module Examples.Binary.Main where import Prelude import Effect.Console as Console import Node.FS.Aff as FS import HTTPure as HTTPure -- | The path to the file containing the response to send filePath :: String filePath = "./docs/Examples/Binary/circle.png" responseHeaders :: HTTPure.Headers responseHeaders = HTTPure.header "Content-Type" "image/png" -- | Respond with image data when run image :: HTTPure.Request -> HTTPure.ResponseM image = const $ FS.readFile filePath >>= HTTPure.ok' responseHeaders -- | Boot up the server main :: HTTPure.ServerM main = HTTPure.serve 8080 image do Console.log $ " ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐" Console.log $ " │ Server now up on port 8080 │" Console.log $ " │ │" Console.log $ " │ To test, run: │" Console.log $ " │ > curl -o circle.png localhost:8080 │" Console.log $ " └──────────────────────────────────────┘"