module Examples.JsonParsing.Main where import Prelude import Data.Either (Either) import Data.Either as Either import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) import Data.Maybe (Maybe) import Effect.Console (log) import HTTPurple (JsonDecoder(..), JsonEncoder(..), ServerM, fromJson, notFound, serve, toJson, usingCont) import HTTPurple as Json import HTTPurple.Method (Method(..)) import HTTPurple.Response (ok') import Routing.Duplex as RD import Routing.Duplex.Generic as RG data Route = SayHello derive instance Generic Route _ route :: RD.RouteDuplex' Route route = RD.root $ RG.sum { "SayHello": RG.noArgs } type HelloWorldRequest = { name :: String } type HelloWorldResponse = { hello :: String } -- the following test decoder/encoder code is just for testing. in your project you will want to use -- jsonEncoder and jsonDecoder from httpurple-argonaut or httpurple-yoga-json foreign import data Json :: Type foreign import parseJson :: String -> Maybe Json foreign import getName :: Json -> Maybe String testDecoder :: JsonDecoder String HelloWorldRequest testDecoder = JsonDecoder fromJsonString where fromJsonString :: String -> Either String HelloWorldRequest fromJsonString = (parseJson >=> getName) >>> map { name: _ } >>> Either.note "Invalid json" testEncoder :: JsonEncoder HelloWorldResponse testEncoder = JsonEncoder $ \{ hello } -> "{\"hello\": \"" <> hello <> "\" }" -- | Boot up the server main :: ServerM main = serve { hostname: "localhost", port: 10000, onStarted } { route, router } where router { route: SayHello, method: Post, body } = usingCont do -- in your project you will want to use Argonaut.jsonDecoder from httpurple-argonaut -- or Yoga.jsonDecoder from httpurple-yoga-json here instead of the testDecoder { name } :: HelloWorldRequest <- fromJson testDecoder body ok' Json.jsonHeaders $ toJson testEncoder $ { hello: name } -- same here for the encoder router { route: SayHello } = notFound onStarted = do log " ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐" log " │ Server now up on port 10000 │" log " │ │" log " │ To test, run: │" log " │ > http -v POST localhost:10000 hello=world │" log " | # => { \"hello\": \"world\" } │" log " └────────────────────────────────────────────┘"