feat: initial commit

This commit is contained in:
orion kindel 2023-11-01 20:13:31 -05:00
commit f9ac85dfe4
Signed by: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
12 changed files with 512 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

.prettierrc.cjs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module.exports = {
tabWidth: 2,
trailingComma: 'all',
singleQuote: true,
semi: false,
arrowParens: 'avoid',
plugins: [],

.tool-versions Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
bun 1.0.3
purescript 0.15.12
nodejs 20.8.0

bun/fmt.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
/** @type {(parser: string, ps: string[]) => import("bun").Subprocess} */
const prettier = (parser, ps) =>
Bun.spawn(['bun', 'x', 'prettier', '--write', '--parser', parser, ...ps], {
stdout: 'inherit',
stderr: 'inherit',
const procs = [
prettier('babel', ['./src/**/*.js', './bun/**/*.js', './.prettierrc.cjs']),
prettier('json', ['./package.json', './jsconfig.json']),
prettier('sh', ['./Dockerfile']),
stdout: 'inherit',
stderr: 'inherit',
await Promise.all(procs.map(p => p.exited))

jsconfig.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["bun-types"],
"lib": ["esnext"],
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"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "bundler",
"moduleDetection": "force",
"jsx": "react",
"allowJs": true,
"checkJs": true,
"noEmit": true,
"strict": true
"include": ["tmp.js", "src/**/*.js", "bun/**/*.js"]

package.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"name": "@ts/scraper",
"private": true,
"module": "index.js",
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"fmt": "bun bun/fmt.js"
"devDependencies": {
"bun-types": "latest",
"purs-tidy": "^0.10.0",
"spago": "next"
"peerDependencies": {
"typescript": "^5.0.0"
"dependencies": {}

spago.yaml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- aff
- arrays
- avar
- console
name: sync
main: Test.Main
- spec
url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/purescript/package-sets/psc-0.15.10-20230930/packages.json
hash: sha256-nTsd44o7/hrTdk0c6dh0wyBqhFFDJJIeKdQU6L1zv/A=

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
module Control.Monad.State.Async where
import Prelude
import Control.Alt (class Alt)
import Control.Alternative (class Alternative, class Plus)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadError, class MonadThrow, liftEither, try)
import Control.Monad.Fork.Class (class MonadBracket, class MonadFork, class MonadKill, bracket, kill, never, uninterruptible)
import Control.Monad.Reader (class MonadAsk, ReaderT(..), ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (class MonadTrans, lift)
import Control.Parallel (class Parallel, parallel, sequential)
import Data.Async.Class (class AsyncState)
import Data.Async.Class as State
import Data.Async.Mutex (Mutex(..))
import Data.Async.RwLock (RwLock(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap, wrap)
import Data.Traversable (for, for_)
import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect)
-- | A monadic context with some mutable state `s`
-- | that is in a concurrency-safe `AsyncState` wrapper `w`
-- |
-- | Supports the following operations:
-- | - `asyncTryRead` - Read the state as it is now, returning `Nothing` if the resource is currently locked
-- | - `asyncRead` - Read the state, blocking if the resource is locked
-- | - `asyncWrite` - Map the state's value, blocking if the resource is locked
-- | - `ask` - Direct access to the low-level `AsyncState`
class MonadAsyncState :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> ((Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class (MonadTrans t, MonadAff (t m), MonadAff m, AsyncState w wwl wrl, MonadAsk (w s) (t m)) <= MonadAsyncState w wwl wrl s m t | w -> wwl, w -> wrl, m -> w, m -> s, t -> m
asyncTryRead :: forall w wl rl s m t. MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => t m (Maybe s)
asyncTryRead = do
state <- ask
readLock :: Maybe (rl s) <- State.tryLock state
snap <- for readLock (State.read state)
for_ readLock (State.unlock state)
pure snap
asyncWrite :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => (s -> m (a /\ s)) -> t m a
asyncWrite f = do
state <- ask
lock :: wl s <- State.lock state
s <- State.read state lock
e <- try $ lift $ f s
for_ e (State.write state lock <<< snd)
State.unlock state lock
fst <$> liftEither e
asyncModify :: forall w wl rl s m t e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => (s -> m s) -> t m Unit
asyncModify f = asyncWrite (map (unit /\ _) <<< f)
asyncRead :: forall w wl rl s m t a e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => (s -> m a) -> t m a
asyncRead f = do
state <- ask
lock :: rl s <- State.lock state
s <- State.read state lock
e <- try $ lift $ f s
State.unlock state lock
liftEither e
asyncPut :: forall w wl rl s m t e. MonadError e (t m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m t => s -> t m Unit
asyncPut = asyncWrite <<< const <<< pure <<< (unit /\ _)
-- | Implementor of `MonadAsyncState` usable with any `AsyncState` structure.
newtype AsyncStateT :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype AsyncStateT w s m ma = AsyncStateT (ReaderT (w s) m ma)
derive instance Newtype (AsyncStateT w s m ma) _
derive newtype instance MonadTrans (AsyncStateT w s)
derive newtype instance (Alternative m) => Alternative (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (Alt m) => Alt (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (Plus m) => Plus (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (Applicative m) => Applicative (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (Apply m) => Apply (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (Bind m) => Bind (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (Functor m) => Functor (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (Monad m) => Monad (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (Monad m) => MonadAsk (w s) (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (MonadEffect m) => MonadEffect (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (MonadAff m) => MonadAff (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (MonadThrow e m) => MonadThrow e (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (MonadError e m) => MonadError e (AsyncStateT w s m)
derive newtype instance (MonadFork f m) => MonadFork f (AsyncStateT w s m)
instance (Parallel f m) => Parallel (AsyncStateT w s f) (AsyncStateT w s m) where
parallel a = wrap $ parallel $ unwrap a
sequential a = wrap $ sequential $ unwrap a
instance (MonadError e m, MonadKill e f m) => MonadKill e f (AsyncStateT w s m) where
kill e f = wrap $ kill e f
instance (MonadBracket e f m) => MonadBracket e f (AsyncStateT w s m) where
bracket a f c = wrap $ bracket (unwrap a) (\fa fb -> unwrap $ f fa fb) (unwrap <<< c)
uninterruptible a = wrap $ uninterruptible $ unwrap a
never = wrap never
instance (AsyncState w wl rl, MonadAff m) => MonadAsyncState w wl rl s m (AsyncStateT w s)
type RwLockStateT s m = AsyncStateT RwLock s m
type MutexStateT s m = AsyncStateT Mutex s m
runAsyncState :: forall w wl rl s m ma. MonadAff m => AsyncState w wl rl => s -> AsyncStateT w s m ma -> m ma
runAsyncState s (AsyncStateT (ReaderT f)) = f =<< State.boxed s
runMutexState :: forall s m ma. MonadAff m => s -> MutexStateT s m ma -> m ma
runMutexState s (AsyncStateT (ReaderT f)) = f =<< State.boxed s
runRwLockState :: forall s m ma. MonadAff m => s -> RwLockStateT s m ma -> m ma
runRwLockState s (AsyncStateT (ReaderT f)) = f =<< State.boxed s

