module Database.PostgreSQL ( module Row , module Value , PGError(..) , PGErrorDetail , Database , PoolConfiguration , Pool , Connection , ConnectResult , Query(..) , PgConnectionUri , newPool , connect , withConnection , withTransaction , defaultPoolConfiguration , getDefaultPoolConfigurationByUri , command , execute , query , scalar ) where import Prelude import Control.Monad.Error.Class (catchError, throwError) import Data.Array (head) import Data.Bifunctor (lmap) import Data.Either (Either(..), either, hush) import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow) import Data.Int (fromString) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe) import Data.Newtype (class Newtype) import Data.Nullable (Nullable, toMaybe, toNullable) import Data.String (Pattern(..)) import Data.String as String import Data.String.CodeUnits (singleton) import Data.Traversable (foldMap, traverse) import Database.PostgreSQL.Row (class FromSQLRow, class ToSQLRow, Row0(..), Row1(..), Row10(..), Row11(..), Row12(..), Row13(..), Row14(..), Row15(..), Row16(..), Row17(..), Row18(..), Row19(..), Row2(..), Row3(..), Row4(..), Row5(..), Row6(..), Row7(..), Row8(..), Row9(..), fromSQLRow, toSQLRow) as Row import Database.PostgreSQL.Row (class FromSQLRow, class ToSQLRow, Row0(..), Row1(..), fromSQLRow, toSQLRow) import Database.PostgreSQL.Value (class FromSQLValue) import Database.PostgreSQL.Value (class FromSQLValue, class ToSQLValue, fromSQLValue, instantFromString, instantToString, null, toSQLValue, unsafeIsBuffer) as Value import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Aff (Aff, bracket) import Effect.Aff.Compat (EffectFnAff, fromEffectFnAff) import Effect.Class (liftEffect) import Effect.Exception (Error) import Foreign (Foreign) import Text.Parsing.StringParser (runParser) import Text.Parsing.StringParser.CodePoints (anyChar, char, string) import Text.Parsing.StringParser.Combinators (many, manyTill) type Database = String -- | PostgreSQL connection pool configuration. type PoolConfiguration = { database :: Database , host :: Maybe String , idleTimeoutMillis :: Maybe Int , max :: Maybe Int , password :: Maybe String , port :: Maybe Int , user :: Maybe String } defaultPoolConfiguration :: Database -> PoolConfiguration defaultPoolConfiguration database = { database , host: Nothing , idleTimeoutMillis: Nothing , max: Nothing , password: Nothing , port: Nothing , user: Nothing } type PgConnectionUri = String -- | Get the default pool configuration from postgres connection uri getDefaultPoolConfigurationByUri :: PgConnectionUri -> Maybe PoolConfiguration getDefaultPoolConfigurationByUri uri = hush $ flip runParser uri do _ <- string "postgres://" user <- tillChar (char ':') password <- tillChar (char '@') host <- tillChar (char ':') port <- tillChar (char '/') database <- many anyChar pure { database: toStr database , host: Just $ toStr host , idleTimeoutMillis: Nothing , max: Nothing , password: Just $ toStr password , port: fromString $ toStr port , user: Just $ toStr user } where tillChar = manyTill anyChar toStr = foldMap singleton -- | PostgreSQL connection pool. foreign import data Pool :: Type -- | PostgreSQL connection. foreign import data Connection :: Type -- | PostgreSQL query with parameter (`$1`, `$2`, …) and return types. newtype Query i o = Query String derive instance newtypeQuery :: Newtype (Query i o) _ -- | Create a new connection pool. newPool :: PoolConfiguration -> Effect Pool newPool cfg = ffiNewPool $ cfg' where cfg' = { user: toNullable cfg.user , password: toNullable cfg.password , host: toNullable , port: toNullable cfg.port , database: cfg.database , max: toNullable cfg.max , idleTimeoutMillis: toNullable cfg.idleTimeoutMillis } -- | Configuration which we actually pass to FFI. type PoolConfiguration' = { user :: Nullable String , password :: Nullable String , host :: Nullable String , port :: Nullable Int , database :: String , max :: Nullable Int , idleTimeoutMillis :: Nullable Int } foreign import ffiNewPool :: PoolConfiguration' -> Effect Pool -- | Run an action with a connection. The connection is released to the pool -- | when the action returns. withConnection :: forall a . Pool -> (Either PGError Connection -> Aff a) -> Aff a withConnection p k = bracket (connect p) cleanup run where cleanup (Left _) = pure unit cleanup (Right { done }) = liftEffect done run (Left err) = k (Left err) run (Right { connection }) = k (Right connection) connect :: Pool -> Aff (Either PGError ConnectResult) connect = fromEffectFnAff <<< ffiConnect { nullableLeft: toNullable <<< map Left <<< convertError , right: Right } type ConnectResult = { connection :: Connection , done :: Effect Unit } foreign import ffiConnect :: forall a . { nullableLeft :: Error -> Nullable (Either PGError ConnectResult) , right :: a -> Either PGError ConnectResult } -> Pool -> EffectFnAff (Either PGError ConnectResult) -- | Run an action within a transaction. The transaction is committed if the -- | action returns cleanly, and rolled back if the action throws (either a -- | `PGError` or