Cleanup and export everything necessary
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ module HTTPurple
, module HTTPurple.Json
, module HTTPurple.Lookup
, module HTTPurple.Method
, module HTTPurple.Middleware
, module HTTPurple.NodeMiddleware
, module HTTPurple.Path
, module HTTPurple.Routes
, module HTTPurple.Query
@ -26,9 +28,23 @@ import HTTPurple.Headers (RequestHeaders, ResponseHeaders, empty, header, header
import HTTPurple.Json (JsonDecoder(..), JsonEncoder(..), fromJson, jsonHeaders, toJson)
import HTTPurple.Lookup (at, has, lookup, (!!), (!?), (!@))
import HTTPurple.Method (Method(..))
import HTTPurple.Middleware (Middleware, MiddlewareM)
import HTTPurple.NodeMiddleware
( class UsingMiddleware
, MiddlewareResult(..)
, MiddlewareResultR
, NextHandlerArg
, NextInvocation(..)
, NodeMiddleware(..)
, NodeMiddlewareStack(..)
, callNext
, callNextWithError
, dontCallNext
, usingMiddleware
import HTTPurple.Path (Path)
import HTTPurple.Query (Query)
import HTTPurple.Request (Request, fullPath)
import HTTPurple.Request (ExtRequest, Request, RequestR, fullPath)
import HTTPurple.Response (Response, ResponseM, accepted, accepted', alreadyReported, alreadyReported', badGateway, badGateway', badRequest, badRequest', conflict, conflict', continue, continue', created, created', emptyResponse, emptyResponse', expectationFailed, expectationFailed', failedDependency, failedDependency', forbidden, forbidden', found, found', gatewayTimeout, gatewayTimeout', gone, gone', hTTPVersionNotSupported, hTTPVersionNotSupported', iMUsed, iMUsed', imATeapot, imATeapot', insufficientStorage, insufficientStorage', internalServerError, internalServerError', lengthRequired, lengthRequired', locked, locked', loopDetected, loopDetected', methodNotAllowed, methodNotAllowed', misdirectedRequest, misdirectedRequest', movedPermanently, movedPermanently', multiStatus, multiStatus', multipleChoices, multipleChoices', networkAuthenticationRequired, networkAuthenticationRequired', noContent, noContent', nonAuthoritativeInformation, nonAuthoritativeInformation', notAcceptable, notAcceptable', notExtended, notExtended', notFound, notFound', notImplemented, notImplemented', notModified, notModified', ok, ok', partialContent, partialContent', payloadTooLarge, payloadTooLarge', paymentRequired, paymentRequired', permanentRedirect, permanentRedirect', preconditionFailed, preconditionFailed', preconditionRequired, preconditionRequired', processing, processing', proxyAuthenticationRequired, proxyAuthenticationRequired', rangeNotSatisfiable, rangeNotSatisfiable', requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge', requestTimeout, requestTimeout', resetContent, resetContent', response, response', seeOther, seeOther', serviceUnavailable, serviceUnavailable', switchingProtocols, switchingProtocols', temporaryRedirect, temporaryRedirect', tooManyRequests, tooManyRequests', uRITooLong, uRITooLong', unauthorized, unauthorized', unavailableForLegalReasons, unavailableForLegalReasons', unprocessableEntity, unprocessableEntity', unsupportedMediaType, unsupportedMediaType', upgradeRequired, upgradeRequired', useProxy, useProxy', variantAlsoNegotiates, variantAlsoNegotiates')
import HTTPurple.Routes (type (<+>), catchAll, combineRoutes, mkRoute, orElse, (<+>))
import HTTPurple.Server (ServerM, serve)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module HTTPurple.Middleware
( Middleware
, MiddlewareM
) where
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import HTTPurple.Request (ExtRequest)
import HTTPurple.Response (Response)
type MiddlewareM m route extIn extOut = (ExtRequest route extOut -> m Response) -> ExtRequest route extIn -> m Response
type Middleware route extIn extOut = MiddlewareM Aff route extIn extOut
@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
module HTTPurple.NodeMiddleware where
module HTTPurple.NodeMiddleware
( MiddlewareResult(..)
