generated from tpl/purs
s/Connection/Client/ + s/DBHandle/Connection/
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Except.Trans (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Database.PostgreSQL (Connection, DBHandle, defaultConfiguration, Pool, Query(Query), PGError)
import Database.PostgreSQL (Client, Connection, defaultConfiguration, Pool, Query(Query), PGError)
import Database.PostgreSQL.PG (command, execute, query, withTransaction) as PG
import Database.PostgreSQL.Pool (new) as Pool
import Database.PostgreSQL.Row (Row0(Row0), Row3(Row3))
@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ functions usually results in somthing like `Aff (Either PGError a)` which can be
wrapped by user into `ExceptT` or any other custom monad stack. This base API is exposed by
`PostgreSQL.Aff` module.
To be honest we provide alternatives to functions in the `Database.PostgreSQL.PG` module that work on any stack `m` with `MonadError PGError m` and `MonadAff m`.
The module contains two functions `withConnection` and `withTransaction` that require additional parameter - a transformation from a custom monad stack to `Aff (Either PGError a)`.
The module contains two functions `withClient` and `withTransaction` that require additional parameter - a transformation from a custom monad stack to `Aff (Either PGError a)`.
We are going to work with custom `AppM` type in this tutorial but please don't consider it as the only option
if you encounter any troubles integrating it into your own app monad stack.
type AppM a = ExceptT PGError Aff a
withTransaction :: forall a. Pool -> (DBHandle -> AppM a) -> AppM a
withTransaction :: forall a. Pool -> (Connection -> AppM a) -> AppM a
withTransaction p = PG.withTransaction runExceptT p
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ We can now create our temporary table which we are going to query in this exampl
The last `Row0` value indicates that this `Query` doesn't take any additional parameters.
Database quering functions like `execute` below can perform the action using pool (JS `Pool` instance)
or a connection (js `Client` instance) so they expect a value of type `type DBHandle = Either Pool Connection`.
or a connection (js `Client` instance) so they expect a value of type `type Connection = Either Pool Client`.
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Database.PostgreSQL
, module Value
) where
import Database.PostgreSQL.Aff (Connection, ConnectResult, Query(..), PGError(..), PGErrorDetail) as Aff
import Database.PostgreSQL.Aff (Client, ConnectResult, Connection, Query(..), PGError(..), PGErrorDetail) as Aff
import Database.PostgreSQL.Pool (Configuration, Database, parseURI, PGConnectionURI, new, Pool, defaultConfiguration) as Pool
import Database.PostgreSQL.Row (class FromSQLRow, class ToSQLRow, Row0(..), Row1(..), Row10(..), Row11(..), Row12(..), Row13(..), Row14(..), Row15(..), Row16(..), Row17(..), Row18(..), Row19(..), Row2(..), Row3(..), Row4(..), Row5(..), Row6(..), Row7(..), Row8(..), Row9(..), fromSQLRow, toSQLRow) as Row
import Database.PostgreSQL.Value (class FromSQLValue, class ToSQLValue, fromSQLValue, instantFromString, instantToString, null, toSQLValue, unsafeIsBuffer) as Value
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
module Database.PostgreSQL.Aff
( DBHandle
( Connection
, PGError(..)
, PGErrorDetail
, Connection
, Client
, ConnectResult
, Query(..)
, connect
, withClient
, withClientTransaction
, withConnection
, withConnectionTransaction
, withDBHandle
, withTransaction
, command
, execute
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ module Database.PostgreSQL.Aff
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (catchError, throwError)
import Data.Array (head)
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ import Foreign (Foreign)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- | PostgreSQL connection.
foreign import data Connection :: Type
foreign import data Client :: Type
-- | PostgreSQL query with parameter (`$1`, `$2`, …) and return types.
newtype Query i o
@ -53,12 +52,12 @@ derive instance newtypeQuery :: Newtype (Query i o) _
-- | Run an action with a connection. The connection is released to the pool
-- | when the action returns.
withConnection ::
withClient ::
forall a.
Pool ->
(Either PGError Connection -> Aff a) ->
(Either PGError Client -> Aff a) ->
Aff a
withConnection p k = bracket (connect p) cleanup run
withClient p k = bracket (connect p) cleanup run
cleanup (Left _) = pure unit
@ -69,13 +68,13 @@ withConnection p k = bracket (connect p) cleanup run
run (Right { connection }) = k (Right connection)
-- | Trivial helper / shortcut which also wraps
-- | the connection to provide `DBHandle`.
withDBHandle ::
-- | the connection to provide `Connection`.
withConnection ::
forall a.
Pool ->
(Either PGError DBHandle -> Aff a) ->
(Either PGError Connection -> Aff a) ->
Aff a
withDBHandle p k = withConnection p (lcmap (map Right) k)
withConnection p k = withClient p (lcmap (map Right) k)
connect ::
Pool ->
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ connect =
type ConnectResult
= { connection :: Connection
= { connection :: Client
, done :: Effect Unit
@ -104,12 +103,13 @@ foreign import ffiConnect ::
withTransaction ::
forall a.
Pool ->
(DBHandle -> Aff a) ->
(Connection -> Aff a) ->
Aff (Either PGError a)
withTransaction pool action =
withConnection pool case _ of
Right conn -> withConnectionTransaction conn do
(action $ Right conn)
withClient pool case _ of
Right client ->
withClientTransaction client do
(action $ Right client)
Left err → pure $ Left err
-- | TODO: Outdated docs
@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ withTransaction pool action =
-- | `PGError` or a JavaScript exception in the Aff context). If you want to
-- | change the transaction mode, issue a separate `SET TRANSACTION` statement
-- | within the transaction.
withConnectionTransaction ::
withClientTransaction ::
forall a.
Connection ->
Client ->
Aff a ->
Aff (Either PGError a)
withConnectionTransaction conn action =
withClientTransaction client action =
>>= case _ of
Nothing -> do
@ -139,25 +139,26 @@ withConnectionTransaction conn action =
Nothing -> pure (Right a)
Just pgError -> pure (Left pgError)
h = Right conn
h = Right client
begin = execute h (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0
commit = execute h (Query "COMMIT TRANSACTION") Row0
rollback = execute h (Query "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") Row0
type DBHandle
= Either Pool Connection
type Connection
= Either Pool Client
-- | APIs of the `Pool.query` and `Client.query` are the same.
-- | We can dse this polyformphis to simplify ffi.
foreign import data UntaggedDBHandle ∷ Type
foreign import data UntaggedConnection ∷ Type
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and discard its results.
execute ::
forall i o.
(ToSQLRow i) =>
DBHandle ->
Connection ->
Query i o ->
i ->
Aff (Maybe PGError)
@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ query ::
forall i o.
ToSQLRow i =>
FromSQLRow o =>
DBHandle ->
Connection ->
Query i o ->
i ->
Aff (Either PGError (Array o))
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ scalar ::
forall i o.
ToSQLRow i =>
FromSQLValue o =>
DBHandle ->
Connection ->
Query i (Row1 o) ->
i ->
Aff (Either PGError (Maybe o))
@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ scalar h sql values = query h sql values <#> map (head >>> map (case _ of Row1 a
command ::
forall i.
ToSQLRow i =>
DBHandle ->
Connection ->
Query i Int ->
i ->
Aff (Either PGError Int)
@ -206,16 +207,16 @@ type QueryResult
unsafeQuery ::
DBHandle ->
Connection ->
String ->
Array Foreign ->
Aff (Either PGError QueryResult)
unsafeQuery c s = fromEffectFnAff <<< ffiUnsafeQuery p (toUntaggedHandler c) s
toUntaggedHandler ∷ DBHandle → UntaggedDBHandle
toUntaggedHandler ∷ Connection → UntaggedConnection
toUntaggedHandler (Left pool) = unsafeCoerce pool
toUntaggedHandler (Right conn) = unsafeCoerce conn
toUntaggedHandler (Right client) = unsafeCoerce client
p =
