# Writing and Using Middleware in HTTPure Since HTTPure routers are just pure functions, you can write a middleware by simply creating a function that takes a router and an `HTTPure.Request`, and returns an `HTTPure.ResponseM`. You can then simply use function composition to combine middlewares, and pass your router to your composed middleware to generate the decorated router! See [the Middleware example](./Examples/Middleware/Main.purs) to see how you can build, compose, and consume different types of middleware. ## Writing Middleware A middleware is a function with the signature: ```purescript forall e. (HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e) -> HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e ``` Note that the first argument is just the signature for a router function. So essentially, your middleware should take a router and return a new router. That's it! You can do pretty much anything with middlewares. Here are a few examples of common middleware patterns: You can write a middleware that wraps all future work in some behavior, like logging or timing: ```purescript myMiddleware router request = do doSomethingBefore response <- router request doSomethingAfter pure response ``` Or perhaps a middleware that injects something into the response: ```purescript myMiddleware router request = do response <- router request HTTPure.response' response.status response.headers $ response.body <> "\n\nGenerated using my super duper middleware!" ``` You could even write a middleware that handles routing for some specific cases: ```purescript myMiddleware _ { path: [ "somepath" ] } = HTTPure.ok "Handled by my middleware!" myMiddleware router request = router request ``` Or even a middleware that conditionally includes another middleware: ```purescript myMiddleware router = if something then someOtherMiddleware router else router ``` Just make sure your middlewares follow the correct signature, and users will be able to compose them at will! Note that because there is nothing fancy happening here, you could always write higher order functions that don't follow this signature, if it makes sense. For instance, you could write a function that takes two routers, and selects which one to use based on some criteria. There is nothing wrong with this, but you should try to use the middleware signature mentioned above as much as possible as it will make your middleware easier to consume and compose. ## Consuming Middleware Consuming middleware easy: simply compose all the middleware you want, and then pass your router to the composed middleware. For instance: ```purescript main = HTTPure.serve port composedRouter $ Console.log "Server is up!" where composedRouter = middlewareA <<< middlewareB <<< middlewareC $ router ``` Be aware of the ordering of the middleware that you compose--since we used `<<<`, the middlewares will compose right-to-left. But because middlewares choose when to apply the router to the request, this is a bit like wrapping the router in each successive middleware from right to left. So when the router executes on a request, those middlewares will actually _execute_ left-to-right--or from the outermost wrapper inwards. In other words, say you have the following HTTPure server: ```purescript middleware letter router request = do EffClass.liftEff $ Console.log $ "Starting Middleware " <> letter response <- router request EffClass.liftEff $ Console.log $ "Ending Middleware " <> letter pure response main = HTTPure.serve port composedRouter $ Console.log "Server is up!" where composedRouter = middleware "A" <<< middleware "B" $ router ``` When this HTTPure server receives a request, the logs will include: ``` Starting Middleware A Starting Middleware B ... Ending Middleware B Ending Middleware A ```