fix: copy from scraper

This commit is contained in:
orion kindel 2023-11-18 15:12:09 -06:00
parent 32c6cdc4a2
commit 69a3a80411
Signed by: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
3 changed files with 383 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -1,21 +1,194 @@
- prelude
- aff
- console
- effect
- either
- maybe
- foldable-traversable
- console
- foreign
- fork
- maybe
- mmorph
- newtype
- postgresql-client
- prelude
- strings
- stringutils
- transformers
- tuples
- typelevel-prelude
- unlift
name: project
extra_packages: {}
- aff
- argonaut
- arrays
- assert
- bifunctors
- bytestrings
- datetime
- debug
- decimals
- dotenv
- effect
- either
- enums
- exceptions
- foldable-traversable
- foreign
- foreign-generic
- foreign-object
- identity
- integers
- js-date
- js-unsafe-stringify
- lists
- maybe
- newtype
- node-process
- nullable
- numbers
- ordered-collections
- partial
- polyform
- polyform-batteries-core
- polyform-batteries-env
- prelude
- profunctor
- psci-support
- record
- string-parsers
- strings
- test-unit
- transformers
- tuples
- typelevel-prelude
- unsafe-coerce
- validation
ref: main
dependencies: [ "prelude", "quickcheck" ]
git: ""
ref: "v3.0.0"
git: ""
ref: "e51cf868a4137c1c48c98d32115bb2014c9f7624"
git: ""
ref: "a5c23d29e72619624978446293ac9bb45ccd2fde"
dependencies: []
git: ""
ref: "master"
git: ""
ref: "v0.9.2"
git: ""
ref: "v0.3.0"
git: ""
ref: "v0.4.1"
git: ""
ref: "v0.2.0"
hash: sha256-nTsd44o7/hrTdk0c6dh0wyBqhFFDJJIeKdQU6L1zv/A=

View File

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
module Control.Monad.Postgres where
import Prelude
import Control.Alternative (class Alt, class Alternative, class Plus)
import Control.Monad.Cont (class MonadCont)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadError, class MonadThrow, liftEither, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Fork.Class
( class MonadBracket
, class MonadFork
, class MonadKill
, bracket
, kill
, never
, uninterruptible
import Control.Monad.Morph (class MFunctor, class MMonad, embed, hoist)
import Control.Monad.Reader (class MonadAsk, class MonadReader, ReaderT, ask)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (class MonadRec)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (class MonadTrans, lift)
import Control.Monad.Writer (class MonadTell, class MonadWriter)
import Control.MonadPlus (class MonadPlus)
import Control.Parallel (class Parallel, parallel, sequential)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap, wrap)
import Database.PostgreSQL as Pg
import Database.PostgreSQL.Aff as Pg.Aff
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Effect.Aff.Unlift (class MonadUnliftAff, UnliftAff(..), withUnliftAff)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)
import Effect.Exception (Error, error)
import Foreign (Foreign)
newtype HasPostgresT :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype HasPostgresT m a = HasPostgresT (ReaderT Pg.Connection m a)
derive instance Newtype (HasPostgresT m a) _
derive newtype instance Functor m => Functor (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (Plus m) => Plus (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (Plus m, Alternative m) => Alternative (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Alt m => Alt (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Apply m => Apply (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Applicative m => Applicative (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Bind m => Bind (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Monad m => Monad (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadThrow e m => MonadThrow e (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (Apply m, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (HasPostgresT m a)
derive newtype instance (Applicative m, Monoid a) => Monoid (HasPostgresT m a)
derive newtype instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (MonadEffect m) => MonadEffect (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (MonadAff m) => MonadAff (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Monad m => MonadReader Pg.Connection (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Monad m => MonadAsk Pg.Connection (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadCont m => MonadCont (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadTell w m => MonadTell w (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadRec m => MonadRec (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadFork f m => MonadFork f (HasPostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadUnliftAff m => MonadUnliftAff (HasPostgresT m)
instance (Parallel f m) => Parallel (HasPostgresT f) (HasPostgresT m) where
parallel = wrap <<< parallel <<< unwrap
sequential = wrap <<< sequential <<< unwrap
instance MonadTrans HasPostgresT where
lift = wrap <<< lift
instance MFunctor HasPostgresT where
hoist f = wrap <<< hoist f <<< unwrap
instance MMonad HasPostgresT where
embed f = wrap <<< embed (unwrap <<< f) <<< unwrap
instance MonadKill e f m => MonadKill e f (HasPostgresT m) where
kill e f = wrap $ kill e f
instance (MonadKill e f (HasPostgresT m), MonadError e (HasPostgresT m), MonadKill e f m, MonadError e m, MonadBracket e f m) => MonadBracket e f (HasPostgresT m) where
bracket acq rel m = wrap $ bracket (unwrap acq) (\b r -> unwrap $ rel b r) (unwrap <<< m)
uninterruptible = wrap <<< uninterruptible <<< unwrap
never = wrap $ never
newtype PostgresT :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype PostgresT m a = PostgresT (ReaderT Pg.Connection m a)
derive instance Newtype (PostgresT m a) _
derive newtype instance Functor m => Functor (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (Plus m) => Plus (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (Plus m, Alternative m) => Alternative (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Alt m => Alt (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Apply m => Apply (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Applicative m => Applicative (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Bind m => Bind (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Monad m => Monad (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadThrow e m => MonadThrow e (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (Apply m, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (PostgresT m a)
derive newtype instance (Applicative m, Monoid a) => Monoid (PostgresT m a)
derive newtype instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (MonadEffect m) => MonadEffect (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance (MonadAff m) => MonadAff (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Monad m => MonadReader Pg.Connection (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance Monad m => MonadAsk Pg.Connection (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadCont m => MonadCont (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadTell w m => MonadTell w (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadRec m => MonadRec (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadFork f m => MonadFork f (PostgresT m)
derive newtype instance MonadUnliftAff m => MonadUnliftAff (PostgresT m)
instance (Parallel f m) => Parallel (PostgresT f) (PostgresT m) where
parallel = wrap <<< parallel <<< unwrap
sequential = wrap <<< sequential <<< unwrap
instance MonadTrans PostgresT where
lift = wrap <<< lift
instance MFunctor PostgresT where
hoist f = wrap <<< hoist f <<< unwrap
instance MMonad PostgresT where
embed f = wrap <<< embed (unwrap <<< f) <<< unwrap
instance MonadKill e f m => MonadKill e f (PostgresT m) where
kill e f = wrap $ kill e f
instance (MonadKill e f (PostgresT m), MonadError e (PostgresT m), MonadKill e f m, MonadError e m, MonadBracket e f m) => MonadBracket e f (PostgresT m) where
bracket acq rel m = wrap $ bracket (unwrap acq) (\b r -> unwrap $ rel b r) (unwrap <<< m)
uninterruptible = wrap <<< uninterruptible <<< unwrap
never = wrap $ never
class MonadHasPostgres :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class (MonadPostgres p, MonadAff t) <= MonadHasPostgres p t | t -> p where
liftPostgres :: forall a. p a -> t a
instance (MonadUnliftAff m, Monad m, MonadPostgres (PostgresT m)) => MonadHasPostgres (PostgresT m) (HasPostgresT m) where
liftPostgres pg = do
conn <- ask
lift $ runPostgres conn pg
else instance (MonadUnliftAff m, Monad m, MonadPostgres (PostgresT m)) => MonadHasPostgres (PostgresT m) (PostgresT m) where
liftPostgres pg = do
conn <- ask
lift $ runPostgres conn pg
else instance
( MMonad t
, MonadPostgres (t p)
, MonadAff (t h)
, MonadHasPostgres p h
) =>
MonadHasPostgres (t p) (t h) where
liftPostgres = hoist liftPostgres
-- | A monad which can perform logs
class (Monad m, MonadThrow Error m) <= MonadPostgres m where
query :: forall @a. Pg.FromSQLRow a => String -> m (Array a)
queryP :: forall @a. Pg.FromSQLRow a => Array Foreign -> String -> m (Array a)
exec :: String -> m Unit
execP :: Array Foreign -> String -> m Unit
transaction :: forall a. m a -> m a
instance (MonadUnliftAff m, MonadThrow Error m) => MonadPostgres (PostgresT m) where
query q = do
conn <- ask
res <- liftAff $ Pg.Aff.query conn (Pg.Query q) Pg.Row0
liftEither $ lmap (error <<< show) $ res
queryP ps q = do
conn <- ask
res <- liftAff $ Pg.Aff.query conn (Pg.Query q) ps
liftEither $ lmap (error <<< show) $ res
exec q = do
conn <- ask
res <- liftAff $ Pg.Aff.execute conn (Pg.Query q) Pg.Row0
liftEither $ lmap (error <<< show) $ maybe (Right unit) Left $ res
execP ps q = do
conn <- ask
res <- liftAff $ Pg.Aff.execute conn (Pg.Query q) ps
liftEither $ lmap (error <<< show) $ maybe (Right unit) Left $ res
transaction pg = do
conn :: Pg.Connection <- ask
let pgToM c = runPostgres c pg
case unwrap conn of
Right _ -> throwError $ error $ "Transactions can only be run with access to the pool!"
Left pool -> lift $ withUnliftAff \(UnliftAff mToAff) -> do
res <- liftAff $ Pg.Aff.withTransaction pool $ mToAff <<< pgToM
liftEither $ lmap (error <<< show) $ res
else instance (MonadUnliftAff m, Monad (t m), MonadThrow Error (t m), MMonad t, MonadPostgres m) => MonadPostgres (t m) where
query q = lift $ query q
queryP ps q = lift $ queryP ps q
exec q = lift $ exec q
execP ps q = lift $ execP ps q
transaction = hoist transaction
runPostgres :: forall m a. Pg.Connection -> PostgresT m a -> m a
runPostgres conn t = (unwrap $ unwrap t) conn
runHasPostgres :: forall m a. Pg.Connection -> HasPostgresT m a -> m a
runHasPostgres conn t = (unwrap $ unwrap t) conn
newtype RawRow = RawRow (Array Foreign)
derive instance Newtype RawRow _
instance Pg.FromSQLRow RawRow where
fromSQLRow = pure <<< wrap
instance Pg.ToSQLRow RawRow where
toSQLRow = unwrap

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
main :: Effect Unit
main = pure unit