "uses '' as the value" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test?a" "" []
read req ?= singleton "a" ""
describe "with complex params" do
it "is the correct Map" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test?&&a&b=c&b=d&&&e=f&g=&" "" []
expectedComplexResult =
[ Tuple "a" ""
, Tuple "b" "d"
, Tuple "e" "f"
, Tuple "g" ""
read req ?= expectedComplexResult
describe "with urlencoded params" do
it "decodes valid keys and values" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test?foo%20bar=%3Fx%3Dtest" "" []
read req ?= singleton "foo bar" "?x=test"
it "passes invalid keys and values through" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test?%%=%C3" "" []
read req ?= singleton "%%" "%C3"
it "converts + to a space" do
req <- mockRequest "" "" "/test?foo=bar+baz" "" []
read req ?= singleton "foo" "bar baz"
querySpec :: TestHelpers.Test
querySpec :: Test
querySpec =
Spec.describe "Query" do
describe "Query" do

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@ -1,83 +1,82 @@
module Test.HTTPure.RequestSpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Body as Body
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import HTTPure.Method as Method
import HTTPure.Request as Request
import HTTPure.Version as Version
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(Tuple))
import Foreign.Object (singleton)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Body (toString)
import HTTPure.Headers (headers)
import HTTPure.Method (Method(Post))
import HTTPure.Request (fromHTTPRequest, fullPath)
import HTTPure.Version (Version(HTTP1_1))
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=), mockRequest)
fromHTTPRequestSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
fromHTTPRequestSpec :: Test
fromHTTPRequestSpec =
Spec.describe "fromHTTPRequest" do "contains the correct method" do
mock <- mockRequest
mock.method ?= Method.Post "contains the correct path" do
mock <- mockRequest
describe "fromHTTPRequest" do
it "contains the correct method" do
mock <- mockRequest'
mock.method ?= Post
it "contains the correct path" do
mock <- mockRequest'
mock.path ?= [ "test" ] "contains the correct query" do
mock <- mockRequest
mock.query ?= Object.singleton "a" "b" "contains the correct headers" do
mock <- mockRequest
mock.headers ?= Headers.headers mockHeaders "contains the correct body" do
mockBody <- mockRequest >>= _.body >>> Body.toString
it "contains the correct query" do
mock <- mockRequest'
mock.query ?= singleton "a" "b"
it "contains the correct headers" do
mock <- mockRequest'
mock.headers ?= headers mockHeaders
it "contains the correct body" do
mockBody <- mockRequest' >>= _.body >>> toString
mockBody ?= "body" "contains the correct httpVersion" do
mock <- mockRequest
mock.httpVersion ?= Version.HTTP1_1
it "contains the correct httpVersion" do
mock <- mockRequest'
mock.httpVersion ?= HTTP1_1
mockHeaders = [ Tuple.Tuple "Test" "test" ]
mockHeaders = [ Tuple "Test" "test" ]
mockHTTPRequest = TestHelpers.mockRequest "1.1" "POST" "/test?a=b" "body" mockHeaders
mockHTTPRequest = mockRequest "1.1" "POST" "/test?a=b" "body" mockHeaders
mockRequest = mockHTTPRequest >>= Request.fromHTTPRequest
mockRequest' = mockHTTPRequest >>= fromHTTPRequest
fullPathSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
fullPathSpec :: Test
fullPathSpec =
Spec.describe "fullPath" do
Spec.describe "without query parameters" do "is correct" do
mock <- mockRequest "/foo/bar"
Request.fullPath mock ?= "/foo/bar"
Spec.describe "with empty path segments" do "strips the empty segments" do
mock <- mockRequest "//foo////bar/"
Request.fullPath mock ?= "/foo/bar"
Spec.describe "with only query parameters" do "is correct" do
mock <- mockRequest "?a=b&c=d"
Request.fullPath mock ?= "/?a=b&c=d"
Spec.describe "with only empty query parameters" do "is has the default value of '' for the empty parameters" do
mock <- mockRequest "?a"
Request.fullPath mock ?= "/?a="
Spec.describe "with query parameters that have special characters" do "percent encodes query params" do
mock <- mockRequest "?a=%3Fx%3Dtest"
Request.fullPath mock ?= "/?a=%3Fx%3Dtest"
Spec.describe "with empty query parameters" do "strips out the empty arameters" do
mock <- mockRequest "?a=b&&&"
Request.fullPath mock ?= "/?a=b"
Spec.describe "with a mix of segments and query parameters" do "is correct" do
mock <- mockRequest "/foo///bar/?&a=b&&c"
Request.fullPath mock ?= "/foo/bar?a=b&c="
describe "fullPath" do
describe "without query parameters" do
it "is correct" do
mock <- mockRequest' "/foo/bar"
fullPath mock ?= "/foo/bar"
describe "with empty path segments" do
it "strips the empty segments" do
