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137 lines
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module Test.HTTPurple.ResponseSpec where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(Right))
import Effect.Aff (makeAff, nonCanceler)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import HTTPurple.Body (defaultHeaders)
import HTTPurple.Headers (toResponseHeaders)
import HTTPurple.Headers as Headers
import HTTPurple.Response (emptyResponse, emptyResponse', response, response', send)
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.HTTP.OutgoingMessage as OM
import Node.HTTP.ServerResponse as SR
import Node.Stream (end', writeString')
import Test.HTTPurple.TestHelpers (Test, getResponseBody, getResponseHeader, getResponseStatus, mockResponse, (?=))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
sendSpec :: Test
sendSpec =
describe "send" do
mockResponse' =
{ status: 123
, headers: Headers.header "Test" "test"
, writeBody:
\response -> makeAff \done -> do
stream <- pure $ OM.toWriteable $ SR.toOutgoingMessage response
void $ writeString' stream UTF8 "test" $ const $ end' stream $ const $ done $ Right unit
pure nonCanceler
it "writes the headers" do
header <- do
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
send httpResponse mockResponse'
pure $ getResponseHeader "Test" httpResponse
header ?= [ "test" ]
it "writes the status" do
status <- do
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
send httpResponse mockResponse'
pure $ getResponseStatus httpResponse
status ?= 123
it "writes the body" do
body <- do
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
send httpResponse mockResponse'
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
responseFunctionSpec :: Test
responseFunctionSpec =
describe "response" do
it "has the right status" do
resp <- response 123 "test"
resp.status ?= 123
it "has only default headers" do
resp <- response 123 "test"
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "test"
resp.headers ?= toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- response 123 "test"
httpResponse <- liftEffect $ mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
response'Spec :: Test
response'Spec =
describe "response'" do
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse' = response' 123 mockHeaders "test"
it "has the right status" do
resp <- mockResponse'
resp.status ?= 123
it "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse'
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders "test"
resp.headers ?= toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders' <> mockHeaders
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse'
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= "test"
emptyResponseSpec :: Test
emptyResponseSpec =
describe "emptyResponse" do
it "has the right status" do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
resp.status ?= 123
it "has only default headers" do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders ""
resp.headers ?= toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- emptyResponse 123
httpResponse <- liftEffect $ mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= ""
emptyResponse'Spec :: Test
emptyResponse'Spec =
describe "emptyResponse'" do
mockHeaders = Headers.header "Test" "test"
mockResponse' = emptyResponse' 123 mockHeaders
it "has the right status" do
resp <- mockResponse'
resp.status ?= 123
it "has the right headers" do
resp <- mockResponse'
defaultHeaders' <- liftEffect $ defaultHeaders ""
resp.headers ?= mockHeaders <> toResponseHeaders defaultHeaders'
it "has the right writeBody function" do
body <- do
resp <- mockResponse'
httpResponse <- liftEffect mockResponse
resp.writeBody httpResponse
pure $ getResponseBody httpResponse
body ?= ""
responseSpec :: Test
responseSpec =
describe "Response" do