, MiddlewareResultR
, NextHandlerArg
, NextInvocation(..)
, NodeMiddleware(..)
, NodeMiddlewareStack(..)
, usingMiddleware
, callNext
, callNextWithError
, class UsingMiddleware
, dontCallNext
) where
import Prelude
@ -22,14 +34,14 @@ newtype NodeMiddleware extended =
derive instance Newtype (NodeMiddleware extended) _
data NextInvocation = NotCalled | ProcessingFailed Error | ProcessingSucceeded
type MiddlewareResultR =
(request :: HTTP.Request, response :: HTTP.Response, middlewareResult :: NextInvocation)
newtype MiddlewareResult :: forall k. k -> Type
newtype MiddlewareResult input = MiddlewareResult { | MiddlewareResultR }
data NextInvocation = NotCalled | ProcessingFailed Error | ProcessingSucceeded
derive instance Generic NextInvocation _
instance Show NextInvocation where
show = genericShow
@ -59,8 +59,11 @@ type RequestR route r =
-- | the different parts of the HTTP request.
type Request route = { | RequestR route () }
-- | Like `Request`, but can contain additional fields
type ExtRequest route ext = { | RequestR route ext }
-- | Newtype wrapping an extended request
-- | For internal use only. Use `ExtRequest` instead.
newtype ExtRequestNT :: Type -> Row Type -> Type
newtype ExtRequestNT route ext = ExtRequestNT { | RequestR route ext }
@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ module HTTPurple.Server
( ClosingHandler(..)
, ListenOptions
, ListenOptionsR
, RoutingSettings
, BasicRoutingSettings
, ExtRoutingSettings
, MiddlewareSettingsR
, RoutingSettingsR
, ServerM
, defaultMiddlewareErrorHandler
, serve
, serveExtended
, serveNodeMiddleware
) where
import Prelude
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ import Effect.Console (error)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import HTTPurple.NodeMiddleware (MiddlewareResult(..), NextInvocation(..), NodeMiddlewareStack(..))
import HTTPurple.Record.Extra as Extra
import HTTPurple.Request (ExtRequestNT, Request, RequestR, ExtRequest, fromHTTPRequest, fromHTTPRequestExt, fromHTTPRequestUnit)
import HTTPurple.Request (ExtRequest, ExtRequestNT, Request, RequestR, fromHTTPRequestExt, fromHTTPRequestUnit)
import HTTPurple.Response (Response, ResponseM, internalServerError, notFound, send)
import Justifill (justifill)
import Justifill.Fillable (class FillableFields)
@ -67,14 +69,7 @@ type ListenOptionsR =
type ListenOptions = { | ListenOptionsR }
type RoutingSettingsR route =
( route :: RD.RouteDuplex' route
, router :: Request route -> ResponseM
type RoutingSettings route = { | RoutingSettingsR route }
type ExtRoutingSettingsR route output r =
type RoutingSettingsR route output r =
( route :: RD.RouteDuplex' route
, router :: ExtRequest route output -> ResponseM
| r
@ -82,11 +77,13 @@ type ExtRoutingSettingsR route output r =
type MiddlewareSettingsR :: Row Type -> Row Type -> Row Type
type MiddlewareSettingsR input output =
( nodeMiddleware :: Maybe (NodeMiddlewareStack input output)
( nodeMiddleware :: NodeMiddlewareStack input output
type BasicRoutingSettings route = { | RoutingSettingsR route () () }
type ExtRoutingSettings :: Type -> Row Type -> Row Type -> Type
type ExtRoutingSettings route input output = { | ExtRoutingSettingsR route output + MiddlewareSettingsR input output }
type ExtRoutingSettings route input output = { | RoutingSettingsR route output + MiddlewareSettingsR input output }
-- | Given a router, handle unhandled exceptions it raises by
-- | responding with 500 Internal Server Error.
