Add Headers.empty and Headers.header (#78)

This commit is contained in:
Connor Prussin 2017-09-29 07:25:31 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 48c529e9be
commit f4599b276b
6 changed files with 125 additions and 116 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module HTTPure
, module HTTPure.Server
) where
import HTTPure.Headers (Headers, headers)
import HTTPure.Headers (Headers, empty, header, headers)
import HTTPure.Lookup (lookup, (!!))
import HTTPure.Method (Method(..))
import HTTPure.Path (Path)

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module HTTPure.Headers
( Headers
, empty
, headers
, header
, read
, write
) where
@ -56,6 +58,14 @@ write :: forall e.
write response (Headers headers') = void $
TraversableWithIndex.traverseWithIndex (HTTP.setHeader response) headers'
-- | Return a `Headers` containing nothing.
empty :: Headers
empty = Headers StrMap.empty
-- | Convert an `Array` of `Tuples` of 2 `Strings` to a `Headers` object.
headers :: Array (Tuple.Tuple String String) -> Headers
headers = StrMap.fromFoldable >>> Headers
-- | Create a singleton header from a key-value pair.
header :: String -> String -> Headers
header key = StrMap.singleton key >>> Headers

View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ response' status headers = response status headers $ ""
-- | 100
continue :: forall e. ResponseM e
continue = continue' $ Headers.headers []
continue = continue' Headers.empty
-- | 100 with headers
continue' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ continue' = response' Status.continue
-- | 101
switchingProtocols :: forall e. ResponseM e
switchingProtocols = switchingProtocols' $ Headers.headers []
switchingProtocols = switchingProtocols' Headers.empty
-- | 101 with headers
switchingProtocols' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ switchingProtocols' = response' Status.switchingProtocols
-- | 102
processing :: forall e. ResponseM e
processing = processing' $ Headers.headers []
processing = processing' Headers.empty
-- | 102 with headers
processing' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ processing' = response' Status.processing
-- | 200
ok :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
ok = ok' $ Headers.headers []
ok = ok' Headers.empty
-- | 200 with headers
ok' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ ok' = response Status.ok
-- | 201
created :: forall e. ResponseM e
created = created' $ Headers.headers []
created = created' Headers.empty
-- | 201 with headers
created' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ created' = response' Status.created
-- | 202
accepted :: forall e. ResponseM e
accepted = accepted' $ Headers.headers []
accepted = accepted' Headers.empty
-- | 202 with headers
accepted' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ accepted' = response' Status.accepted
-- | 203
nonAuthoritativeInformation :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
nonAuthoritativeInformation = nonAuthoritativeInformation' $ Headers.headers []
nonAuthoritativeInformation = nonAuthoritativeInformation' Headers.empty
-- | 203 with headers
nonAuthoritativeInformation' :: forall e.
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ nonAuthoritativeInformation' = response Status.nonAuthoritativeInformation
-- | 204
noContent :: forall e. ResponseM e
noContent = noContent' $ Headers.headers []
noContent = noContent' Headers.empty
-- | 204 with headers
noContent' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ noContent' = response' Status.noContent
-- | 205
resetContent :: forall e. ResponseM e
resetContent = resetContent' $ Headers.headers []
resetContent = resetContent' Headers.empty
-- | 205 with headers
resetContent' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ resetContent' = response' Status.resetContent
-- | 206
partialContent :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
partialContent = partialContent' $ Headers.headers []
partialContent = partialContent' Headers.empty
-- | 206 with headers
partialContent' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ partialContent' = response Status.partialContent
-- | 207
multiStatus :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
multiStatus = multiStatus' $ Headers.headers []
multiStatus = multiStatus' Headers.empty
-- | 207 with headers
multiStatus' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ multiStatus' = response Status.multiStatus
-- | 208
alreadyReported :: forall e. ResponseM e
alreadyReported = alreadyReported' $ Headers.headers []
alreadyReported = alreadyReported' Headers.empty
-- | 208 with headers
alreadyReported' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ alreadyReported' = response' Status.alreadyReported
-- | 226
iMUsed :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
iMUsed = iMUsed' $ Headers.headers []
iMUsed = iMUsed' Headers.empty
-- | 226 with headers
iMUsed' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ iMUsed' = response Status.iMUsed
-- | 300
multipleChoices :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
multipleChoices = multipleChoices' $ Headers.headers []
multipleChoices = multipleChoices' Headers.empty
-- | 300 with headers
multipleChoices' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ multipleChoices' = response Status.multipleChoices
-- | 301
movedPermanently :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
movedPermanently = movedPermanently' $ Headers.headers []
movedPermanently = movedPermanently' Headers.empty
-- | 301 with headers
movedPermanently' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ movedPermanently' = response Status.movedPermanently
-- | 302
found :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
found = found' $ Headers.headers []
found = found' Headers.empty
-- | 302 with headers
found' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ found' = response Status.found
-- | 303
seeOther :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
seeOther = seeOther' $ Headers.headers []
seeOther = seeOther' Headers.empty
-- | 303 with headers
seeOther' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ seeOther' = response Status.seeOther
-- | 304
notModified :: forall e. ResponseM e
notModified = notModified' $ Headers.headers []
notModified = notModified' Headers.empty
-- | 304 with headers
notModified' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ notModified' = response' Status.notModified
-- | 305
useProxy :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
useProxy = useProxy' $ Headers.headers []
useProxy = useProxy' Headers.empty
-- | 305 with headers
useProxy' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ useProxy' = response Status.useProxy
-- | 307
temporaryRedirect :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
temporaryRedirect = temporaryRedirect' $ Headers.headers []
temporaryRedirect = temporaryRedirect' Headers.empty
-- | 307 with headers
temporaryRedirect' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ temporaryRedirect' = response Status.temporaryRedirect
-- | 308
permanentRedirect :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
permanentRedirect = permanentRedirect' $ Headers.headers []
permanentRedirect = permanentRedirect' Headers.empty
-- | 308 with headers
permanentRedirect' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ permanentRedirect' = response Status.permanentRedirect
-- | 400
badRequest :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
badRequest = badRequest' $ Headers.headers []
badRequest = badRequest' Headers.empty
-- | 400 with headers
badRequest' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ badRequest' = response Status.badRequest
-- | 401
