Add support for reading body (#36)

This commit is contained in:
Connor Prussin 2017-07-17 22:25:14 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 16e84c1501
commit f5ac40d5a6
11 changed files with 156 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
module HTTPure.Body
( Body
, read
, write
) where
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, pure, unit)
import Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, pure, unit, (>>=), (<>), ($))
import Control.Monad.Aff as Aff
import Control.Monad.Eff as Eff
import Control.Monad.ST as ST
import Node.Encoding as Encoding
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import Node.Stream as Stream
@ -15,8 +19,17 @@ import HTTPure.HTTPureM as HTTPureM
-- | the HTTP body.
type Body = String
-- | Extract the contents of the body of the HTTP Request.
read :: forall e. HTTP.Request -> Aff.Aff (HTTPureM.HTTPureEffects e) String
read request = Aff.makeAff \_ success -> do
let stream = HTTP.requestAsStream request
buf <- ST.newSTRef ""
Stream.onDataString stream Encoding.UTF8 \str ->
ST.modifySTRef buf (\old -> old <> str) >>= (\_ -> pure unit)
Stream.onEnd stream $ ST.readSTRef buf >>= success
-- | Write a body to the given HTTP Response and close it.
write :: forall e. HTTP.Response -> Body -> HTTPureM.HTTPureM e Unit
write :: forall e. HTTP.Response -> Body -> Eff.Eff (http :: HTTP.HTTP | e) Unit
write response body = do
_ <- Stream.writeString stream Encoding.UTF8 body noop
Stream.end stream noop

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@ -1,11 +1,22 @@
module HTTPure.HTTPureM
( HTTPureM
, HTTPureEffects
) where
import Control.Monad.Eff as Eff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception as Exception
import Control.Monad.ST as ST
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
-- | A row of types that are used by an HTTPure server.
type HTTPureEffects e =
( http :: HTTP.HTTP
, st :: ST.ST String
, exception :: Exception.EXCEPTION
| e
-- | The `HTTPureM` monad represents effects run by an HTTPure server. It takes
-- | an effects row parameter which enumerates all other side-effects performed
-- | while carrying out the server actions.
type HTTPureM e t = Eff.Eff (http :: HTTP.HTTP | e) t
type HTTPureM e t = Eff.Eff (HTTPureEffects e) t

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@ -6,14 +6,13 @@ module HTTPure.Headers
import Prelude (Unit, bind, flip, pure, unit, ($), (<<<))
import Control.Monad.Eff as Eff
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.String as StringUtil
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Data.Traversable as Traversable
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.HTTPureM as HTTPureM
-- | The Headers type is just sugar for a StrMap of Strings that represents the
-- | set of headers sent or received in an HTTP request or response.
type Headers = StrMap.StrMap String
@ -24,7 +23,10 @@ lookup headers =
Maybe.fromMaybe "" <<< flip StrMap.lookup headers <<< StringUtil.toLower
-- | Write a set of headers to the given HTTP Response.
write :: forall e. HTTP.Response -> Headers -> HTTPureM.HTTPureM e Unit
write :: forall e.
HTTP.Response ->
Headers ->
Eff.Eff (http :: HTTP.HTTP | e) Unit
write response headers = do
_ <- Traversable.traverse writeHeader $ StrMap.keys headers
pure unit

View File

@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ module HTTPure.Request
, fromHTTPRequest
) where
import Prelude ((<>))
import Prelude (bind, pure, (<>), ($))
import Control.Monad.Aff as Aff
import Data.Show as Show
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.Body as Body
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import HTTPure.HTTPureM as HTTPureM
import HTTPure.Path as Path
-- | A Request is a method along with headers, a path, and sometimes a body.
@ -28,13 +30,16 @@ instance show :: Show.Show Request where
-- | Given an HTTP Request object, this method will convert it to an HTTPure
-- | Request object.
fromHTTPRequest :: HTTP.Request -> Request
fromHTTPRequest request =
fromHTTPRequest :: forall e.
HTTP.Request ->
Aff.Aff (HTTPureM.HTTPureEffects e) Request
fromHTTPRequest request = do
body <- request
case method of
"POST" -> Post headers path ""
"PUT" -> Put headers path ""
"DELETE" -> Delete headers path
_ -> Get headers path
"POST" -> pure $ Post headers path body
"PUT" -> pure $ Put headers path body
"DELETE" -> pure $ Delete headers path
_ -> pure $ Get headers path
method = HTTP.requestMethod request
headers = HTTP.requestHeaders request

