module Middleware where import Prelude import Control.Monad.Eff.Class as EffClass import Control.Monad.Eff.Console as Console import HTTPure as HTTPure -- | Serve the example server on this port port :: Int port = 8089 -- | Shortcut for `show port` portS :: String portS = show port -- | A middleware that logs at the beginning and end of each request loggingMiddleware :: forall e. (HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM (console :: Console.CONSOLE | e)) -> HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM (console :: Console.CONSOLE | e) loggingMiddleware router request = do EffClass.liftEff $ Console.log $ "Request starting for " <> show request.path response <- router request EffClass.liftEff $ Console.log $ "Request ending for " <> show request.path pure response -- | A middleware that adds the X-Middleware header to the response, if it -- | wasn't already in the response headerMiddleware :: forall e. (HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e) -> HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e headerMiddleware router request = do response <- router request HTTPure.response' response.status (header <> response.headers) response.body where header = HTTPure.header "X-Middleware" "middleware" -- | A middleware that sends the body "Middleware!" instead of running the -- | router when requesting /middleware pathMiddleware :: forall e. (HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e) -> HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e pathMiddleware _ { path: [ "middleware" ] } = HTTPure.ok "Middleware!" pathMiddleware router request = router request -- | Say 'hello' when run, and add a default value to the X-Middleware header sayHello :: forall e. HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM e sayHello _ = HTTPure.ok' (HTTPure.header "X-Middleware" "router") "hello" -- | Boot up the server main :: forall e. HTTPure.ServerM (console :: Console.CONSOLE | e) main = HTTPure.serve port (middlewares sayHello) do Console.log $ " ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐" Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port " <> portS <> " │" Console.log $ " │ │" Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │" Console.log $ " │ > curl -v localhost:" <> portS <> " │" Console.log $ " │ # => ... │" Console.log $ " │ # => ...< X-Middleware: router │" Console.log $ " │ # => ... │" Console.log $ " │ # => hello │" Console.log $ " │ > curl -v localhost:" <> portS <> "/middleware │" Console.log $ " │ # => ... │" Console.log $ " │ # => ...< X-Middleware: middleware │" Console.log $ " │ # => ... │" Console.log $ " │ # => Middleware! │" Console.log $ " └───────────────────────────────────────┘" where middlewares = loggingMiddleware <<< headerMiddleware <<< pathMiddleware