unauthorized :: forall e. ResponseM e
unauthorized = unauthorized' $ Headers.headers []
unauthorized = unauthorized' Headers.empty
-- | 401 with headers
unauthorized' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ unauthorized' = response' Status.unauthorized
-- | 402
paymentRequired :: forall e. ResponseM e
paymentRequired = paymentRequired' $ Headers.headers []
paymentRequired = paymentRequired' Headers.empty
-- | 402 with headers
paymentRequired' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ paymentRequired' = response' Status.paymentRequired
-- | 403
forbidden :: forall e. ResponseM e
forbidden = forbidden' $ Headers.headers []
forbidden = forbidden' Headers.empty
-- | 403 with headers
forbidden' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ forbidden' = response' Status.forbidden
-- | 404
notFound :: forall e. ResponseM e
notFound = notFound' $ Headers.headers []
notFound = notFound' Headers.empty
-- | 404 with headers
notFound' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ notFound' = response' Status.notFound
-- | 405
methodNotAllowed :: forall e. ResponseM e
methodNotAllowed = methodNotAllowed' $ Headers.headers []
methodNotAllowed = methodNotAllowed' Headers.empty
-- | 405 with headers
methodNotAllowed' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ methodNotAllowed' = response' Status.methodNotAllowed
-- | 406
notAcceptable :: forall e. ResponseM e
notAcceptable = notAcceptable' $ Headers.headers []
notAcceptable = notAcceptable' Headers.empty
-- | 406 with headers
notAcceptable' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ notAcceptable' = response' Status.notAcceptable
-- | 407
proxyAuthenticationRequired :: forall e. ResponseM e
proxyAuthenticationRequired = proxyAuthenticationRequired' $ Headers.headers []
proxyAuthenticationRequired = proxyAuthenticationRequired' Headers.empty
-- | 407 with headers
proxyAuthenticationRequired' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ proxyAuthenticationRequired' = response' Status.proxyAuthenticationRequired
-- | 408
requestTimeout :: forall e. ResponseM e
requestTimeout = requestTimeout' $ Headers.headers []
requestTimeout = requestTimeout' Headers.empty
-- | 408 with headers
requestTimeout' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ requestTimeout' = response' Status.requestTimeout
-- | 409
conflict :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
conflict = conflict' $ Headers.headers []
conflict = conflict' Headers.empty
-- | 409 with headers
conflict' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ conflict' = response Status.conflict
-- | 410
gone :: forall e. ResponseM e
gone = gone' $ Headers.headers []
gone = gone' Headers.empty
-- | 410 with headers
gone' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ gone' = response' Status.gone
-- | 411
lengthRequired :: forall e. ResponseM e
lengthRequired = lengthRequired' $ Headers.headers []
lengthRequired = lengthRequired' Headers.empty
-- | 411 with headers
lengthRequired' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ lengthRequired' = response' Status.lengthRequired
-- | 412
preconditionFailed :: forall e. ResponseM e
preconditionFailed = preconditionFailed' $ Headers.headers []
preconditionFailed = preconditionFailed' Headers.empty
-- | 412 with headers
preconditionFailed' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ preconditionFailed' = response' Status.preconditionFailed
-- | 413
payloadTooLarge :: forall e. ResponseM e
payloadTooLarge = payloadTooLarge' $ Headers.headers []
payloadTooLarge = payloadTooLarge' Headers.empty
-- | 413 with headers
payloadTooLarge' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ payloadTooLarge' = response' Status.payloadTooLarge
-- | 414
uRITooLong :: forall e. ResponseM e
uRITooLong = uRITooLong' $ Headers.headers []
uRITooLong = uRITooLong' Headers.empty
-- | 414 with headers
uRITooLong' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ uRITooLong' = response' Status.uRITooLong
-- | 415
unsupportedMediaType :: forall e. ResponseM e
unsupportedMediaType = unsupportedMediaType' $ Headers.headers []
unsupportedMediaType = unsupportedMediaType' Headers.empty
-- | 415 with headers
unsupportedMediaType' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ unsupportedMediaType' = response' Status.unsupportedMediaType
-- | 416
rangeNotSatisfiable :: forall e. ResponseM e
rangeNotSatisfiable = rangeNotSatisfiable' $ Headers.headers []
rangeNotSatisfiable = rangeNotSatisfiable' Headers.empty
-- | 416 with headers
