# HTTPure Basics This guide is a brief overview of the basics of creating a HTTPure server. ## Creating a Server To create a server, use `HTTPure.serve` (no SSL) or `HTTPure.serveSecure` (SSL). Both of these functions take a port number, a router function, and an `Effect` that will run once the server has booted. The signature of the router function is: ```purescript HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM ``` For more details on routing, see the [Routing guide](./Routing.md). For more details on responses, see the [Responses guide](./Responses.md). The router can be composed with middleware; for more details, see the [Middleware guide](./Middleware.md). ## Non-SSL You can create an HTTPure server without SSL using `HTTPure.serve`: ```purescript main :: HTTPure.ServerM main = HTTPure.serve 8080 router $ Console.log "Server up" ``` Most of the [examples](./Examples), besides [the SSL Example](./Examples/SSL), use this method to create the server. You can also create a server using a custom [`HTTP.ListenOptions`](http://bit.ly/2G42rLd) value: ```purescript main :: HTTPure.ServerM main = HTTPure.serve' customOptions router $ Console.log "Server up" ``` ## SSL You can create an SSL-enabled HTTPure server using `HTTPure.serveSecure`, which has the same signature as `HTTPure.serve` except that it additionally takes a path to a cert file and a path to a key file after the port number: ```purescript main :: HTTPure.ServerM main = HTTPure.serveSecure 8080 "./Certificate.cer" "./Key.key" router $ Console.log "Server up" ``` You can look at [the SSL Example](./Examples/SSL/Main.purs), which uses this method to create the server. You can also create a server using a [`HTTP.ListenOptions`](http://bit.ly/2G42rLd) and a [`HTTPS.SSLOptions`](http://bit.ly/2G3Aljr): ```purescript main :: HTTPure.ServerM main = HTTPure.serveSecure' customSSLOptions customOptions router $ Console.log "Server up" ``` ## Shutdown hook To gracefully shut down a server you can add a shutdown hook. For this you will need to add the following dependencies: ``` posix-types node-process ``` Then take the closing handler returned by `serve` and create a `SIGINT` and `SIGTERM` hook: ```purescript import Prelude import Data.Posix.Signal (Signal(..)) import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Console as Console import HTTPure as HTTPure import Node.Process (onSignal) main :: Effect Unit main = do closingHandler <- HTTPure.serve 8080 (const $ HTTPure.ok "hello world!") do Console.log $ "Server now up on port 8080" onSignal SIGINT $ closingHandler $ Console.log "Received SIGINT, stopping service now." onSignal SIGTERM $ closingHandler $ Console.log "Received SIGTERM, stopping service now." ```