Merge pull request #41 from Kamirus/drop-PG-type

Drop PG type, alter PG functions to use typeclass constraints
This commit is contained in:
paluh 2019-08-30 21:23:29 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 60894e9f23
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 1816 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -18,11 +18,14 @@ module Test.README where
import Prelude
import Database.PostgreSQL.PG (defaultPoolConfiguration, command, execute, newPool, PG, query, Query(Query), withConnection, withTransaction)
import Control.Monad.Except.Trans (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Database.PostgreSQL.PG (defaultPoolConfiguration, PGError, command, execute, newPool, Pool, Connection, query, Query(Query))
import Database.PostgreSQL.PG as PG
import Database.PostgreSQL.Row (Row0(Row0), Row3(Row3))
import Data.Decimal as Decimal
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Test.Assert (assert)
@ -30,13 +33,20 @@ import Test.Assert (assert)
The whole API for interaction with PostgreSQL is performed asynchronously in `Aff`
(the only function which runs in plain `Effect` is `newPool`). Core library
functions usually results in somthing like `Aff (Either PGError a)` which can be easily
wrapped by user into `ExceptT` or any other custom monad stack. To be honest we provides predifined `ExceptT`
versions of functions in `Database.PostgreSQL.PG` along with some `hoist*` helpers.
wrapped by user into `ExceptT` or any other custom monad stack.
To be honest we provide alternatives to functions in the `Database.PostgreSQL.PG` module that work on any stack `m` with `MonadError PGError m` and `MonadAff m`.
The module contains two functions `withConnection` and `withTransaction` that require additional parameter - a transformation from a custom monad stack to `Aff (Either PGError a)`.
We are going to work with `PG` type in this tutorial but please don't consider it as the only option
if you encounter any troubles integrating it into your own app monad stack.
type PG a = ExceptT PGError Aff a
withConnection :: forall a. Pool -> (Connection -> PG a) -> PG a
withConnection = PG.withConnection runExceptT
withTransaction :: forall a. Connection -> PG a -> PG a
withTransaction = PG.withTransaction runExceptT
We assume here that Postgres is running on a standard local port

package-lock.json generated Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

package.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"name": "purescript-postgresql-client",
"dependencies": {
"decimal.js": "^10.0.0",
"pg": "^6.1.2"
"devDependencies": {
"paluh-litps": "^0.1.4"
"scripts": {
"pretest": "paluh-litps compile --file; mv README.purs test/README.purs",
"test": "spago test"

