module Test.Main ( main ) where import Prelude import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError, try) import Control.Monad.Except.Trans (ExceptT, runExceptT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Data.Array (zip) import Data.Date (Date, canonicalDate) import Data.DateTime.Instant (Instant, unInstant) import Data.Decimal as D import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Enum (toEnum) import Data.Foldable (all, length) import Data.JSDate (JSDate, jsdate, toInstant) import Data.JSDate as JSDate import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust) import Data.Newtype (unwrap) import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..)) import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\)) import Database.PostgreSQL.PG (Connection, PGError(..), Pool, PoolConfiguration, Query(Query), Row0(Row0), Row1(Row1), Row2(Row2), Row3(Row3), Row9(Row9), command, execute, newPool, onIntegrityError, query, scalar) import Database.PostgreSQL.PG as PG import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Aff (Aff, error, launchAff) import Effect.Class (liftEffect) import Effect.Exception (message) import Foreign.Object (Object, fromFoldable) import Global.Unsafe (unsafeStringify) import Math ((%)) import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial) import Test.Assert (assert) import Test.Unit (TestSuite, suite) import Test.Unit as Test.Unit import Test.Unit.Assert (equal) import Test.Unit.Main (runTest) type PG a = ExceptT PGError Aff a withConnection :: forall a. Pool -> (Connection -> PG a) -> PG a withConnection conn = PG.withConnection conn runExceptT withTransaction :: forall a. Connection -> PG a -> PG a withTransaction conn = PG.withTransaction conn runExceptT pgEqual :: forall a. Eq a => Show a => a -> a -> PG Unit pgEqual a b = lift $ equal a b withRollback ∷ Connection → PG Unit → PG Unit withRollback conn action = begin *> action *> rollback where begin = execute conn (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0 rollback = execute conn (Query "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") Row0 test ∷ Connection → String → PG Unit → TestSuite test conn name action = Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ withRollback conn action transactionTest ∷ String → PG Unit → TestSuite transactionTest name action = Test.Unit.test name $ checkPGErrors $ action checkPGErrors :: PG Unit -> Aff Unit checkPGErrors action = do runExceptT action >>= case _ of Left pgError -> Test.Unit.failure ("Unexpected PostgreSQL error occured:" <> unsafeStringify pgError) Right _ -> pure unit now ∷ Effect Instant now = unsafePartial $ (fromJust <<< toInstant) <$> date ∷ Int → Int → Int → Date date y m d = unsafePartial $ fromJust $ canonicalDate <$> toEnum y <*> toEnum m <*> toEnum d jsdate_ ∷ Number → Number → Number → Number → Number → Number → Number → JSDate jsdate_ year month day hour minute second millisecond = jsdate { year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond } main ∷ Effect Unit main = do void $ launchAff do -- Running guide from README void $ runExceptT $ -- Actual test suite pool <- liftEffect $ newPool config checkPGErrors $ withConnection pool \conn -> do execute conn (Query """ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foods ( name text NOT NULL, delicious boolean NOT NULL, price NUMERIC(4,2) NOT NULL, added TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (name) ); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE dates ( date date NOT NULL ); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE timestamps ( timestamp timestamptz NOT NULL ); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE jsons ( json json NOT NULL, jsonb jsonb NOT NULL ); """) Row0 liftEffect $ runTest $ do suite "PostgreSQL client" $ do let testCount n = do count <- scalar conn (Query """ SELECT count(*) = $1 FROM foods """) (Row1 n) liftEffect <<< assert $ count == Just true transactionTest "transaction commit" do withTransaction conn do execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) """) (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30")) testCount 1 testCount 1 execute conn (Query """ DELETE FROM foods """) Row0 transactionTest "transaction rollback on PostgreSQL error" $ do _ <- try $ withTransaction conn do execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) """) (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30")) testCount 1 -- invalid SQL query --> PGError is thrown execute conn (Query "foo bar") Row0 -- transaction should've been rolled back testCount 0 transactionTest "transaction rollback on JavaScript exception" $ do result <- lift $ try $ runExceptT $ withTransaction conn do execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) """) (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30")) testCount 1 -- throw a JavaScript error lift $ throwError $ error "fail" -- make sure the JavaScript error was thrown liftEffect $ case result of Left jsErr -> assert (message jsErr == "fail") Right _ -> assert false -- transaction should've been rolled back testCount 0 test conn "usage of