2017-09-27 12:34:00 -07:00

62 lines
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module HTTPure.Headers
( Headers
, headers
, read
, write
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff as Eff
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.String as StringUtil
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Data.TraversableWithIndex as TraversableWithIndex
import Data.Tuple as Tuple
import Node.HTTP as HTTP
import HTTPure.Lookup as Lookup
-- | The `Headers` type is just sugar for a `StrMap` of `Strings` that
-- | represents the set of headers in an HTTP request or response.
newtype Headers = Headers (StrMap.StrMap String)
-- | Given a string, return the value of the matching header, or an empty string
-- | if no match exists. This search is case-insensitive.
instance lookupHeaders :: Lookup.Lookup Headers String String where
lookup (Headers headers') =
Maybe.fromMaybe "" <<< flip StrMap.lookup headers' <<< StringUtil.toLower
-- | Allow a `Headers` to be represented as a string. This string is formatted
-- | in HTTP headers format.
instance showHeaders :: Show Headers where
show (Headers headers') =
StrMap.foldMap showField headers' <> "\n"
showField key value = key <> ": " <> value <> "\n"
-- | Compare two `Headers` objects by comparing the underlying `StrMaps`.
instance eqHeaders :: Eq Headers where
eq (Headers a) (Headers b) = eq a b
-- | Allow one `Headers` objects to be appended to another.
instance semigroupHeaders :: Semigroup Headers where
append (Headers a) (Headers b) = Headers $ StrMap.union b a
-- | Get the headers out of a HTTP `Request` object.
read :: HTTP.Request -> Headers
read = HTTP.requestHeaders >>> Headers
-- | Given an HTTP `Response` and a `Headers` object, return an effect that will
-- | write the `Headers` to the `Response`.
write :: forall e.
HTTP.Response ->
Headers ->
Eff.Eff (http :: HTTP.HTTP | e) Unit
write response (Headers headers') = void $
TraversableWithIndex.traverseWithIndex (HTTP.setHeader response) headers'
-- | Convert an `Array` of `Tuples` of 2 `Strings` to a `Headers` object.
headers :: Array (Tuple.Tuple String String) -> Headers
headers = StrMap.fromFoldable >>> Headers