rangeNotSatisfiable' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ rangeNotSatisfiable' = response' Status.rangeNotSatisfiable
-- | 417
expectationFailed :: forall e. ResponseM e
expectationFailed = expectationFailed' $ Headers.headers []
expectationFailed = expectationFailed' Headers.empty
-- | 417 with headers
expectationFailed' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ expectationFailed' = response' Status.expectationFailed
-- | 418
imATeapot :: forall e. ResponseM e
imATeapot = imATeapot' $ Headers.headers []
imATeapot = imATeapot' Headers.empty
-- | 418 with headers
imATeapot' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ imATeapot' = response' Status.imATeapot
-- | 421
misdirectedRequest :: forall e. ResponseM e
misdirectedRequest = misdirectedRequest' $ Headers.headers []
misdirectedRequest = misdirectedRequest' Headers.empty
-- | 421 with headers
misdirectedRequest' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ misdirectedRequest' = response' Status.misdirectedRequest
-- | 422
unprocessableEntity :: forall e. ResponseM e
unprocessableEntity = unprocessableEntity' $ Headers.headers []
unprocessableEntity = unprocessableEntity' Headers.empty
-- | 422 with headers
unprocessableEntity' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ unprocessableEntity' = response' Status.unprocessableEntity
-- | 423
locked :: forall e. ResponseM e
locked = locked' $ Headers.headers []
locked = locked' Headers.empty
-- | 423 with headers
locked' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ locked' = response' Status.locked
-- | 424
failedDependency :: forall e. ResponseM e
failedDependency = failedDependency' $ Headers.headers []
failedDependency = failedDependency' Headers.empty
-- | 424 with headers
failedDependency' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ failedDependency' = response' Status.failedDependency
-- | 426
upgradeRequired :: forall e. ResponseM e
upgradeRequired = upgradeRequired' $ Headers.headers []
upgradeRequired = upgradeRequired' Headers.empty
-- | 426 with headers
upgradeRequired' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ upgradeRequired' = response' Status.upgradeRequired
-- | 428
preconditionRequired :: forall e. ResponseM e
preconditionRequired = preconditionRequired' $ Headers.headers []
preconditionRequired = preconditionRequired' Headers.empty
-- | 428 with headers
preconditionRequired' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ preconditionRequired' = response' Status.preconditionRequired
-- | 429
tooManyRequests :: forall e. ResponseM e
tooManyRequests = tooManyRequests' $ Headers.headers []
tooManyRequests = tooManyRequests' Headers.empty
-- | 429 with headers
tooManyRequests' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ tooManyRequests' = response' Status.tooManyRequests
-- | 431
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge :: forall e. ResponseM e
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' $ Headers.headers []
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' Headers.empty
-- | 431 with headers
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge' = response' Status.requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
-- | 451
unavailableForLegalReasons :: forall e. ResponseM e
unavailableForLegalReasons = unavailableForLegalReasons' $ Headers.headers []
unavailableForLegalReasons = unavailableForLegalReasons' Headers.empty
-- | 451 with headers
unavailableForLegalReasons' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ unavailableForLegalReasons' = response' Status.unavailableForLegalReasons
-- | 500
internalServerError :: forall e. Body.Body -> ResponseM e
internalServerError = internalServerError' $ Headers.headers []
internalServerError = internalServerError' Headers.empty
-- | 500 with headers
internalServerError' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> Body.Body -> ResponseM e
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ internalServerError' = response Status.internalServerError
-- | 501
notImplemented :: forall e. ResponseM e
notImplemented = notImplemented' $ Headers.headers []
notImplemented = notImplemented' Headers.empty
-- | 501 with headers
notImplemented' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ notImplemented' = response' Status.notImplemented
-- | 502
badGateway :: forall e. ResponseM e
badGateway = badGateway' $ Headers.headers []
badGateway = badGateway' Headers.empty
-- | 502 with headers
badGateway' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ badGateway' = response' Status.badGateway
