let upstream = https://github.com/purescript/package-sets/releases/download/psc-0.15.10-20230804/packages.dhall sha256:85d0df546868128fdbd6b4fc309252d69d2c0e99090c7e8ad80e97986f4d9ac4 in upstream with node-event-emitter.version = "v3.0.0" with node-event-emitter.dependencies = [ "effect" , "either" , "functions" , "maybe" , "nullable" , "prelude" , "unsafe-coerce" ] with node-buffer.version = "v9.0.0" with node-buffer.dependencies = [ "arraybuffer-types" , "effect" , "maybe" , "st" , "unsafe-coerce" , "nullable" ] with node-fs.version = "v9.1.0" with node-fs.dependencies = [ "datetime" , "effect" , "either" , "enums" , "exceptions" , "functions" , "integers" , "js-date" , "maybe" , "node-buffer" , "node-path" , "node-streams" , "nullable" , "partial" , "prelude" , "strings" , "unsafe-coerce" ] with node-streams.version = "v9.0.0" with node-streams.dependencies = [ "aff" , "effect" , "exceptions" , "maybe" , "node-buffer" , "node-event-emitter" , "nullable" , "prelude" , "unsafe-coerce" ] with node-process.version = "v11.2.0" with node-process.dependencies = [ "effect" , "foreign-object" , "foreign" , "maybe" , "node-streams" , "node-event-emitter" , "posix-types" , "prelude" , "unsafe-coerce" ] with node-net.version = "v5.1.0" with node-net.dependencies = [ "console" , "datetime" , "effect" , "exceptions" , "maybe" , "node-buffer" , "node-event-emitter" , "node-fs" , "node-streams" , "nullable" , "partial" , "prelude" , "unsafe-coerce" ] with node-url.version = "v7.0.0" with node-url.dependencies = [ "prelude" , "effect" , "foreign" , "nullable" , "tuples" ] with node-zlib = { dependencies = [ "aff" , "console" , "effect" , "either" , "functions" , "node-buffer" , "node-streams" , "prelude" , "unsafe-coerce" ] , repo = "https://github.com/purescript-node/purescript-node-zlib.git" , version = "v0.4.0" } with node-readline.version = "v8.1.0" with node-readline.dependencies = [ "effect" , "foreign" , "node-event-emitter" , "node-process" , "node-streams" , "options" , "prelude" ] with node-tls = { dependencies = [ "console" , "effect" , "either" , "exceptions" , "foreign" , "maybe" , "node-buffer" , "node-event-emitter" , "node-net" , "node-streams" , "nullable" , "partial" , "prelude" , "unsafe-coerce" ] , repo = "https://github.com/purescript-node/purescript-node-tls.git" , version = "v0.3.1" } with node-http.version = "v9.1.0" with node-http.dependencies = [ "arraybuffer-types" , "contravariant" , "effect" , "foreign" , "foreign-object" , "maybe" , "node-buffer" , "node-net" , "node-streams" , "node-tls" , "node-url" , "nullable" , "options" , "prelude" , "unsafe-coerce" ]