View File

@ -2,11 +2,8 @@ module Database.PostgreSQL.PG
( module Row
, module Value
, module PostgreSQL
, PG
, command
, execute
, hoist
, hoistWith
, query
, onIntegrityError
, scalar
@ -17,10 +14,8 @@ module Database.PostgreSQL.PG
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadError, catchError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..))
import Control.Monad.Except.Trans (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe, maybe)
import Database.PostgreSQL (Connection, PGError(..), Pool, Query)
import Database.PostgreSQL (class FromSQLRow, class FromSQLValue, class ToSQLRow, class ToSQLValue, Connection, Database, PGError(..), PGErrorDetail, Pool, PoolConfiguration, Query(..), Row0(..), Row1(..), Row10(..), Row11(..), Row12(..), Row13(..), Row14(..), Row15(..), Row16(..), Row17(..), Row18(..), Row19(..), Row2(..), Row3(..), Row4(..), Row5(..), Row6(..), Row7(..), Row8(..), Row9(..), defaultPoolConfiguration, fromSQLRow, fromSQLValue, instantFromString, instantToString, newPool, null, toSQLRow, toSQLValue, unsafeIsBuffer) as PostgreSQL
import Database.PostgreSQL (command, execute, query, scalar, withConnection, withTransaction) as P
@ -33,35 +28,24 @@ import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
type Database = String
-- | PostgreSQL computations run in the `PG` monad. It's just `Aff` stacked with
-- | `ExceptT` to provide error handling.
-- |
-- | Errors originating from database queries or connection to the database are
-- | modeled with the `PGError` type. Use `runExceptT` from
-- | `Control.Monad.Except.Trans` to turn a `PG a` action into `Aff (Either
-- | PGError a)`.
type PG a = ExceptT PGError Aff a
hoistWith :: forall e m. MonadAff m => MonadError e m => (PGError -> e) -> PG ~> m
hoistWith f m = do
result <- liftAff $ runExceptT m
case result of
Right a -> pure a
Left pgError -> throwError (f pgError)
hoist :: forall m. MonadAff m => MonadError PGError m => PG ~> m
hoist = hoistWith identity
hoistAffEither :: forall a m. MonadAff m => MonadError PGError m => Aff (Either PGError a) -> m a
hoistAffEither m = liftAff m >>= either throwError pure
-- | Run an action with a connection. The connection is released to the pool
-- | when the action returns.
:: forall a
. Pool
-> (Connection -> PG a)
-> PG a
withConnection p k = ExceptT $ P.withConnection p case _ of
Right conn -> runExceptT $ k conn
Left pgErr -> pure (Left pgErr)
:: forall a m
. MonadError PGError m
=> MonadAff m
=> (m a -> Aff (Either PGError a))
-> Pool
-> (Connection -> m a)
-> m a
withConnection f p k = do
res <- liftAff $ P.withConnection p case _ of
Right conn -> f $ k conn
Left pgErr -> pure $ Left pgErr
either throwError pure res
-- | Run an action within a transaction. The transaction is committed if the
-- | action returns cleanly, and rolled back if the action throws (either a
@ -69,61 +53,78 @@ withConnection p k = ExceptT $ P.withConnection p case _ of
-- | change the transaction mode, issue a separate `SET TRANSACTION` statement
-- | within the transaction.
:: forall a
. Connection
-> PG a
-> PG a
withTransaction conn action =
ExceptT $ join <$> P.withTransaction conn (runExceptT action)
:: forall a m
. MonadAff m
=> MonadError PGError m
=> (m a -> Aff (Either PGError a))
-> Connection
-> m a
-> m a
withTransaction f conn action = do
res <- liftAff $ P.withTransaction conn (f action)
either throwError pure $ join res
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and discard its results.
:: forall i o
. (ToSQLRow i)
:: forall i o m
. ToSQLRow i
=> MonadError PGError m
=> MonadAff m
=> Connection
-> Query i o
-> i
-> PG Unit
execute conn sql values = ExceptT $ P.execute conn sql values >>= case _ of
Just pgErr -> pure (Left pgErr)
Nothing -> pure (Right unit)
-> m Unit
execute conn sql values = do
err <- liftAff $ P.execute conn sql values
maybe (pure unit) throwError err
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and return its results.
:: forall i o
:: forall i o m
. ToSQLRow i
=> FromSQLRow o
=> MonadError PGError m
=> MonadAff m
=> Connection
-> Query i o
-> i
-> PG (Array o)
query conn sql = ExceptT <<< P.query conn sql
-> m (Array o)
query conn sql = hoistAffEither <<< P.query conn sql
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and return the first field of the first row in
-- | the result.
:: forall i o
:: forall i o m
. ToSQLRow i
=> FromSQLValue o
=> MonadError PGError m
=> MonadAff m
=> Connection
-> Query i (Row1 o)
-> i
-> PG (Maybe o)
scalar conn sql = ExceptT <<< P.scalar conn sql
-> m (Maybe o)
scalar conn sql = hoistAffEither <<< P.scalar conn sql
-- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and return its command tag value
-- | (how many rows were affected by the query). This may be useful
-- | for example with `DELETE` or `UPDATE` queries.
:: forall i
:: forall i m
. ToSQLRow i
=> MonadError PGError m
=> MonadAff m
=> Connection
-> Query i Int
-> i
-> PG Int
command conn sql = ExceptT <<< P.command conn sql
-> m Int
command conn sql = hoistAffEither <<< P.command conn sql
onIntegrityError :: forall a. PG a -> PG a -> PG a
:: forall a m
. MonadError PGError m
=> m a
-> m a
-> m a
onIntegrityError errorResult db =
catchError db handleError
@ -131,5 +132,3 @@ onIntegrityError errorResult db =
case e of
IntegrityError _ -> errorResult
_ -> throwError e

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Database.PostgreSQL.PG (Connection, PG, PGError(..), PoolConfiguration, Query(Query), Row0(Row0), Row1(Row1), Row2(Row2), Row3(Row3), Row9(Row9), command, execute, newPool, onIntegrityError, query, scalar, withConnection, withTransaction)
import Database.PostgreSQL.PG (Connection, PGError(..), Pool, PoolConfiguration, Query(Query), Row0(Row0), Row1(Row1), Row2(Row2), Row3(Row3), Row9(Row9), command, execute, newPool, onIntegrityError, query, scalar)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, error, launchAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
@ -30,12 +30,20 @@ import Global.Unsafe (unsafeStringify)
import Math ((%))
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Test.Assert (assert)
import Test.README (run) as README
import Test.README (run, PG, withConnection, withTransaction) as README
import Test.Unit (TestSuite, suite)
import Test.Unit as Test.Unit
import Test.Unit.Assert (equal)
import Test.Unit.Main (runTest)
type PG a = README.PG a
withConnection :: forall a. Pool -> (Connection -> PG a) -> PG a
withConnection = README.withConnection
withTransaction :: forall a. Connection -> PG a -> PG a
withTransaction = README.withTransaction
pgEqual :: forall a. Eq a => Show a => a -> a -> PG Unit
pgEqual a b = lift $ equal a b