feat: asyncGet, docs

This commit is contained in:
orion 2023-11-22 09:36:33 -06:00
parent 4f7e9399f3
commit 82b8af2a94
Signed by: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719

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@ -25,61 +25,42 @@ import Effect.Aff.Unlift (class MonadUnliftAff)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect) import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)
import Effect.Unlift (class MonadUnliftEffect) import Effect.Unlift (class MonadUnliftEffect)
-- | Computations with a mutable value of type `s` that may be evaluated in parallel -- | Concurrency-safe monads with shared mutable state of type `s`
-- | class MonadAsyncState :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> ((Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) -> Constraint
-- | A `MonadStateAsync` will have access to a single state value of type `s`, class (Monad m, MonadTrans t, MonadAsk (w s) (t m)) <= MonadAsyncState w s m t | m -> w, m -> s, t -> m
-- | and many computations may be executed concurrently accessing the same state.
-- |
-- | When a computation wishes to **read** the state, it will block until
-- | it's safe to read (when "it's safe to read" depends on the cell type; `Mutex` or `RwLock`)
-- | then it will have access to the state for a brief time.
-- |
-- | When a computation wishes to **write** a new value to the state, it will block
-- | until **exclusive** writable access is guaranteed; when a computation has this type
-- | of access no other computations will be able to read from or write to the state.
-- |
-- | Errors yielded by `MonadThrow` will be re-thrown after releasing any locks
-- | still held when the error was thrown.
-- |
-- | ### Safe vs unsafe state types
-- | Care should be taken when state types are used that are not structurally immutable,
-- | e.g. `Foreign.Object.Object` or similar mutable raw JS types.
-- |
-- | Since "reading" an object reference is no different from obtaining writable access to that
-- | object, it is possible to leak a mutable reference to the data contained in the cell from a read lock.
-- |
-- | To avoid this, ensure that state updates via `asyncPut`, `asyncModify`, and `asyncWrite`
-- | perform complete replacements with deep cloned state values and do not evaluate mutable
-- | effects against the state contained in the cell.
-- |
-- | ### Types
-- | - `w :: Type -> Type` e.g. `RwLock`
-- | - a concurrency-safe mutable wrapper (`AsyncState`)
-- | - `wl :: Type -> Type` e.g. `WriteGuard`
-- | - lock structure for writable access to the data in `w`
-- | - `rl :: Type -> Type` e.g. `ReadGuard`
-- | - lock structure for readable access to the data in `w`
-- | - `s :: Type`
-- | - type of state contained in `w`
-- | - `m :: Type -> Type` e.g. `Aff`
-- | - any `MonadAff`
-- | - `t` e.g. `AsyncStateT`
-- | - The monad transformer that implements this typeclass
-- |
-- | ### Operations
-- | _**Note**: all asyncX functions will block if necessary until their lock is obtained. Non-blocking versions are available as `asyncTryX`._
-- | - `asyncRead` - Reads the state value. Note that for `Mutex` concurrent `asyncRead`s will be executed serially, for `RwLock` concurrent `asyncRead`s will be executed in parallel
-- | - `asyncWrite` - Compute a new state & an arbitrary value based on the current state, commit the new state, and return the value
-- | - `asyncModify` - Compute a new state based on the current state & commit the new state
-- | - `asyncPut` - Discard the current state & replace with a new state value
-- | - `ask` (from `MonadReader`) - Get direct access to the raw Mutex / RwLock / etc.
class MonadAsyncState :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> ((Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class (MonadTrans t, MonadAff (t m), MonadAff m, AsyncState w wwl wrl, MonadAsk (w s) (t m)) <= MonadAsyncState w wwl wrl s m t | w -> wwl, w -> wrl, m -> w, m -> s, t -> m
-- | Block until exclusive write access may be obtained, -- | Write a new state
-- | execute a computation that returns the new state (and an arbitrary value of any type), -- |
-- | then write the new state and release the lock. -- | Blocks until write lock is acquired,
asyncWrite :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => (s -> m (a /\ s)) -> t m a -- | then commits the provided state value (discarding the previous state).
asyncPut :: forall w wl rl s m t e. AsyncState w wl rl => MonadAff (t m) => MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w s m t => s -> t m Unit
asyncPut = asyncWrite <<< const <<< pure <<< (unit /\ _)
-- | Write a new state
-- |
-- | If write lock may be immediately acquired,
-- | commits the provided state value (discarding the previous state) and returns `Just`.