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@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ module HTTPure.Server
, serve
) where
import Prelude (Unit, (>>=))
import Prelude (Unit, bind, pure, unit, (>>=), ($))
import Control.Monad.Aff as Aff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class as EffClass
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
@ -25,8 +27,11 @@ handleRequest :: forall e.
HTTP.Request ->
HTTP.Response ->
ServerM e
handleRequest router request response =
router (Request.fromHTTPRequest request) >>= Response.send response
handleRequest router request response = do
_ <- Aff.runAff (\_ -> pure unit) (\_ -> pure unit) do
req <- Request.fromHTTPRequest request
EffClass.liftEff $ router req >>= Response.send response
pure unit
-- | Given an options object, an function mapping Request to ResponseM, and an
-- | HTTPureM containing effects to run on boot, creates and runs a HTTPure

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@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ module HTTPure.Status
import Prelude (Unit)
import Control.Monad.Eff as Eff
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.HTTPureM as HTTPureM
-- | The Status type enumerates all valid HTTP response status codes.
type Status = Int
-- | Write a status to a given HTTP Response.
write :: forall e. HTTP.Response -> Status -> HTTPureM.HTTPureM e Unit
write :: forall e.
HTTP.Response ->
Status ->
Eff.Eff (http :: HTTP.HTTP | e) Unit
write = HTTP.setStatusCode

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@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ $(EXAMPLE_INDEX): $(OUTPUT_EXAMPLE) $(BUILD) $(EXAMPLEPATH)/Main.purs
--include $(SRCPATH) \
--build-path $(BUILD) \
--main $(EXAMPLE) \
-- --stash --censor-lib --strict
# Run the example specified by the environment variable EXAMPLE
ifeq ($(EXAMPLE),)

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module HTTPure.BodySpec where
import Prelude (bind, discard, pure, ($))
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class as EffClass
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.Spec.Assertions as Assertions
@ -10,6 +11,14 @@ import HTTPure.Body as Body
import HTTPure.SpecHelpers as SpecHelpers
readSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
readSpec = Spec.describe "read" do "returns the body of the Request" do
let req = SpecHelpers.mockRequest "GET" "" "test" StrMap.empty
request <- EffClass.liftEff req
body <- request
body `Assertions.shouldEqual` "test"
writeSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
writeSpec = Spec.describe "write" do "writes the string to the Response body" do
@ -21,4 +30,5 @@ writeSpec = Spec.describe "write" do
bodySpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
bodySpec = Spec.describe "Body" do

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module HTTPure.RequestSpec where
import Prelude (discard, pure, show, unit, (<>), ($), (<<<))
import Prelude (bind, discard, pure, show, unit, (<>), ($), (>>=))
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class as EffClass
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.Spec.Assertions as Assertions
@ -33,69 +34,90 @@ fromHTTPRequestSpec = Spec.describe "fromHTTPRequest" do
Spec.describe "with a POST" do "is a Post" do
case mock "POST" "" StrMap.empty of
response <- mock "POST" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Post _ _ _) -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected a Post, got " <> show a "has the correct headers" do
case mock "POST" "" mockHeader of
response <- mock "POST" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Post headers _ _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" `Assertions.shouldEqual` "test"
a -> $ "expected a Post, got " <> show a "has the correct path" do
case mock "POST" "test" StrMap.empty of
response <- mock "POST" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Post _ "test" _) -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.pending "has the correct body" "has the correct body" do
response <- mock "POST" "" "test" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Post _ _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected the body 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a PUT" do "is a Put" do
case mock "PUT" "" StrMap.empty of
response <- mock "PUT" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Put _ _ _) -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected a Put, got " <> show a "has the correct headers" do
case mock "PUT" "" mockHeader of
response <- mock "PUT" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Put headers _ _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" `Assertions.shouldEqual` "test"
a -> $ "expected a Put, got " <> show a "has the correct path" do
case mock "PUT" "test" StrMap.empty of
response <- mock "PUT" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Put _ "test" _) -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.pending "has the correct body" "has the correct body" do
response <- mock "PUT" "" "test" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Put _ _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected the body 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a DELETE" do "is a Delete" do
case mock "DELETE" "" StrMap.empty of
response <- mock "DELETE" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Delete _ _) -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected a Delete, got " <> show a "has the correct headers" do
case mock "DELETE" "" mockHeader of
response <- mock "DELETE" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Delete headers _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" `Assertions.shouldEqual` "test"
a -> $ "expected a Delete, got " <> show a "has the correct path" do
case mock "DELETE" "test" StrMap.empty of
response <- mock "DELETE" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Delete _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a GET" do "is a Get" do
case mock "GET" "" StrMap.empty of
response <- mock "GET" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Get _ _) -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected a Get, got " <> show a "has the correct headers" do
case mock "GET" "" mockHeader of
response <- mock "GET" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Get headers _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" `Assertions.shouldEqual` "test"
a -> $ "expected a Get, got " <> show a "has the correct path" do
case mock "GET" "test" StrMap.empty of
response <- mock "GET" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Get _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
mock path body =
Request.fromHTTPRequest <<< SpecHelpers.mockRequest path body
mock method path body headers = do
let req = SpecHelpers.mockRequest method path body headers
EffClass.liftEff req >>= Request.fromHTTPRequest
mockHeader = StrMap.singleton "x-test" "test"
requestSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test