mock <- mockRequest' "//foo////bar/"
fullPath mock ?= "/foo/bar"
describe "with only query parameters" do
it "is correct" do
mock <- mockRequest' "?a=b&c=d"
fullPath mock ?= "/?a=b&c=d"
describe "with only empty query parameters" do
it "is has the default value of '' for the empty parameters" do
mock <- mockRequest' "?a"
fullPath mock ?= "/?a="
describe "with query parameters that have special characters" do
it "percent encodes query params" do
mock <- mockRequest' "?a=%3Fx%3Dtest"
fullPath mock ?= "/?a=%3Fx%3Dtest"
describe "with empty query parameters" do
it "strips out the empty arameters" do
mock <- mockRequest' "?a=b&&&"
fullPath mock ?= "/?a=b"
describe "with a mix of segments and query parameters" do
it "is correct" do
mock <- mockRequest' "/foo///bar/?&a=b&&c"
fullPath mock ?= "/foo/bar?a=b&c="
mockHTTPRequest path = TestHelpers.mockRequest "" "POST" path "body" []
mockHTTPRequest path = mockRequest "" "POST" path "body" []
mockRequest path = mockHTTPRequest path >>= Request.fromHTTPRequest
mockRequest' path = mockHTTPRequest path >>= fromHTTPRequest
requestSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
requestSpec :: Test
requestSpec =
Spec.describe "Request" do
describe "Request" do

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@ -1,141 +1,138 @@
module Test.HTTPure.ResponseSpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Either as Either
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.Stream as Stream
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Body as Body
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import HTTPure.Response as Response
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Data.Either (Either(Right))
import Effect.Aff (makeAff, nonCanceler)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.HTTP (responseAsStream)
import Node.Stream (writeString, end)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Body (defaultHeaders)
import HTTPure.Headers (header)
import HTTPure.Response (send, response, response', emptyResponse, emptyResponse')
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers
( Test
, (?=)
, mockResponse
, getResponseHeader
, getResponseStatus
, getResponseBody
sendSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
sendSpec :: Test
sendSpec =
Spec.describe "send" do "writes the headers" do
describe "send" do
mockResponse' =
{ status: 123
, headers: header "Test" "test"
, writeBody:
\response -> makeAff \done -> do
stream <- pure $ responseAsStream response
void $ writeString stream UTF8 "test" $ end stream $ done $ Right unit
pure nonCanceler
it "writes the headers" do
header <- do
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse $ mockResponse unit
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseHeader "Test" httpResponse
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
send httpResponse mockResponse'
pure $ getResponseHeader "Test" httpResponse
header ?= "test" "writes the status" do
it "writes the status" do
status <- do
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse $ mockResponse unit
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseStatus httpResponse
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
send httpResponse mockResponse'
pure $ getResponseStatus httpResponse
status ?= 123 "writes the body" do
it "writes the body" do
body <- do
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
Response.send httpResponse $ mockResponse unit
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
send httpResponse mockResponse'
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse _ =
{ status: 123
, headers: mockHeaders
, writeBody:
\response ->
Aff.makeAff \done -> do
stream <- pure $ HTTP.responseAsStream response
$ Stream.writeString stream Encoding.UTF8 "test"
$ Stream.end stream
$ done
$ Either.Right unit
pure Aff.nonCanceler
responseFunctionSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
responseFunctionSpec :: Test
responseFunctionSpec =
Spec.describe "response" do "has the right status" do
resp <- Response.response 123 "test"
describe "response" do
it "has the right status" do
resp <- response 123 "test"
resp.status ?= 123 "has only default headers" do
resp <- Response.response 123 "test"
defaultHeaders <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.defaultHeaders "test"
resp.headers ?= defaultHeaders "has the right writeBody function" do
it "has only default headers" do
resp <- response 123 "test"
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "test"
resp.headers ?= defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- Response.response 123 "test"
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
