feat: initial commit

This commit is contained in:
orion kindel 2023-12-16 13:09:37 -06:00
parent 136469a6a8
commit b8a82003cc
Signed by: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
8 changed files with 423 additions and 13 deletions


Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -14,5 +14,5 @@
"peerDependencies": {
"typescript": "^5.0.0"
"dependencies": {}
"dependencies": { "big-integer": "^1.6.52" }

View File

@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
- prelude
- aff
- console
- effect
- either
- maybe
- foldable-traversable
- console
- js-bigints
- maybe
- newtype
- node-buffer
- prelude
- quickcheck
- spec-quickcheck
- strings
- stringutils
- transformers
- tuples
- typelevel-prelude
name: project
name: proquint
main: Test.Main
- spec
extra_packages: {}
url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/purescript/package-sets/psc-0.15.10-20230930/packages.json
hash: sha256-nTsd44o7/hrTdk0c6dh0wyBqhFFDJJIeKdQU6L1zv/A=
hash: sha256-hp58GPoH+qX3eUsk2ecoHBZpQ50rFeZCCMTdKkYTr/Y=

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'
/** @type {(offset: number) => (b: Buffer) => bigint} */
export const readBigUInt64BE = off => b => b.readBigUInt64BE(off)
/** @type {(b: bigint) => Buffer} */
export const fromBigUInt64BE = b => {
const buf = Buffer.alloc(8)
return buf

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module Data.Buffer.Immutable.BigInt where
import JS.BigInt (BigInt)
import Node.Buffer.Immutable (ImmutableBuffer)
foreign import readBigUInt64BE :: Int -> ImmutableBuffer -> BigInt
foreign import fromBigUInt64BE :: BigInt -> ImmutableBuffer

