This commit is contained in:
sigma-andex 2022-06-14 19:32:05 +01:00
parent f8e53eca35
commit 8733799cb0
4 changed files with 26 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -55,30 +55,29 @@ codes.
## Setting Response Headers
If you need to return response headers, you can do so using the prime versions
of the response helpers. These functions take an `HTTPure.Headers` object. You
can construct an `HTTPure.Headers` in a few ways:
of the response helpers. These functions take an `HTTPure.ResponseHeaders` object. You
can construct an `HTTPure.ResponseHeaders` in a few ways:
- `HTTPure.empty` - Construct an empty `HTTPure.Headers`
- `HTTPure.empty` - Construct an empty `HTTPure.ResponseHeaders`
- `HTTPure.header` - Given a string with a header name and a string with a
value, construct a singleton `HTTPure.Headers`. For instance:
value, construct a singleton `HTTPure.ResponseHeaders`. For instance:
headers = HTTPure.header "X-My-Header" "value"
headers = HTTPure.header "Content-Type" "application/json"
- `HTTPure.headers` - Construct a `HTTPure.Headers` from an `Array` of `Tuples`
of two `Strings`, where the first `String` is the header name and the second
`String` is the header value. For instance:
- `HTTPure.headers` - Construct a `HTTPure.Headers` from a record:
headers = HTTPure.headers
[ Tuple "X-Header-A" "valueA"
, Tuple "X-Header-B" "valueB"
headers = HTTPure.headers {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Set-Cookie": ["cookie-value-1", "cookie-value-2"], -- note: you can set multiple headers by using an Array
"X-My-CustomHeader": "some-value"
Because `HTTPure.Headers` has an instance of `Semigroup`, you can also append
`HTTPure.Headers` objects:
Because `HTTPure.ResponseHeaders` has an instance of `Semigroup`, you can also append
`HTTPure.ResponseHeaders` objects:
headers =

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@ -71,13 +71,17 @@ newtype ResponseHeaders = ResponseHeaders (Map CaseInsensitiveString (Array Stri
instance Semigroup ResponseHeaders where
append (ResponseHeaders a) (ResponseHeaders b) = ResponseHeaders $ union b a
-- | Allow a `RequestHeaders` to be represented as a string. This string is formatted
-- | Allow a `ResponseHeaders` to be represented as a string. This string is formatted
-- | in HTTP headers format.
instance Show ResponseHeaders where
show (ResponseHeaders headers') = foldMapWithIndex showField headers' <> "\n"
showField key value = Array.foldMap (\v -> unwrap key <> ": " <> v <> "\n") value
-- | Compare two `ResponseHeaders` objects by comparing the underlying `Objects`.
instance Eq ResponseHeaders where
eq (ResponseHeaders a) (ResponseHeaders b) = eq a b
-- | Get the headers out of a HTTP `Request` object.
read :: Request -> RequestHeaders
read = requestHeaders >>> fold insertField Map.empty >>> RequestHeaders

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Foreign.Object (singleton)
import HTTPurple.Body (toString)
import HTTPurple.Headers (headers)
import HTTPurple.Headers (headers, mkRequestHeaders)
import HTTPurple.Method (Method(Post))
import HTTPurple.Request (fromHTTPRequest, fullPath)
import HTTPurple.Version (Version(HTTP1_1))
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ fromHTTPRequestSpec =
mock.query ?= singleton "a" "b"
it "contains the correct headers" do
mock <- mockRequest' # getRight
mock.headers ?= headers mockHeaders
mock.headers ?= mkRequestHeaders mockHeaders
it "contains the correct body" do
mockBody <- mockRequest' # getRight >>= (_.body >>> toString)
mockBody ?= "body"

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@ -6,19 +6,12 @@ import Data.Either (Either(Right))
import Effect.Aff (makeAff, nonCanceler)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import HTTPurple.Body (defaultHeaders)
import HTTPurple.Headers (header)
import HTTPurple.Headers (header, toResponseHeaders)
import HTTPurple.Response (emptyResponse, emptyResponse', response, response', send)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.HTTP (responseAsStream)
import Node.Stream (end, writeString)
import Test.HTTPurple.TestHelpers
( Test
, getResponseBody
, getResponseHeader
, getResponseStatus
, mockResponse
, (?=)
import Test.HTTPurple.TestHelpers (Test, getResponseBody, getResponseHeader, getResponseStatus, mockResponse, (?=))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
sendSpec :: Test
@ -62,7 +55,7 @@ responseFunctionSpec =
it "has only default headers" do
resp <- response 123 "test"
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "test"
resp.headers ?= defaultHeaders'
resp.headers ?= toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- response 123 "test"
@ -83,7 +76,7 @@ response'Spec =
it "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse'
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "test"
resp.headers ?= defaultHeaders' <> mockHeaders
resp.headers ?= toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders' <> mockHeaders
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse'
@ -101,7 +94,7 @@ emptyResponseSpec =
it "has only default headers" do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders ""
resp.headers ?= defaultHeaders'
resp.headers ?= toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
@ -122,7 +115,7 @@ emptyResponse'Spec =
it "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse'
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders ""
resp.headers ?= mockHeaders <> defaultHeaders'
resp.headers ?= mockHeaders <> toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse'