Implement monadic error handling, get rid of JavaScript exceptions

- Add `PGError` type to model different errors that can happen when
  querying PostgreSQL. The mapping from SQLSTATE to error was inspired
  by `psycopg2`.

- Run all actions in a new `PG` monad, which is just `Aff` stacked
  with `ExceptT PGError` to provide monadic error handling. Any errors
  caused by database access are not thrown as JavaScript exceptions

- While at it, remove some duplication between `query` and `command`
  by reusing `ffiUnsafeQuery` in both cases.
This commit is contained in:
Petri Lehtinen 2018-11-16 13:40:30 +02:00
parent 2fa1c0551e
commit 10a868b166
3 changed files with 358 additions and 133 deletions

View File

@ -8,18 +8,23 @@ exports.ffiNewPool = function(config) {
exports.ffiConnect = function (pool) {
exports.ffiConnect = function (config) {
return function (pool) {
return function (onError, onSuccess) {
var p = pool.connect(
).then(function(client) {
var p = pool.connect().then(function(client) {
connection: client,
done: function() {
return client.release();
}).catch(function(err) {
var pgError = config.nullableLeft(err)
if (pgError) {
} else {
return function (cancelError, cancelerError, cancelerSuccess) {
@ -28,8 +33,10 @@ exports.ffiConnect = function (pool) {
exports.ffiUnsafeQuery = function(client) {
exports.ffiUnsafeQuery = function(config) {
return function(client) {
return function(sql) {
return function(values) {
return function(onError, onSuccess) {
@ -38,9 +45,18 @@ exports.ffiUnsafeQuery = function(client) {
values: values,
rowMode: 'array',
}).then(function(result) {
if (config.queryMode === "rows") {
} else if (config.queryMode === "rowCount") {
}).catch(function(err) {
var pgError = config.nullableLeft(err);
if (pgError) {
} else {
return function (cancelError, cancelerError, cancelerSuccess) {
@ -51,26 +67,30 @@ exports.ffiUnsafeQuery = function(client) {
exports.ffiUnsafeCommand = function(client) {
return function(sql) {
return function(values) {
return function(onError, onSuccess) {
var q = client.query({
text: sql,
values: values,
rowMode: 'array',
}).catch(function(err) {
}).then(function(result) {
exports.ffiSQLState = function (error) {
return error.code || null;
return function (cancelError, cancelerError, cancelerSuccess) {
exports.ffiErrorDetail = function (error) {
return {
severity: error.severity || '',
code: error.code || '',
message: error.message || '',
detail: error.detail || '',
hint: error.hint || '',
position: error.position || '',
internalPosition: error.internalPosition || '',
internalQuery: error.internalQuery || '',
where_: error.where || '',
schema: error.schema || '',
table: error.table || '',
column: error.column || '',
dataType: error.dataType || '',
constraint: error.constraint || '',
file: error.file || '',
line: error.line || '',
routine: error.routine || ''