{ nullableLeft: toNullable <<< map Left <<< convertError
@ -226,13 +227,13 @@ foreign import ffiUnsafeQuery ::
{ nullableLeft :: Error -> Nullable (Either PGError QueryResult)
, right :: QueryResult -> Either PGError QueryResult
} ->
UntaggedDBHandle ->
UntaggedConnection ->
String ->
Array Foreign ->
EffectFnAff (Either PGError QueryResult)
data PGError
= ConnectionError String
= ClientError String
| ConversionError String
| InternalError PGErrorDetail
| OperationalError PGErrorDetail
@ -335,7 +336,7 @@ convertError err = case toMaybe $ ffiSQLState err of
if prefix "X" s then
const $ ConnectionError s
const $ ClientError s
prefix :: String -> String -> Boolean
prefix p = maybe false (_ == 0) <<< String.indexOf (Pattern p)
@ -4,21 +4,20 @@ module Database.PostgreSQL.PG
, onIntegrityError
, query
, scalar
, withClient
, withClientTransaction
, withConnection
, withConnectionTransaction
, withDBHandle
, withTransaction
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (catchError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Except (class MonadError)
import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe, maybe)
import Data.Profunctor (lcmap)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Aff (Connection, DBHandle, PGError(..), Query)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Aff (command, execute, query, scalar, withConnection, withConnectionTransaction, withTransaction) as Aff
import Database.PostgreSQL.Aff (Client, Connection, PGError(..), Query)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Aff (command, execute, query, scalar, withClient, withClientTransaction, withTransaction) as Aff
import Database.PostgreSQL.Pool (Pool)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Row (class FromSQLRow, class ToSQLRow, Row1)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Value (class FromSQLValue)
@ -33,6 +32,22 @@ hoistPG m = liftAff m >>= either throwError pure
-- | Run an action with a connection. The connection is released to the pool
-- | when the action returns.
withClient ::
∀ a m.
MonadError PGError m =>
MonadAff m =>
(m a -> Aff (Either PGError a)) ->
Pool ->
(Client -> m a) ->
m a
withClient f p k = do
res <-
$ Aff.withClient p case _ of
Right client -> f $ k client
Left pgErr -> pure $ Left pgErr
either throwError pure res
withConnection ::
∀ a m.
MonadError PGError m =>
@ -41,23 +56,7 @@ withConnection ::
Pool ->
(Connection -> m a) ->
m a
withConnection f p k = do
res <-
$ Aff.withConnection p case _ of
Right conn -> f $ k conn
Left pgErr -> pure $ Left pgErr
either throwError pure res
withDBHandle ::
∀ a m.
MonadError PGError m =>
MonadAff m =>
(m a -> Aff (Either PGError a)) ->
Pool ->
(DBHandle -> m a) ->
m a
withDBHandle f p k = withConnection f p (lcmap Right k)
withConnection f p k = withClient f p (lcmap Right k)
-- | TODO: Update docs
-- | Run an action within a transaction. The transaction is committed if the
@ -71,23 +70,25 @@ withTransaction ::
MonadError PGError m =>
(m a -> Aff (Either PGError a)) ->
Pool ->
(DBHandle -> m a) ->
(Connection -> m a) ->
m a
withTransaction f pool action = do
res <- liftAff $ Aff.withTransaction pool \conn -> do
(f (action conn))
res <-
$ Aff.withTransaction pool \client -> do
(f (action client))
either throwError pure $ join res
withConnectionTransaction ::
withClientTransaction ::
∀ a m.
MonadAff m =>
MonadError PGError m =>
(m a -> Aff (Either PGError a)) ->
Connection ->
Client ->
m a ->
m a
withConnectionTransaction f conn action = do
res <- liftAff $ Aff.withConnectionTransaction conn (f action)
withClientTransaction f client action = do
res <- liftAff $ Aff.withClientTransaction client (f action)
either throwError pure $ join res
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and discard its results.
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ execute ::
ToSQLRow i =>
MonadError PGError m =>
MonadAff m =>
DBHandle ->
Connection ->
Query i o ->
i ->
m Unit
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ query ::
FromSQLRow o =>
MonadError PGError m =>
MonadAff m =>
DBHandle ->
Connection ->
Query i o ->
i ->
m (Array o)
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ scalar ::
FromSQLValue o =>
MonadError PGError m =>
MonadAff m =>
DBHandle ->
Connection ->
Query i (Row1 o) ->
i ->
m (Maybe o)
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ command ::
ToSQLRow i =>
MonadError PGError m =>
MonadAff m =>
DBHandle ->
Connection ->
Query i Int ->
i ->
m Int
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module Test.Main
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError, try)
import Control.Monad.Except.Trans (runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
@ -22,9 +21,9 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Database.PostgreSQL (Configuration, Connection, DBHandle, PGError(..), Pool, Query(Query), Row0(Row0), Row1(Row1), Row2(Row2), Row3(Row3), Row9(Row9), PGConnectionURI, parseURI)
import Database.PostgreSQL (Configuration, Client, Connection, PGError(..), Pool, Query(Query), Row0(Row0), Row1(Row1), Row2(Row2), Row3(Row3), Row9(Row9), PGConnectionURI, parseURI)
import Database.PostgreSQL.PG (command, execute, onIntegrityError, query, scalar)
import Database.PostgreSQL.PG (withConnection, withConnectionTransaction) as PG
import Database.PostgreSQL.PG (withClient, withClientTransaction) as PG
import Database.PostgreSQL.Pool (new) as Pool
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, error, launchAff)
@ -43,46 +42,44 @@ import Test.Unit as Test.Unit
import Test.Unit.Assert (equal)
import Test.Unit.Main (runTest)
withConnection :: forall a. Pool -> (Connection -> AppM a) -> AppM a
withConnection = PG.withConnection runExceptT
withConnectionTransaction :: forall a. Connection -> AppM a -> AppM a
withConnectionTransaction = PG.withConnectionTransaction runExceptT
withClient :: forall a. Pool -> (Client -> AppM a) -> AppM a
withClient = PG.withClient runExceptT
withClientTransaction :: forall a. Client -> AppM a -> AppM a
withClientTransaction = PG.withClientTransaction runExceptT
pgEqual :: forall a. Eq a => Show a => a -> a -> AppM Unit
pgEqual a b = lift $ equal a b
∷ Connection
→ AppM Unit
→ AppM Unit
withRollback conn action =
begin *> action *> rollback
withRollback ∷
Client →
AppM Unit →
AppM Unit
withRollback client action = begin *> action *> rollback
begin = execute (Right conn) (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0
rollback = execute (Right conn) (Query "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") Row0
begin = execute (Right client) (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0
∷ DBHandle
→ String
→ AppM Unit
→ TestSuite
test (Left pool) name action =
Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ action
test (Right conn) name action =
Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ withRollback conn action
rollback = execute (Right client) (Query "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") Row0
∷ String
→ AppM Unit
→ TestSuite
transactionTest name action =
Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ action
test ∷
Connection →
String →
AppM Unit →
test (Left pool) name action = Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ action
test (Right client) name action = Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ withRollback client action
transactionTest ∷
String →
AppM Unit →
transactionTest name action = Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ action
checkPGErrors :: AppM Unit -> Aff Unit
checkPGErrors action = do
runExceptT action >>= case _ of
runExceptT action
>>= case _ of
Left pgError -> Test.Unit.failure ("Unexpected PostgreSQL error occured:" <> unsafeStringify pgError)
Right _ -> pure unit
@ -93,29 +90,30 @@ date ∷ Int → Int → Int → Date
date y m d = unsafePartial $ fromJust $ canonicalDate <$> toEnum y <*> toEnum m <*> toEnum d
