generated from tpl/purs
en- and decode YAML
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# purescript-yaml
data Point = Point Int Int
data Mobility
= Fix
| Flex
data GeoObject = GeoObject
{ name :: String
, scale :: Number
, points :: Array Point
, mobility :: Mobility
, coverage :: Number
## Decode YAML
Write `IsForeign` instances for your data structures.
instance pointIsForeign :: IsForeign Point where
read value = do
x <- readProp "X" value
y <- readProp "Y" value
return $ Point x y
instance mobilityIsForeign :: IsForeign Mobility where
read value = do
mob <- readString value
case mob of
"Fix" -> return Fix
"Flex" -> return Flex
_ -> Left $ JSONError "Mobility must be either Flex or Fix"
instance archiObjectIsForeign :: IsForeign GeoObject where
read value = do
name <- readProp "Name" value
scale <- readProp "Scale" value
points <- readProp "Points" value
mobility <- readProp "Mobility" value
coverage <- readProp "Coverage" value
return $ GeoObject { name, scale, points, mobility, coverage }
Read the YAML into your data structures.
yamlInput :: String
yamlInput = """
- Name: House
Scale: 9.5
- X: 10
Y: 10
- X: 20
Y: 10
- X: 5
Y: 5
Mobility: Fix
Coverage: 10
- Name: Tree
Scale: 1
- X: 1
Y: 1
- X: 2
Y: 2
- X: 0
Y: 0
Mobility: Fix
Coverage: 10
decoded = (readYAML yamlInput) :: F (Array GeoObject)
## Encode YAML
instance pointToYAML :: ToYAML Point where
toYAML (Point x y) =
[ "X" := x
, "Y" := y
instance mobilityToYAML :: ToYAML Mobility where
toYAML Fix = toYAML "Fix"
toYAML Flex = toYAML "Flex"
instance archiObjectToYAML :: ToYAML GeoObject where
toYAML (GeoObject o) =
[ "Name" :=
, "Scale" := o.scale
, "Points" := o.points
, "Mobility" := o.mobility
, "Coverage" := o.coverage
data :: Array GeoObject
data =
[ GeoObject
{ coverage: 10.0
, mobility: Fix
, name: "House"
, points: [ Point 10 10, Point 20 10, Point 5 5 ]
, scale: 9.5
, GeoObject
{ coverage: 10.0
, mobility: Fix
, name: "Tree"
, points: [ Point 1 1, Point 2 2, Point 0 0 ]
, scale: 1.0
encoded = printYAML data
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"name": "purescript-yaml",
"version": "0.1.0",
"moduleType": [
"ignore": [
"dependencies": {
"purescript-console": "^0.1.0",
"js-yaml": "~3.4.6",
"purescript-functions": "~0.1.0",
"purescript-foreign": "~0.7.2",
"purescript-generics": "~0.7.0",
"purescript-foreign-generic": "~0.3.0",
"purescript-unsafe-coerce": "~0.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"purescript-spec": "~0.7.2"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
## Module Data.YAML.Foreign.Decode
#### `parseYAML`
``` purescript
parseYAML :: String -> F Foreign
Attempt to parse a YAML string, returning the result as foreign data.
#### `readYAML`
``` purescript
readYAML :: forall a. (IsForeign a) => String -> F a
Attempt to parse a YAML string into the datastructure you want.
#### `readYAMLGeneric`
``` purescript
readYAMLGeneric :: forall a. (Generic a) => Options -> String -> F a
Automatically generate a YAML parser for your data from a generic instance.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
## Module Data.YAML.Foreign.Encode
#### `YObject`
``` purescript
type YObject = Map String YValue
#### `YArray`
``` purescript
type YArray = Array YValue
#### `YAML`
``` purescript
data YAML :: *
#### `YValue`
``` purescript
data YValue
= YObject YObject
| YArray YArray
| YString String
| YNumber Number
| YInt Int
| YBoolean Boolean
| YNull
##### Instances
``` purescript
Show YValue
Eq YValue
#### `ToYAML`
``` purescript
class ToYAML a where
toYAML :: a -> YValue
##### Instances
``` purescript
ToYAML Boolean
ToYAML Number
ToYAML String
(ToYAML a) => ToYAML (Array a)
(ToYAML a) => ToYAML (Maybe a)
#### `Pair`
``` purescript
type Pair = Tuple String YValue
#### `(:=)`
``` purescript
(:=) :: forall a. (ToYAML a) => String -> a -> Pair
_left-associative / precedence -1_
Helper function to create a key-value tuple for a YAML object.
`name = "Name" := "This is the name"`
#### `object`
``` purescript
object :: Array Pair -> YValue
Helper function to create a YAML object.