-- | 503
serviceUnavailable :: forall e. ResponseM e
serviceUnavailable = serviceUnavailable' $ Headers.headers []
serviceUnavailable = serviceUnavailable' Headers.empty
-- | 503 with headers
serviceUnavailable' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ serviceUnavailable' = response' Status.serviceUnavailable
-- | 504
gatewayTimeout :: forall e. ResponseM e
gatewayTimeout = gatewayTimeout' $ Headers.headers []
gatewayTimeout = gatewayTimeout' Headers.empty
-- | 504 with headers
gatewayTimeout' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ gatewayTimeout' = response' Status.gatewayTimeout
-- | 505
hTTPVersionNotSupported :: forall e. ResponseM e
hTTPVersionNotSupported = hTTPVersionNotSupported' $ Headers.headers []
hTTPVersionNotSupported = hTTPVersionNotSupported' Headers.empty
-- | 505 with headers
hTTPVersionNotSupported' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ hTTPVersionNotSupported' = response' Status.hTTPVersionNotSupported
-- | 506
variantAlsoNegotiates :: forall e. ResponseM e
variantAlsoNegotiates = variantAlsoNegotiates' $ Headers.headers []
variantAlsoNegotiates = variantAlsoNegotiates' Headers.empty
-- | 506 with headers
variantAlsoNegotiates' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ variantAlsoNegotiates' = response' Status.variantAlsoNegotiates
-- | 507
insufficientStorage :: forall e. ResponseM e
insufficientStorage = insufficientStorage' $ Headers.headers []
insufficientStorage = insufficientStorage' Headers.empty
-- | 507 with headers
insufficientStorage' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ insufficientStorage' = response' Status.insufficientStorage
-- | 508
loopDetected :: forall e. ResponseM e
loopDetected = loopDetected' $ Headers.headers []
loopDetected = loopDetected' Headers.empty
-- | 508 with headers
loopDetected' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ loopDetected' = response' Status.loopDetected
-- | 510
notExtended :: forall e. ResponseM e
notExtended = notExtended' $ Headers.headers []
notExtended = notExtended' Headers.empty
-- | 510 with headers
notExtended' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e
@ -621,8 +621,7 @@ notExtended' = response' Status.notExtended
-- | 511
networkAuthenticationRequired :: forall e. ResponseM e
networkAuthenticationRequired =
networkAuthenticationRequired' $ Headers.headers []
networkAuthenticationRequired = networkAuthenticationRequired' Headers.empty
-- | 511 with headers
networkAuthenticationRequired' :: forall e. Headers.Headers -> ResponseM e

View File

@ -17,83 +17,60 @@ lookupSpec = Spec.describe "lookup" do
Spec.describe "when the string is in the header set" do
Spec.describe "when searching with lowercase" do "is the string" do
mockHeaders !! "x-test" ?= "test"
Headers.header "x-test" "test" !! "x-test" ?= "test"
Spec.describe "when searching with uppercase" do "is the string" do
mockHeaders !! "X-Test" ?= "test"
Headers.header "x-test" "test" !! "X-Test" ?= "test"
Spec.describe "when the string is not in the header set" do "is an empty string" do
(Headers.headers []) !! "X-Test" ?= ""
mockHeaders = Headers.headers [Tuple.Tuple "x-test" "test"]
Headers.empty !! "X-Test" ?= ""
showSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
showSpec = Spec.describe "show" do "is a string representing the headers in HTTP format" do
show mockHeaders ?= "Test1: test1\nTest2: test2\n\n"
mockHeaders =
[ Tuple.Tuple "Test1" "test1"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test2" "test2"
let mock = Headers.header "Test1" "1" <> Headers.header "Test2" "2"
show mock ?= "Test1: 1\nTest2: 2\n\n"
eqSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
eqSpec = Spec.describe "eq" do
Spec.describe "when the two Headers contain the same keys and values" do "is true" do
eq mockHeaders1 mockHeaders2 ?= true
Headers.header "Test1" "test1" == Headers.header "Test1" "test1" ?= true
Spec.describe "when the two Headers contain different keys and values" do "is false" do
eq mockHeaders1 mockHeaders3 ?= false
Headers.header "Test1" "test1" == Headers.header "Test2" "test2" ?= false
Spec.describe "when the two Headers contain only different values" do "is false" do
Headers.header "Test1" "test1" == Headers.header "Test1" "test2" ?= false
Spec.describe "when the one Headers contains additional keys and values" do "is false" do
eq mockHeaders1 mockHeaders4 ?= false
mockHeaders1 = Headers.headers [ Tuple.Tuple "Test1" "test1" ]
mockHeaders2 = Headers.headers [ Tuple.Tuple "Test1" "test1" ]
mockHeaders3 = Headers.headers [ Tuple.Tuple "Test2" "test2" ]