src/Data.Async.Class.purs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
module Data.Async.Class where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
-- | Acquire a lock that guarantees access to mutable state
-- |
-- | Care must be taken to release locks when errors are raised
-- | to not cause deadlocks.
-- |
-- | Consider using a high-level structure like `AsyncStateT`,
-- | which will automatically acquire and release locks when errors
-- | occur.
class AsyncStateLock :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class AsyncStateLock m lock | lock -> m where
-- | Attempt to synchronously acquire a lock, returning `Nothing`
-- | if a call to `lock` would have blocked.
tryLock :: forall async a. MonadAff async => m a -> async (Maybe (lock a))
-- | Block the current `Aff`-like computation until a lock may
-- | be acquired.
lock :: forall async a. MonadAff async => m a -> async (lock a)
-- | Release the lock, unblocking other threads.
-- |
-- | Repeated calls to `unlock` or calls to `unlock` on the wrong
-- | AsyncState `m` may either silently fail or raise an error.
-- |
-- | Implementations must raise an error if using a lock is attempted after
-- | `unlock` has been invoked.
unlock :: forall async a. MonadAff async => m a -> lock a -> async Unit
-- | A lock type that supports writing data to the mutable state.
-- |
-- | Writable locks must also be Readable.
class AsyncStateWritable :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class (AsyncStateReadable m lock) <= AsyncStateWritable m lock | lock -> m where
-- | Write a new value into `m`
write :: forall a async. MonadAff async => m a -> lock a -> a -> async Unit
-- | A lock type that supports reading data from the mutable state
class AsyncStateReadable :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class AsyncStateReadable m lock | lock -> m where
-- | Read the current value in `m`
read :: forall a async. MonadAff async => m a -> lock a -> async a
-- | Mutable state that supports concurrent access.
-- |
-- | Implementors may use separate read & write guard types
-- | (ex. `RwLock`) or use a single guard type for both reading
-- | and writing (ex. `Mutex`)
class AsyncState :: (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class (AsyncStateReadable m readLock, AsyncStateReadable m writeLock, AsyncStateWritable m writeLock, AsyncStateLock m writeLock, AsyncStateLock m readLock) <= AsyncState m writeLock readLock | writeLock -> m, readLock -> m, m -> readLock, m -> writeLock where
-- | Create an `m` with initial value `a`
boxed :: forall async a. MonadAff async => a -> async (m a)