resp <- response 123 "test"
httpResponse <- liftEffect $ mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
response'Spec :: TestHelpers.Test
response'Spec :: Test
response'Spec =
Spec.describe "response'" do "has the right status" do
resp <- mockResponse
describe "response'" do
mockHeaders = header "Test" "test"
mockResponse' = response' 123 mockHeaders "test"
it "has the right status" do
resp <- mockResponse'
resp.status ?= 123 "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse
defaultHeaders <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.defaultHeaders "test"
resp.headers ?= defaultHeaders <> mockHeaders "has the right writeBody function" do
it "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse'
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "test"
resp.headers ?= defaultHeaders' <> mockHeaders
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
resp <- mockResponse'
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse = Response.response' 123 mockHeaders "test"
emptyResponseSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
emptyResponseSpec :: Test
emptyResponseSpec =
Spec.describe "emptyResponse" do "has the right status" do
resp <- Response.emptyResponse 123
describe "emptyResponse" do
it "has the right status" do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
resp.status ?= 123 "has only default headers" do
resp <- Response.emptyResponse 123
defaultHeaders <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.defaultHeaders ""
resp.headers ?= defaultHeaders "has the right writeBody function" do
it "has only default headers" do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders ""
resp.headers ?= defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- Response.emptyResponse 123
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
resp <- emptyResponse 123
httpResponse <- liftEffect $ mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= ""
emptyResponse'Spec :: TestHelpers.Test
emptyResponse'Spec :: Test
emptyResponse'Spec =
Spec.describe "emptyResponse'" do "has the right status" do
resp <- mockResponse
describe "emptyResponse'" do
mockHeaders = header "Test" "test"
mockResponse' = emptyResponse' 123 mockHeaders
it "has the right status" do
resp <- mockResponse'
resp.status ?= 123 "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse
defaultHeaders <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Body.defaultHeaders ""
resp.headers ?= mockHeaders <> defaultHeaders "has the right writeBody function" do
it "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse'
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders ""
resp.headers ?= mockHeaders <> defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse
httpResponse <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ TestHelpers.mockResponse
resp <- mockResponse'
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= ""
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse = Response.emptyResponse' 123 mockHeaders
responseSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
responseSpec :: Test
responseSpec =
Spec.describe "Response" do
describe "Response" do

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@ -1,106 +1,95 @@
module Test.HTTPure.ServerSpec where
import Prelude
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Effect.Exception as Exception
import Control.Monad.Except as Except
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing))
import Data.Options ((:=))
import Data.String as String
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.HTTP.Secure as HTTPS
import Node.FS.Sync as FSSync
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.Spec.Assertions as Assertions
import HTTPure.Request as Request
import HTTPure.Response as Response
import HTTPure.Server as Server
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Data.String (joinWith)
import Foreign.Object (empty)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.HTTP.Secure (key, keyString, cert, certString)
import Node.FS.Sync (readTextFile)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (expectError)
import HTTPure.Request (Request)
import HTTPure.Response (ResponseM, ok)
import HTTPure.Server (serve, serve', serveSecure, serveSecure')
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=), get, get', getStatus)
mockRouter :: Request.Request -> Response.ResponseM
mockRouter { path } = Response.ok $ "/" <> String.joinWith "/" path
mockRouter :: Request -> ResponseM
mockRouter { path } = ok $ "/" <> joinWith "/" path
errorRouter :: Request.Request -> Response.ResponseM
errorRouter _ = Except.throwError $ Exception.error "fail!"
serveSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
serveSpec :: Test
serveSpec =
Spec.describe "serve" do "boots a server on the given port" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Server.serve 8080 mockRouter $ pure unit
out <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/test"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
describe "serve" do
it "boots a server on the given port" do
close <- liftEffect $ serve 8080 mockRouter $ pure unit
out <- get 8080 empty "/test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out ?= "/test" "responds with a 500 upon unhandled exceptions" do
close <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ Server.serve 8080 errorRouter $ pure unit
status <- TestHelpers.getStatus 8080 Object.empty "/"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
it "responds with a 500 upon unhandled exceptions" do
let router _ = throwError $ error "fail!"
close <- liftEffect $ serve 8080 router $ pure unit
status <- getStatus 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
status ?= 500
serve'Spec :: TestHelpers.Test
serve'Spec :: Test
serve'Spec =
Spec.describe "serve'" do "boots a server with the given options" do
describe "serve'" do
it "boots a server with the given options" do
let options = { hostname: "localhost", port: 8080, backlog: Nothing }
close <-
$ Server.serve' options mockRouter
$ serve' options mockRouter
$ pure unit
out <- TestHelpers.get 8080 Object.empty "/test"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out <- get 8080 empty "/test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out ?= "/test"
options = { hostname: "localhost", port: 8080, backlog: Maybe.Nothing }
serveSecureSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
serveSecureSpec :: Test
serveSecureSpec =
Spec.describe "serveSecure" do
Spec.describe "with valid key and cert files" do "boots a server on the given port" do
describe "serveSecure" do
describe "with valid key and cert files" do
it "boots a server on the given port" do
close <-
$ Server.serveSecure 8080 cert key mockRouter
$ serveSecure 8080 "./test/Mocks/Certificate.cer" "./test/Mocks/Key.key" mockRouter
$ pure unit
out <- TestHelpers.get' 8080 Object.empty "/test"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out <- get' 8080 empty "/test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out ?= "/test"
Spec.describe "with invalid key and cert files" do "throws" do
Assertions.expectError $ EffectClass.liftEffect
$ Server.serveSecure 8080 "" "" mockRouter
describe "with invalid key and cert files" do
it "throws" do
expectError $ liftEffect
$ serveSecure 8080 "" "" mockRouter
$ pure unit
cert = "./test/Mocks/Certificate.cer"
key = "./test/Mocks/Key.key"
serveSecure'Spec :: TestHelpers.Test
serveSecure'Spec :: Test
serveSecure'Spec =
Spec.describe "serveSecure'" do
Spec.describe "with valid key and cert files" do "boots a server on the given port" do
sslOpts <- EffectClass.liftEffect $ sslOptions
describe "serveSecure'" do
describe "with valid key and cert files" do
it "boots a server on the given port" do
options = { hostname: "localhost", port: 8080, backlog: Nothing }
sslOptions = do
cert' <- readTextFile UTF8 "./test/Mocks/Certificate.cer"
key' <- readTextFile UTF8 "./test/Mocks/Key.key"
pure $ key := keyString key' <> cert := certString cert'
sslOpts <- liftEffect $ sslOptions
close <-
$ Server.serveSecure' sslOpts (options 8080) mockRouter
$ serveSecure' sslOpts options mockRouter
$ pure unit
out <- TestHelpers.get' 8080 Object.empty "/test"
EffectClass.liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out <- get' 8080 empty "/test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out ?= "/test"
options port = { hostname: "localhost", port, backlog: Maybe.Nothing }
sslOptions = do
cert <- FSSync.readTextFile Encoding.UTF8 "./test/Mocks/Certificate.cer"
key <- FSSync.readTextFile Encoding.UTF8 "./test/Mocks/Key.key"
pure $
HTTPS.key := HTTPS.keyString key
<> HTTPS.cert := HTTPS.certString cert
serverSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
serverSpec :: Test
serverSpec =
Spec.describe "Server" do
describe "Server" do

View File

@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
module Test.HTTPure.StatusSpec where
import Prelude
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Status as Status