jsdate_ ∷ Number → Number → Number → Number → Number → Number → Number → JSDate
jsdate_ year month day hour minute second millisecond =
jsdate { year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond }
jsdate_ year month day hour minute second millisecond = jsdate { year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond }
noSuchDatabaseConfig :: Configuration → Configuration
noSuchDatabaseConfig config =
config { database = "non-existing" <> config.database }
noSuchDatabaseConfig config = config { database = "non-existing" <> config.database }
cannotConnectConfig :: Configuration → Configuration
cannotConnectConfig config =
config { host = Just ""
{ host = Just ""
, port = Just 45287
main ∷ Effect Unit
main = do
void $ launchAff do
$ launchAff do
-- Running guide from README
void $ runExceptT $
config ← Config.load
pool ← liftEffect $ config
checkPGErrors $ execute (Left pool) (Query """
$ execute (Left pool)
( Query
name text NOT NULL,
delicious boolean NOT NULL,
@ -133,258 +131,365 @@ main = do
json json NOT NULL,
jsonb jsonb NOT NULL
""") Row0
checkPGErrors $ withConnection pool \conn -> do
liftEffect $ runTest $ do
suite "PostgreSQL client" $ do
$ withClient pool \client -> do
liftEffect $ runTest
$ do
suite "PostgreSQL client"
$ do
testCount n = do
count <- scalar (Left pool) (Query """
count <-
scalar (Left pool)
( Query
SELECT count(*) = $1
FROM foods
""") (Row1 n)
(Row1 n)
liftEffect <<< assert $ count == Just true
transactionTest "transaction commit" do
withConnectionTransaction conn do
execute (Right conn) (Query """
withClientTransaction client do
execute (Right client)
( Query
INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
""") (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30"))
(Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30"))
testCount 1
testCount 1
execute (Right conn) (Query """
execute (Right client)
( Query
""") Row0
transactionTest "transaction rollback on PostgreSQL error" $ do
_ <- try $ withConnectionTransaction conn do
execute (Right conn) (Query """
transactionTest "transaction rollback on PostgreSQL error"
$ do
_ <-
$ withClientTransaction client do
execute (Right client)
( Query
INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
""") (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30"))
(Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30"))
testCount 1
-- invalid SQL query --> PGError is thrown
execute (Right conn) (Query "foo bar") Row0
execute (Right client) (Query "foo bar") Row0
-- transaction should've been rolled back
testCount 0
transactionTest "transaction rollback on JavaScript exception" $ do
result <- lift $ try $ runExceptT $ withConnectionTransaction conn do
execute (Right conn) (Query """
transactionTest "transaction rollback on JavaScript exception"
$ do
result <-
lift $ try $ runExceptT
$ withClientTransaction client do
execute (Right client)
( Query
INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
""") (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30"))
(Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30"))
testCount 1
-- throw a JavaScript error
lift $ throwError $ error "fail"
-- make sure the JavaScript error was thrown
liftEffect $ case result of
$ case result of
Left jsErr -> assert (message jsErr == "fail")
Right _ -> assert false
-- transaction should've been rolled back
testCount 0
handle = Right conn
test handle "usage of rows represented by nested tuples" $ do
execute handle (Query """
handle = Right client
test handle "usage of rows represented by nested tuples"
$ do
execute handle
( Query
INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6), ($7, $8, $9)
( ("pork" /\ true /\ (D.fromString "8.30"))
/\ ("sauerkraut" /\ false /\ (D.fromString "3.30"))
/\ ("rookworst" /\ true /\ (D.fromString "5.60")))
names <- query handle (Query """
/\ ("rookworst" /\ true /\ (D.fromString "5.60"))
names <-
query handle
( Query
SELECT name, delicious
FROM foods
WHERE delicious
""") Row0
liftEffect <<< assert $ names == ["pork" /\ true, "rookworst" /\ true]
test handle "nested tuples as rows - just one element" $ do
