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module HTTPure.RequestSpec where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class as EffClass
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Test.Spec as Spec
import Test.Spec.Assertions as Assertions
import HTTPure.Headers as Headers
import HTTPure.Request as Request
import HTTPure.SpecHelpers as SpecHelpers
import HTTPure.SpecHelpers ((?=))
showSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
showSpec = Spec.describe "show" do
Spec.describe "with a POST" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Post StrMap.empty "test" "") ?= "POST: test"
Spec.describe "with a PUT" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Put StrMap.empty "test" "") ?= "PUT: test"
Spec.describe "with a DELETE" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Delete StrMap.empty "test") ?= "DELETE: test"
Spec.describe "with a HEAD" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Head StrMap.empty "test") ?= "HEAD: test"
Spec.describe "with a CONNECT" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Connect StrMap.empty "test" "") ?= "CONNECT: test"
Spec.describe "with a OPTIONS" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Options StrMap.empty "test") ?= "OPTIONS: test"
Spec.describe "with a TRACE" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Trace StrMap.empty "test") ?= "TRACE: test"
Spec.describe "with a PATH" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Patch StrMap.empty "test" "") ?= "PATCH: test"
Spec.describe "with a GET" do
Spec.it "is the method and the path" do
show (Request.Get StrMap.empty "test") ?= "GET: test"
fromHTTPRequestSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
fromHTTPRequestSpec = Spec.describe "fromHTTPRequest" do
Spec.describe "with a POST" do
Spec.it "is a Post" do
response <- mock "POST" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Post _ _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Post, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct headers" do
response <- mock "POST" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Post headers _ _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" ?= "test"
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Post, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
response <- mock "POST" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Post _ "test" _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct body" do
response <- mock "POST" "" "test" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Post _ _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the body 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a PUT" do
Spec.it "is a Put" do
response <- mock "PUT" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Put _ _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Put, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct headers" do
response <- mock "PUT" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Put headers _ _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" ?= "test"
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Put, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
response <- mock "PUT" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Put _ "test" _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct body" do
response <- mock "PUT" "" "test" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Put _ _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the body 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a DELETE" do
Spec.it "is a Delete" do
response <- mock "DELETE" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Delete _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Delete, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct headers" do
response <- mock "DELETE" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Delete headers _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" ?= "test"
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Delete, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
response <- mock "DELETE" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Delete _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a HEAD" do
Spec.it "is a Head" do
response <- mock "HEAD" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Head _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Head, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct headers" do
response <- mock "HEAD" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Head headers _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" ?= "test"
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Head, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
response <- mock "HEAD" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Head _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a CONNECT" do
Spec.it "is a Connect" do
response <- mock "CONNECT" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Connect _ _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Connect, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct headers" do
response <- mock "CONNECT" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Connect headers _ _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" ?= "test"
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Connect, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
response <- mock "CONNECT" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Connect _ "test" _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct body" do
response <- mock "CONNECT" "" "test" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Connect _ _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the body 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a OPTIONS" do
Spec.it "is a Options" do
response <- mock "OPTIONS" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Options _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Options, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct headers" do
response <- mock "OPTIONS" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Options headers _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" ?= "test"
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Options, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
response <- mock "OPTIONS" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Options _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a TRACE" do
Spec.it "is a Trace" do
response <- mock "TRACE" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Trace _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Trace, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct headers" do
response <- mock "TRACE" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Trace headers _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" ?= "test"
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Trace, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
response <- mock "TRACE" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Trace _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a PATCH" do
Spec.it "is a Patch" do
response <- mock "PATCH" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Patch _ _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Patch, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct headers" do
response <- mock "PATCH" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Patch headers _ _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" ?= "test"
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Patch, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
response <- mock "PATCH" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Patch _ "test" _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct body" do
response <- mock "PATCH" "" "test" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Patch _ _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the body 'test', got " <> show a
Spec.describe "with a GET" do
Spec.it "is a Get" do
response <- mock "GET" "" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Get _ _) -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Get, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct headers" do
response <- mock "GET" "" "" mockHeader
case response of
(Request.Get headers _) ->
Headers.lookup headers "X-Test" ?= "test"
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected a Get, got " <> show a
Spec.it "has the correct path" do
response <- mock "GET" "test" "" StrMap.empty
case response of
(Request.Get _ "test") -> pure unit
a -> Assertions.fail $ "expected the path 'test', got " <> show a
mock method path body headers = do
let req = SpecHelpers.mockRequest method path body headers
EffClass.liftEff req >>= Request.fromHTTPRequest
mockHeader = StrMap.singleton "x-test" "test"
requestSpec :: SpecHelpers.Test
requestSpec = Spec.describe "Request" do