fix: initial commit

This commit is contained in:
orion 2023-11-26 15:59:53 -06:00
parent b9b3e981e5
commit 059a59b6c2
Signed by: orion
GPG Key ID: 6D4165AE4C928719
4 changed files with 498 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
name: url-immutable
main: Test.Main
- spec
- prelude
- aff
- console
- effect
- either
- maybe
- filterable
- foldable-traversable
- console
- maybe
- newtype
- nullable
- prelude
- strings
- stringutils
- transformers
- tuples
- typelevel-prelude
name: project
extra_packages: {}

src/Data.URL.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
/** @type {(u: URL) => URL} */
const clone = u => new URL(u.href)
/** @type {(s: string) => URL | null} */
export const fromStringImpl = s => {
try {
return new URL(s)
} catch {
return null
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const hashImpl = u => u.hash
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const hostImpl = u => u.hostname
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const hrefImpl = u => u.href
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const originImpl = u => u.origin
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const passwordImpl = u => u.password
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const pathnameImpl = u => u.pathname
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const portImpl = u => u.port
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const protocolImpl = u => u.protocol
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const searchImpl = u =>
/** @type {(u: URL) => URLSearchParams} */
export const searchParamsImpl = u => u.searchParams
/** @type {(u: URL) => string | null} */
export const usernameImpl = u => u.username
/** @type {(u: URL) => Array<string>} */
export const queryKeysImpl = u => Array.from(u.searchParams.keys())
/** @type {(k: string) => (u: URL) => Array<string>} */
export const queryLookupImpl = k => u => u.searchParams.getAll(k)
/** @type {(qs: Array<{k: string, vs: Array<string>}>) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const querySetAllImpl = qs => u => {
const u_ = clone(u) = ''
qs.forEach(({ k, vs }) => {
vs.forEach(v => u_.searchParams.append(k, v))
return u_
/** @type {(k: string) => (vs: Array<string>) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const queryPutImpl = k => vs => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
vs.forEach(v => u_.searchParams.append(k, v))
return u_
/** @type {(k: string) => (v: string | null) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const queryAppendImpl = k => v => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
u_.searchParams.append(k, v || '')
return u_
/** @type {(k: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const queryDeleteImpl = k => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
return u_
/** @type {(_s: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const setHashImpl = s => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
u_.hash = s
return u_
/** @type {(_s: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const setHostImpl = s => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
u_.hostname = s
return u_
/** @type {(_s: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const setHrefImpl = s => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
u_.href = s
return u_
/** @type {(_s: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const setPasswordImpl = s => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
u_.password = s
return u_
/** @type {(_s: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const setPathnameImpl = s => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
u_.pathname = s
return u_
/** @type {(_s: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const setPortImpl = s => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
u_.port = s
return u_
/** @type {(_s: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const setProtocolImpl = s => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
u_.protocol = s
return u_
/** @type {(_s: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const setSearchImpl = s => u => {
const u_ = clone(u) = s
return u_
/** @type {(_s: string) => (u: URL) => URL} */
export const setUsernameImpl = s => u => {
const u_ = clone(u)
u_.username = s
return u_

src/Data.URL.purs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
module Data.URL where
import Prelude
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Filterable (filter)
import Data.Foldable (intercalate)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (foldlWithIndex)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Newtype (wrap)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Data.Nullable as Nullable