-- |
-- | Otherwise, returns `Nothing`.
asyncTryPut :: forall w wl rl s m t e. AsyncState w wl rl => MonadAff (t m) => MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w s m t => s -> t m (Maybe Unit)
asyncTryPut = asyncTryWrite <<< const <<< pure <<< (unit /\ _)
-- | Write a new state
-- |
-- | Blocks until exclusive write access may be obtained, then invokes the provided
-- | state update function with the current state value.
-- |
-- | If the state update function succeeds, the new state value will be committed and the extra
-- | tuple value `a` will be returned.
-- |
-- | If the state update function throws, the error will be rethrown after releasing the write lock.
-- |
-- | ### Returning state values
-- | Note that if you return the state value from the state update function, it is
-- | strongly recommended that you ensure all state updates perform structurally immutable
-- | updates rather than in-place mutation so that the object reference is not affected by
-- | valid state updates performed by other concurrent computations.
asyncWrite :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. MonadAff (t m) => AsyncState w wl rl => MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w s m t => (s -> m (a /\ s)) -> t m a
asyncWrite f = do asyncWrite f = do
state <- ask state <- ask
lock :: wl s <- State.lock state lock :: wl s <- State.lock state
@ -89,11 +70,13 @@ asyncWrite f = do
State.unlock state lock State.unlock state lock
fst <$> liftEither e fst <$> liftEither e
-- | Non-blocking version of `asyncWrite` -- | Write a new state
-- | -- |
-- | If obtaining write access would block, instead -- | Immediately acquires a write lock if possible, then behaves like `asyncWrite`
-- | returns `Nothing` and does not evaluate the closure. -- | and returns `Just`.
asyncTryWrite :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => (s -> m (a /\ s)) -> t m (Maybe a) -- |
-- | If a lock was not available immediately, does not block and returns `Nothing`
asyncTryWrite :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAff (t m) => AsyncState w wl rl => MonadAsyncState w s m t => (s -> m (a /\ s)) -> t m (Maybe a)
asyncTryWrite f = do asyncTryWrite f = do
state <- ask state <- ask
lockM :: Maybe (wl s) <- State.tryLock state lockM :: Maybe (wl s) <- State.tryLock state
@ -104,22 +87,61 @@ asyncTryWrite f = do
State.unlock state lock State.unlock state lock
fst <$> liftEither e fst <$> liftEither e
-- | Obtain exclusive access to writing the state, execute a computation that returns the new state, -- | Write a new state
-- | then write the new state and release the lock. -- |
asyncModify :: forall w wl rl s m t e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => (s -> m s) -> t m Unit -- | Blocks until exclusive write access may be obtained, then invokes the provided
-- | state update function with the current state value.
-- |
-- | If the state update function succeeds, the new state value will be committed.
-- |
-- | If the state update function throws, the error will be rethrown after releasing the write lock.
asyncModify :: forall w wl rl s m t e. AsyncState w wl rl => MonadAff (t m) => MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w s m t => (s -> m s) -> t m Unit
asyncModify f = asyncWrite (map (unit /\ _) <<< f) asyncModify f = asyncWrite (map (unit /\ _) <<< f)
-- | Non-blocking version of `asyncModify` -- | Write a new state
-- | -- |
-- | If obtaining write access would block, instead -- | Immediately acquires a write lock if possible, then behaves like `asyncModify`
-- | returns `Nothing` and does not evaluate the closure. -- | and returns `Just`.
asyncTryModify :: forall w wl rl s m t e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => (s -> m s) -> t m (Maybe Unit) -- |
-- | If a lock was not available immediately, does not block and returns `Nothing`
asyncTryModify :: forall w wl rl s m t e. AsyncState w wl rl => MonadAff (t m) => MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w s m t => (s -> m s) -> t m (Maybe Unit)
asyncTryModify f = asyncTryWrite (map (unit /\ _) <<< f) asyncTryModify f = asyncTryWrite (map (unit /\ _) <<< f)
-- | Obtains a read lock (for `Mutex` this is exclusive; for `RwLock` many reads may be executed in parallel) -- | Get the current state
-- | and execute a computation that has read lock access to the state value. After the computation finishes, -- |
-- | the read lock will be released. -- | Blocks until a read lock may be acquired, then returns the current state.
asyncRead :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => (s -> m a) -> t m a -- |
-- | ### Returning state values
-- | Note that if you return the state value from the state update function, it is
-- | strongly recommended that you ensure all state updates perform structurally immutable
-- | updates rather than in-place mutation so that the object reference is not affected by
-- | valid state updates performed by other concurrent computations.
asyncGet :: forall w wl rl s m t e. AsyncState w wl rl => MonadAff (t m) => MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w s m t => t m s
asyncGet = asyncRead pure
-- | If a read lock may be acquired immediately, acquires it and returns the current
-- | state in `Just`.