rows represented by nested tuples" $ do execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price) VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6), ($7, $8, $9) """) ( ("pork" /\ true /\ (D.fromString "8.30")) /\ ("sauerkraut" /\ false /\ (D.fromString "3.30")) /\ ("rookworst" /\ true /\ (D.fromString "5.60"))) names <- query conn (Query """ SELECT name, delicious FROM foods WHERE delicious ORDER BY name ASC """) Row0 liftEffect <<< assert $ names == ["pork" /\ true, "rookworst" /\ true] test conn "nested tuples as rows - just one element" $ do let row = date 2010 2 31 /\ unit execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO dates (date) VALUES ($1) """) row rows <- query conn (Query "SELECT date FROM dates") Row0 liftEffect <<< assert $ rows == [row] let insertFood = execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price) VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6), ($7, $8, $9) """) (Row9 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30") "sauerkraut" false (D.fromString "3.30") "rookworst" true (D.fromString "5.60")) test conn "select column subset" $ do insertFood names <- query conn (Query """ SELECT name, delicious FROM foods WHERE delicious ORDER BY name ASC """) Row0 liftEffect <<< assert $ names == [Row2 "pork" true, Row2 "rookworst" true] test conn "delete returning columns subset" $ do insertFood deleted <- query conn (Query """ DELETE FROM foods WHERE delicious RETURNING name, delicious """) Row0 liftEffect <<< assert $ deleted == [Row2 "pork" true, Row2 "rookworst" true] test conn "delete returning command tag value" $ do insertFood deleted <- command conn (Query """ DELETE FROM foods WHERE delicious """) Row0 liftEffect <<< assert $ deleted == 2 test conn "handling instant value" $ do before <- liftEffect $ (unwrap <<< unInstant) <$> now insertFood added <- query conn (Query """ SELECT added FROM foods """) Row0 after <- liftEffect $ (unwrap <<< unInstant) <$> now -- | timestamps are fetched without milliseconds so we have to -- | round before value down liftEffect <<< assert $ all (\(Row1 t) -> ( unwrap $ unInstant t) >= (before - before % 1000.0) && after >= (unwrap $ unInstant t)) added test conn "handling decimal value" $ do insertFood sauerkrautPrice <- query conn (Query """ SELECT price FROM foods WHERE NOT delicious """) Row0 liftEffect <<< assert $ sauerkrautPrice == [Row1 (D.fromString "3.30")] transactionTest "integrity error handling" $ do withRollback conn do result <- onIntegrityError (pure "integrity error was handled") do insertFood insertFood pure "integrity error was not handled" liftEffect $ assert $ result == "integrity error was handled" test conn "handling date value" $ do let d1 = date 2010 2 31 d2 = date 2017 2 1 d3 = date 2020 6 31 execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO dates (date) VALUES ($1), ($2), ($3) """) (Row3 d1 d2 d3) (dates :: Array (Row1 Date)) <- query conn (Query """ SELECT * FROM dates ORDER BY date ASC """) Row0 pgEqual 3 (length dates) liftEffect <<< assert $ all (\(Tuple (Row1 r) e) -> e == r) $ (zip dates [d1, d2, d3]) test conn "handling json and jsonb value" $ do let jsonIn = fromFoldable [Tuple "a" 1, Tuple "a" 2, Tuple "2" 3] let expected = fromFoldable [Tuple "a" 2, Tuple "2" 3] execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO jsons (json, jsonb) VALUES ($1, $2) """) (Row2 jsonIn jsonIn) (js ∷ Array (Row2 (Object Int) (Object Int))) <- query conn (Query """SELECT * FROM JSONS""") Row0 liftEffect $ assert $ all (\(Row2 j1 j2) → j1 == expected && expected == j2) js test conn "handling jsdate value" $ do let jsd1 = jsdate_ 2010.0 2.0 31.0 6.0 23.0 1.0 123.0 jsd2 = jsdate_ 2017.0 2.0 1.0 12.0 59.0 42.0 999.0 jsd3 = jsdate_ 2020.0 6.0 31.0 23.0 3.0 59.0 333.0 execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO timestamps (timestamp) VALUES ($1), ($2), ($3) """) (Row3 jsd1 jsd2 jsd3) (timestamps :: Array (Row1 JSDate)) <- query conn (Query """ SELECT * FROM timestamps ORDER BY timestamp ASC """) Row0 pgEqual 3 (length timestamps) liftEffect <<< assert $ all (\(Tuple (Row1 r) e) -> e == r) $ (zip timestamps [jsd1, jsd2, jsd3]) suite "PostgreSQL connection errors" $ do let doNothing _ = pure unit Test.Unit.test "connection refused" do testPool <- liftEffect $ newPool cannotConnectConfig runExceptT (withConnection testPool doNothing) >>= case _ of Left (ConnectionError cause) -> equal cause "ECONNREFUSED" _ -> Test.Unit.failure "foo" Test.Unit.test "no such database" do testPool <- liftEffect $ newPool noSuchDatabaseConfig runExceptT (withConnection testPool doNothing) >>= case _ of Left (ProgrammingError { code, message }) -> equal code "3D000" _ -> Test.Unit.failure "PostgreSQL error was expected" config :: PoolConfiguration config = { user: Nothing , password: Nothing , host: Nothing , port: Nothing , database: "purspg" , max: Nothing , idleTimeoutMillis: Just 1000 } noSuchDatabaseConfig :: PoolConfiguration noSuchDatabaseConfig = config { database = "this-database-does-not-exist" } cannotConnectConfig :: PoolConfiguration cannotConnectConfig = config { host = Just "", port = Just 45287 }