@ -101,24 +98,7 @@ defaultMiddlewareErrorHandler err _ = do
liftEffect $ error $ message err
internalServerError "Internal server error"
-- | This function takes a method which takes a `Request` and returns a
-- | `ResponseM`, an HTTP `Request`, and an HTTP `Response`. It runs the
-- | request, extracts the `Response` from the `ResponseM`, and sends the
-- | `Response` to the HTTP `Response`.
handleRequest ::
forall route.
{ route :: RD.RouteDuplex' route
, router :: Request route -> ResponseM
, notFoundHandler :: Request Unit -> ResponseM
} ->
HTTP.Request ->
HTTP.Response ->
Effect Unit
handleRequest { route, router, notFoundHandler } request httpresponse =
void $ runAff (\_ -> pure unit) $ fromHTTPRequest route request
>>= (notFoundHandler ||| onError500 router)
>>= send httpresponse
-- | handle requests without a routing adt.
handleRequestUnit ::
(Request Unit -> ResponseM) ->
HTTP.Request ->
@ -129,6 +109,14 @@ handleRequestUnit router request httpresponse =
>>= (onError500 router)
>>= send httpresponse
-- | This function takes a record containing the
-- | * route - the routing adt
-- | * router - the request handler (a method which takes a `Request` and returns a
-- | `ResponseM`)
-- | * notFoundHandler - a handler to handle 404s
-- | as well as an HTTP `Request` and an HTTP `Response`. It runs the
-- | request, extracts the `Response` from the `ResponseM`, and sends the
-- | `Response` to the HTTP `Response`.
handleExtRequest ::
forall ctx ctxRL thru route.
Union ctx thru ctx =>
@ -164,7 +152,7 @@ handleExtRequestWithMiddleware ::
handleExtRequestWithMiddleware { route, nodeMiddleware: Nothing, router, notFoundHandler } req resp = void $ runAff (\_ -> pure unit) $
handleExtRequest { route, router, notFoundHandler } req resp
handleExtRequestWithMiddleware { route, nodeMiddleware:Just (NodeMiddlewareStack middleware), router, notFoundHandler } req resp = void $ runAff (\_ -> pure unit) $ do
handleExtRequestWithMiddleware { route, nodeMiddleware: Just (NodeMiddlewareStack middleware), router, notFoundHandler } req resp = void $ runAff (\_ -> pure unit) $ do
eff <- liftEffect $ flip runContT (coerce >>> pure) $ middleware (MiddlewareResult { request: req, response: resp, middlewareResult: NotCalled })
executeHandler eff
@ -180,62 +168,14 @@ handleExtRequestWithMiddleware { route, nodeMiddleware:Just (NodeMiddlewareStack
defaultNotFoundHandler :: forall route. Request route -> ResponseM
defaultNotFoundHandler = const notFound
-- | Given a `ListenOptions` and a `RoutingSettings`, creates and
-- | runs a HTTPurple server.
serve ::
forall route from fromRL via missing missingList.
RowToList missing missingList =>
FillableFields missingList () missing =>
Union via missing (ListenOptionsR) =>
RowToList from fromRL =>
JustifiableFields fromRL from () via =>
{ | from } ->
RoutingSettings route ->
serve inputOptions { route, router } = do
filledOptions :: ListenOptions
filledOptions = justifill inputOptions
hostname = fromMaybe defaultHostname filledOptions.hostname
port = fromMaybe defaultPort filledOptions.port
onStarted = fromMaybe (defaultOnStart hostname port) filledOptions.onStarted
options :: HTTP.ListenOptions
options =
{ hostname
, port
, backlog: filledOptions.backlog
routingSettings =
{ route
, router
, notFoundHandler: fromMaybe defaultNotFoundHandler filledOptions.notFoundHandler
sslOptions = { certFile: _, keyFile: _ } <$> filledOptions.certFile <*> filledOptions.keyFile
server <- case sslOptions of
Just { certFile, keyFile } ->
cert' <- readTextFile UTF8 certFile
key' <- readTextFile UTF8 keyFile
let sslOpts = key := keyString key' <> cert := certString cert'
HTTPS.createServer sslOpts (handleRequest routingSettings)
Nothing -> HTTP.createServer (handleRequest routingSettings)
listen server options onStarted
let closingHandler = close server
registerClosingHandler filledOptions.closingHandler closingHandler
:: forall route ext m
. (ExtRequest route ext -> m Response)
-> ExtRequestNT route ext
-> m Response
asExtended ::
forall route ext m.