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Status (write)
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=), mockResponse, getResponseStatus)
writeSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
writeSpec :: Test
writeSpec =
Spec.describe "write" do "writes the given status code" do
describe "write" do
it "writes the given status code" do
status <-
EffectClass.liftEffect do
mock <- TestHelpers.mockResponse
Status.write mock 123
pure $ TestHelpers.getResponseStatus mock
liftEffect do
mock <- mockResponse
write mock 123
pure $ getResponseStatus mock
status ?= 123
statusSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
statusSpec :: Test
statusSpec =
Spec.describe "Status" do
describe "Status" do

View File

@ -1,36 +1,51 @@
module Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers where
import Prelude
import Effect as Effect
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Class as EffectClass
import Effect.Ref as Ref
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Either as Either
import Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, makeAff, nonCanceler)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Ref (new, modify_, read)
import Data.Array (fromFoldable) as Array
import Data.Either (Either(Right))
import Data.List (List(Nil, Cons), reverse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Options ((:=))
import Data.String as StringUtil
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.HTTP.Client as HTTPClient
import Node.Stream as Stream
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.Spec.Assertions as Assertions
import Unsafe.Coerce as Coerce
import Data.String (toLower)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple)
import Foreign.Object (fromFoldable) as Object
import Foreign.Object (Object, lookup)
import Node.Buffer (toString) as Buffer
import Node.Buffer (Buffer, create, fromString, concat)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.HTTP (Response) as HTTP
import Node.HTTP (Request)
import Node.HTTP.Client (Response, request) as HTTPClient
import Node.HTTP.Client
( RequestHeaders(RequestHeaders)
, requestAsStream
, protocol
, method
, hostname
, port
, path
, headers
, rejectUnauthorized
, statusCode
, responseHeaders
, responseAsStream
import Node.Stream (Readable, write, end, onData, onEnd)
import Test.Spec (Spec)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
infix 1 Assertions.shouldEqual as ?=
infix 1 shouldEqual as ?=
-- | The type for integration tests.
type Test
= Spec.Spec Unit
type Test = Spec Unit
-- | The type for the entire test suite.
type TestSuite
= Effect.Effect Unit
type TestSuite = Effect Unit
-- | Given a URL, a failure handler, and a success handler, create an HTTP
-- | client request.
@ -38,40 +53,40 @@ request ::
Boolean ->
Int ->
String ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
Buffer.Buffer ->
Aff.Aff HTTPClient.Response
request secure port method headers path body =
Aff.makeAff \done -> do
req <- HTTPClient.request options $ Either.Right >>> done
Buffer ->
Aff HTTPClient.Response
request secure port' method' headers' path' body =
makeAff \done -> do
req <- HTTPClient.request options $ Right >>> done
stream = HTTPClient.requestAsStream req
stream = requestAsStream req
$ Stream.write stream body
$ Stream.end stream
$ write stream body
$ end stream
$ pure unit
pure Aff.nonCanceler
pure nonCanceler
options =
HTTPClient.protocol := (if secure then "https:" else "http:")
<> HTTPClient.method := method
<> HTTPClient.hostname := "localhost"
<> HTTPClient.port := port
<> HTTPClient.path := path
<> HTTPClient.headers := HTTPClient.RequestHeaders headers
<> HTTPClient.rejectUnauthorized := false
protocol := (if secure then "https:" else "http:")
<> method := method'
<> hostname := "localhost"
<> port := port'
<> path := path'
<> headers := RequestHeaders headers'
<> rejectUnauthorized := false
-- | Same as `request` but without.
request' ::
Boolean ->
Int ->
String ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
Aff.Aff HTTPClient.Response
Aff HTTPClient.Response
request' secure port method headers path =
EffectClass.liftEffect (Buffer.create 0)
liftEffect (create 0)
>>= request secure port method headers path
-- | Same as `request` but with a `String` body.
@ -79,107 +94,107 @@ requestString ::
Boolean ->
Int ->
String ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
String ->
Aff.Aff HTTPClient.Response
Aff HTTPClient.Response
requestString secure port method headers path body = do
EffectClass.liftEffect (Buffer.fromString body Encoding.UTF8)
liftEffect (fromString body UTF8)
>>= request secure port method headers path
-- | Convert a request to an Aff containing the `Buffer with the response body.
toBuffer :: HTTPClient.Response -> Aff.Aff Buffer.Buffer
toBuffer :: HTTPClient.Response -> Aff Buffer
toBuffer response =
Aff.makeAff \done -> do
makeAff \done -> do
stream = HTTPClient.responseAsStream response
chunks <- List.Nil
Stream.onData stream $ \new -> Ref.modify_ (List.Cons new) chunks
Stream.onEnd stream $ chunks
>>= List.reverse
stream = responseAsStream response
chunks <- new Nil
onData stream $ \new -> modify_ (Cons new) chunks
onEnd stream $ read chunks
>>= reverse
>>> Array.fromFoldable
>>> Buffer.concat
>>= Either.Right
>>> concat
>>= Right
>>> done
pure Aff.nonCanceler
pure nonCanceler
-- | Convert a request to an Aff containing the string with the response body.
toString :: HTTPClient.Response -> Aff.Aff String
toString :: HTTPClient.Response -> Aff String
toString resp = do
buf <- toBuffer resp
EffectClass.liftEffect $ Buffer.toString Encoding.UTF8 buf
liftEffect $ Buffer.toString UTF8 buf
-- | Run an HTTP GET with the given url and return an Aff that contains the
-- | string with the response body.
get ::
Int ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
Aff.Aff String
Aff String
get port headers path = request' false port "GET" headers path >>= toString
-- | Like `get` but return a response body in a `Buffer`
getBinary ::
Int ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
Aff.Aff Buffer.Buffer
Aff Buffer
getBinary port headers path = request' false port "GET" headers path >>= toBuffer
-- | Run an HTTPS GET with the given url and return an Aff that contains the
-- | string with the response body.
get' ::
Int ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
Aff.Aff String
Aff String
get' port headers path = request' true port "GET" headers path >>= toString
-- | Run an HTTP POST with the given url and body and return an Aff that
-- | contains the string with the response body.
post ::
Int ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
String ->
Aff.Aff String
Aff String
post port headers path = requestString false port "POST" headers path >=> toString
-- | Run an HTTP POST with the given url and binary buffer body and return an
-- | Aff that contains the string with the response body.
postBinary ::
Int ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
Buffer.Buffer ->
Aff.Aff String
Buffer ->
Aff String
postBinary port headers path = request false port "POST" headers path >=> toString
-- | Convert a request to an Aff containing the string with the given header
-- | value.
extractHeader :: String -> HTTPClient.Response -> String
extractHeader header = unmaybe <<< lookup <<< HTTPClient.responseHeaders
extractHeader header = unmaybe <<< lookup' <<< responseHeaders
unmaybe = Maybe.fromMaybe ""
unmaybe = fromMaybe ""
lookup = Object.lookup $ StringUtil.toLower header
lookup' = lookup $ toLower header
-- | Run an HTTP GET with the given url and return an Aff that contains the
-- | string with the header value for the given header.
getHeader ::
Int ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
String ->
Aff.Aff String
Aff String
getHeader port headers path header = extractHeader header <$> request' false port "GET" headers path
getStatus ::
Int ->
Object.Object String ->
Object String ->
String ->
Aff.Aff Int
getStatus port headers path = HTTPClient.statusCode <$> request' false port "GET" headers path
Aff Int
getStatus port headers path = statusCode <$> request' false port "GET" headers path
-- | Mock an HTTP Request object
foreign import mockRequestImpl ::
@ -187,8 +202,8 @@ foreign import mockRequestImpl ::
String ->
String ->
String ->
Object.Object String ->
Effect.Effect HTTP.Request
Object String ->
Effect Request
-- | Mock an HTTP Request object
mockRequest ::
@ -196,29 +211,29 @@ mockRequest ::
String ->
String ->
String ->
Array (Tuple.Tuple String String) ->
Aff.Aff HTTP.Request
mockRequest httpVersion method url body = EffectClass.liftEffect <<< mockRequestImpl httpVersion method url body <<< Object.fromFoldable
Array (Tuple String String) ->
Aff Request
mockRequest httpVersion method url body = liftEffect <<< mockRequestImpl httpVersion method url body <<< Object.fromFoldable
-- | Mock an HTTP Response object
foreign import mockResponse :: Effect.Effect HTTP.Response
foreign import mockResponse :: Effect HTTP.Response
-- | Get the current body from an HTTP Response object (note this will only work
-- | with an object returned from mockResponse).
