module HTTPure.IntegrationSpec where import Prelude (discard, bind) import Control.Monad.Eff.Class as EffClass import Test.Spec as Spec import Test.Spec.Assertions as Assertions import HTTPure.SpecHelpers as SpecHelpers import HelloWorld as HelloWorld import MultiRoute as MultiRoute import Headers as Headers helloWorldSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test helloWorldSpec = "runs the hello world example" do EffClass.liftEff HelloWorld.main response <- SpecHelpers.get "http://localhost:8080" response `Assertions.shouldEqual` "hello world!" multiRouteSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test multiRouteSpec = "runs the multi route example" do EffClass.liftEff MultiRoute.main hello <- SpecHelpers.get "http://localhost:8081/hello" hello `Assertions.shouldEqual` "hello" goodbye <- SpecHelpers.get "http://localhost:8081/goodbye" goodbye `Assertions.shouldEqual` "goodbye" headersSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test headersSpec = "runs the headers example" do EffClass.liftEff Headers.main header <- SpecHelpers.getHeader "http://localhost:8082" "X-Example" header `Assertions.shouldEqual` "hello world!" integrationSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test integrationSpec = Spec.describe "Integration" do helloWorldSpec multiRouteSpec headersSpec