`obj = object [ "Name" := "This is the name", "Size" := 1.5 ]`
#### `jsNull`
``` purescript
jsNull :: YAML
#### `objToHash`
``` purescript
objToHash :: Fn4 (YValue -> YAML) (Tuple String YValue -> String) (Tuple String YValue -> YValue) (Array (Tuple String YValue)) YAML
#### `valueToYAML`
``` purescript
valueToYAML :: YValue -> YAML
#### `toYAMLImpl`
``` purescript
toYAMLImpl :: YAML -> String
#### `printYAML`
``` purescript
printYAML :: forall a. (ToYAML a) => a -> String
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"name": "purescript-yaml",
"license": "Apache 2.0",
"repository": "",
"private": true,
"contributors": [ ],
"main": "main.js",
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "bower install",
"build": "pulp build"
"devDependencies": {
"dependencies": {
"js-yaml": "^3.4.6"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"use strict";
// module Data.YAML.Foreign.Decode
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
exports.parseYAMLImpl = function(left, right, str)
return right(yaml.safeLoad(str));
catch (e)
return left(e.toString());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module Data.YAML.Foreign.Decode (parseYAML, readYAML, readYAMLGeneric) where
import Control.Bind ((>=>))
import Data.Either
import Data.Foreign (Foreign (), F (), ForeignError (..))
import Data.Foreign.Class (IsForeign, read)
import Data.Foreign.Generic
import Data.Function (Fn3(), runFn3)
import Data.Generic (Generic)
import Prelude (Show, (<<<), (++), (>>=))
foreign import parseYAMLImpl :: forall r. Fn3 (String -> r) (Foreign -> r) String r
-- | Attempt to parse a YAML string, returning the result as foreign data.
parseYAML :: String -> F Foreign
parseYAML yaml = runFn3 parseYAMLImpl (Left <<< JSONError) Right yaml
-- | Attempt to parse a YAML string into the datastructure you want.
readYAML :: forall a. (IsForeign a) => String -> F a
readYAML yaml = parseYAML yaml >>= read
-- | Automatically generate a YAML parser for your data from a generic instance.
readYAMLGeneric :: forall a. (Generic a) => Options -> String -> F a
readYAMLGeneric opts = parseYAML >=> readGeneric opts
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"use strict";
// module Data.YAML.Foreign.Encode
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
exports.jsNull = null;
exports.objToHash =
function(valueToYAMLImpl, fst, snd, obj)
var hash = {};
for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
hash[fst(obj[i])] = valueToYAMLImpl(snd(obj[i]));
return hash;
exports.toYAMLImpl =
return yaml.safeDump(a);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
module Data.YAML.Foreign.Encode where
import Data.Function (Fn4(), runFn4)
import Data.List (fromList, toList)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (Maybe (), maybe)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple (..), fst, snd)
import Prelude (Eq, Show, map, show, ($), (++), (==), (<<<))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
type YObject = M.Map String YValue
type YArray = Array YValue
foreign import data YAML :: *
data YValue
= YObject YObject
| YArray YArray
| YString String
| YNumber Number
| YInt Int
| YBoolean Boolean
| YNull
instance showYValue :: Show YValue where
show (YObject m) = "YObject " ++ show m
show (YArray vs) = "YArray " ++ show vs
show (YString s) = "YString " ++ show s
show (YNumber n) = "YNumber " ++ show n
show (YInt i) = "YInt " ++ show i
show (YBoolean b) = "YBoolean " ++ show b
show YNull = "YNull"
instance eqYValue :: Eq YValue where
eq (YObject a) (YObject b) = a == b
eq (YArray a) (YArray b) = a == b
eq (YString a) (YString b) = a == b
eq (YNumber a) (YNumber b) = a == b
eq (YInt a) (YInt b) = a == b
eq (YBoolean a) (YBoolean b) = a == b
eq YNull YNull = true
eq _ _ = false
class ToYAML a where
toYAML :: a -> YValue
instance booleanToYAML :: ToYAML Boolean where
toYAML = YBoolean
instance intToYAML :: ToYAML Int where
toYAML = YInt
instance numberToYAML :: ToYAML Number where
toYAML = YNumber
instance stringToYAML :: ToYAML String where
toYAML = YString
instance arrayToYAML :: (ToYAML a) => ToYAML (Array a) where
toYAML = YArray <<< map toYAML
instance maybeToYAML :: (ToYAML a) => ToYAML (Maybe a) where
toYAML = maybe YNull toYAML
type Pair = Tuple String YValue
-- | Helper function to create a key-value tuple for a YAML object.
-- |
-- | `name = "Name" := "This is the name"`
(:=) :: forall a. (ToYAML a) => String -> a -> Pair
(:=) name value = Tuple name (toYAML value)
-- | Helper function to create a YAML object.