getResponseBody :: HTTP.Response -> String
getResponseBody = _.body <<< Coerce.unsafeCoerce
getResponseBody = _.body <<< unsafeCoerce
-- | Get the currently set status from an HTTP Response object.
getResponseStatus :: HTTP.Response -> Int
getResponseStatus = _.statusCode <<< Coerce.unsafeCoerce
getResponseStatus = _.statusCode <<< unsafeCoerce
-- | Get all current headers on the HTTP Response object.
getResponseHeaders :: HTTP.Response -> Object.Object String
getResponseHeaders = Coerce.unsafeCoerce <<< _.headers <<< Coerce.unsafeCoerce
getResponseHeaders :: HTTP.Response -> Object String
getResponseHeaders = unsafeCoerce <<< _.headers <<< unsafeCoerce
-- | Get the current value for the header on the HTTP Response object.
getResponseHeader :: String -> HTTP.Response -> String
getResponseHeader header = Maybe.fromMaybe "" <<< Object.lookup header <<< getResponseHeaders
getResponseHeader header = fromMaybe "" <<< lookup header <<< getResponseHeaders
-- | Create a stream out of a string.
foreign import stringToStream :: String -> Stream.Readable ()
foreign import stringToStream :: String -> Readable ()

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@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
module Test.HTTPure.UtilsSpec where
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Utils as Utils
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Utils (replacePlus)
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=))
utilsSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
replacePlusSpec :: Test
replacePlusSpec =
describe "replacePlus" do
it "should replace all pluses" do
replacePlus "foo+bar+baz" ?= "foo%20bar%20baz"
utilsSpec :: Test
utilsSpec =
Spec.describe "replacePlus" do "should replace all pluses" do
Utils.replacePlus "HTTPPure+is+A+purescript+HTTP+server+framework"
?= "HTTPPure%20is%20A%20purescript%20HTTP%20server%20framework"
describe "Utils" do

View File

@ -1,63 +1,65 @@
module Test.HTTPure.VersionSpec where
import Prelude
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Version as Version
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers ((?=))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import HTTPure.Version
( Version(HTTP0_9, HTTP1_0, HTTP1_1, HTTP2_0, HTTP3_0, Other)
, read
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, (?=), mockRequest)
showSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
showSpec :: Test
showSpec =
Spec.describe "show" do
Spec.describe "with an HTTP0_9" do "is 'HTTP0_9'" do
show Version.HTTP0_9 ?= "HTTP/0.9"
Spec.describe "with an HTTP1_0" do "is 'HTTP1_0'" do
show Version.HTTP1_0 ?= "HTTP/1.0"
Spec.describe "with an HTTP1_1" do "is 'HTTP1_1'" do
show Version.HTTP1_1 ?= "HTTP/1.1"
Spec.describe "with an HTTP2_0" do "is 'HTTP2_0'" do
show Version.HTTP2_0 ?= "HTTP/2.0"
Spec.describe "with an HTTP3_0" do "is 'HTTP3_0'" do
show Version.HTTP3_0 ?= "HTTP/3.0"
Spec.describe "with an Other" do "is 'Other'" do
show (Version.Other "version") ?= "HTTP/version"
describe "show" do
describe "with an HTTP0_9" do
it "is 'HTTP0_9'" do
show HTTP0_9 ?= "HTTP/0.9"
describe "with an HTTP1_0" do
it "is 'HTTP1_0'" do
show HTTP1_0 ?= "HTTP/1.0"
describe "with an HTTP1_1" do
it "is 'HTTP1_1'" do
show HTTP1_1 ?= "HTTP/1.1"
describe "with an HTTP2_0" do
it "is 'HTTP2_0'" do
show HTTP2_0 ?= "HTTP/2.0"
describe "with an HTTP3_0" do
it "is 'HTTP3_0'" do
show HTTP3_0 ?= "HTTP/3.0"
describe "with an Other" do
it "is 'Other'" do
show (Other "version") ?= "HTTP/version"
readSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
readSpec :: Test
readSpec =
Spec.describe "read" do
Spec.describe "with an 'HTTP0_9' Request" do "is HTTP0_9" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "0.9" "" "" "" [] request ?= Version.HTTP0_9