a JavaScript exception in the Aff context). If you want to -- | change the transaction mode, issue a separate `SET TRANSACTION` statement -- | within the transaction. withTransaction :: forall a . Connection -> Aff a -> Aff (Either PGError a) withTransaction conn action = begin >>= case _ of Nothing → do a ← action `catchError` \jsErr → do void $ rollback throwError jsErr commit >>= case _ of Just pgError → pure (Left pgError) Nothing → pure (Right a) Just pgError → pure (Left pgError) where begin = execute conn (Query "BEGIN TRANSACTION") Row0 commit = execute conn (Query "COMMIT TRANSACTION") Row0 rollback = execute conn (Query "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION") Row0 -- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and discard its results. execute :: forall i o . (ToSQLRow i) => Connection -> Query i o -> i -> Aff (Maybe PGError) execute conn (Query sql) values = hush <<< either Right Left <$> unsafeQuery conn sql (toSQLRow values) -- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and return its results. query :: forall i o . ToSQLRow i => FromSQLRow o => Connection -> Query i o -> i -> Aff (Either PGError (Array o)) query conn (Query sql) values = do r <- unsafeQuery conn sql (toSQLRow values) pure $ r >>= _.rows >>> traverse (fromSQLRow >>> lmap ConversionError) -- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and return the first field of the first row in -- | the result. scalar :: forall i o . ToSQLRow i => FromSQLValue o => Connection -> Query i (Row1 o) -> i -> Aff (Either PGError (Maybe o)) scalar conn sql values = query conn sql values <#> map (head >>> map (case _ of Row1 a -> a)) -- | Execute a PostgreSQL query and return its command tag value -- | (how many rows were affected by the query). This may be useful -- | for example with `DELETE` or `UPDATE` queries. command :: forall i . ToSQLRow i => Connection -> Query i Int -> i -> Aff (Either PGError Int) command conn (Query sql) values = map _.rowCount <$> unsafeQuery conn sql (toSQLRow values) type QueryResult = { rows :: Array (Array Foreign) , rowCount :: Int } unsafeQuery :: Connection -> String -> Array Foreign -> Aff (Either PGError QueryResult) unsafeQuery c s = fromEffectFnAff <<< ffiUnsafeQuery p c s where p = { nullableLeft: toNullable <<< map Left <<< convertError , right: Right } foreign import ffiUnsafeQuery :: { nullableLeft :: Error -> Nullable (Either PGError QueryResult) , right :: QueryResult -> Either PGError QueryResult } -> Connection -> String -> Array Foreign -> EffectFnAff (Either PGError QueryResult) data PGError = ConnectionError String | ConversionError String | InternalError PGErrorDetail | OperationalError PGErrorDetail | ProgrammingError PGErrorDetail | IntegrityError PGErrorDetail | DataError PGErrorDetail | NotSupportedError PGErrorDetail | QueryCanceledError PGErrorDetail | TransactionRollbackError PGErrorDetail derive instance eqPGError :: Eq PGError derive instance genericPGError :: Generic PGError _ instance showPGError :: Show PGError where show = genericShow type PGErrorDetail = { severity :: String , code :: String , message :: String , detail :: String , hint :: String , position :: String , internalPosition :: String , internalQuery :: String , where_ :: String , schema :: String , table :: String , column :: String , dataType :: String , constraint :: String , file :: String , line :: String , routine :: String } foreign import ffiSQLState :: Error -> Nullable String foreign import ffiErrorDetail :: Error -> PGErrorDetail convertError :: Error -> Maybe PGError convertError err = case toMaybe $ ffiSQLState err of Nothing -> Nothing Just sqlState -> Just $ convert sqlState $ ffiErrorDetail err where convert :: String -> PGErrorDetail -> PGError convert s = if prefix "0A" s then NotSupportedError else if prefix "20" s || prefix "21" s then ProgrammingError else if prefix "22" s then DataError else if prefix "23" s then IntegrityError else if prefix "24" s || prefix "25" s then InternalError else if prefix "26" s || prefix "27" s || prefix "28" s then OperationalError else if prefix "2B" s || prefix "2D" s || prefix "2F" s then InternalError else if prefix "34" s then OperationalError else if prefix "38" s || prefix "39" s || prefix "3B" s then InternalError else if prefix "3D" s || prefix "3F" s then ProgrammingError else if prefix "40" s then TransactionRollbackError else if prefix "42" s || prefix "44" s then ProgrammingError else if s == "57014" then QueryCanceledError else if prefix "5" s then OperationalError else if prefix "F" s then InternalError else if prefix "H" s then OperationalError else if prefix "P" s then InternalError else if prefix "X" s then InternalError else const $ ConnectionError s prefix :: String -> String -> Boolean prefix p = maybe false (_ == 0) <<< String.indexOf (Pattern p) -- onIntegrityError :: forall a. PG a -> PG a -> PG a -- onIntegrityError errorResult db = -- catchError db handleError -- where -- handleError e = -- case e of -- IntegrityError _ -> errorResult -- _ -> throwError e