src/Data.Async.Mutex.purs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module Data.Async.Mutex (Mutex, MutexGuard) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (liftMaybe, throwError)
import Data.Async.Class (class AsyncState, class AsyncStateLock, class AsyncStateReadable, class AsyncStateWritable, read)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Traversable (for, for_, traverse)
import Effect.Aff.AVar (AVar)
import Effect.Aff.AVar as AVar
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console as Console
import Effect.Exception (error)
-- | A lock guaranteeing exclusive access to
-- | the data contained within a `Mutex`
data MutexGuard a = MutexGuard (AVar a)
-- | Mutable state guaranteeing mutually exclusive
-- | access to the data of type `a`.
-- |
-- | There will be at most 1 thread with access to
-- | the data contained in the mutex at a time.
data Mutex a = Mutex (AVar a)
instance AsyncState Mutex MutexGuard MutexGuard where
boxed = liftAff <<< map Mutex <<< AVar.new
instance AsyncStateReadable Mutex MutexGuard where
read _ (MutexGuard cell) = liftAff $ liftMaybe (error "MutexGuard used after `unlock`!") =<< AVar.tryRead cell
instance AsyncStateWritable Mutex MutexGuard where
write _ (MutexGuard cell) s = liftAff $ (const $ AVar.put s cell) =<< liftMaybe (error "MutexGuard used after `unlock`!") =<< AVar.tryTake cell
instance AsyncStateLock Mutex MutexGuard where
unlock (Mutex stateCell) (MutexGuard localStateCell) = liftAff do
state <- AVar.tryTake localStateCell
when (isNothing state) $ throwError $ error "MutexGuard unlocked already!"
for_ state (flip AVar.put stateCell)
lock (Mutex stateCell) = liftAff do
state <- AVar.take stateCell
MutexGuard <$> AVar.new state
tryLock (Mutex stateCell) = liftAff do
state <- AVar.tryTake stateCell
for state (map MutexGuard <<< AVar.new)

