Matthew Gordon e392713273 Updates for psc 0.10.5.
- Bumped dependencies
- Use generic rep
- New operator syntax
- New qualified import syntax
2017-02-04 18:56:10 +00:00

79 lines
2.2 KiB

module Test.Instances where
import Prelude (class Eq, class Show, bind, pure, ($))
import Data.Foreign (ForeignError(..), fail, readString)
import Data.Foreign.Class (class IsForeign, readProp)
import Data.Generic (class Generic, gShow, gEq)
import Data.YAML.Foreign.Encode
data Point = Point Int Int
data Mobility
= Fix
| Flex
data GeoObject = GeoObject
{ name :: String
, scale :: Number
, points :: Array Point
, mobility :: Mobility
, coverage :: Number
derive instance genericGeoObject :: Generic GeoObject
instance showGeoObject :: Show GeoObject where show = gShow
instance eqGeoObject :: Eq GeoObject where eq = gEq
derive instance genericPoint :: Generic Point
instance showPoint :: Show Point where show = gShow
instance eqPoint :: Eq Point where eq = gEq
derive instance genericMobility :: Generic Mobility
instance showMobility :: Show Mobility where show = gShow
instance eqMobility :: Eq Mobility where eq = gEq
instance archiObjectIsForeign :: IsForeign GeoObject where
read value = do
name <- readProp "Name" value
scale <- readProp "Scale" value
points <- readProp "Points" value
mobility <- readProp "Mobility" value
coverage <- readProp "Coverage" value
pure $ GeoObject { name, scale, points, mobility, coverage }
instance pointIsForeign :: IsForeign Point where
read value = do
x <- readProp "X" value
y <- readProp "Y" value
pure $ Point x y
instance mobilityIsForeign :: IsForeign Mobility where
read value = do
mob <- readString value
case mob of
"Fix" -> pure Fix
"Flex" -> pure Flex
_ -> fail $ JSONError "Mobility must be either Flex or Fix"
instance pointToYAML :: ToYAML Point where
toYAML (Point x y) =
[ "X" := x
, "Y" := y
instance mobilityToYAML :: ToYAML Mobility where
toYAML Fix = toYAML "Fix"
toYAML Flex = toYAML "Flex"
instance archiObjectToYAML :: ToYAML GeoObject where
toYAML (GeoObject o) =
[ "Name" := o.name
, "Scale" := o.scale
, "Points" := o.points
, "Mobility" := o.mobility
, "Coverage" := o.coverage