-- |
-- | `obj = object [ "Name" := "This is the name", "Size" := 1.5 ]`
object :: Array Pair -> YValue
object ps = YObject $ M.fromList $ toList $ ps
foreign import jsNull :: YAML
foreign import objToHash ::
Fn4 (YValue -> YAML)
(Tuple String YValue -> String)
(Tuple String YValue -> YValue)
(Array (Tuple String YValue))
valueToYAML :: YValue -> YAML
valueToYAML (YObject o) = runFn4 objToHash valueToYAML fst snd $ fromList $ M.toList o
valueToYAML (YArray a) = unsafeCoerce $ map valueToYAML a
valueToYAML (YString s) = unsafeCoerce s
valueToYAML (YNumber n) = unsafeCoerce n
valueToYAML (YInt i) = unsafeCoerce i
valueToYAML (YBoolean b) = unsafeCoerce b
valueToYAML YNull = jsNull
foreign import toYAMLImpl :: YAML -> String
printYAML :: forall a. (ToYAML a) => a -> String
printYAML = toYAMLImpl <<< valueToYAML <<< toYAML
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
module Test.Instances where
import Prelude
import Data.Either
import Data.Foreign
import Data.Foreign.Class
import Data.Generic (Generic, gShow, gEq)
import Data.YAML.Foreign.Encode
data Point = Point Int Int
data Mobility
= Fix
| Flex
data GeoObject = GeoObject
{ name :: String
, scale :: Number
, points :: Array Point
, mobility :: Mobility
, coverage :: Number
derive instance genericGeoObject :: Generic GeoObject
instance showGeoObject :: Show GeoObject where show = gShow
instance eqGeoObject :: Eq GeoObject where eq = gEq
derive instance genericPoint :: Generic Point
instance showPoint :: Show Point where show = gShow
instance eqPoint :: Eq Point where eq = gEq
derive instance genericMobility :: Generic Mobility
instance showMobility :: Show Mobility where show = gShow
instance eqMobility :: Eq Mobility where eq = gEq
instance archiObjectIsForeign :: IsForeign GeoObject where
read value = do
name <- readProp "Name" value
scale <- readProp "Scale" value
points <- readProp "Points" value
mobility <- readProp "Mobility" value
coverage <- readProp "Coverage" value
return $ GeoObject { name, scale, points, mobility, coverage }
instance pointIsForeign :: IsForeign Point where
read value = do
x <- readProp "X" value
y <- readProp "Y" value
return $ Point x y
instance mobilityIsForeign :: IsForeign Mobility where
read value = do
mob <- readString value
case mob of
"Fix" -> return Fix
"Flex" -> return Flex
_ -> Left $ JSONError "Mobility must be either Flex or Fix"
instance pointToYAML :: ToYAML Point where
toYAML (Point x y) =
[ "X" := x
, "Y" := y
instance mobilityToYAML :: ToYAML Mobility where
toYAML Fix = toYAML "Fix"
toYAML Flex = toYAML "Flex"
instance archiObjectToYAML :: ToYAML GeoObject where
toYAML (GeoObject o) =
[ "Name" :=
, "Scale" := o.scale
, "Points" := o.points
, "Mobility" := o.mobility
, "Coverage" := o.coverage
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Either
import Data.Foreign
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE ())
import Test.Spec (describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Runner (Process (), run)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
import Test.Spec.Reporter.Console (consoleReporter)
import Data.YAML.Foreign.Decode
import Data.YAML.Foreign.Encode
import Test.Instances
yamlInput :: String
yamlInput = """
- Name: House
Scale: 9.5
# Points describe the outer limit of an object.
- X: 10
Y: 10
- X: 20
Y: 10
- X: 5
Y: 5
Mobility: Fix
Coverage: 10
- Name: Tree
Scale: 1
- X: 1
Y: 1
- X: 2
Y: 2
- X: 0
Y: 0
Mobility: Fix
Coverage: 10
yamlOutput :: String
yamlOutput = """- Coverage: 10
Mobility: Fix
Name: House
- X: 10
'Y': 10
- X: 20
'Y': 10
- X: 5
'Y': 5
Scale: 9.5
- Coverage: 10
Mobility: Fix
Name: Tree
- X: 1
'Y': 1
- X: 2
'Y': 2
- X: 0
'Y': 0
Scale: 1
parsedData :: Array GeoObject
parsedData =
[ GeoObject
{ coverage: 10.0
, mobility: Fix
, name: "House"
, points: [ Point 10 10, Point 20 10, Point 5 5 ]
, scale: 9.5
, GeoObject
{ coverage: 10.0
, mobility: Fix
, name: "Tree"
, points: [ Point 1 1, Point 2 2, Point 0 0 ]
, scale: 1.0
main :: Eff (console :: CONSOLE, process :: Process) Unit
main = run [consoleReporter] do
describe "purescript-yaml" do
describe "decode" do
it "Decodes YAML" do
let decoded = (readYAML yamlInput) :: F (Array GeoObject)
decoded `shouldEqual` (Right parsedData)
describe "encode" do
it "Encodes YAML" $ do
let encoded = printYAML parsedData
encoded `shouldEqual` yamlOutput
Reference in New Issue
Block a user