-- |
-- | Otherwise returns `Nothing`.
-- |
-- | ### Returning state values
-- | Note that if you return the state value from the state update function, it is
-- | strongly recommended that you ensure all state updates perform structurally immutable
-- | updates rather than in-place mutation so that the object reference is not affected by
-- | valid state updates performed by other concurrent computations.
asyncTryGet :: forall w wl rl s m t e. AsyncState w wl rl => MonadAff (t m) => MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w s m t => t m (Maybe s)
asyncTryGet = asyncTryRead pure
-- | Get the current state
-- |
-- | Blocks until a read lock may be acquired, then applies a mapping function to the current state.
-- |
-- | ### Returning state values
-- | Note that if you return the state value from the state update function, it is
-- | strongly recommended that you ensure all state updates perform structurally immutable
-- | updates rather than in-place mutation so that the object reference is not affected by
-- | valid state updates performed by other concurrent computations.
asyncRead :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. AsyncState w wl rl => MonadAff (t m) => MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w s m t => (s -> m a) -> t m a
asyncRead f = do asyncRead f = do
state <- ask state <- ask
lock :: rl s <- State.lock state lock :: rl s <- State.lock state
@ -128,11 +150,19 @@ asyncRead f = do
State.unlock state lock State.unlock state lock
liftEither e liftEither e
-- | Non-blocking version of `asyncRead` -- | Get the current state
-- | -- |
-- | If obtaining read access would block, instead -- | If a read lock may be immediately acquired, acquires the lock then applies
-- | returns `Nothing` and does not evaluate the closure. -- | a mapping function to the current state, returning `Just`.
asyncTryRead :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => (s -> m a) -> t m (Maybe a) -- |
-- | Otherwise returns `Nothing`.
-- |
-- | ### Returning state values
-- | Note that if you return the state value from the state update function, it is
-- | strongly recommended that you ensure all state updates perform structurally immutable
-- | updates rather than in-place mutation so that the object reference is not affected by
-- | valid state updates performed by other concurrent computations.
asyncTryRead :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. AsyncState w wl rl => MonadAff (t m) => MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w s m t => (s -> m a) -> t m (Maybe a)
asyncTryRead f = do asyncTryRead f = do
state <- ask state <- ask
lockM :: Maybe (rl s) <- State.tryLock state lockM :: Maybe (rl s) <- State.tryLock state
@ -142,18 +172,6 @@ asyncTryRead f = do
State.unlock state lock State.unlock state lock
liftEither e liftEither e
-- | Discard the existing state and replace it with a new value.
-- |
-- | Blocks if necessary until write access is obtained.
asyncPut :: forall w wl rl s m t e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => s -> t m Unit
asyncPut = asyncWrite <<< const <<< pure <<< (unit /\ _)
-- | Non-blocking version of `asyncPut`, returning `Just unit` if
-- | write access can be obtained without blocking.
-- | Otherwise, returns `Nothing`.
asyncTryPut :: forall w wl rl s m t e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => s -> t m (Maybe Unit)
asyncTryPut = asyncTryWrite <<< const <<< pure <<< (unit /\ _)
-- | Implementation of `MonadAsyncState` -- | Implementation of `MonadAsyncState`
newtype AsyncStateT :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type newtype AsyncStateT :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype AsyncStateT w s m ma = AsyncStateT (ReaderT (w s) m ma) newtype AsyncStateT w s m ma = AsyncStateT (ReaderT (w s) m ma)
@ -189,7 +207,7 @@ instance (MonadBracket e f m) => MonadBracket e f (AsyncStateT w s m) where
uninterruptible a = wrap $ uninterruptible $ unwrap a uninterruptible a = wrap $ uninterruptible $ unwrap a
never = wrap never never = wrap never
instance (AsyncState w wl rl, MonadAff m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m (AsyncStateT w s) instance (AsyncState w wl rl, MonadAff m) => MonadAsyncState w s m (AsyncStateT w s)
-- | `AsyncStateT` pinned to use `RwLock` -- | `AsyncStateT` pinned to use `RwLock`
type RwLockStateT s m = AsyncStateT RwLock s m type RwLockStateT s m = AsyncStateT RwLock s m