mockHeaders4 =
[ Tuple.Tuple "Test1" "test1"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test2" "test2"
let mock = Headers.header "Test1" "1" <> Headers.header "Test2" "2"
Headers.header "Test1" "1" == mock ?= false
appendSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
appendSpec = Spec.describe "append" do
Spec.describe "when there are multiple keys" do "appends the headers correctly" do
mockHeaders1 <> mockHeaders2 ?= mockHeaders3
let mock1 = Headers.header "Test1" "1" <> Headers.header "Test2" "2"
let mock2 = Headers.header "Test3" "3" <> Headers.header "Test4" "4"
let mock3 = Headers.headers
[ Tuple.Tuple "Test1" "1"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test2" "2"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test3" "3"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test4" "4"
mock1 <> mock2 ?= mock3
Spec.describe "when there is a duplicated key" do "uses the last appended value" do
mockHeadersDupe1 <> mockHeadersDupe2 ?= mockHeadersDupe2
mockHeadersDupe1 = Headers.headers [ Tuple.Tuple "Test" "foo" ]
mockHeadersDupe2 = Headers.headers [ Tuple.Tuple "Test" "bar" ]
mockHeaders1 =
[ Tuple.Tuple "Test1" "test1"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test2" "test2"
mockHeaders2 =
[ Tuple.Tuple "Test3" "test3"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test4" "test4"
mockHeaders3 =
[ Tuple.Tuple "Test1" "test1"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test2" "test2"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test3" "test3"
, Tuple.Tuple "Test4" "test4"
let mock = Headers.header "Test" "foo" <> Headers.header "Test" "bar"
mock ?= Headers.header "Test" "bar"
readSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
readSpec = Spec.describe "read" do
Spec.describe "with no headers" do "is an empty StrMap" do
request <- SpecHelpers.mockRequest "" "" "" [] request ?= Headers.headers [] request ?= Headers.empty
Spec.describe "with headers" do "is an StrMap with the contents of the headers" do
let testHeader = [Tuple.Tuple "X-Test" "test"]
@ -105,10 +82,32 @@ writeSpec = Spec.describe "write" do "writes the headers to the response" do
header <- EffClass.liftEff do
mock <- SpecHelpers.mockResponse
Headers.write mock $ Headers.headers [Tuple.Tuple "X-Test" "test"]
Headers.write mock $ Headers.header "X-Test" "test"
pure $ SpecHelpers.getResponseHeader "X-Test" mock
header ?= "test"
emptySpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
emptySpec = Spec.describe "empty" do "is a empty StrMap in an empty Headers" do
show Headers.empty ?= "\n"
headerSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
headerSpec = Spec.describe "header" do "creates a singleton Headers" do
show (Headers.header "X-Test" "test") ?= "X-Test: test\n\n"
headersFunctionSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
headersFunctionSpec = Spec.describe "headers" do "is equivalent to using Headers.header with <>" do
test ?= expected
test =
[ Tuple.Tuple "X-Test-1" "1"
, Tuple.Tuple "X-Test-2" "2"
expected = Headers.header "X-Test-1" "1" <> Headers.header "X-Test-2" "2"
headersSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
headersSpec = Spec.describe "Headers" do
@ -117,3 +116,6 @@ headersSpec = Spec.describe "Headers" do

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ module HTTPure.ResponseSpec where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class as EffClass
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Test.Spec as Spec
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ sendSpec = Spec.describe "send" do
pure $ SpecHelpers.getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
mockHeaders = Headers.headers [ Tuple.Tuple "Test" "test" ]
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse = { status: 123, headers: mockHeaders, body: "test" }
responseFunctionSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ responseFunctionSpec = Spec.describe "response" do
resp <- mockResponse
resp.body ?= "test"
mockHeaders = Headers.headers [ Tuple.Tuple "Test" "test" ]
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse = Response.response 123 mockHeaders "test"
response'Spec :: SpecHelpers.Test
@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ response'Spec = Spec.describe "response'" do
resp <- mockResponse
resp.body ?= ""
mockHeaders = Headers.headers [ Tuple.Tuple "Test" "test" ]
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse = Response.response' 123 mockHeaders
responseSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test