Spec.describe "with an 'HTTP1_0' Request" do "is HTTP1_0" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "1.0" "" "" "" [] request ?= Version.HTTP1_0
Spec.describe "with an 'HTTP1_1' Request" do "is HTTP1_1" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "1.1" "" "" "" [] request ?= Version.HTTP1_1
Spec.describe "with an 'HTTP2_0' Request" do "is HTTP2_0" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "2.0" "" "" "" [] request ?= Version.HTTP2_0
Spec.describe "with an 'HTTP3_0' Request" do "is HTTP3_0" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "3.0" "" "" "" [] request ?= Version.HTTP3_0
Spec.describe "with an 'Other' Request" do "is Other" do
request <- TestHelpers.mockRequest "version" "" "" "" [] request ?= Version.Other "version"
describe "read" do
describe "with an 'HTTP0_9' Request" do
it "is HTTP0_9" do
request <- mockRequest "0.9" "" "" "" []
read request ?= HTTP0_9
describe "with an 'HTTP1_0' Request" do
it "is HTTP1_0" do
request <- mockRequest "1.0" "" "" "" []
read request ?= HTTP1_0
describe "with an 'HTTP1_1' Request" do
it "is HTTP1_1" do
request <- mockRequest "1.1" "" "" "" []
read request ?= HTTP1_1
describe "with an 'HTTP2_0' Request" do
it "is HTTP2_0" do
request <- mockRequest "2.0" "" "" "" []
read request ?= HTTP2_0
describe "with an 'HTTP3_0' Request" do
it "is HTTP3_0" do
request <- mockRequest "3.0" "" "" "" []
read request ?= HTTP3_0
describe "with an 'Other' Request" do
it "is Other" do
request <- mockRequest "version" "" "" "" []
read request ?= Other "version"
versionSpec :: TestHelpers.Test
versionSpec :: Test
versionSpec =
Spec.describe "Version" do
describe "Version" do

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@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.Spec.Reporter as Reporter
import Test.Spec.Runner as Runner
import Test.HTTPure.BodySpec as BodySpec
import Test.HTTPure.HeadersSpec as HeadersSpec
import Test.HTTPure.LookupSpec as LookupSpec
import Test.HTTPure.MethodSpec as MethodSpec
import Test.HTTPure.PathSpec as PathSpec
import Test.HTTPure.QuerySpec as QuerySpec
import Test.HTTPure.RequestSpec as RequestSpec
import Test.HTTPure.ResponseSpec as ResponseSpec
import Test.HTTPure.ServerSpec as ServerSpec
import Test.HTTPure.StatusSpec as StatusSpec
import Test.HTTPure.UtilsSpec as UtilsSpec
import Test.HTTPure.VersionSpec as VersionSpec
import Test.HTTPure.IntegrationSpec as IntegrationSpec
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers as TestHelpers
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Test.Spec (describe)
import Test.Spec.Reporter (specReporter)
import Test.Spec.Runner (runSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.BodySpec (bodySpec)
import Test.HTTPure.HeadersSpec (headersSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.LookupSpec (lookupSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.MethodSpec (methodSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.PathSpec (pathSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.QuerySpec (querySpec)
import Test.HTTPure.RequestSpec (requestSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.ResponseSpec (responseSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.ServerSpec (serverSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.StatusSpec (statusSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.UtilsSpec (utilsSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.VersionSpec (versionSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.IntegrationSpec (integrationSpec)
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (TestSuite)
main :: TestHelpers.TestSuite
main = Aff.launchAff_ $ Runner.runSpec [ Reporter.specReporter ] $ Spec.describe "HTTPure" do
main :: TestSuite
main = launchAff_ $ runSpec [ specReporter ] $ describe "HTTPure" do