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.String as String
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
class QueryParam a where
queryParamTuple :: a -> String /\ Array String
instance QueryParam String where
queryParamTuple s = s /\ [ "" ]
else instance QueryParam (String /\ String) where
queryParamTuple (k /\ v) = k /\ [ v ]
else instance QueryParam (String /\ Array String) where
queryParamTuple = identity
foreign import data URL :: Type
foreign import data SearchParams :: Type
data Path
= PathAbsolute (Array String)
| PathRelative (Array String)
| PathEmpty
derive instance Generic Path _
derive instance Eq Path
instance Show Path where
show = genericShow
foreign import fromStringImpl :: String -> Nullable URL
foreign import hashImpl :: URL -> String
foreign import hrefImpl :: URL -> String
foreign import hostImpl :: URL -> String
foreign import passwordImpl :: URL -> String
foreign import pathnameImpl :: URL -> String
foreign import portImpl :: URL -> String
foreign import protocolImpl :: URL -> String
foreign import usernameImpl :: URL -> String
foreign import queryKeysImpl :: URL -> Array String
foreign import queryLookupImpl :: String -> URL -> Array String
foreign import querySetAllImpl :: Array { k :: String, vs :: Array String } -> URL -> URL
foreign import queryPutImpl :: String -> Array String -> URL -> URL
foreign import queryAppendImpl :: String -> Nullable String -> URL -> URL
foreign import queryDeleteImpl :: String -> URL -> URL
foreign import setHashImpl :: String -> URL -> URL
foreign import setHostImpl :: String -> URL -> URL
foreign import setPasswordImpl :: String -> URL -> URL
foreign import setPathnameImpl :: String -> URL -> URL
foreign import setPortImpl :: String -> URL -> URL
foreign import setProtocolImpl :: String -> URL -> URL
foreign import setUsernameImpl :: String -> URL -> URL
fromString :: String -> Maybe URL
fromString = Nullable.toMaybe <<< fromStringImpl
toString :: URL -> String
toString = hrefImpl
query :: URL -> Map String (Array String)
query u =
ks = queryKeysImpl u
vals k = queryLookupImpl k u
Map.fromFoldable $ map (\k -> k /\ vals k) ks
setQuery :: Map String (Array String) -> URL -> URL
setQuery qs u =
asRecord = foldlWithIndex (\k a vs -> a <> [ { k, vs } ]) [] qs
querySetAllImpl asRecord u
path :: URL -> Path
path u =
pathname = pathnameImpl u
segments = filter (not <<< String.null) <<< String.split (wrap "/")
maybe PathEmpty PathAbsolute
$ filter (not <<< Array.null)
$ Just
$ segments pathname
addSegment :: URL -> String -> URL
addSegment u s = resolve (PathRelative [ s ]) u
infixl 3 addSegment as /
addHash :: URL -> String -> URL
addHash u s = setHash s u
infixl 3 addHash as #
addQuery :: forall q. QueryParam q => URL -> q -> URL
addQuery u p =
k /\ vs = queryParamTuple p
q = query u
| Just _ <- Map.lookup k q = Map.update (Just <<< append vs) k q
| otherwise = Map.insert k vs q
setQuery q' u
infixl 3 addQuery as ?
infixl 3 addQuery as &
resolve :: Path -> URL -> URL
resolve p u =
case p /\ path u of
PathRelative to /\ PathAbsolute from -> setPathnameImpl (intercalate "/" $ from <> to) u
PathRelative to /\ _ -> setPathnameImpl (intercalate "/" to) u
PathAbsolute to /\ _ -> setPathnameImpl (intercalate "/" to) u
PathEmpty /\ _ -> u
hash :: URL -> Maybe String
hash = filter (not <<< String.null) <<< Just <<< String.replace (wrap "#") (wrap "") <<< hashImpl
host :: URL -> String
host = hostImpl
password :: URL -> Maybe String
password = filter (not <<< String.null) <<< Just <<< passwordImpl
port :: URL -> Maybe Int
port = Int.fromString <<< portImpl
protocol :: URL -> String
protocol = String.replace (wrap ":") (wrap "") <<< protocolImpl
username :: URL -> Maybe String
username = filter (not <<< String.null) <<< Just <<< usernameImpl
setHash :: String -> URL -> URL
setHash = setHashImpl
setHost :: String -> URL -> URL
setHost = setHostImpl
setPassword :: String -> URL -> URL
setPassword = setPasswordImpl
setPort :: Int -> URL -> URL
setPort = setPortImpl <<< Int.toStringAs Int.decimal
setProtocol :: String -> URL -> URL
setProtocol = setProtocolImpl
setUsername :: String -> URL -> URL
setUsername = setUsernameImpl

test/Test.Main.purs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
module Test.Main where
import Prelude hiding ((/), (#))
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (liftMaybe, throwError)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Traversable (for_)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Data.URL (URL, (#), (&), (/), (?))