(ExtRequest route ext -> m Response) ->
ExtRequestNT route ext ->
m Response
asExtended = lcmap unwrap
serveExtended ::
serveInternal ::
forall route from fromRL via missing missingList input output outputRL thru.
RowToList missing missingList =>
FillableFields missingList () missing =>
@ -247,9 +187,12 @@ serveExtended ::
Extra.Keys outputRL =>
Nub (RequestR route output) (RequestR route output) =>
{ | from } ->
ExtRoutingSettings route input output ->
{ route :: RD.RouteDuplex' route
, nodeMiddleware :: Maybe (NodeMiddlewareStack input output)
, router :: ExtRequestNT route output -> ResponseM
} ->
serveExtended inputOptions settings = do
serveInternal inputOptions settings = do
filledOptions :: ListenOptions
filledOptions = justifill inputOptions
@ -265,15 +208,7 @@ serveExtended inputOptions settings = do
, backlog: filledOptions.backlog
extendedSettings = settings { router = asExtended settings.router }
routingSettings ::
{ route :: RD.RouteDuplex' route
, nodeMiddleware :: Maybe (NodeMiddlewareStack input output)
, router :: ExtRequestNT route output -> ResponseM
, notFoundHandler :: Request Unit -> ResponseM
routingSettings = merge extendedSettings { notFoundHandler: fromMaybe defaultNotFoundHandler filledOptions.notFoundHandler }
routingSettings = merge settings { notFoundHandler: fromMaybe defaultNotFoundHandler filledOptions.notFoundHandler }
sslOptions = { certFile: _, keyFile: _ } <$> filledOptions.certFile <*> filledOptions.keyFile
server <- case sslOptions of
@ -288,6 +223,42 @@ serveExtended inputOptions settings = do
let closingHandler = close server
registerClosingHandler filledOptions.closingHandler closingHandler
serve ::
forall route from fromRL via missing missingList.
RowToList missing missingList =>
FillableFields missingList () missing =>
Union via missing (ListenOptionsR) =>
RowToList from fromRL =>
JustifiableFields fromRL from () via =>
{ | from } ->
BasicRoutingSettings route ->
serve inputOptions { route, router } = do
extendedSettings = { route, router: asExtended router, nodeMiddleware: Nothing }
serveInternal inputOptions extendedSettings
serveNodeMiddleware ::
forall route from fromRL via missing missingList input output outputRL thru.
RowToList missing missingList =>
FillableFields missingList () missing =>
Union via missing (ListenOptionsR) =>
RowToList from fromRL =>
JustifiableFields fromRL from () via =>
Union output thru output =>
RowToList output outputRL =>
Extra.Keys outputRL =>
Nub (RequestR route output) (RequestR route output) =>
{ | from } ->
ExtRoutingSettings route input output ->
serveNodeMiddleware inputOptions { route, router, nodeMiddleware } = do
extendedSettings = { route, router: asExtended router, nodeMiddleware: Just nodeMiddleware }
serveInternal inputOptions extendedSettings
registerClosingHandler :: Maybe ClosingHandler -> (Effect Unit -> Effect Unit) -> ServerM
registerClosingHandler (Just NoClosingHandler) closingHandler = pure closingHandler
registerClosingHandler _ closingHandler = do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user