2023-09-18 10:28:47 +01:00

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module Test.HTTPurple.IntegrationSpec where
import Prelude
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Examples.AsyncResponse.Main as AsyncResponse
import Examples.BinaryRequest.Main as BinaryRequest
import Examples.BinaryResponse.Main as BinaryResponse
import Examples.Chunked.Main as Chunked
import Examples.CustomStack.Main as CustomStack
import Examples.ExtensibleMiddleware.Main as ExtensibleMiddleware
import Examples.Headers.Main as Headers
import Examples.HelloWorld.Main as HelloWorld
import Examples.JsonParsing.Main as JsonParsing
import Examples.Middleware.Main as Middleware
import Examples.MultiRoute.Main as MultiRoute
import Examples.NodeMiddleware.Main as NodeMiddleware
import Examples.PathSegments.Main as PathSegments
import Examples.Post.Main as Post
import Examples.QueryParameters.Main as QueryParameters
import Examples.SSL.Main as SSL
import Foreign.Object (empty, singleton)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Node.Buffer (toArray)
import Node.FS.Aff (readFile)
import Test.HTTPurple.TestHelpers (Test, get, get', getBinary, getHeader, post, postBinary, (?=))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions.String (shouldStartWith)
asyncResponseSpec :: Test
asyncResponseSpec =
it "runs the async response example" do
close <- liftEffect AsyncResponse.main
response <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "hello world!"
binaryRequestSpec :: Test
binaryRequestSpec =
it "runs the binary request example" do
close <- liftEffect BinaryRequest.main
binaryBuf <- readFile BinaryResponse.filePath
response <- postBinary 8080 empty "/" binaryBuf
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "d5e776724dd545d8b54123b46362a553d10257cee688ef1be62166c984b34405"
binaryResponseSpec :: Test
binaryResponseSpec =
it "runs the binary response example" do
close <- liftEffect BinaryResponse.main
responseBuf <- getBinary 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
binaryBuf <- readFile BinaryResponse.filePath
expected <- liftEffect $ toArray binaryBuf
response <- liftEffect $ toArray responseBuf
response ?= expected
chunkedSpec :: Test
chunkedSpec =
it "runs the chunked example" do
close <- liftEffect Chunked.main
response <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
-- TODO this isn't a great way to validate this, we need a way of inspecting
-- each individual chunk instead of just looking at the entire response
response ?= "hello \nworld!\n"
customStackSpec :: Test
customStackSpec =
it "runs the custom stack example" do
close <- liftEffect CustomStack.main
response <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "hello, joe"
headersSpec :: Test
headersSpec =
it "runs the headers example" do
close <- liftEffect Headers.main
header <- getHeader 8080 empty "/" "X-Example"
response <- get 8080 (singleton "X-Input" "test") "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
header ?= "hello world!"
response ?= "test"
helloWorldSpec :: Test
helloWorldSpec =
it "runs the hello world example" do
close <- liftEffect HelloWorld.main
response <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "hello world!"
jsonParsingSpec :: Test
jsonParsingSpec =
it "runs the hello world example" do
close <- liftEffect JsonParsing.main
response <- post 8080 empty "/" "{\"name\":\"world\"}"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "{\"hello\": \"world\" }"
middlewareSpec :: Test
middlewareSpec =
it "runs the middleware example" do
close <- liftEffect Middleware.main
header <- getHeader 8080 empty "/" "X-Middleware"
body <- get 8080 empty "/"
header' <- getHeader 8080 empty "/middleware" "X-Middleware"
body' <- get 8080 empty "/middleware"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
header ?= "router"
body ?= "hello"
header' ?= "middleware"
body' ?= "Middleware!"
multiRouteSpec :: Test
multiRouteSpec =
it "runs the multi route example" do
close <- liftEffect MultiRoute.main
hello <- get 8080 empty "/hello"
goodbye <- get 8080 empty "/goodbye"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
hello ?= "hello"
goodbye ?= "goodbye"
pathSegmentsSpec :: Test
pathSegmentsSpec =
it "runs the path segments example" do
close <- liftEffect PathSegments.main
foo <- get 8080 empty "/segment/foo"
somebars <- get 8080 empty "/some/bars"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
foo ?= "foo"
somebars ?= "[\"some\",\"bars\"]"
postSpec :: Test
postSpec =
it "runs the post example" do
close <- liftEffect Post.main
response <- post 8080 empty "/" "test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "test"
queryParametersSpec :: Test
queryParametersSpec =
it "runs the query parameters example" do
close <- liftEffect QueryParameters.main
foo <- get 8080 empty "/?foo"
bar <- get 8080 empty "/?bar=test"
notbar <- get 8080 empty "/?bar=nottest"
baz <- get 8080 empty "/?baz=test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
foo ?= "foo"
bar ?= "bar"
notbar ?= ""
baz ?= "test"
sslSpec :: Test
sslSpec =
it "runs the ssl example" do
close <- liftEffect SSL.main
response <- get' 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
response ?= "hello world!"
extensibleMiddlewareSpec :: Test
extensibleMiddlewareSpec =
it "runs the extensible middleware example" do
close <- liftEffect ExtensibleMiddleware.main
let headers = Object.singleton "X-Token" "123"
body <- get 8080 headers "/"
body' <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
body `shouldStartWith` "hello John Doe, it is"
body' `shouldStartWith` "hello anonymous, it is"
nodeMiddlewareSpec :: Test
nodeMiddlewareSpec =
it "runs the node middleware example" do
close <- liftEffect NodeMiddleware.main
let headers = Object.singleton "X-Token" "123"
body <- get 8080 headers "/"
body' <- get 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
body `shouldStartWith` "hello John Doe"
body' `shouldStartWith` "hello anonymous"
integrationSpec :: Test
integrationSpec =
describe "Integration" do