* Update shell and packages * Fix code for 0.15 * Fix tests * Format * Add check-pulp command * Generate bowerfile * Add check-pulp to CI * Add nixfmt to formatting * Fixup test helpers * Take 2 * PR comments (#1) * Nix cleanup from PR * Use arrows functions * Remove unnecessary step Co-authored-by: Connor Prussin <connor@prussin.net>
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98 lines
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module Test.HTTPure.ServerSpec where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing))
import Data.Options ((:=))
import Data.String (joinWith)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Foreign.Object (empty)
import HTTPure.Request (Request)
import HTTPure.Response (ResponseM, ok)
import HTTPure.Server (serve, serve', serveSecure, serveSecure')
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(UTF8))
import Node.FS.Sync (readTextFile)
import Node.HTTP.Secure (cert, certString, key, keyString)
import Test.HTTPure.TestHelpers (Test, get, get', getStatus, (?=))
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (expectError)
mockRouter :: Request -> ResponseM
mockRouter { path } = ok $ "/" <> joinWith "/" path
serveSpec :: Test
serveSpec =
describe "serve" do
it "boots a server on the given port" do
close <- liftEffect $ serve 8080 mockRouter $ pure unit
out <- get 8080 empty "/test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out ?= "/test"
it "responds with a 500 upon unhandled exceptions" do
let router _ = throwError $ error "fail!"
close <- liftEffect $ serve 8080 router $ pure unit
status <- getStatus 8080 empty "/"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
status ?= 500
serve'Spec :: Test
serve'Spec =
describe "serve'" do
it "boots a server with the given options" do
let options = { hostname: "localhost", port: 8080, backlog: Nothing }
close <-
$ serve' options mockRouter
$ pure unit
out <- get 8080 empty "/test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out ?= "/test"
serveSecureSpec :: Test
serveSecureSpec =
describe "serveSecure" do
describe "with valid key and cert files" do
it "boots a server on the given port" do
close <-
$ serveSecure 8080 "./test/Mocks/Certificate.cer" "./test/Mocks/Key.key" mockRouter
$ pure unit
out <- get' 8080 empty "/test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out ?= "/test"
describe "with invalid key and cert files" do
it "throws" do
expectError $ liftEffect
$ serveSecure 8080 "" "" mockRouter
$ pure unit
serveSecure'Spec :: Test
serveSecure'Spec =
describe "serveSecure'" do
describe "with valid key and cert files" do
it "boots a server on the given port" do
options = { hostname: "localhost", port: 8080, backlog: Nothing }
sslOptions = do
cert' <- readTextFile UTF8 "./test/Mocks/Certificate.cer"
key' <- readTextFile UTF8 "./test/Mocks/Key.key"
pure $ key := keyString key' <> cert := certString cert'
sslOpts <- liftEffect $ sslOptions
close <-
$ serveSecure' sslOpts options mockRouter
$ pure unit
out <- get' 8080 empty "/test"
liftEffect $ close $ pure unit
out ?= "/test"
serverSpec :: Test
serverSpec =
describe "Server" do