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module HTTPure.RequestSpec where
import Prelude (discard, pure, show, unit, (<>), ($))
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.Spec.Assertions as Assertions
import HTTPure.Request as Request
import HTTPure.SpecHelpers as SpecHelpers
showSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
showSpec = Spec.describe "show" do
Spec.describe "with a POST" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Post none "test" "") `Assertions.shouldEqual` "POST: test"
Spec.describe "with a PUT" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Put none "test" "") `Assertions.shouldEqual` "PUT: test"
Spec.describe "with a DELETE" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Delete none "test") `Assertions.shouldEqual` "DELETE: test"
Spec.describe "with a GET" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Get none "test") `Assertions.shouldEqual` "GET: test"
none = StrMap.empty
fromHTTPRequestSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
fromHTTPRequestSpec = Spec.describe "fromHTTPRequest" do
Spec.describe "with a POST" do
Spec.it "is a Post" do
case Request.fromHTTPRequest (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "POST" "") of
(Request.Post _ _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Post, got " <> show a
Spec.pending "has the correct headers"
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
case Request.fromHTTPRequest (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "POST" "test") of
(Request.Post _ "test" _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.pending "has the correct body"
Spec.describe "with a PUT" do
Spec.it "is a Put" do
case Request.fromHTTPRequest (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "PUT" "") of
(Request.Put _ _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Put, got " <> show a
Spec.pending "has the correct headers"
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
case Request.fromHTTPRequest (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "PUT" "test") of
(Request.Put _ "test" _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.pending "has the correct body"
Spec.describe "with a DELETE" do
Spec.it "is a Delete" do
case Request.fromHTTPRequest (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "DELETE" "") of
(Request.Delete _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Delete, got " <> show a
Spec.pending "has the correct headers"
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
case Request.fromHTTPRequest (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "DELETE" "test") of
(Request.Delete _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a GET" do
Spec.it "is a Get" do
case Request.fromHTTPRequest (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "GET" "") of
(Request.Get _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Get, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
case Request.fromHTTPRequest (SpecHelpers.mockRequest "GET" "test") of
(Request.Get _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.pending "has the correct headers"
requestSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
requestSpec = Spec.describe "Request" do