let row = date 2010 2 31 /\ unit
execute handle (Query """
liftEffect <<< assert $ names == [ "pork" /\ true, "rookworst" /\ true ]
test handle "nested tuples as rows - just one element"
$ do
row = date 2010 2 31 /\ unit
execute handle
( Query
INSERT INTO dates (date)
""") row
rows <- query handle (Query "SELECT date FROM dates") Row0
liftEffect <<< assert $ rows == [row]
liftEffect <<< assert $ rows == [ row ]
insertFood =
execute handle (Query """
execute handle
( Query
INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6), ($7, $8, $9)
""") (Row9
"pork" true (D.fromString "8.30")
"sauerkraut" false (D.fromString "3.30")
"rookworst" true (D.fromString "5.60"))
test handle "select column subset" $ do
( Row9
(D.fromString "8.30")
(D.fromString "3.30")
(D.fromString "5.60")
test handle "select column subset"
$ do
names <- query handle (Query """
names <-
query handle
( Query
SELECT name, delicious
FROM foods
WHERE delicious
""") Row0
liftEffect <<< assert $ names == [Row2 "pork" true, Row2 "rookworst" true]
test handle "delete returning columns subset" $ do
liftEffect <<< assert $ names == [ Row2 "pork" true, Row2 "rookworst" true ]
test handle "delete returning columns subset"
$ do
deleted <- query handle (Query """
deleted <-
query handle
( Query
WHERE delicious
RETURNING name, delicious
""") Row0
liftEffect <<< assert $ deleted == [Row2 "pork" true, Row2 "rookworst" true]
test handle "delete returning command tag value" $ do
liftEffect <<< assert $ deleted == [ Row2 "pork" true, Row2 "rookworst" true ]
test handle "delete returning command tag value"
$ do
deleted <- command handle (Query """
deleted <-
command handle
( Query
WHERE delicious
""") Row0
liftEffect <<< assert $ deleted == 2
test handle "handling instant value" $ do
test handle "handling instant value"
$ do
before <- liftEffect $ (unwrap <<< unInstant) <$> now
added <- query handle (Query """
added <-
query handle
( Query
SELECT added
FROM foods
""") Row0
after <- liftEffect $ (unwrap <<< unInstant) <$> now
-- | timestamps are fetched without milliseconds so we have to
-- | round before value down
liftEffect <<< assert $ all
(\(Row1 t) ->
( unwrap $ unInstant t) >= (before - before % 1000.0)
&& after >= (unwrap $ unInstant t))
liftEffect <<< assert
$ all
( \(Row1 t) ->
(unwrap $ unInstant t) >= (before - before % 1000.0)
&& after
>= (unwrap $ unInstant t)
test handle "handling decimal value" $ do
test handle "handling decimal value"
$ do
sauerkrautPrice <- query handle (Query """
sauerkrautPrice <-
query handle
( Query
SELECT price
FROM foods
WHERE NOT delicious
""") Row0
liftEffect <<< assert $ sauerkrautPrice == [Row1 (D.fromString "3.30")]
transactionTest "integrity error handling" $ do
withRollback conn do
result <- onIntegrityError (pure "integrity error was handled") do
liftEffect <<< assert $ sauerkrautPrice == [ Row1 (D.fromString "3.30") ]
transactionTest "integrity error handling"
$ do
withRollback client do
result <-
onIntegrityError (pure "integrity error was handled") do
pure "integrity error was not handled"
liftEffect $ assert $ result == "integrity error was handled"
test handle "handling date value" $ do
test handle "handling date value"
$ do
d1 = date 2010 2 31
d2 = date 2017 2 1
d3 = date 2020 6 31
execute handle (Query """
d2 = date 2017 2 1
d3 = date 2020 6 31
execute handle
( Query
INSERT INTO dates (date)
VALUES ($1), ($2), ($3)
""") (Row3 d1 d2 d3)
(dates :: Array (Row1 Date)) <- query handle (Query """
(Row3 d1 d2 d3)
(dates :: Array (Row1 Date)) <-
query handle
( Query
FROM dates
""") Row0
pgEqual 3 (length dates)
liftEffect <<< assert $ all (\(Tuple (Row1 r) e) -> e == r) $ (zip dates [d1, d2, d3])
test handle "handling Foreign.Object as json and jsonb" $ do
let jsonIn = Object.fromFoldable [Tuple "a" 1, Tuple "a" 2, Tuple "2" 3]
let expected = Object.fromFoldable [Tuple "a" 2, Tuple "2" 3]
execute handle (Query """
liftEffect <<< assert $ all (\(Tuple (Row1 r) e) -> e == r) $ (zip dates [ d1, d2, d3 ])
test handle "handling Foreign.Object as json and jsonb"
$ do
