module Test.Main ( main ) where import Prelude import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff, launchAff) import Control.Monad.Aff.AVar (AVAR) import Control.Monad.Aff.Console (CONSOLE) import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff) import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (liftEff) import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (EXCEPTION, error) import Control.Monad.Eff.Now (NOW) import Control.Monad.Error.Class (catchError, throwError, try) import Data.DateTime.Instant (Instant, unInstant) import Data.Decimal as D import Data.Foldable (all) import Data.JSDate (toInstant) import Data.JSDate as JSDate import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust) import Data.Newtype (unwrap) import Database.PostgreSQL (Connection, POSTGRESQL, PoolConfiguration, Query(Query), Row0(Row0), Row1(Row1), Row2(Row2), Row3(Row3), Row9(Row9), execute, newPool, query, scalar, withConnection, withTransaction) import Math ((%)) import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial) import Test.Assert (ASSERT, assert) import Test.Unit (suite) import Test.Unit as Test.Unit import Test.Unit.Console (TESTOUTPUT) import Test.Unit.Main (runTest) withRollback :: ∀ eff . Connection -> Aff (postgreSQL :: POSTGRESQL | eff) Unit -> Aff (postgreSQL :: POSTGRESQL | eff) Unit withRollback conn action = do execute conn (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0 catchError (action >>= const rollback) (\e -> rollback >>= const (throwError e)) where rollback = execute conn (Query "ROLLBACK") Row0 test :: ∀ eff . Connection -> String -> Aff ( postgreSQL :: POSTGRESQL | eff) Unit -> Test.Unit.TestSuite (postgreSQL :: POSTGRESQL | eff) test conn t a = Test.Unit.test t (withRollback conn a) now :: ∀ eff. Eff (now :: NOW | eff) Instant now = unsafePartial $ (fromJust <<< toInstant) <$> main :: ∀ eff. Eff (assert :: ASSERT, avar :: AVAR, console :: CONSOLE, exception :: EXCEPTION, now :: NOW, postgreSQL :: POSTGRESQL, testOutput :: TESTOUTPUT | eff) Unit main = void $ launchAff do pool <- newPool config withConnection pool \conn -> do execute conn (Query """ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foods ( name text NOT NULL, delicious boolean NOT NULL, price NUMERIC(4,2) NOT NULL, added TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (name) ) """) Row0 liftEff $ runTest $ do suite "Postgresql client" $ do let testCount n = do count <- scalar conn (Query """ SELECT count(*) = $1 FROM foods """) (Row1 n) liftEff <<< assert $ count == Just true Test.Unit.test "transaction commit" $ do withTransaction conn do execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) """) (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30")) testCount 1 testCount 1 execute conn (Query """ DELETE FROM foods """) Row0 Test.Unit.test "transaction rollback" $ do _ <- try $ withTransaction conn do execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) """) (Row3 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30")) testCount 1 throwError $ error "fail" testCount 0 let insertFood = execute conn (Query """ INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious, price) VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6), ($7, $8, $9) """) (Row9 "pork" true (D.fromString "8.30") "sauerkraut" false (D.fromString "3.30") "rookworst" true (D.fromString "5.60")) test conn "select column subset" $ do insertFood names <- query conn (Query """ SELECT name, delicious FROM foods WHERE delicious ORDER BY name ASC """) Row0 liftEff <<< assert $ names == [Row2 "pork" true, Row2 "rookworst" true] test conn "select default instant value" $ do before <- liftEff $ (unwrap <<< unInstant) <$> now insertFood added <- query conn (Query """ SELECT added FROM foods """) Row0 after <- liftEff $ (unwrap <<< unInstant) <$> now -- | timestamps are fetched without milliseconds so we have to -- | round before value down liftEff <<< assert $ all (\(Row1 t) -> ( unwrap $ unInstant t) >= (before - before % 1000.0) && after >= (unwrap $ unInstant t)) added test conn "select decimal" $ do insertFood sauerkrautPrice <- query conn (Query """ SELECT price FROM foods WHERE NOT delicious """) Row0 liftEff <<< assert $ sauerkrautPrice == [Row1 (D.fromString "3.30")] config :: PoolConfiguration config = { user: "postgres" , password: "lol123" , host: "" , port: 5432 , database: "purspg" , max: 10 , idleTimeoutMillis: 1000 }