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
module Database.PostgreSQL
( module Row
, module Value
, PG
, PGError(..)
, PGErrorDetail
, Database
, PoolConfiguration
, Pool
@ -14,17 +17,24 @@ module Database.PostgreSQL
, execute
, query
, scalar
, unsafeQuery
, onIntegrityError
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (catchError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (catchError, throwError, try)
import Control.Monad.Except.Trans (ExceptT, except, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Array (head)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable, toNullable)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable, toMaybe, toNullable)
import Data.String (Pattern(..))
import Data.String as String
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Row (class FromSQLRow, class ToSQLRow, Row0(..), Row1(..), Row10(..), Row11(..), Row12(..), Row13(..), Row14(..), Row15(..), Row16(..), Row17(..), Row18(..), Row19(..), Row2(..), Row3(..), Row4(..), Row5(..), Row6(..), Row7(..), Row8(..), Row9(..), fromSQLRow, toSQLRow) as Row
import Database.PostgreSQL.Row (class FromSQLRow, class ToSQLRow, Row0(..), Row1(..), fromSQLRow, toSQLRow)
@ -34,11 +44,15 @@ import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, bracket)
import Effect.Aff.Compat (EffectFnAff, fromEffectFnAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Foreign (Foreign)
type Database = String
-- | PostgreSQL computations run in the `PG` monad. It's just `Aff`
-- | stacked with ExceptT to provide error handling.
type PG a = ExceptT PGError Aff a
-- | PostgreSQL connection pool configuration.
type PoolConfiguration =
{ database :: Database
@ -107,28 +121,40 @@ foreign import ffiNewPool
:: a
. Pool
-> (Connection -> Aff a)
-> Aff a
-> (Connection -> PG a)
-> PG a
withConnection p k =
(connect p)
(liftEffect <<< _.done)
(k <<< _.connection)
except <=< lift $ bracket (connect p) cleanup run
cleanup (Left _) = pure unit
cleanup (Right { done }) = liftEffect done
run (Left err) = pure $ Left err
run (Right { connection }) = runExceptT $ k connection
:: Pool
-> Aff
-> Aff (Either PGError ConnectResult)
connect =
<<< ffiConnect
{ nullableLeft: toNullable <<< map Left <<< convertError
, right: Right
type ConnectResult =
{ connection :: Connection
, done :: Effect Unit
connect = fromEffectFnAff <<< ffiConnect
foreign import ffiConnect
:: Pool
-> EffectFnAff
{ connection :: Connection
, done :: Effect Unit
:: a
. { nullableLeft :: Error -> Nullable (Either PGError ConnectResult)
, right :: a -> Either PGError ConnectResult
-> Pool
-> EffectFnAff (Either PGError ConnectResult)
-- | Run an action within a transaction. The transaction is committed if the
-- | action returns, and rolled back when the action throws. If you want to
@ -137,13 +163,25 @@ foreign import ffiConnect
:: a
. Connection
-> Aff a
-> Aff a
-> PG a
-> PG a
withTransaction conn action =
execute conn (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0
*> catchError (Right <$> action) (pure <<< Left) >>= case _ of
Right a -> execute conn (Query "COMMIT TRANSACTION") Row0 $> a
Left e -> execute conn (Query "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") Row0 *> throwError e
begin *> lift (try $ runExceptT action) >>= case _ of
Left jsErr -> do
lift $ throwError jsErr
Right (Left pgErr) -> do
throwError pgErr
Right (Right value) -> do
pure value
begin = execute conn (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0
commit = execute conn (Query "COMMIT TRANSACTION") Row0
rollback = execute conn (Query "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") Row0
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and discard its results.
@ -152,9 +190,9 @@ execute
=> Connection
-> Query i o
-> i
-> Aff Unit
-> PG Unit
execute conn (Query sql) values =
void $ unsafeQuery conn sql (toSQLRow values)
void $ unsafeQuery Rows conn sql (toSQLRow values)
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and return its results.
@ -164,12 +202,12 @@ query
=> Connection
-> Query i o
-> i
-> Aff (Array o)
query conn (Query sql) values =
unsafeQuery conn sql (toSQLRow values)
-> PG (Array o)
query conn (Query sql) values = do
unsafeQuery Rows conn sql (toSQLRow values)
>>= traverse (fromSQLRow >>> case _ of
Right row -> pure row
Left msg -> throwError (error msg))
Left msg -> throwError $ ConversionError msg)