import Data.URL as URL
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
import Test.Spec.Reporter.Console (consoleReporter)
import Test.Spec.Runner (runSpec)
main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ $ runSpec [ consoleReporter ] do
describe "URL" do
fromString_ :: String -> Aff URL
fromString_ u = liftMaybe (error $ "parsing failed: " <> u) $ URL.fromString u
describe "fromString" do
it "returns Just on valid URL" do
void $ fromString_ ""
void $ fromString_ "http://localhost?foo=bar&foo&foo&bar=baz"
void $ fromString_ "postgresql://user:pass@"
it "returns Nothing on invalid URL" do
case_ :: String -> Aff Unit
case_ u = maybe (pure unit) (const $ throwError $ error $ "parsing erroneously succeeded: " <> u) $ URL.fromString u
case_ ""
case_ "localhost"
case_ "http://?feai#dfkvsj"
describe "toString" do
it "stringifies" do
case_ :: String -> Aff Unit
case_ u = do
url <- fromString_ u
URL.toString url `shouldEqual` u
case_ ""
case_ "http://localhost/?foo=bar&foo&foo&bar=baz"
case_ "postgresql://user:pass@"
describe "get" do
describe "path" do
cases =
[ "" /\ URL.PathAbsolute [ "foo" ]
, "http://localhost/bar?foo=bar" /\ URL.PathAbsolute [ "bar" ]
, "" /\ URL.PathAbsolute [ "asdf", "foo", "bingus" ]
, "" /\ URL.PathEmpty
, "http://localhost/?foo=bar" /\ URL.PathEmpty
, "" /\ URL.PathEmpty
for_ cases \(u /\ expect) -> it (u <> " -> " <> show expect) do
url <- fromString_ u
URL.path url `shouldEqual` expect
describe "query" do
cases =
[ " " /\ Map.empty
, " " /\ Map.singleton "k" [ "" ]
, " " /\ Map.singleton "k" [ "", "", "" ]
, "https://localhost/foo?q#a" /\ Map.singleton "q" [ "" ]
, "https://a?a=a&b=b&b=c " /\ Map.fromFoldable [ "a" /\ [ "a" ], "b" /\ [ "b", "c" ] ]
for_ cases \(u /\ expect) -> it (u <> " -> " <> show expect) do
url <- fromString_ u
let qs = URL.query url
qs `shouldEqual` expect
describe "host" do
cases =
[ " " /\ ""
, "https://localhost " /\ "localhost"
, " " /\ ""
, "" /\ ""
for_ cases \(u /\ expect) -> it (u <> " -> " <> expect) do
url <- fromString_ u url `shouldEqual` expect
describe "port" do
cases =
[ " " /\ Nothing
, "https://localhost " /\ Nothing
, " " /\ Nothing
, "" /\ Just 5432
for_ cases \(u /\ expect) -> it (u <> " -> " <> show expect) do
url <- fromString_ u
URL.port url `shouldEqual` expect
describe "hash" do
cases =
[ " " /\ Nothing
, "" /\ Just "foo"
, "https://localhost " /\ Nothing
, " " /\ Nothing
for_ cases \(u /\ expect) -> it (u <> " -> " <> show expect) do
url <- fromString_ u
URL.hash url `shouldEqual` expect
describe "username" do
cases =
[ " " /\ Nothing
, " " /\ Nothing
, " " /\ Nothing
, "https://foo@localhost " /\ Just "foo"
, "https://foo:bar@localhost" /\ Just "foo"
for_ cases \(u /\ expect) -> it (u <> " -> " <> show expect) do
url <- fromString_ u
URL.username url `shouldEqual` expect
describe "password" do
cases =
[ " " /\ Nothing
, " " /\ Nothing
, " " /\ Just "bar"
, "https://foo@localhost " /\ Nothing
, "https://foo:bar@localhost" /\ Just "bar"
for_ cases \(u /\ expect) ->
it (u <> " -> " <> show expect) do
url <- fromString_ u
URL.password url `shouldEqual` expect
describe "protocol" do
cases =
[ " " /\ "https"
, "" /\ "https"
, "" /\ "http"
, " " /\ "http"
, "coap:// " /\ "coap"
, "ssh:// " /\ "ssh"
, "data:text/plain,foo " /\ "data"
for_ cases \(u /\ expect) ->
it (u <> " -> " <> expect) do
url <- fromString_ u
URL.protocol url `shouldEqual` expect
describe "set" do
it "resolve" do
u <- fromString_ ""
rel = URL.resolve (URL.PathRelative [ "foo", "bar" ]) u
abs = URL.resolve (URL.PathAbsolute [ "foo", "bar" ]) u
URL.toString rel `shouldEqual` ""
URL.toString abs `shouldEqual` ""
it "setQuery" do
u <- fromString_ ""
u' = URL.setQuery (Map.fromFoldable [ "a" /\ [ "b", "" ] ]) u
URL.toString u' `shouldEqual` ""
it "setters do not mutate original url" do
url <- fromString_ ""
foo = URL.setHost "" url
fooBuilt =
URL.setUsername "user"
$ URL.setPassword "pass"
$ URL.setProtocol "https"
$ URL.setPort 1234
$ foo / "cheese" / "brie" ? "k" /\ "v" & "k" # "foo"
URL.toString url `shouldEqual` ""
URL.toString fooBuilt `shouldEqual` ""