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module Test.Instances where
import Data.YAML.Foreign.Encode
import Data.Argonaut.Core (toObject, toString)
import Data.Argonaut.Decode (getField)
import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Class (class DecodeJson)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic (class Generic, gShow, gEq)
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Prelude (class Eq, class Show, bind, pure, ($))
data Point = Point Int Int
data Mobility
= Fix
| Flex
data GeoObject = GeoObject
{ name :: String
, scale :: Number
, points :: Array Point
, mobility :: Mobility
, coverage :: Number
derive instance genericGeoObject :: Generic GeoObject
instance showGeoObject :: Show GeoObject where show = gShow
instance eqGeoObject :: Eq GeoObject where eq = gEq
derive instance genericPoint :: Generic Point
instance showPoint :: Show Point where show = gShow
instance eqPoint :: Eq Point where eq = gEq
derive instance genericMobility :: Generic Mobility
instance showMobility :: Show Mobility where show = gShow
instance eqMobility :: Eq Mobility where eq = gEq
instance geoJson :: DecodeJson GeoObject where
decodeJson s = do
obj <- maybe (Left "GeoObject is not an object.") Right (toObject s)
name <- getField obj "Name"
scale <- getField obj "Scale"
points <- getField obj "Points"
mobility <- getField obj "Mobility"
coverage <- getField obj "Coverage"
pure $ GeoObject { name, scale, points, mobility, coverage }
instance mobilityJson :: DecodeJson Mobility where
decodeJson s = do
mob <- maybe (Left "Mobility is not a string.") Right (toString s)
case mob of
"Fix" -> pure Fix
"Flex" -> pure Flex
_ -> Left "Mobility must be either Flex or Fix"
instance pointJson :: DecodeJson Point where
decodeJson s = do
obj <- maybe (Left "Point is not an object.") Right (toObject s)
x <- getField obj "X"
y <- getField obj "Y"
pure $ Point x y
instance pointToYAML :: ToYAML Point where
toYAML (Point x y) =
[ "X" := x
, "Y" := y
instance mobilityToYAML :: ToYAML Mobility where
toYAML Fix = toYAML "Fix"
toYAML Flex = toYAML "Flex"
instance archiObjectToYAML :: ToYAML GeoObject where
toYAML (GeoObject o) =
[ "Name" :=
, "Scale" := o.scale
, "Points" := o.points
, "Mobility" := o.mobility
, "Coverage" := o.coverage