jsonIn = Object.fromFoldable [ Tuple "a" 1, Tuple "a" 2, Tuple "2" 3 ]
expected = Object.fromFoldable [ Tuple "a" 2, Tuple "2" 3 ]
execute handle
( Query
INSERT INTO jsons (json, jsonb)
VALUES ($1, $2)
""") (Row2 jsonIn jsonIn)
(Row2 jsonIn jsonIn)
(js ∷ Array (Row2 (Object Int) (Object Int))) <- query handle (Query """SELECT * FROM JSONS""") Row0
liftEffect $ assert $ all (\(Row2 j1 j2) → j1 == expected && expected == j2) js
test handle "handling Argonaut.Json as json and jsonb for an object" $ do
let input = Argonaut.fromObject (Object.fromFoldable [ Tuple "a" (Argonaut.fromString "value") ])
execute handle (Query """
test handle "handling Argonaut.Json as json and jsonb for an object"
$ do
input = Argonaut.fromObject (Object.fromFoldable [ Tuple "a" (Argonaut.fromString "value") ])
execute handle
( Query
INSERT INTO jsons (json, jsonb)
VALUES ($1, $2)
""") (Row2 input input)
(Row2 input input)
(js ∷ Array (Row2 (Json) (Json))) <- query handle (Query """SELECT * FROM JSONS""") Row0
liftEffect $ assert $ all (\(Row2 j1 j2) → j1 == input && j2 == input) js
test handle "handling Argonaut.Json as json and jsonb for an array" $ do
let input = Argonaut.fromArray [ Argonaut.fromObject (Object.fromFoldable [ Tuple "a" (Argonaut.fromString "value") ])]
execute handle (Query """
test handle "handling Argonaut.Json as json and jsonb for an array"
$ do
input = Argonaut.fromArray [ Argonaut.fromObject (Object.fromFoldable [ Tuple "a" (Argonaut.fromString "value") ]) ]
execute handle
( Query
INSERT INTO jsons (json, jsonb)
VALUES ($1, $2)
""") (Row2 input input)
(Row2 input input)
(js ∷ Array (Row2 (Json) (Json))) <- query handle (Query """SELECT * FROM JSONS""") Row0
liftEffect $ assert $ all (\(Row2 j1 j2) → j1 == input && j2 == input) js
test handle "handling jsdate value" $ do
test handle "handling jsdate value"
$ do
jsd1 = jsdate_ 2010.0 2.0 31.0 6.0 23.0 1.0 123.0
jsd2 = jsdate_ 2017.0 2.0 1.0 12.0 59.0 42.0 999.0
jsd3 = jsdate_ 2020.0 6.0 31.0 23.0 3.0 59.0 333.0
execute handle (Query """
jsd2 = jsdate_ 2017.0 2.0 1.0 12.0 59.0 42.0 999.0
jsd3 = jsdate_ 2020.0 6.0 31.0 23.0 3.0 59.0 333.0
execute handle
( Query
INSERT INTO timestamps (timestamp)
VALUES ($1), ($2), ($3)
""") (Row3 jsd1 jsd2 jsd3)
(timestamps :: Array (Row1 JSDate)) <- query handle (Query """
(Row3 jsd1 jsd2 jsd3)
(timestamps :: Array (Row1 JSDate)) <-
query handle
( Query
FROM timestamps
ORDER BY timestamp ASC
""") Row0
pgEqual 3 (length timestamps)
liftEffect <<< assert $ all (\(Tuple (Row1 r) e) -> e == r) $ (zip timestamps [jsd1, jsd2, jsd3])
suite "PostgreSQL connection errors" $ do
let doNothing _ = pure unit
liftEffect <<< assert $ all (\(Tuple (Row1 r) e) -> e == r) $ (zip timestamps [ jsd1, jsd2, jsd3 ])
suite "PostgreSQL connection errors"
$ do
doNothing _ = pure unit
Test.Unit.test "connection refused" do
testPool <- liftEffect $ (cannotConnectConfig config)
runExceptT (withConnection testPool doNothing) >>= case _ of
Left (ConnectionError cause) -> equal cause "ECONNREFUSED"
runExceptT (withClient testPool doNothing)
>>= case _ of
Left (ClientError cause) -> equal cause "ECONNREFUSED"
_ -> Test.Unit.failure "foo"
Test.Unit.test "no such database" do
testPool <- liftEffect $ (noSuchDatabaseConfig config)
runExceptT (withConnection testPool doNothing) >>= case _ of
runExceptT (withClient testPool doNothing)
>>= case _ of
Left (ProgrammingError { code, message }) -> equal code "3D000"
_ -> Test.Unit.failure "PostgreSQL error was expected"
Test.Unit.test "get pool configuration from postgres uri" do
equal (parseURI validUriToPoolConfigs.uri) (Just validUriToPoolConfigs.poolConfig)
equal (parseURI notValidConnUri) Nothing
validUriToPoolConfigs :: { uri :: PGConnectionURI
, poolConfig :: Configuration }
validUriToPoolConfigs = { uri: "postgres://"
, poolConfig: { database: "e7cecg4nirunpo"
validUriToPoolConfigs ::
{ uri :: PGConnectionURI
, poolConfig :: Configuration
validUriToPoolConfigs =
{ uri: "postgres://"
, poolConfig:
{ database: "e7cecg4nirunpo"
, host: Just ""
, idleTimeoutMillis: Nothing
, max: Nothing
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