# Configuration for Make MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables .DEFAULT_GOAL := help .PHONY: clean test repl example help .SILENT: # Executables used in this makefile PULP := pulp BOWER := bower NODE := node NPM := npm # Package manifest files BOWERJSON := bower.json # Various input directories SRCPATH := ./Library TESTPATH := ./Test OUTPUT := ./Output DOCS := ./Documentation EXAMPLESPATH := $(DOCS)/Examples EXAMPLEPATH := $(EXAMPLESPATH)/$(EXAMPLE) # Various output directories BUILD := $(OUTPUT)/Build COMPONENTS := $(OUTPUT)/Components OUTPUT_DOCS := $(OUTPUT)/Documentation OUTPUT_EXAMPLE := $(OUTPUT)/Examples/$(EXAMPLE) # The entry point for the compiled example, if an EXAMPLE is specified EXAMPLE_INDEX := $(OUTPUT_EXAMPLE)/index.js # Globs that match all source files SOURCES := $(SRCPATH)/**/* TESTSOURCES := $(TESTPATH)/**/* EXAMPLESOURCES := $(EXAMPLESPATH)/**/* # This is the module name for the entry point for the test suite TESTMAIN := HTTPure.HTTPureSpec # Install bower components $(COMPONENTS): $(BOWERJSON) $(BOWER) install # Build the source files $(BUILD): $(COMPONENTS) $(SOURCES) $(PULP) build \ --src-path $(SRCPATH) \ --build-path $(BUILD) touch $(BUILD) build: $(BUILD) # Create the example output directory for the example in the environment # variable EXAMPLE $(OUTPUT_EXAMPLE): mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_EXAMPLE) # Build the example specified by the environment variable EXAMPLE $(EXAMPLE_INDEX): $(OUTPUT_EXAMPLE) $(BUILD) $(EXAMPLEPATH)/Main.purs $(PULP) build \ --src-path $(EXAMPLEPATH) \ --include $(SRCPATH) \ --build-path $(BUILD) \ --main $(EXAMPLE) \ --to $(EXAMPLE_INDEX) # Run the example specified by the environment variable EXAMPLE ifeq ($(EXAMPLE),) example: $(info You must supply a value in the environment variable EXAMPLE) $(info ) $(info Available examples:) ls -1 $(EXAMPLESPATH) | sed 's/^/ - /' else example: $(BUILD) $(EXAMPLE_INDEX) $(NODE) $(EXAMPLE_INDEX) endif # Run the test suite test: $(BUILD) $(TESTSOURCES) $(EXAMPLESOURCES) $(PULP) test \ --src-path $(SRCPATH) \ --test-path $(TESTPATH) \ --include $(EXAMPLESPATH) \ --build-path $(BUILD) \ --main $(TESTMAIN) # Launch a repl with all modules loaded repl: $(COMPONENTS) $(SOURCES) $(TESTSOURCES) $(EXAMPLESOURCES) $(PULP) repl \ --include $(EXAMPLESPATH) \ --src-path $(SRCPATH) \ --test-path $(TESTPATH) # Remove all make output from the source tree clean: rm -rf $(OUTPUT) # Print out a description of all the supported tasks help: $(info HTTPure make utility) $(info ) $(info Usage: make [ test | docs | example | repl | clean | help ]) $(info ) $(info - make test Run the test suite) $(info - make docs Build the documentation into $(OUTPUT_DOCS)) $(info - make example Run the example in environment variable EXAMPLE) $(info - make repl Launch a repl with all project code loaded) $(info - make clean Remove all build files) $(info - make help Print this help) # Build the documentation $(OUTPUT_DOCS): $(COMPONENTS) $(SOURCES) $(PULP) docs \ --src-path $(SRCPATH) rm -rf $(OUTPUT_DOCS) mv generated-docs $(OUTPUT_DOCS) docs: $(OUTPUT_DOCS)