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and return the first field of the first row in
-- | the result.
@ -180,24 +218,11 @@ scalar
=> Connection
-> Query i (Row1 o)
-> i
-> Aff (Maybe o)
-> PG (Maybe o)
scalar conn sql values =
query conn sql values
<#> map (case _ of Row1 a -> a) <<< head
:: Connection
-> String
-> Array Foreign
-> Aff (Array (Array Foreign))
unsafeQuery c s = fromEffectFnAff <<< ffiUnsafeQuery c s
foreign import ffiUnsafeQuery
:: Connection
-> String
-> Array Foreign
-> EffectFnAff (Array (Array Foreign))
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and return its command tag value
-- | (how many rows were affected by the query). This may be useful
-- | for example with DELETE or UPDATE queries.
@ -207,19 +232,132 @@ command
=> Connection
-> Query i Int
-> i
-> Aff Int
command conn (Query sql) values =
unsafeCommand conn sql (toSQLRow values)
-> PG Int
command conn (Query sql) values = do
result <- unsafeQuery RowCount conn sql (toSQLRow values)
case result of
[[x]] -> except $ lmap ConversionError (Value.fromSQLValue x)
_ -> throwError (ConversionError "unexpected data")
:: Connection
data QueryMode
= Rows
| RowCount
type QueryResult
= Array (Array Foreign)
:: QueryMode
-> Connection
-> String
-> Array Foreign
-> Aff Int
unsafeCommand c s = fromEffectFnAff <<< ffiUnsafeCommand c s
-> PG QueryResult
unsafeQuery m c s =
except <=< lift <<< fromEffectFnAff <<< ffiUnsafeQuery p c s
p =
{ queryMode: case m of
Rows -> "rows"
RowCount -> "rowCount"
, nullableLeft: toNullable <<< map Left <<< convertError
, right: Right
foreign import ffiUnsafeCommand
:: Connection
foreign import ffiUnsafeQuery
:: { queryMode :: String
, nullableLeft :: Error -> Nullable (Either PGError QueryResult)
, right :: QueryResult -> Either PGError QueryResult
-> Connection
-> String
-> Array Foreign
-> EffectFnAff Int
-> EffectFnAff (Either PGError (Array (Array Foreign)))
data PGError
= ConnectionError String
| ConversionError String
| InternalError PGErrorDetail
| OperationalError PGErrorDetail
| ProgrammingError PGErrorDetail
| IntegrityError PGErrorDetail
| DataError PGErrorDetail
| NotSupportedError PGErrorDetail
| QueryCanceledError PGErrorDetail
| TransactionRollbackError PGErrorDetail
derive instance eqPGError :: Eq PGError
derive instance genericPGError :: Generic PGError _
instance showPGError :: Show PGError where
show = genericShow
type PGErrorDetail =
{ severity :: String
, code :: String
, message :: String
, detail :: String
, hint :: String
, position :: String
, internalPosition :: String
, internalQuery :: String
, where_ :: String
, schema :: String
, table :: String
, column :: String
, dataType :: String
, constraint :: String
, file :: String
, line :: String
, routine :: String
foreign import ffiSQLState :: Error -> Nullable String
foreign import ffiErrorDetail :: Error -> PGErrorDetail
convertError :: Error -> Maybe PGError
convertError err =
case toMaybe $ ffiSQLState err of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just sqlState -> Just $ convert sqlState $ ffiErrorDetail err
convert :: String -> PGErrorDetail -> PGError
convert s =
if prefix "0A" s then NotSupportedError
else if prefix "20" s || prefix "21" s then ProgrammingError
else if prefix "22" s then DataError
else if prefix "23" s then IntegrityError
else if prefix "24" s || prefix "25" s then InternalError
else if prefix "26" s || prefix "27" s || prefix "28" s then OperationalError
else if prefix "2B" s || prefix "2D" s || prefix "2F" s then InternalError
else if prefix "34" s then OperationalError
else if prefix "38" s || prefix "39" s || prefix "3B" s then InternalError
else if prefix "3D" s || prefix "3F" s then ProgrammingError
else if prefix "40" s then TransactionRollbackError
else if prefix "42" s || prefix "44" s then ProgrammingError
else if s == "57014" then QueryCanceledError
else if prefix "5" s then OperationalError
else if prefix "F" s then InternalError
else if prefix "H" s then OperationalError
else if prefix "P" s then InternalError
else if prefix "X" s then InternalError
else const $ ConnectionError s
prefix :: String -> String -> Boolean
prefix p =
maybe false (_ == 0) <<< String.indexOf (Pattern p)
onIntegrityError :: forall a. PG a -> PG a -> PG a
onIntegrityError errorResult db =
catchError db handleError
handleError e =
case e of
IntegrityError _ -> errorResult
_ -> throwError e

