module Test.Main where import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept) import Data.Argonaut.Decode (class DecodeJson, decodeJson) import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Error (printJsonDecodeError) import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map as Map import Data.YAML.Foreign.Decode (parseYAMLToJson) import Data.YAML.Foreign.Encode (printYAML) import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Aff (launchAff_) import Prelude (Unit, discard, pure, ($), (<<<), (>>=)) import Test.Instances (GeoObject(..), Mobility(..), Point(..)) import Test.Spec (describe, it) import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual) import Test.Spec.Reporter.Console (consoleReporter) import Test.Spec.Runner (runSpec) yamlInput :: String yamlInput = """ - Name: House Scale: 9.5 # Points describe the outer limit of an object. Points: - X: 10 Y: 10 - X: 20 Y: 10 - X: 5 Y: 5 Mobility: Fix Coverage: 10 - Name: Tree Scale: 1 Points: - X: 1 Y: 1 - X: 2 Y: 2 - X: 0 Y: 0 Mobility: Fix Coverage: 10 """ yamlOutput :: String yamlOutput = """- Coverage: 10 Mobility: Fix Name: House Points: - X: 10 Y: 10 - X: 20 Y: 10 - X: 5 Y: 5 Scale: 9.5 - Coverage: 10 Mobility: Fix Name: Tree Points: - X: 1 Y: 1 - X: 2 Y: 2 - X: 0 Y: 0 Scale: 1 """ yamlMapOutput :: String yamlMapOutput = """key: - Coverage: 10 Mobility: Fix Name: House Points: - X: 10 Y: 10 - X: 20 Y: 10 - X: 5 Y: 5 Scale: 9.5 - Coverage: 10 Mobility: Fix Name: Tree Points: - X: 1 Y: 1 - X: 2 Y: 2 - X: 0 Y: 0 Scale: 1 """ pointYaml :: String pointYaml = """X: 1 Y: 1 """ yamlToData :: forall a. (DecodeJson a) => String -> Either String a yamlToData s = case runExcept $ parseYAMLToJson s of Left err -> Left "Could not parse YAML" Right json -> case decodeJson json of Left error -> Left $ printJsonDecodeError error Right value -> Right value testMap :: Map String (Array GeoObject) testMap = Map.singleton "key" parsedData parsedData :: Array GeoObject parsedData = [ GeoObject { coverage: 10.0 , mobility: Fix , name: "House" , points: [ Point 10 10, Point 20 10, Point 5 5 ] , scale: 9.5 } , GeoObject { coverage: 10.0 , mobility: Fix , name: "Tree" , points: [ Point 1 1, Point 2 2, Point 0 0 ] , scale: 1.0 } ] readPoint :: String -> Either String Point readPoint = yamlToData fullCircle :: String -> Either String String fullCircle yamlString = (readPoint yamlString) >>= pure <<< printYAML main :: Effect Unit main = launchAff_ $ runSpec [consoleReporter] do describe "purescript-yaml" do describe "decode" do it "Decodes YAML" do let decoded = yamlToData yamlInput decoded `shouldEqual` (Right parsedData) describe "encode" do it "Encodes YAML" $ do let encoded = printYAML parsedData encoded `shouldEqual` yamlOutput let encodedMap = printYAML testMap encodedMap `shouldEqual` yamlMapOutput let s = fullCircle pointYaml s `shouldEqual` (Right pointYaml)