src/Data.Async.RwLock.purs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
module Data.Async.RwLock (RwLock, ReadGuard, WriteGuard) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (liftMaybe, throwError)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Async.Class (class AsyncState, class AsyncStateLock, class AsyncStateReadable, class AsyncStateWritable, lock)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, wrap)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Traversable (for, for_)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_, makeAff)
import Effect.Aff.AVar (AVar)
import Effect.Aff.AVar as AVar
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
data ReadGuard :: Type -> Type
data ReadGuard a = ReadGuard ReaderId a
data WriteGuard :: Type -> Type
data WriteGuard a = WriteGuard (AVar a)
newtype ReaderId = ReaderId Int
derive instance Newtype ReaderId _
derive newtype instance Semiring ReaderId
derive newtype instance Show ReaderId
derive newtype instance Eq ReaderId
derive newtype instance Ord ReaderId
newtype ReaderCount = ReaderCount Int
derive instance Newtype ReaderCount _
-- | A mutable location in memory with guaranteed exclusive access to
-- | any number of readers or a single writer
data RwLock a = RwLock
{ nextReaderId :: AVar ReaderId
, readers :: AVar (Set ReaderId)
, writerQueue :: AVar (Array (Effect Unit))
, state :: AVar a
makeReadGuard :: forall a. AVar ReaderId -> AVar (Set ReaderId) -> AVar a -> a -> Aff (ReadGuard a)
makeReadGuard nextReaderIdCell readersCell stateCell state = do
nextReaderId <- AVar.take nextReaderIdCell
ids <- AVar.take readersCell
AVar.put (nextReaderId + ReaderId 1) nextReaderIdCell
AVar.put (Set.insert nextReaderId ids) readersCell
AVar.put state stateCell
pure $ ReadGuard nextReaderId state
mayWrite :: AVar (Array (Effect Unit)) -> Aff Unit
mayWrite writerQCell = do
writerQueue <- AVar.take writerQCell
liftEffect $ for_ (Array.head writerQueue) identity
AVar.put (fromMaybe [] $ Array.tail writerQueue) writerQCell
instance AsyncState RwLock WriteGuard ReadGuard where
boxed a = liftAff do
state <- AVar.new a
nextReaderId <- AVar.new $ wrap 1
readers <- AVar.new Set.empty
writerQueue <- AVar.new mempty
pure $ RwLock { state, nextReaderId, readers, writerQueue }
instance AsyncStateWritable RwLock WriteGuard where
write _ (WriteGuard stateCell) s =
$ const (AVar.put s stateCell)
=<< liftMaybe (error "WriteGuard used after `unlock` invoked!")
=<< AVar.tryTake stateCell
instance AsyncStateReadable RwLock WriteGuard where
read _ (WriteGuard stateCell) =
$ liftMaybe (error "WriteGuard used after `unlock` invoked!")
=<< AVar.tryRead stateCell
instance AsyncStateReadable RwLock ReadGuard where
read (RwLock { readers: readersCell }) (ReadGuard id a) = liftAff do
readers <- AVar.read readersCell
when (not $ Set.member id readers) $ throwError $ error "ReadGuard used after `unlock` invoked!"
pure a
instance AsyncStateLock RwLock ReadGuard where
unlock (RwLock { readers: readersCell, writerQueue: writerQCell }) (ReadGuard id _) = liftAff do
readers <- Set.delete id <$> AVar.take readersCell
AVar.put readers readersCell
when (readers == Set.empty) $ mayWrite writerQCell
tryLock (RwLock { readers: readersCell, state: stateCell, nextReaderId: nextReaderIdCell }) = liftAff do
stateM <- AVar.tryTake stateCell
for stateM $ makeReadGuard nextReaderIdCell readersCell stateCell
lock (RwLock { readers: readersCell, state: stateCell, nextReaderId: nextReaderIdCell }) = liftAff do
state <- AVar.take stateCell
makeReadGuard nextReaderIdCell readersCell stateCell state
instance AsyncStateLock RwLock WriteGuard where
unlock (RwLock { writerQueue: writerQCell, state: rwLockStateCell }) (WriteGuard localStateCell) = liftAff do
state <- AVar.take localStateCell
AVar.put state rwLockStateCell
mayWrite writerQCell
tryLock (RwLock { readers: readersCell, state: stateCell }) = liftAff do
readers <- AVar.take readersCell
if readers == Set.empty then do
stateM <- AVar.tryTake stateCell
AVar.put readers readersCell
for stateM (map WriteGuard <<< AVar.new)
else do
AVar.put readers readersCell
pure Nothing
lock rw@(RwLock { writerQueue: writerQCell, readers: readersCell, state: stateCell }) = liftAff do
blockOnWritable_ cb = do
launchAff_ do
writerQ <- AVar.take writerQCell
AVar.put (writerQ <> [ cb $ Right unit ]) writerQCell
pure unit
pure mempty
blockOnWritable = makeAff blockOnWritable_
onWritable = do
state <- AVar.take stateCell
WriteGuard <$> AVar.new state
readers <- AVar.take readersCell
if readers == Set.empty then do
AVar.put readers readersCell
else do
AVar.put readers readersCell
lock rw

test/Test.Main.purs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (try)
import Control.Monad.State.Async (AsyncStateT, asyncModify, asyncPut, asyncRead, runAsyncState)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Parallel (parallel, sequential)
import Data.Async.Class (class AsyncState)
import Data.Async.Mutex (Mutex)
import Data.Async.RwLock (RwLock)
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Data.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Newtype (wrap)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, delay, launchAff_)
import Test.Spec (SpecT, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual, shouldSatisfy)
import Test.Spec.Reporter (consoleReporter)
import Test.Spec.Runner (runSpec)
common :: forall @w wl rl. AsyncState w wl rl => SpecT Aff Unit Identity Unit
common = do
it "does not throw" $ runAsyncState unit (pure @(AsyncStateT w Unit Aff) unit)
it "supports single-threaded state manipulation" do
runAsyncState 0 do
pure @(AsyncStateT w Int Aff) unit
flip shouldSatisfy isLeft =<< try (asyncRead $ shouldEqual 1)
asyncPut 1
asyncRead $ shouldEqual 1
asyncModify $ \n -> pure $ n + 2
asyncRead $ shouldEqual 3
it "supports concurrent state manipulation" do
t1 = parallel do
lift $ delay $ wrap 50.0
( \s -> do
delay $ wrap 100.0
pure $ s <> "john"
pure unit
t2 = parallel do
asyncPut "hello, "
lift $ delay $ wrap 60.0
asyncModify (pure <<< (_ <> "!"))
pure unit
runAsyncState "" do
pure @(AsyncStateT w String Aff) unit
sequential (pure (\_ _ -> unit) <*> t1 <*> t2)
asyncRead (shouldEqual "hello, john!")
main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ $ runSpec [ consoleReporter ] do
describe "AsyncStateT" do
describe "MutexStateT" do
common @Mutex
describe "RwLockStateT" do
common @RwLock