View File

@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ module Test.Main
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (catchError, throwError, try)
import Control.Monad.Free (Free)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError, try)
import Control.Monad.Except.Trans (runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Array (zip)
import Data.Date (Date, canonicalDate)
import Data.DateTime.Instant (Instant, unInstant)
import Data.Decimal as D
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Enum (toEnum)
import Data.Foldable (all, length)
import Data.JSDate (JSDate, jsdate, toInstant)
@ -19,38 +20,52 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Database.PostgreSQL (Connection, PoolConfiguration, Query(Query), Row0(Row0), Row1(Row1), Row2(Row2), Row3(Row3), Row9(Row9), command, execute, newPool, query, scalar, withConnection, withTransaction)
import Database.PostgreSQL (Connection, PG, PGError(..), PoolConfiguration, Query(Query), Row0(Row0), Row1(Row1), Row2(Row2), Row3(Row3), Row9(Row9), command, defaultPoolConfiguration, execute, newPool, onIntegrityError, query, scalar, withConnection, withTransaction)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, error, launchAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (message)
import Foreign.Object (Object, fromFoldable)
import Math ((%))
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Test.Assert (assert)
import Test.Example (run) as Example
import Test.Unit (TestF, suite)
import Test.Unit (TestSuite, suite)
import Test.Unit as Test.Unit
import Test.Unit.Assert (equal)
import Test.Unit.Main (runTest)
. Connection
Aff a
Aff Unit
withRollback conn action = do
execute conn (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0
catchError (action >>= const rollback) (\e -> rollback >>= const (throwError e))
PG Unit
PG Unit
withRollback conn action =
begin *> action *> rollback
rollback = execute conn (Query "ROLLBACK") Row0
begin = execute conn (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0
rollback = execute conn (Query "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") Row0
. Connection
Aff a
Free TestF Unit
test conn t a = Test.Unit.test t (withRollback conn a)
PG Unit
test conn name action =
Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ withRollback conn action
PG Unit
transactionTest name action =
Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ action
checkPGErrors :: PG Unit -> Aff Unit
checkPGErrors action = do
runExceptT action >>= case _ of
Left pgError -> liftEffect $ assert false
Right _ -> pure unit
now Effect Instant
now = unsafePartial $ (fromJust <<< toInstant) <$>
@ -66,11 +81,11 @@ main ∷ Effect Unit
main = do
void $ launchAff do
-- Running guide from README
-- Acctual test suite
-- Actual test suite
pool <- newPool config
withConnection pool \conn -> do
checkPGErrors $ withConnection pool \conn -> do
execute conn (Query """
name text NOT NULL,
@ -92,7 +107,7 @@ main = do
""") Row0
liftEffect $ runTest $ do
suite "Postgresql client" $ do
suite "PostgreSQL client" $ do
testCount n = do
count <- scalar conn (Query """
@ -101,7 +116,7 @@ main = do
""") (Row1 n)
liftEffect <<< assert $ count == Just true
Test.Unit.test "transaction commit" $ do
transactionTest "transaction commit" do
withTransaction conn do
execute conn (Query """
INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price)
@ -113,14 +128,37 @@ main = do
""") Row0
Test.Unit.test "transaction rollback" $ do
transactionTest "transaction rollback on PostgreSQL error" $ do
_ <- try $ withTransaction conn do
execute conn (Query """
INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
""") (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30"))
testCount 1
throwError $ error "fail"
-- invalid SQL query --> PGError is thrown
execute conn (Query "foo bar") Row0
-- transaction should've been rolled back
testCount 0
transactionTest "transaction rollback on JavaScript exception" $ do
result <- lift $ try $ runExceptT $ withTransaction conn do
execute conn (Query """
INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
""") (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30"))
testCount 1
-- throw a JavaScript error
lift $ throwError $ error "fail"
-- make sure the JavaScript error was thrown
liftEffect $ case result of
Left jsErr -> assert (message jsErr == "fail")
Right _ -> assert false
-- transaction should've been rolled back
testCount 0
test conn "usage of rows represented by nested tuples" $ do
@ -201,14 +239,13 @@ main = do
""") Row0
liftEffect <<< assert $ sauerkrautPrice == [Row1 (D.fromString "3.30")]
test conn "constraint failure" $ do
withTransaction conn $ do
result <- try $ execute conn (Query """
INSERT INTO foods (name)
""") (Row1 "pork")
liftEffect <<< assert $ isLeft result
testCount 0
transactionTest "integrity error handling" $ do
withRollback conn do
result <- onIntegrityError (pure "integrity error was handled") do
pure "integrity error was not handled"
liftEffect $ assert $ result == "integrity error was handled"
test conn "handling date value" $ do
@ -226,7 +263,7 @@ main = do
FROM dates
""") Row0
equal 3 (length dates)
lift $ equal 3 (length dates)
liftEffect <<< assert $ all (\(Tuple (Row1 r) e) -> e == r) $ (zip dates [d1, d2, d3])
test conn "handling json and jsonb value" $ do
@ -257,9 +294,31 @@ main = do
FROM timestamps
ORDER BY timestamp ASC
""") Row0
equal 3 (length timestamps)
lift $ equal 3 (length timestamps)
liftEffect <<< assert $ all (\(Tuple (Row1 r) e) -> e == r) $ (zip timestamps [jsd1, jsd2, jsd3])
suite "PostgreSQL connection errors" $ do
let doNothing _ = pure unit
Test.Unit.test "connection refused" do
testPool <- newPool cannotConnectConfig
runExceptT (withConnection testPool doNothing) >>= liftEffect <<< case _ of
Left (ConnectionError cause) ->
assert $ cause == "ECONNREFUSED"
_ ->
assert false
Test.Unit.test "no such database" do
testPool <- newPool noSuchDatabaseConfig
runExceptT (withConnection testPool doNothing) >>= liftEffect <<< case _ of
Left (ProgrammingError { code, message }) -> do
assert $ code == "3D000"
assert $ message == "database \"this-database-does-not-exist\" does not exist"
_ ->
assert false
config :: PoolConfiguration
config =
{ user: Nothing
@ -270,3 +329,11 @@ config =
, max: Nothing
, idleTimeoutMillis: Just 1000
noSuchDatabaseConfig :: PoolConfiguration
noSuchDatabaseConfig =
config { database = "this-database-does-not-exist" }
cannotConnectConfig :: PoolConfiguration
cannotConnectConfig =
config { host = Just "", port = Just 45287 }