src/Data.Proquint.purs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
module Data.Proquint where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (liftMaybe, throwError)
import Data.Array as Array
import JS.BigInt (BigInt)
import Data.Bounded.Generic (genericBottom, genericTop)
import Data.Buffer.Immutable.BigInt as Buffer.Immutable.BigInt
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Enum (class BoundedEnum, class Enum, upFromIncluding)
import Data.Enum.Generic (genericCardinality, genericFromEnum, genericPred, genericSucc, genericToEnum)
import Data.Foldable (intercalate)
import Data.FunctorWithIndex (mapWithIndex)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Int.Bits (shl, shr, (.&.), (.|.))
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Newtype (wrap)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.String as String
import Data.Traversable (for, traverse)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Node.Buffer (Buffer, BufferValueType(..))
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Buffer.Immutable (ImmutableBuffer)
import Node.Buffer.Immutable as Buffer.Immutable
segmentMask :: Int
segmentMask = 65535 -- 0b1111111111111111
conMask :: Int
conMask = 15 -- 0b1111
voMask :: Int
voMask = 3 -- 0b11
data Con
= ConB
| ConD
| ConF
| ConG
| ConH
| ConJ
| ConK
| ConL
| ConM
| ConN
| ConP
| ConR
| ConS
| ConT
| ConV
| ConZ
derive instance Generic Con _
derive instance Ord Con
derive instance Eq Con
instance Show Con where
show = genericShow
instance Enum Con where
pred = genericPred
succ = genericSucc
instance Bounded Con where
bottom = genericBottom
top = genericTop
instance BoundedEnum Con where
cardinality = genericCardinality
toEnum = genericToEnum
fromEnum = genericFromEnum
conBits :: Con -> Int
conBits ConB = 0x0
conBits ConD = 0x1
conBits ConF = 0x2
conBits ConG = 0x3
conBits ConH = 0x4
conBits ConJ = 0x5
conBits ConK = 0x6
conBits ConL = 0x7
conBits ConM = 0x8
conBits ConN = 0x9
conBits ConP = 0xA
conBits ConR = 0xB
conBits ConS = 0xC
conBits ConT = 0xD
conBits ConV = 0xE
conBits ConZ = 0xF
conBitsMap :: Map Int Con
conBitsMap = Map.fromFoldable $ map (\c -> conBits c /\ c) (upFromIncluding bottom :: Array _)
conFromBits :: Int -> Con
conFromBits = fromMaybe ConB <<< flip Map.lookup conBitsMap
conToString :: Con -> String
conToString ConB = "b"
conToString ConD = "d"
conToString ConF = "f"
conToString ConG = "g"
conToString ConH = "h"
conToString ConJ = "j"
conToString ConK = "k"
conToString ConL = "l"
conToString ConM = "m"
conToString ConN = "n"
conToString ConP = "p"
conToString ConR = "r"
conToString ConS = "s"
conToString ConT = "t"
conToString ConV = "v"
conToString ConZ = "z"
conStringMap :: Map String Con
conStringMap = Map.fromFoldable $ map (\c -> conToString c /\ c) (upFromIncluding bottom :: Array _)
conFromString :: String -> Maybe Con
conFromString = flip Map.lookup conStringMap
data Vo
= VoA
| VoI
| VoO
| VoU
derive instance Generic Vo _
derive instance Ord Vo
derive instance Eq Vo
instance Show Vo where
show = genericShow
instance Enum Vo where
pred = genericPred
succ = genericSucc
instance Bounded Vo where
bottom = genericBottom
top = genericTop
instance BoundedEnum Vo where
cardinality = genericCardinality
toEnum = genericToEnum
fromEnum = genericFromEnum
voBits :: Vo -> Int
voBits VoA = 0x0
voBits VoI = 0x1
voBits VoO = 0x2
voBits VoU = 0x3
voBitsMap :: Map Int Vo
voBitsMap = Map.fromFoldable $ map (\c -> voBits c /\ c) (upFromIncluding bottom :: Array _)
voFromBits :: Int -> Vo
voFromBits = fromMaybe VoA <<< flip Map.lookup voBitsMap
voToString :: Vo -> String
voToString VoA = "a"
voToString VoI = "i"
voToString VoO = "o"
voToString VoU = "u"
voStringMap :: Map String Vo
voStringMap = Map.fromFoldable $ map (\c -> voToString c /\ c) (upFromIncluding bottom :: Array _)
voFromString :: String -> Maybe Vo
voFromString = flip Map.lookup voStringMap
data Segment = Segment Con Vo Con Vo Con
derive instance Generic Segment _
derive instance Ord Segment
derive instance Eq Segment
instance Show Segment where
show = genericShow
segmentBits :: Segment -> Int
segmentBits (Segment a b c d e) =
con g = conBits g .&. conMask
vo g = voBits g .&. voMask
bits = shl (con a) 12 .|. shl (vo b) 10 .|. shl (con c) 6 .|. shl (vo d) 4 .|. con e
bits .&. segmentMask
segmentFromBits :: Int -> Segment
segmentFromBits n =
con = conFromBits
vo = voFromBits
(con $ (shr n 12) .&. conMask)
(vo $ (shr n 10) .&. voMask)
(con $ (shr n 6) .&. conMask)
(vo $ (shr n 4) .&. voMask)
(con $ n .&. conMask)
segmentToString :: Segment -> String
segmentToString (Segment a b c d e) =
con = conToString
vo = voToString
con a <> vo b <> con c <> vo d <> con e
segmentFromString :: String -> Either String Segment
segmentFromString s =
chars = map (String.fromCodePointArray <<< pure) $ String.toCodePointArray s
con s' = liftMaybe ("Expected consonant, found " <> s) $ conFromString s'
vo s' = liftMaybe ("Expected vowel, found " <> s) $ voFromString s'
case chars of
[ a, b, c, d, e ] -> pure Segment <*> con a <*> vo b <*> con c <*> vo d <*> con e
_ -> throwError $ "Expected 5-char segment, got " <> s
data Proquint = Proquint (Array Segment)
derive instance Generic Proquint _
derive instance Ord Proquint
derive instance Eq Proquint
instance Show Proquint where
show = genericShow
toString :: Proquint -> String
toString (Proquint segments) = intercalate "-" $ map segmentToString segments
fromString :: String -> Either String Proquint
fromString "" = Right $ Proquint []
fromString s = map Proquint $ traverse segmentFromString $ String.split (wrap "-") s
fromInt :: Int -> Proquint
fromInt n = fromBits $ unsafePerformEffect do
buf <- Buffer.alloc 4
Buffer.write Buffer.UInt32BE (Int.toNumber n) 0 buf
Buffer.freeze buf
toInt :: Proquint -> Maybe Int
toInt pq@(Proquint segs)
| Array.length segs <= 2 = Int.fromNumber $ Buffer.Immutable.read UInt32BE 0 $ toBits pq
| otherwise = Nothing
toBigInt :: Proquint -> Maybe BigInt
toBigInt pq@(Proquint segs)
| Array.length segs <= 4 = Just $ Buffer.Immutable.BigInt.readBigUInt64BE 0 $ toBits pq
| otherwise = Nothing
fromBigInt :: BigInt -> Proquint
fromBigInt b = fromBits $ Buffer.Immutable.BigInt.fromBigUInt64BE b
toBits :: Proquint -> ImmutableBuffer
toBits (Proquint segments) = unsafePerformEffect do
buf <- Buffer.alloc (2 * Array.length segments)
segmentsIndexed = mapWithIndex (\x s -> x /\ s) segments
void $ for segmentsIndexed \(x /\ s) ->
(Int.toNumber $ segmentBits s)
(x * 2)
Buffer.freeze buf
fromBits :: ImmutableBuffer -> Proquint
fromBits buf =
len = Buffer.Immutable.size buf
octet x = fromMaybe 0 $ Buffer.Immutable.getAtOffset x buf
octets x = (shl (octet x) 8) .|. octet (x + 1)
go segs x
| x >= len = segs
| otherwise = go (segs <> [ segmentFromBits $ octets x ]) (x + 2)
Proquint $ go [] 0