View File

@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
"use strict";
exports.mockRequest = function(method) {
return function(url) {
return function(body) {
return function(headers) {
return function() {
var stream = new require('stream').Readable({
read: function(size) {
stream.method = method;
stream.url = url;
stream.headers = headers;
return stream;
exports.mockResponse = function() {
return {
body: "",
@ -9,8 +31,7 @@ exports.mockResponse = function() {
this.body = this.body + str;
end: function() {
end: function() { },
setHeader: function(header, val) {
this.headers[header] = val;

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@ -18,27 +18,27 @@ import Test.Spec.Runner as Runner
import Unsafe.Coerce as Coerce
-- | A type alias encapsulating all effect types used in making a mock request.
type MockRequestEffects e s =
( st :: ST.ST s
type HTTPRequestEffects e =
( st :: ST.ST String
, exception :: Exception.EXCEPTION
, http :: HTTP.HTTP
| e
type MockResponseEffects e =
( mockResponse :: MOCK_RESPONSE
| e
-- | A type alias encapsulating all effect types used in tests.
type TestEffects =
Runner.RunnerEffects (
( mockResponse :: MOCK_RESPONSE
, mockRequest :: MOCK_REQUEST
-- | A type alias encapsulating all effect types used in tests.
type TestEffects s =
Runner.RunnerEffects (MockRequestEffects (MockResponseEffects ()) s)
-- | The type for integration tests.
type Test = forall s. Spec.Spec (TestEffects s) Unit
type Test = Spec.Spec TestEffects Unit
-- | The type for the entire test suite.
type TestSuite = forall s. Eff.Eff (TestEffects s) Unit
type TestSuite = Eff.Eff TestEffects Unit
-- | Given an HTTPClient.Request, close the request stream so the request can be
-- | fired.
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ concat :: forall e s.
concat buf new = ST.modifySTRef buf (\old -> old <> new) >>= (\_ -> pure unit)
-- | Convert a request to an Aff containing the string with the response body.
toString :: forall e s.
HTTPClient.Response -> Aff.Aff (MockRequestEffects e s) String
toString :: forall e.
HTTPClient.Response -> Aff.Aff (HTTPRequestEffects e) String
toString response = Aff.makeAff \_ success -> do
let stream = HTTPClient.responseAsStream response
buf <- ST.newSTRef ""
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ toString response = Aff.makeAff \_ success -> do
-- | Run an HTTP GET with the given url and return an Aff that contains the
-- | string with the response body.
get :: forall e s. String -> Aff.Aff (MockRequestEffects e s) String
get :: forall e. String -> Aff.Aff (HTTPRequestEffects e) String
get url = getResponse url >>= toString
-- | Convert a request to an Aff containing the string with the given header
@ -84,20 +84,23 @@ extractHeader header = unmaybe <<< lookup <<< HTTPClient.responseHeaders
-- | Run an HTTP GET with the given url and return an Aff that contains the
-- | string with the header value for the given header.
getHeader :: forall e s.
getHeader :: forall e.
String ->
String ->
Aff.Aff (MockRequestEffects e s) String
Aff.Aff (HTTPRequestEffects e) String
getHeader url header = extractHeader header <$> getResponse url
-- | An effect encapsulating creating a mock request object
foreign import data MOCK_REQUEST :: Eff.Effect
-- | Mock an HTTP Request object
mockRequest :: String -> String -> StrMap.StrMap String -> HTTP.Request
mockRequest method url headers =
{ method: method
, url: url
, headers: headers
foreign import mockRequest ::
forall e.
String ->
String ->
String ->
StrMap.StrMap String ->
Eff.Eff (mockRequest :: MOCK_REQUEST | e) HTTP.Request
-- | An effect encapsulating creating a mock response object
foreign import data MOCK_RESPONSE :: Eff.Effect