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
main :: Effect Unit
main = pure unit

test/Test.Main.purs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Gen (suchThat)
import Data.Array as Array
import JS.BigInt (BigInt)
import JS.BigInt as BigInt
import Data.Buffer.Immutable.BigInt as Buffer.Immutable.BigInt
import Data.Char as Char
import Data.Char.Gen (genDigitChar)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (intercalate)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, wrap)
import Data.Proquint (Con, Proquint(..), Segment(..), Vo)
import Data.Proquint as PQ
import Data.String as String
import Data.String.CodePoints as String.CodePoint
import Data.Traversable (sequence)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Node.Buffer as Buffer
import Node.Buffer.Immutable as Buffer.Immutable
import Node.Encoding (Encoding(..))
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Test.QuickCheck (class Arbitrary, arbitrary, (===))
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (genericArbitrary)
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (Gen, arrayOf, enum, resize)
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen as Gen
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import Test.Spec.QuickCheck (quickCheck)
import Test.Spec.Reporter (consoleReporter)
import Test.Spec.Runner (runSpec)
genCon :: Gen Con
genCon = enum
genVo :: Gen Vo
genVo = enum
genSegment :: Gen Segment
genSegment = pure Segment <*> genCon <*> genVo <*> genCon <*> genVo <*> genCon
genProquint :: Gen Proquint
genProquint = pure Proquint <*> arrayOf genSegment
genProquint64 :: Gen Proquint
genProquint64 = pure Proquint <*> (sequence $ Array.replicate 4 genSegment)
genBigInt :: Gen BigInt
genBigInt =
bigintFromString = unsafePartial fromJust <<< BigInt.fromString
boolArrayToBinary = append "0b" <<< intercalate "" <<< map bit
bit true = "1"
bit false = "0"
map (bigintFromString <<< boolArrayToBinary) $ sequence $ Array.replicate 64 (arbitrary @Boolean)
newtype TestCon = TestCon Con
derive instance Newtype TestCon _
derive instance Generic TestCon _
instance Arbitrary TestCon where
arbitrary = wrap <$> enum
newtype TestVo = TestVo Vo
derive instance Newtype TestVo _
derive instance Generic TestVo _
instance Arbitrary TestVo where
arbitrary = wrap <$> enum
newtype TestSegment = TestSegment Segment
derive instance Newtype TestSegment _
derive instance Generic TestSegment _
instance Arbitrary TestSegment where
arbitrary = wrap <$> genSegment
newtype TestProquint = TestProquint Proquint
derive instance Newtype TestProquint _
derive instance Generic TestProquint _
instance Arbitrary TestProquint where
arbitrary = wrap <$> genProquint
newtype TestBigInt = TestBigInt BigInt
derive instance Newtype TestBigInt _
derive instance Generic TestBigInt _
instance Arbitrary TestBigInt where
arbitrary = wrap <$> genBigInt
main :: Effect Unit
main =
launchAff_ $ runSpec [ consoleReporter ] do
describe "Data.Proquint" do
it "(toString >>> fromString) === Right"
$ quickCheck \(TestProquint pq) -> PQ.fromString (PQ.toString pq) === Right pq
it "(toBits >>> fromBits) === identity"
$ quickCheck \(TestProquint pq) -> PQ.fromBits (PQ.toBits pq) === pq
it "(fromBigInt >>> toBigInt) === Just"
$ quickCheck \(TestBigInt bi) -> PQ.toBigInt (PQ.fromBigInt bi) === Just bi